Highschool the place were you sit a desk for eight hours learning a subject that you most likely don't care about with people you most likely don't get along with. But hey thats just the 'highschool experience' that adults cry over
They always say stuff like ' these are the best years of your life' or 'i wish i was your age again' but the don't truly mean it they mean the fun shit like being able to pick up a pen without dislocating your hip. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter that we have the ability to live life to the fullest when at the age of twelve you become overwhelmingly aware of the way others see you and where you stand on the social scale.
A lot of kids will lie and say 'i don't care about other people's opinions' but deep down we do, its not our fault its more of a survival instinct installed in our minds. Being popular and well liked means you have power. Power over people is the most op power it isn't fair by any means. But it isn't supposed to.
See this power shows our impulses as humans. It a power given to people by the way they look. The money their parents make. Or the way they act as a person.
I don't blame the people with the power i mean we give it to them. We corrupt them turn them into a label that we use to make ourselves look better. We put them up to high standards that they will never achieve. We put them in a loop of self hate and unsatifacton. And even after that we hate them. And it is so easy too.
See when you are told you are better than everyone you believe it. You take those words and turn them into your prid and joy. You crave the validation given by your peers. You make yourself a person that they will love. You follow trends that you hate, eat food you hate, and even date people you hate. Just to get something as bitter as validation.
Why would i tell you all of this? Because highschool is a place where you are tortured mentally. Its a place that you want to just lay low and let the four years roll over as smoothly as possible. But i am tired of that.
I don't want to hide who i am to fit a social rank.
"So that is why i am coming out as gay."
I read off the last slide to the class. My blond hair tied neatly in a bun and my posture as straight as can be given the circumstances. The room was silent some people where confused while others where disgusted.
"Olive i think it would be best to take a seat" Mrs.Williams voice was unusually cold and strict that combated her normally nice and joyful tone.
As i sit down the girl bedside me scoffed and scooted her desk as far as possible. It could be worse i think to myself.
"Well that was the last presentation so i guess we should move on to the next thing which iiiis" Mrs.Williams said holding out her i's
"AH YES! I don't know if you heard but we are taking a trip to the mountains sign up forms will be hanging on the door you need a PARENTS PREMISSION" she said loudly look at Finn.
He last year used his sisters signature to go to the aquarium.
"Well thats all for today remember to get that form and do your homework you can leave when the bell rings" she said with a clap of her hands "if you excuse me i have copies to make." And with that she left the room.
"Ew i think Olive was flirting with me" Lizzy wined
"She definitely was i saw how she looked at you" Ashley said.
But in all seriousness they weren't the ones i had my eye on i liked Maddie. She was in Theater with me i realized i liked her when we had no one to play Romeo and she was the only one who fit the costume. She has light brown hair cut short and she is athletic and smart and nice and..and... Perfect to me.
Packing my bag while watching the clock was excruciating i could feel stares and i could hear giggling and fake gagging sounds.
"BRUH WHO CARES IF SHE LIKE TITS SHE'S STILL HOT" a loud yell from a dude named benn. Nice the only one who accepts me is the guy who only likes Lesbians because if he saw a dick in his porn that would make him gay.
This sucks...
Who knew how fast word travels in thirty minutes. I walk over to where i normally sat at the round table only to be meeted with a big bag in my seat. "Hey uh Summer can you move your bag." She turns to meet my eyes and smirks "Oh Olive it would probably be better to sit somewhere else we don't want people to stare at you if i were you i would lay low."
The last part of her statement coming out as a threat. " oh thanks for the advice" my words coming out like poison
I soon to decide to take the L and sit somewhere else my now shitty meatball sub cold. I sat at the window ledge the only place that people didn't try and protect with there bags. As i ate it i could feel stares and hear whispering some aimed at me others about something else.
Damn cold meatball sub is gross they should add microwaves in here. But i guess that wasn't my problem anymore because it was on the floor and Maddie was standing over me.
" I can't believe someone like you was my friend. Someone as gross as you. You need help or something because this shit is a problem!"
Her words hurt in a way i couldn't understand
I couldn't help but cry. I couldn't do anything but run. My bag was tightly gripped in my hands meatball sauce covering the bottom of the bag. I ran until i couldn't but by then i was home i e-mailed the school and told them i wasn't feeling well and needed to go home. It wasn't really a lie my stomach was churning my lungs hurt from running and my head hurt from stress.
I unlocked the door and walked in the door to be greeted with my dad
"Ay kiddo your home early...oh are you ok? Do you need food? Do i need to kill someone?" He questioned only to speed into the kitchen and make food. I walked upstairs and changed into some sweat pants and undid my hair. The smell of cheap ramen filled my nose and i walked down stairs.
He was jamming anything edible on the plate and took it to the living room. He turned on a movie and we sat in silence every so often he would look at me with a worried glance he wasn't the best at emotional situation's but he tried his best. He eventually fell asleep in the arm chair and i went to bed
Today was one hell of a day
(A/n) whats shakalakin my dudes hope this was an entertaining chapter!
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