Werewolf Yo-ka
Sorry for the wait guys!
You guys are in high school in this btw.
Recently, your boyfriend, Yo-ka, has been acting weird. He would sometimes avoid you,like ignoring your messages,or making up excuses when you call him to hang out. Now that you think about,this has been happening to his friends, Shoya,Kei,and Tatsuya. When you tried to talk to them about Yo-ka they would change the subject or just walk away.
And to top it all off,you constantly feel like you're being watched. When you would turn to see what it was you would just see a pair of yellow eyes. At first it scared you. But over time they grown on you. You didn't know why but you felt like you knew those eyes. But your we're being cautious,you had heard all the talk about wolfs living in the woods. But not just any old wolfs. Apperntly, these wolfs are over six foot tall,and are massive, have jaws strong enough to bite through a tree,with paws the size of your face.Now with you being the small girl you are, one of thoses wolfs could just step on you and you'd be flatter than a pancake.
But now back to the story.
Finally out of hell. You thought as you walked out of school. Just as you were walking out you saw Yo-ka walking to his car. You ran over to where he was,he unlocked his car and threw his bag in and sighed. You know he hated school just as much as you do.
"Yo-ka!" You yelled and tackled him in a hug,nearly making him fall backwards.
"Hey (Y/N)." He chuckled and hugged you back. That was a good sign.
"So can we do something today?" You asked looking into his blue contacted eyes.
"Um..not today." He said suddenly nervous.
"Ok what is going on Yo-ka." You said fed up with what's going on.
"What are you talking about?"
"You know what I'm talking about. You've been avoiding me and the guys too. What. Is. Going. On."
"Look somethings come up. I promise I will tell you but not know." He looked at you with sad eyes. You sighed.
"Fine you can tell me later." He smiled.
"I promise I will. When the time's right."
You sighed as you looked out your window,staring into the woods. Even though he promised you couldn't help but get a bad feeling. So you went to go for a walk in the woods. You practically grew up in the woods so you weren't worried.
But while walking you got so caught up in your thoughts when you looked at your surroundings you didn't know where you were.
"Perfect." You said. You turned and started walking. After a few minutes of walking you gave up.
"Perfect I'm lost in the woods that I walked in my whole life." You grumbled. But your anger quickly turned to fear when you heard a growl from the bushes in front of you. You looked up to see a giant black wolf slide out of the bushes. You started backing up only to run into a tree. The wolf was slowly walking towards you. And you did the only thing you could do.
You screamed.
Man I really hate not telling (Y/N) but it's for her own good. Yo-ka thought to him self. He was walking through the woods going to a pack meeting. He stopped to look up at the sky.
It's for her own good. He repeated to himself. Oh how bad he wanted to tell her so he could stop avoiding her. But it was against the pack law to tell anyone, unless the alpha said it was ok. Which he had been trying to do.
Suddenly a scream broke him out of his thoughts. He looked in the direction it came from. He knew that scream anywhere.
He took off running completely forgetting the meeting. He ran through the woods jumping over bushes. Oh how he was glad for the extra strength being a wolf gave him.
When he reached you. He saw a wolf advancing to you. He did something he swore he would never do in front of you. But it was his only choice.
He shifted.
"(Y/N)!" You looked to see Yo-ka running towards you.
"Yo-ka?" You said. Then you relized he wasn't running to you,but the wolf.
"Yo-ka no!" You yelled then he jumped in the air and suddenly was a wolf in front of you.
What the fuck? He's s werewolf?
Yo-ka had dark red fur and thoses yellow eyes that always watched you. He attacked the wolf and they fought for a few minutes before the black wolf ran off. Yo-ka stood panting for a minute then turned to you.
You weren't afraid. You slowly walked to him them threw your arms around him.
"Thank you Yo-ka." You said shedding a few tears damping his fur. Then the fur disappeared and was replaced with skin,and you felt arms wrap around you.
"I will always protect you. No matter what."
Whoo that was a long one but I was having Yo-ka feels so yeah...
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