Note - I'm mostly playing female roles, as I feel more comfortable playing as a female. Please don't be mad nor at all mislead! I respect both genders and it's okay to state your opinions on this, alright?
Name: Ameris Sekai
Age: 37
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Role: Headmistress
Appearance: Strawberry blonde hair tied up in a messy, yet nice, bun, emerald eyes, and fair skin. Wears a shirt button-down shirt with a puffy color tied off by a huge red ribbon, a tight black office skirt, and red-bottomed black heels.
Personality: She's strict, but also very kind. She can have a bit of a temper at times, and hate it when men and even her own students gawk at her bust or other parts of her body. The only people she's really ever shown the soft side of herself to is her friends, family, her daughter, and certain things of the past...
Likes: Reading, direction, filing correctly
Dislikes: The Outcasts, corruption
Weapon(s): A flute, her weapon of order. There are four melodies, each representing one amount of power, from least powerful to most powerful.
Power: Heliokinesis (Initial) The Third Law of Order (Passed Down)
Power Strengths: As a representee of a law of order, divisions decided by the Council of Talents, she is quite powerful and fearsome. This as well adds onto her years of experience to learn to shape her skills as a heliokinesis, a master of the sun.
Power Weaknesses: When fueled by rage, the want to protect something dear, or something similar, her attacks are stronger, but she can lose focus too easily.
Affinities: As she represents a sign of order, the ten holy laws to be
Aversion: When she is surrounding by users of dark magic, her powers are decreased due to the her magical origins of being of pure decent.
Flaws: She can be a bit too distant at times, especially when she has a bad temper, which damages her relationships quite a bit. She can speak a bit too much about a certain situation when something bothers her, though that doesn't neccessarily mean she's all too open about her actual feelings.
Backstory: Ameris grew up in a prosperous neighborhood, born into a rich family. A few years after she began attending school, her father became bankrupt and their family had to sell their mansion along with most their personal belongings. Due to this, she could not recieve the proper education as each dollar her family spent went solely to food, rent, bills, and repaying their debt rather than her education.
Eventually, her family was able to pay off their debts with the help of some members in their new community and the money they recieved from work. They bought a house and Ameris was able to attend high school, where she gained a passion for education, and decided to become a teacher. After years of teaching, she was promoted as the headmistress of the most elite and prestigious academy, turning the tides.
Her powers were always known by her family, and some of the other children in her old neighborhood shared with her in having unique powers special to them alone. But she hadn't really used them up until she started working at the academy, where they also trained her to master her powers. She was passed down the Third Law of Order by the Council of Talents, as this is passed down to generations of headmasters/headmistresses.
Other: The law of order she represents is the law of protection for the youth of magic and manipulation users. This reflects her role as the headmistress, and it being her duty and oath to protect and take responsibility for the lives and well-being of her students.
Also, her first name is based off someone in my social studies/history class.
Quote: "I will never let a student being harmed! It's my duty, as well as my oath to the Council, as headmistress."
Quote: "Well, dear, is there any particular reason you needed to visit my office? I'm all ears, you know~! But if you came to talk about problems at home or with school, then it's best to go to the counselor for that."
Quote: "I will NOT tolerate that kind of behavior here in this school!!"
Name: Karmin Todora
Age: 16 (Immortal... for now)
Gender: Female
Grade: Junior
Sexuality: Pansexual
Role: Regular Student
Appearance: Shoulder-length pale red hair that she keeps tied up, yellow-orange orbs, and fair skin. She wears the casual white seifuku with black stockings.
Personality: Untrusting, and definitely untrustworthy, she is total antogontist material, but suprisingly, she dislikes other villians as she fears they will take her spotlight. She has a sweet and kind facade, but once you get on her bad side, there is no turning back. She believes she is superior than all else and plays the role as the tyrant and cruel queen, beating slaves and leaving innocent families to suffer.
But believe me, there's a reason why she acts this way and bullies other with lower power than that of her own. Perhaps it is an inferiority complex, or the want to be praised and noticed, or maybe a traumatizing past? She sure is a tough shell to crack...
Likes: Being worshipped, milk chocolate, bright red, paint
Dislikes: People who disrespect her, not being in control, being subordinate or submissive
Hobbies: Sorting through different karmas and deciding which one would fit the said person best, painting out her feelings
Power: Karma/Miracle Manipulation
Power Strengths: She has the power to control the flow of punishment or blessings which happen unto others and themselves, making her the master of consequence.
Power Flaws: She can still manipulate the karma of people with certain power levels, just that they will recieve less of what she had wanted them to. At times, she would also recieve bad karma as well.
Affinities: The more people whom praise her, the more power she receives.
Aversions: When she is around people with a higher power level than her or people with magic of order, her powers are significantly weakened.
Flaws: She can get caught off guard quite often and she's not exactly the brightest nor the smartest, but she's smart enough to beat your crat.
Backstory: From the day she was born, people knew she would be a troublesome child. She grew up in a small, rural, and poor village, which she had made glamorous and quite prosperous through manipulation of her magic. Most people would worship her for the sake of a decent karma, however she would only provide the littlelest of reward to them for thier good deeds.
Those who even in the slightest disobeyed or disrespected her were instantly exiled. She was accepted into the academy as a junior student, and boy will it be a blast... for her, anyways. Ahah!!
Other: "If she is to fall from her place of power, she will have to face her own true karma, and as well as giving others their own true karma." - God of Judgement and Rightful Law (Also, she's basically a combination of Celes, Kok, Junko, and Trollgami).
Quote: "I'll be the God of this school, no one will defeat me!"
Quote: "What was that? I think it's best you know your place, pawn..."
Quote: "E-Eh!? Oh, th-thank you... Hmph. Fine, whatever. I guess you just..."
Name: Harlem Levesque Miranda
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Grayromantic
Grade: Freshman
Role: Somewhere between Edgy Emo and Memelord
Appearance: Long galaxy-purple hair with some strands tied into a braid by a magenta bow, eyes silver like the midnight moon, and unusually pale skin. She wears the casual dark blue seifuku/sailor dress, black stockings, and shoes. She also carries around a tannish-brown bag to hold her spellbooks...
Personality: She seems shy when you first meet her, but once you get to know her a bit better, she'll open up and end up being a bit more talkative, even a bit to the point of being awfully annoying. When she focuses on something, she's very quiet and focused, and it's best to leave her be. Can be sometimes a bit too prideful, confidant, and overlyhopeful at times.
Likes: Music, sorcery, reading, purple
Dislikes: Failure, rude/annoying people - even if she is one herself -, PE class , pepperoni
Hobbies: Reading, listening to music (with headphones, more specifically), practing her spell and scrollcasting
Powers: Sorcery and Scrollcasting
Power Strengths: The ability to manipulate the sorcerer's circle and use scrolls for summoning or unleashing certain forces. She also weilds a the Great Book of Ultimate and Endless Sorcery, passed down to her as a heirloom and depature gift.
Power Weaknesses: Her magic drains her energy quite a bit, so using it too much will definitely put a strain on her. She can also sometimes be a bit too overconfident or take too much pride in her powers, giving her a major disadvantage.
Affinities: Though her origins stem from Mysticism, the purest form of magic, her powers are heavily influenced by the dark arts. Certain sorcery is, thereforth, greatly increased in strength when the surrounding playing field is swarmed with dark energy.
Aversions: Being around those whose powers do not stem from the mystic arts. As she is of mystic origin, she is weak against non-mystic users.
Flaws: She's not that physically fit, as she can't even do a single push-up, though sit-ups are super easy for her. This physical disadvantage becomes even worse when she is sleep deprived, which she usually is due to deeply studying scrolls and sorcery, to the point where she can barely keep her arms up in the air for too long.
She's a fast sprinter, but loses energy too quickly. So she has to take breaks in between running, though she is quite fast compared to most. She tends to not lie, but rather choose to stretch the truth, or be a bit too literal. People distrust her for this, and even when she has clear evidence that it's the truth, they still refuse. The girl who cried monster I guess...
Can be sometimes a bit too prideful, confidant, and overlyhopeful at times. This causes a great personality flaw in her character, but she's perfectly fine with that. Though she dislikes annoying people, she does not realize that she is one herself. This is another great personality flaw which makes a lot of people tend to dislike her.
Backstory: Half-blooded memelord, half-blooded edgelord, half-blooded humanoid
Other: I changed her backstory. Read comments for reasons for any changes made changes and the older versions in the replies of those comments.
Quote: "Pfft, obviously she meant to literally try her!"
Quote: "Are you, like, actually being seriously?"
Quote: "I'm warning you... don't you dare underestimate my magic."
Name: Tokashi Mitsuwari
Nicknames: Toka
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Grade: Senior
Role: Nerd Herd
Appearance: Short actually orange hair, timid bluish-greyish-purplish eyes, and fair skin.
Personality: She's shy and timid, and doesn't talk much. A total nerd and gamer as well. She is kind, caring, and considerate, as long as you get to know her well enough. Makes random references at all the wrong times, and somewhere between a dandere and a tsundere.
Likes: Reading, gaming, technology, extremely cringy puns
Dislikes: Crat jerks, stereotypes *cough cough*, gender roles
Hobbies: Gaming, reading, toying with tech
Power: Mechanokinesis
Power Strengths: Toka can manipulate technology to hack it, manipulate electrical currents, turn on/off devices, create power surges/explosions, scan/erase/download data into her strong AI named Alett, shape the data into a more physical form such as dragons or cubes, etc.
Power Weaknesses: She has to be at a certain distance near/away from the tech in order to hack the device. Using her power slowly chips away her own life essence (which is why she has an installed AI to assist, as well to take over her powers and mystic energy when she does eventually die, whether from or powers or not).
She can also occassionally short-circuit, which will temporarily place her into deep slumber which will last usually for a day or two, the longest ever was a week and three days.
Affinities: When she is surrounded by strong electrical currents or being assisted/opposed by a user of electrical, scientific, or technological affinity, she gains more superior power.
Aversions: Being around fire and air manipulators or those who manipulate varitions of which will weaken her, as electricity is weak to the fire and air elements/affinities.
Flaws: She has bad vision, making her near-sighted. Thankfully, when she uses her powers her vision slowly heals, though it goes back to normal after she deactivates it. She has a /shy/timid persona, making her seem almost unaproachable, and also will occassionally lock herself in her room all day or forget to eat/sleep/shower while using tech.
Backstory: Toka grew up a pretty much normal life, besides being homeschooled most of her life and being a total NEET.
She gained a love for computers due to her father working at a tech company called DRS Deflux. Her father, however, lost his job to DRS's main competitor, DX Influx. She began locking herself in her room all day to play on the computer or just use it in general.
Her father had retired, and then mother had decided that she should head out and make some friends. When she refused, her mother decided to apply her for the academy, as though her daughter was mostly locked in her room all day, that didn't mean she was an idiot or untalented in the slightest!
She discovered her powers after the computer in her dorm short-circuited. In Junior year, she hacked into the school account, and viewed some files she wasn't supposed. Well, let's just say she got into some pretty serious trouble, and has to stay lip-tight about their secrets (its nothing bad tbh, just info on the bad guys).
Other: Hnn, it seems as though there is nothing here... YET!
Quote: "Huh? O-Oh, I'm so sorry for bumping into you! Here, l-let me help."
Quote: "Leave me alone... I... don't wanna talk to you."
Quote: "Eheh~ What's the matter? Cat bit your tongue? About time you finally get a taste of your own medicine."
.About the Headmistress' powers... she is supposed to be overpowered, she's the Headmistress! Also, check comments for author notes about the characters before I take up the maxium amount of characters for a single wattpad chapter Dx
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