Chapter 43 | A surprising Visit
Seeing the Dawn Treader depart is bittersweet. Not often must Luna stay behind instead of shadowing Caspian. She remembers well when she laid injured in Anvard and he had to return to Cair Paravel. Luna sighs, she will have to get used to this, seeing him part without her by his side. Already she very much resents this feeling. But she can't dwell on it. As soon as the Narnian ship cast off, Sanna is on hand to pull the warrior out of her thoughts and through the halls of Lord Bern's estate and out again on the other side. All the while the girl babbles happily.
Once in the garden, Luna relaxes bit by bit. Well, garden may be an understatement. The park is beautifully arranged; cobblestone pathways lain out, groomed flower beds and trees, marble statues and benches – some overgrown with moss and ivy – and a fountain in the middle. A little to the side a pavilion is set, overlooking the park and the cliffs beyond. Sanna and Luna pass a few servants hanging lanterns and tending to the plants. For the feast, the second daughter of Lord Bern explains. They reach said pavilion where Valanya is sat on a bench, reading. Though, Luna notes, her eyes stray often from the pages and wander towards the horizon for a few moments before rushing back to the book. The warrior barley has a minute to ponder over it as merry laughter reaches her ears. She turns at the nearing sounds. Just in time she pulls Sanna out of the way of Teona who barrels past them, squealing. The youngest is behind her sister, unable to keep up, quite like the maid who chases them. Already panting, she comes to a halt in front of the two women to curtsy and mumble an apology about the noise. Sanna grins and brushes it off, her sister, however, has other intentions,
» Teona, Noemi! Leave the poor girl, you should be doing your schoolwork. « Luna isn't quite sure if they didn't hear the oldest or didn't want to hear her, she guesses it to be the latter – she has some experience with children after all. Teona dashes ahead regardless, but Noemi slows. With a last glance towards her running sister, she turns and trudges up the four stairs into the pavilion. Plopping down at the round table, she bows her little head over the exercises she is meant to finish.
» Shall I- « Luna gestures in the direction Teona vanished, but Sanna shakes her head,
» Once she realises no one plays anymore, she'll turn up. «
Indeed, about the quarter of an hour later, Teona is sat over her schoolwork as well. She scowls at the books. Valanya placed her reading aside, following Sanna and Luna's conversation. The Crown Shield must tell them about their journey. Sanna is giddy to hear someone actually experience adventures she can only read about in fairy tales. Her older sister might be content with that, but she is not.
» Oh, I wish we could see Narnia one day, « Sanna sighs wistfully,
» Is it as beautiful as they say? « Luna's eyes twinkle, brightening at the mention of her home. Gladly she confirms, feeling a sense of longing in her heart. She may have been a little homesick during the first week of the Dawn Treader's voyage, but with Caspian, Reepicheep and Elrik – who became a friend rather quickly – around, it soon eased. Now, however, she yearns for the soft white and golden beaches, the lush hills and plains, the old forests... Most of all, she misses the Shadows, her friends, and the people she calls family. Oh, and Tanath, her loyal steed - the wind on her face when they fly over the land in a hard gallop.
» It sounds absolutely wonderful, « whispers Valanya. Only now Luna realizes she rambled about it all. Even the youngest sisters lifted their heads to listen.
» Yes, « Sanna agrees with a glimmer in her widened eyes,
» Magical even! « Indeed, magic sleeps in the very heart of Narnia. After a pause, she reveals how their father may allow them to visit. At this point, nothing holds Teona on her chair anymore. She jumps up and skips over to Luna,
» When we come, can I become a Shadow? « The oldest sister shushes her, reminding her to act like a lady. Teona ignores her, Luna suppresses a snort – it would be most un-ladylike, after all, and she doesn't wish to insult Valanya. So, she pats the spot next to her. While Teona climbs onto the bench, Luna studies the child for a moment before asking,
» Do you know what the Shadows are, really? «
» They are spies for the king, the greatest warriors in the army! « Teona skids back and forth excitedly, Luna is sure she would have more to say about this topic. A small voice in the back of her head would like to inquire how the Lone Islanders could know so much about Narnia, if they hadn't any contact with the empire in years.
» Well, and do you know why they exist? « The girl stops skidding, surprised by the question.
» To spy and to fight? « Luna smiles over the careful answer, tilting her head to the side,
» These are some things they do, yes, but why? «
» Because every country needs spies? Assassins sometimes? « Sanna suggests, earning a disapproving glance from Valanya at the second part. Before Teona could ask what assassins are, Luna decides to tell them the origin story of the Shadow division:
A few years ago, after the Narnian Revolution and King Caspian's coronation, attempts on his life increased. Narnia was changing; land, culture, and people alike. Some kept up better than others could cope. So, a new King's Guard was to be established by Glenstorm and Luna, generals of the army. The call for try-outs echoed through the country, drawing many more than needed. While travelling and leading field missions, Luna came across countless children and teenagers who lost their parents to the war, sickness, or hunger, or who were simply left after birth. After bringing this to Caspian's attention, he made it a priority to establish orphanages and schools all around Narnia. Some of these kids didn't want to leave the general who helped them before the king did, some wanted to become warriors like her, protecting their country, building a family for themselves. At first, it didn't cross Luna's mind to keep them with her – well, it did, but the freshly appointed Crown Shield could hardly care for children then – but they were persistent, especially a boy named Orion. Long story short, an idea sparked. The army was expanded, the Shadow division called to life – for youngrecruits who were trained but not ready for the field under any circumstances. Mostly, due to their age; Orion was about nine years old then. However, the ranks of the Shadows grew every day as many – Telmarines and Narnians of every age alike – felt called to do good, protect their country someday, or simply felt the need to learn how in case of war. Many of them lost family in the revolution. Within months, this new division reached higher numbers than the barracks in Cair Paravel could take. Tents were erected on the fields around until another solution would be found. The recruits then had to be distributed equally on other divisions, many had to be turned away for differing reasons. The Narnian Empire grew, so did the army. The shadow children worked hard, building themselves to what they are today: Warriors, spies, guards, talents needed and useful to king and country.
» So... They are children without a family? « Teona glances at Luna thoughtfully.
» They were, « the warrior nods,
» Now, they are a family, growing together. «
» This is sad, « mumbles Sanna,
» Beautiful, but sad. « She is right, of course. The fates of these children were dark and being in the army is not only about glory, honour, and friendly duels. War is gruesome, cruel, mercilessly taking lives. Battle worn they are, covered in scars. They saw worlds burn. Luna's eyes darken as she slips into memories. Thankfully, someone pulls at her sleeve. Noemi smiles timidly up at her,
» Are you their family now? « The warrior stares at the girl for a moment, pushing away the icy claws reaching for her thoughts like the green mist once did. She shudders, thinking of Aslan, His power over all and everything, His light. Then, she smiles.
A game of catch brightens the mood again. Luna couldn't deny the two youngest sisters the wish to play. So, off they are. Their laughter soon draws Sanna out of the pavilion, dragging her remaining sister with her. Much to Valanya's discomfort, her features are contorted.
» Did you put too much lemon in your tea? « Teona asks her in a serious tone. The other girls snort, trying and failing to supress their giggles. Valanya sighs, closing her eyes for a moment. When she opens them again, an almost mischievous glimmer greets them. With a small smirk, she bends her knees slightly, pulling her dress up to her ankles as Luna and Sanna did.
» Ready? « With a squeal, Teona and Noemi dart off, leaving the oldest to make a beeline for the remaining players. Luna elegantly sidesteps the hand coming towards her and is off as well. Behind her, Sanna grumbles.
The running and catching exhausts the five and they bury the hatchet for the time being – though, Teona announces that they must continue soon. To cool off, the sisters show their guest a hidden pathway, nestled into the cliffs just out of sight. It leads them down to the sandy shore, secluded from the rest of the island. Luna learns that during the Gumpa's reign and the slaver's activity, there always were two lookouts posted here. The estate could have easily been attacked from this seaside, allowing the pirates to get on the property unseen until it would have been too late. Thank Aslan, it never came to that.
Luna and Valanya take to rest in the sand while the others search for shells and colourful stones. Slowly, the two young women warm up to each other. There, Sanna cries out, frightened. She grabs the closest girl – who happens to be Noemi – and yanks her back a few steps. The youngest wasn't prepared, stumbling, and falling into the low waves. By instinct, Luna already is on her way towards them as she sees what startled Sanna. Something is in the water, just below the surface. A looming shadow, a large one. Valanya rushes after her, calling for her siblings to get out of the water at once. Luna reaches the surf as Sanna pulls Noemi after her. Teona, however, stands very still, the water reaches her thighs. Her dress is already soaked but she couldn't care less. The shard of a shell in her hand, she stares into the water.
» Te! « Valanya's voice is frantic. She pulls her sisters towards her, lifting Noemi into her arms. Luna hesitated at the water's edge. Rushing in could either frighten the thing enough to leave, or startle and anger it. Carefully she wades towards the girl. The shadow twitches like a serpent. Aslan, what is that?
» Be careful! « Sanna worries.
Only a few feet separate Luna from Teona now. The warrior has drawn her dagger with her left hand while the other reaches for the girl.
» Keep still, « she mumbles. Teona turns her head slightly, glancing at the approaching figure from the corner of her eye,
» I got this! « Memories of the Shadows flicker in front of her inner eye as Luna closes in. Just as she slings her arm around Teona, a head appears between the waves. Something splashes. Luna pulls the girl flush against her, jumping back. Lifting the dagger, she fixates the thing... which isn't a thing at all. No animal, no fish, well, only half.
» Timea?! «
» Timea? What are you doing here? « Caspian stares at the mermaid who just called up to the Dawn Treader. On deck, Lord Bern stands next to the king, watching the sea-maiden in awe. He has only glimpsed them before, seen a flicker of their shimmering tails as he sailed with the other six lords of Telmar many years ago. To him, it seems almost surreal to see the mermaid's head over the surface, bobbing up and down, one with the waves. The rest of the body is barely visible in the dark blue, only when her upper scales catch the light just right and glimmer, the lord can imagine the beauty of this creature. Yet, the sight is utterly foreign to him - as a human, a born and raised Telmarine at that. Caspian's nonchalance about the encounter in itself – apart from his surprise about this mermaid being here, apparently – stuns him.
Timea grins at the darkhaired, flashing her sharp teeth which are common for the wilder merfolk. She stretches her neck to glimpse more of the humans on the ship, eyes darting around in search,
» Where's Luna? « A smile tugs and Cas' lips, amused by the sea-maidens seeming disinterest in him. Not that he would mind, he likes to see his Crown Shield making friends. Usually, Luna tends to stay for herself, or among the soldiers and Shadows as well as the servants at Cair Paravel. Then again, she turns up with quite unlikely people and creatures in her company or seeking her out, especially what the nobles call the 'lowers'. The king creases his forehead at this thought. No, he isn't so keen on returning to the court; they can be quite tiresome. He, however, grew up among them and his daily live involves mainly nobles. Only since his time with the Old Narnians, the Kings and Queens of the Golden Era, and Luna he notices the differences of the classes, the strife between them, the real injustice he was sheltered from as a young prince. This made the first months after his coronation even harder – on top of balancing Narnians and Telmarines, building a new society, and many more tasks, the problem of the classes never seemed to cease. Not even after a new King's Council was appointed, all political and military ranks and domains were distributed as equally as possible between both nations... Though, he is looking forward to returning home despite all of it. He finds his heart to skip a beat at the thought of having Luna by his side, really, and not only in his shadow. Almost giddily, he glances towards the nearing capital of the Lone Islands and his plans for the day. Then he remembers Timea.
The mermaid paddled closer to the Dawn Treader, holding onto the wooden latches fastened to a few places on the outer hull. She cranes her neck to look up to him as he leans over the railing in search of her. After the Narnians departed from Ramandu's Island, Timea's heart tugged her to finally leave the safety of her shoal and go on an adventure as she always dreamed. The elders were only mildly surprised about her request, but reluctant to let her roam the oceans alone. So, she is to visit other shoals on her journey. Since the Narnian Revolution, seafolks returned to old settlements closer to the shore, one of them just outside of Cair Paravel. On her way there, she thought to follow the Dawn Treader and accompany her. Now, she found the ship with the king on board, so Luna cannot be far. Timea is quite surprised about Caspian's reply,
» Luna stayed with our hosts. « As the sea-maiden raises an eyebrow, he exchanges a gaze with Vigilhoof. She might not know the Crown Shield very well, but well enough to know that this sounds quite unlike her. So, off she went.
As Luna returns to her chambers, Elena already awaits her. She prepared a bath and selected a gown for the lady to wear. Then, however, a messenger arrived, baring a gift. Luna regards the gowns laid out for her – one provided by Lady Melian, the other said gift. The maid averts her eyes, embarrassed,
» This is a gift, my lady, from- «
» I know, I know, « the warrior sighs, narrowing her eyes, it is becoming a pattern. Well, history tends to repeat itself. Quite selfish, isn't it? So, why not try and make something of it? With the idea, a small smile blooms on Luna's lips.
Happy new year everyone!
So, the GIF at the top shows Valanya (Ellise Chappell) - I'll update the Character overview as soon as possible! How do you like the four sisters, and Timea the mermaid? And are you excited for more appearances of the Shadows? Let me know in the comments ^^
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