Yandere Gazette
Okay so here's how this will go. It will start out with all of them BUT there will be different endings with different members. Got it? Good.
Also, this is going to be the classic school boy yandere cause that's all I could come up with lol
I just love this idea, so thank you person who requested it, it may not be good though. I hope this is how you wanted it.
ALSO: this is after I finished it, they don't really get yandere till the endings
Band: look at the title.
The bell rang, signaling the end of class. You packed your things, and headed to your next class.
"Yo, (Y/N)!" A voice stopped you. You turned to see your best friend Ruki.
"Oh hey Ruki." The short boy ran up to you. Ruki has always been on the dark and creepy side. You've known him for years so you kind of got used to it. But sometimes it gets out of hand.
"Hey, you doing anything after school?" He asked.
"Homework. Mom's making me stay home today, because her boss is coming over and she wants to make a good impression." You rolled your eyes just thinking about it.
"That's it?" He asked, that creepy look forming in his eyes.
"You're lying." He said, emotion drained from his face.
"W-what? No, Ruki, I'm not." You tightened your grip on your bag. Oh god he's doing it again.
"I'm just kidding!" He said, but couldn't shake off the feeling.
"Oh haha." You nervously laughed.
"We'll see you later then." He ran off. You shook off the feeling, he's always like this. He would never do anything.
He watched you leave. Why can't you see his feelings for him? You were so stupid, but he loves you anyway. He had to have you, before the others do.
You say in class, bored out of your mind. You turned your head slightly to see the "bad boy" if you will, Reita. He constantly wears leather jackets and has a band covering his nose. Which you think is kinda wierd but you try not to judge. You realized you were staring when you turned and made eye contact with you. Your face burned as you quickly turned around. You'll admit, he's cute.
He smirked when you quickly turned around. Ah, you're so cute. God he wanted you all to himself. But that proves to be a challenge. There are others that also want to. His grip tightened on his pen.
He was going to get you first, even if it's the last thing he does.
Lunch. Possibly your favorite part of the day. You sit with your friends, that's not Ruki, he has a different lunch period.
"(Y/N), don't look now, but I think Aoi is staring at you." On of your friends say. Of course, you being you, immediately turn around and say "where?" And sure enough, when you turned you and eye contact with him. You yelled out a curse and turned around. (Like a curse word not a spell aha.)
"I told you not to look!"
"I can't help it!"
Oh, your flustered face is so cute. He thought to himself. He's suprised you just now noticed his staring. He's been doing it since, well forever. That's how long the others have also been after you.
He needs you to himself.
Standing against your locker, you talked to your friend.
"I don't know. I've just have this weird feeling recently." You said.
"Probably has to do with all those guys staring at you." She said while shoving books in her stuffed locker.
"What are you talking about?"
"You haven't noticed? Like five guys have been staring at you like meat for weeks."
"Really?" You frowned, who and why?
"Yep. Look one of them is staring now. " She nodded behind you. You turned to see Uruha. Sure enough he was. He didn't do anything when you made eye contact.
He watched you turn back around to your friend. God you are so clueless. But oh, he loves you so much. He's been in love with you for so long. He wants you to himself so bad! But the others are also lusting after you.
He has to get to you first.
There are guys staring at you? Why would they do that? You thought to yourself as you sat in the library after school. Why would so many guys like you? Sure, you're pretty popular but you haven't dated for so long. You've gotten plenty of confessions but you always turn them down, just not interested in dating. But, there's something different about all these stares. These stares, that even Ruki has given you a couple of times, these stares are possessive, lustful, they want you. You shivered.
Kai watched you from behind a self. He could tell you were thinking, you had your thinking face on. He's seen it lots of times. God, you are so beautiful. He shrunk back when you walked past. Unlike the others he watches from the shadows.
He has to have you.
"I'm surprised you came." Ruki commented from his spot against the ally wall.
"Shut up. I only came because it's about her." Reita retorted.
"Oh sour as ever. But you have to wait. The others haven't shown up." Reita rolled his eyes and leaned against the opposite wall. Seconds later Aoi came.
"Aoi! You made it!" Ruki said with fake cheerfulness. Aoi said nothing and opted to stand near the entrance.
"Hm. You never do like to talk." Uruha walked in after Ruki said that.
"Don't even start. I'm only here for her." He cut off Ruki and leaned on the same wall as him, farther way. Ruki pouted. He heard a shuffle and turned to the shadows and smirked.
"Kai! You made it too." He said to the figure in the shadows.
"Let's make this quick, I don't want to be here." Kai responded.
"Okay we're all here. What do you want?" Reita asked.
"Well, as we all know. We all want (Y/N)."
"Did you just bring us here tell us stuff we already know?" Uruha remarked.
"Can you shut up for one second so I can speak?" Uruha glared at Ruki,but said nothing.
"Anyways, as I was saying. We all want her. So, I want to put an end to this. We're going to let her choose who she wants to be."
"And how are we going to do that?" Kai asked.
"You'll see." Ruki smirked.
Why does Ruki want you to meet him in an ally way, in the dark? Who knows, he said it was super important though. You turned to corner to see, not only Ruki, but Reita, Aoi, Kai, Uruha also.
"Ruki. What is this?" You asked.
"Ah! (Y/N)! You made!" He said cheerfully.
"Well let me explain. I'm going to be blunt. We all want you." You blinked.
"We've been fighting over you for years. So we're going to settle this. Who are you going to choose." He asked.
"Ruki you can't just throw it all at the poor girl." Uruha said. You nodded. The short man pouted once again.
"Okay, that actually explains a lot." You said to yourself. You though for a moment then spoke up.
"One week."
"What?" Ruki looked confused.
"Give me one week. By that time, I'll tell you who I chose." You explained.
"Hmm. I thought that would take a lot more convincing. I prepared a speech and everything."
"We'll give you a week." Reita said, preventing Ruki from talking anymore.
"We'll all meet here again." Aoi spoke for the first time.
Who will you chose?
A few days after you chose.
Ruki's ending
Wrapping your jacket closer to you, you ran faster to school. After you chose Ruki, you decided to choose him since you knew him for so long, you immediately began dating. He was the super over protective boyfriend. You almost never left his side and when you were sperated, which was only during classes and at home, he was constantly messaging and calling you.
"(Y/N) dear!~" Speak of the devil. You turned around to see Ruki running up to you.
"Oh hey Ruki."
"You don't seem happy to see me." He pouted.
"Oh sorry, I'm just tired." You lied.
"Oh! Is my love having trouble sleeping?" He asked and practically draped himself over you.
"I guess you could say that."
"Oh guess what! I had my schedule changed! I'm now in all your classes." Your eyes widened.
"Now we can spend more time together. I only need to figure out the home thing."
"Then we can be together forever~"
Reita's ending
It's been several days since you picked Reita. He refuses to leave your side. His hands constantly on you. At first you resisted his hands, that's when you learned not to. He doesn't like when you resist. He shows you his love, you wouldn't dare do it again.
"Hey (Y/N)." You turned to your friend.
"I noticed, when Reita touches you, you look uncomfortable. Shouldn't you tell him no?" You laughed.
"I can't tell him no."
"W-why not?" You turned to your friend, eyes dull, no longer bright.
"Then I would be resisting his love. He doesn't like it when I do that.
Aoi's ending
Aoi is quiet. You learned that from the beginning. Not only does he not talk often, he walks quietly, he moves quietly. Every thing quiet. You don't like the silence, he loves it. He taught you to be quiet. If you didn't do it right, he punishes you. You've gotten punished before, that's the reason why you're quiet. You learned your lesson. You tell people there was an accident so he doesn't get in trouble. You don't want him to be in trouble.
"How's my love today?" You turned to Aoi. You gave him a smile.
"Have a good day today?" You nodded.
"That's good." He looked at your neck.
"Is your throat okay?" You nodded again.
"That'll teach you to always do what I say."
Uruha's ending
Your head is pounding. Your body aches. You groaned and opened your eyes. It's dark, cold, wet.You go to move your arms only to see them chained to the wall. The chains are long enough for you to walk around. You stood up on shaky legs. He should be here soon. When you thought that, the door opened.
(Y/N) my dear, are you hungry?" Uruha asked. You nodded.
"Use your words dear."
"Yes Uruha."
"Good girl." He said and handed you plate. He pet your hair as you ate.
"Now we'll never be separated."
Kai's ending
Kai liked the dark. He was quiet. He didn't like a lot of attention. He loves you and only you. That's what you've learned over the past couple of days. He taught you these things. He taught you how to be perfect. He thought you already were, but you needed a few tweaks here and there. You became pale, oh so pale, he didn't want your skin to be ruined by the sun. Your eyes became dull, no longer holding the sparkle that they had. But that's okay, he didn't like sparkly things. You lost weight, a lot of it. He wanted you to be healthy, a little too much. But you learned not to complain.
"(Y/N) honey, let's see you in the new outfit I bought you." He said. You stepped out of the room and showed him the outfit, with no emotion.
"Yes, yes." He said and walked up to you.
"Now you're just the way I like you."
I'm actually quite proud of this one.
ALSO so tomorrow (Saturday) I'm leaving to go to medieval times, coming back Sunday and starting school on Monday. So it may be a while till I update (though it always takes forever for me to update)
I'm gonna be a senior, I'm not ready.
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