Vampire Yo-ka
Okay first sorry I've been gone for a while with all these requests. Me and my mom got sick, mom being so bad she had to go to the hospital. We're fine now.
Last this is super short cause this is all I could get out.
Band: Diaura
I haven't listened to Jrock in so long tbh
Your body ached, head pounded, throat sore from screaming. But not in a bad way. You just got out of one of the best concerts you've ever been to. You got to see your favorite band Diaura. You still get giddy when you think about how close to Yo-ka you were.
Sighing, you pushed your way out of the building. You went over to the side, where nobody was and lit a cigarette. Inhaling the cancerous stick, you sung down to the ground. I'm so going to regret all that jumping tomorrow. You thought.
"You got a light?" You jumped up at the voice. You wipped around to see the one, the only Yo-ka.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He chuckled. Trying to calm your pounding heart, you handed him your lighter. He mumbled out a thanks and lit his own cigarette.
"So, you enjoy the show?" He asked.
"Yeah, you guys where great." You said.
"That's good." He said. You could feel his gaze on you. You shifted. He stepped closer.
"What do you think of vampires?" He asked. You frowned.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, do you think their bad?" He took another step closer. Yes, vampires exist. There's none that drink animal blood, that's only in stories.
"Kind of." You said. He stepped closer.
"What do you mean?" He asked, mocking you.
"They only drink human blood, not animals." You said, taking a step back.
In a flash he pinned you to the wall. You dropped your cigarette. It was out anyway.
"Well you see, we can't drink animal blood. I makes us sick." He said. Without giving you the chance to respond, he sunk his fangs in your neck. It didn't even hurt. You were paralyzed as he drained the life essence out of you.
When he was done, you dropped to the ground.
"Don't worry. The paralysis will wear off." He said and walked off into the darkness.
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