Chapter 8-- Something Really Strange Part 1
(Dont need to watch the full video on top! Its 2 hours!!! Also the pic in the video is a video game called Legend of Zelda!! Shout out to the people who haven't heard of this game!! Its the BEST!!!)Lets start the story!!!
It was 2am in the morning. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. It was quite dark , but you could see the sun slowly rising into the sky.
Everyone was soundly asleep. Emma was awoken to the sound of something dropping. You see,Emma was a very light sleeper. She immediately woke up, startled.
She looked everywhere, to search where the noise came from. She did not want to wake up the others in the middle of the night so she crept stealthily out of door to the open air.
There she stood on the second level quietly. Suddenly , she saw a black figure somewhere between the trees. She was scared to death. She slowly crouched to the floor.
The figure turned its head fully around. A whole 360% degrees! Luckily, Emma was wearing the colour black. Therefore, the 'figure' did not see her.
Lightening struck. Wind howled down the chimneys. It was raining cats and dogs. The image of figure slowly faded away,then vanished.
Emma quickly rushed open the door, locked it and sprouted into her bed.
The sun was much dimmer than before. Jade always wakes up early so , she jumped out of bed and woke up the others.
Jade:Wake up! Don't you remember ? The Funeral! Nick:Why don't we just sleep this day in? Jade: No you can't! I don't want to miss breakfast or lunch or anything! Saffron: Well fine.
All of them got up tiredly but were astonished to see Emma shivering with fear. Her face was pale. She was as white as snow!
Harry:Now what's wrong with Emma? They all slowly came and sat on her bed and calmed her down. All together they asked her,"What's Happened?" Emma tried to explain them the story.
Jade: Don't bring this up again. There is no such thing as ghosts. Nick: Maybe it was a warning from a spirit. Jade:Why do you always come up with the most ridiculous ideas? Although ..... it might be that.
Saffron: Ok we believe you, now come on let's go!
They all went downstairs to get some scrumptious breakfast.
Emma:WOW,there is seriously nothing here. So deserted. Saffron:You might be right there.
It was dark and gloomy . Only a few people were there. Except that there was a odd looking woman who was sipping her tea at the corner of the room. She was wearing a light green dress with little pictures of birds on it. She looked like she was in her late 20's.
The Mystery Wheel decided to sit next to the woman.
Jade:Um hello Madam. We are a group of friends going for a funeral. Who are you?
???: Hello dears. I am Beatrice Marin. I am also going for the funeral. Some strange things are going on here.
My Step-Sister, Aria Narg, knows something about this place. Something special. I know you are a Detective crew. I will help you. I know this seems straight forward .... but well.... I just really want to help you. The folks of this area keep on telling me that you guys are detectives. I have always waited for this day to come , so I can finally be used.
Hearing this, the Mystery Wheel exchanged each other looks. They eagerly started questioning Mrs Marin.
Jade:Oh my god! Thanks so much. Your the only one who can understand us. (Finally someone NORMAL) Do any of your other family members know something?
Beatrice: I ........ am not allowed to know the secrets of this town.My step sisters did not let me. My other stepsister, Amia Narg..... disappeared during a sea trip. You know what! I'll tell you a story. If you have time.
Emma: Please do! Something terrible has happened to me! Maybe it has a connection with your family!
Beatrice: No offence but this seems very awkward....... I'm very sorry! It just blurted out of my mouth! But anyways......The story begins like this .......
—————————-To be continued with part 2———————
Hi guys! This seems like rushed story.... but yes it is! I promise I will make the next chapter AMAZING!!
I am making a two part chap so ya!
Signing off,
Your author,
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