Chapter 6-- Reached the island of graves
It was 15th August. The day we'd reach a The Island Of Graves. It was about 6:00am in the morning, when we heard some shouting from the next room. Emma: Don't tell me that you two are quarreling again about who will get the pancakes for breakfast ! Yes!I mean Jade.
Harry: No it's not Jade! It's the people in the room beside us! Wonder what their talking about.. Saffron: Should we eavesdrop? Nick: What makes you think eavesdropping is a good idea!
Saffron: Do you want to know what they're chattering about? Jade: Wait, what are you guys talking about again?if i know what our next door noisy neighbours are talking about?oh yeah totally.....actually i don't have a clue what they're talking about. Emma: Fine. Let's do it.
So everyone, very quietly, crept to the wall, and put their ears against the wall. They listened very closely. A woman was shouting," Why didn't you buy a present for Jacob's funeral! A man was also shouting," I thought you were going to buy it!
Woman: I told you half an hour later that I wouldn't be able to buy it! Man: I told you that I'd be going for PAINTING CLASS! And you can't bring any electronics inside!
Woman:I thought painting lessons were only on Sundays? Man: It changed to Saturday because my teacher was not free on Sunday! Woman: Urgh! Now we don't even have a gift for Jacob's funeral ! Go buy something expensive from the gift shop!
And then we stopped listening. Emma: I'm thinking of all the passengers on the ship are coming to that island for sightseeing but later on ,ALL of them will get invited to the funeral! Nick: That's a possibility.Now we also know the name of Sara's Husband, Jacob! Harry: ya! That's true!
Jade: Why Don't we ask them to keep the volume down! Then we can see how they look like. Harry: Why do you need to see them? Emma: Whatever! Let's just go and ask them to shut their mouths otherwise they'll keep on shouting !
Harry: Em's right! Everybody agreed with Harry. So, we slowly opened our door and very quietly rang the doorbell of room 646, the noisy people. They opened the door.
And to our surprise, they looked very happy and the woman said," I am Hanna Stork and this is my husband Alex Stork! Very nice to meet you. Who are you all exactly?
Nick: We are the Mystery Wheel. We solve crimes and murders and... mysteries! Then I introduced Hanna and Alex to the members of the Mystery Wheel. Emma: We actually came here to tell you that you two were making a lot of noise and ... we got disturbed. So.. could you keep it down?
There was one minute of silence and the Alex spoke," Oh! We are sorry for the ruckus we have made! Right now we are busy, so can we chit - chat with you five later? Thank you! It was a pleasure talking to you! Bye.
And just like that , they slammed their door shut. We made our way down to the Buffet, for breakfast. Emma: Don't you think they were quite rude to us? Harry: And suspicious! Jade: Maybe she's also a relative of Sara?
Nick: Could be..... Saffron: But she didn't look so concerned about the funeral, she was more concerned about the present. Nick: Why Don't we just stop talking about this..... let's discuss this later. Shall we? Anyways, we have food to eat.
Saying that, All of us sat down in a table of five. Jade was lucky today as there was a stack of pancakes! Emma took the usual, cheese sandwich, while Harry took Mac n cheese. I took an omelette and a piece of butter toast.
Anyways, after we all came back to the table, something spotted Jade at the corner of her eye. It was Kim and Abby! Jade quickly alarmed the rest of us about this.
Harry: Why Don't you go , and speak with them again? Jade was bursting with anger. Jade: Are you serious?! I don't want to talk with those snobby people. I suddenly whispered and said," Kim and Abby... they look very serious and it seems that.... they're whispering with.... a strange and odd looking man !
We all slowly turned around to see if I was speaking the truth. Yes. It was true, all of us saw those two speaking with a man. He was wearing black clothes. Not just any clothes, old fashioned clothes.
Emma quickly turned back and whispered to all of us. Emma: Don't you understand what this means? The man their talking to is local from the island of Graves! We can get more information from the island... from him! Saffron: Your right! But they won't let us join in their conversation. .... What should we do?
Nick:We'll dress up like people from the island! But all of us can't go together... only one person can go.
Emma: Harry you go! You look good with disguises! Harry: Fine.... I'll go.
So, we went to the gift shop and bought some of the island specialty clothes. Harry: How do I look? Jade: Perfect! And so all of us waited outside while Harry went back into the buffet to talk to the three strange people.
Harry said," Good Morning!" Kim: Yes, Good Morning , Sir. Harry : I am from the island of Graves . I see this man over here , is also from the island. Abby: Obviously we know your from the island.
Harry nervously said : Uh... yes! I was just telling you if you didn't know. Anyways what were you chatting about? Unknown Man: Come and sit with us ! You can join us since you are from the island of graves! Oh, I forgot to introduce myself! I am Steve Robbin.
And then, they started talking again. Steve: You were telling me.... Abby: Ah Yes! I stopped when , this man came..... Forgot to ask you,what's your name? Harry thought quick , stammered and said," Da....n..... Abby: Sorry dear ? Could you say that again. I didn't quiet hear that. Harry: Sorry! I have a sore throat! My name is Dan Evans.
Kim: hello Mr Evans! Very nice to meet you! Please sit and Abby, continue what you were telling us. Harry carefully listened to each and every word she were saying.
Abby: As I was telling you, That girl I met at the ship station, was in the Mystery Wheel! Her name was Jade Thompson!Everybody knows how the Mystery Wheel members look like! She was trying to get information about Jacob and the island!
Steve: We must look out for the Mystery Wheel.... They might secretly know all our secrets. Kim: I've just realised that, the Mystery Wheel have been asking members of their gang to disguise themselves and get information about the island from people who are from the island!
After saying this, sweat rolled down Harry's face. Not to look suspicious, Harry quickly said: It's not only us who's from the island , but other people on the ship are also from the island of graves.
Steve: That's true. Just when they were about to continue their conversation, Harry barged in and said," Sorry! I have to go to the bathroom!" Actually, Harry was not going to the bathroom,In fact, he went to search for the Mystery Wheel.
He found them at the deck of the ship. It was about 6pm in the evening. At 7pm they would reach the Island Of Graves. Anyways, Harry rushed to the Mystery Wheel and Explained them everything that had happened.
Harry : So I said hello to them, Kim said hello to me,I told them I was from the island, Abby said that they know that I'm from that island, then I asked about the man. His name was Steve Robbins.You know Steve's accent was a mix of French and Spanish! Anyways,Then Abby asked my name, I said my name was Dan Evans.
Abby said that the girl which she met at the Ship station, which was you, Jade. She knows your from the Mystery Wheel! Jade: She knows!? Harry: Yes she does. Let me continue. Then Abby said that you were trying to get information out of Both of them.
Then Kim said that she just realised that the Mystery Wheel asked members of their gang to disguise themselves and get information from the people of the island we're going too! That's the time I said I needed to go to the bathroom, and then I came here! That's all the information I have.
Emma: Oh my god! They know all our plans and secrets! And Harry, Keep it down!Don't get too excited! They might be eavesdropping on us right now! Nick: I just realised that the whole day we've been in the buffet!
Harry: Not you four! Only me ! You four were spending your day packing and seeing the scenery! Saffron: Ya! Harry's correct! But Harry, did you pack your luggage? Harry: I think I did. Or did I not! We have to go back to our room! Now! I only have one hour to pack my luggage! Emma: But I'm so hungry! I'm starving! Not only Emma was starving, everyone was! They hadn't eaten lunch or dinner!
Nick: We can order food at our room! Harry: We can also take a short nap! Jade: Typical Harry, always sleepy. Jade mumbled. So they all went back to their room , to eat , to sleep and to pack Harry's luggage.
It was six thirty five in the evening. Harry was woken up by Jade who was pouring water on him. Harry: What the hell is wrong with you Jade?! Why are waking me up now? We are supposed to sleep for one hour! Jade: What are you talking about? Everybody's awake! Did you noy hear the announcement, that we're reaching the Island Of Graves in five minutes ! Now get up you lazy pig!
What Jade was saying was absolutely true! Harry saw all his Friends changed and ready! Harry quickly went to the bathroom brushed his teeth, wore his trousers, put on his formal shirt and his favourite pure black tie. It didn't even have a speck of dirt on it.
" This is the Ship Captain speaking! We have sailed far together. And finally we have reached the destination. The island of Graves. Thank you for traveling with us on the New York Queen! We hope to see you on board again! Have a good holiday!" The Ship Captain said.
We all queued in a line to get off the ship. We got off from the same little, wobbly and crooked staircase we had climbed to get on the ship. When we were off the ship, we turned around, and our eyes widened. It looked very deserted. It was also very gloomy like it was going to rain.Oh! And yes, it was also covered in tilted palm trees. Emma whispered : Don't you guys feel... uncomfortable when you look at this island .Everybody nodded their heads. Just after saying this, Emma turned back.
She was missing New York City. Saffron went to comfort her. Saffron: Don't start missing NYC! We'll be back before you know it. It's not like we are going to live here for our entire lives. Emma put on a little smile on her face. She felt a bit happy.
Emma: Your Right! We've got a Mission to complete!
After so Long they had finally reached The Island Of Graves.
Together, they walked hand in hand further in the island, not knowing what would happen to them in a few days time.....
——-To be continued——-
Hi guys longest Chapter EVER!! Thank you for 20 Votes! Thank you to the people who read my story! If you don't know who is Kim and Abby pls go and read chapter 3 Again!
Pls do vote and comment!
I'll keep you updated! Until Next time! Major Editing going on!
See ya in Chap 7!
Signing off,
Your author ,
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