Chapter 1- The walking carcass
"All cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the pool!" Snowstar yowled, perched upon the large rocks at the edge of the pool. His deputy, Willowwind, sat to his right.
"Last night, just before sunhigh, our two newest warriors-" Snowstar nodded toward Lionfang and Hazelflight. "Caught a cat wandering through our camp." Murmurs rippled through the crowd.
"Is it still here?" Rabbitstep asked, his brown eyes wide with curiosity.
"He is being treated by Blazepool." At the mention of their friends name, Lionfang and Hazelflight's ears perked up. The three had known eachother since they were kits. However, instead of becoming a warrior like his friends, Blazepool had decided to train and become DawnClan's next medicine cat.
"When will get to see the cat?" Icepaw asked, whipping his tail from side to side.
"Not for a while." The whole camp fell silent as Blazepool emerged from his den, ginger-tipped tail whisking from side to side. Blazepool was a thin, white cat with orange tipped ears and tail. "He's got so many sicknesses I can't even count them."
"Is he going to die?" Softflower, a queen, asked.
"No. He'll be fine." Blazepool sighed. Without another word, he slunk back into the tangle of roots and thorns. The Clan continued to talk, discussing whether or not the cat should be able to stay. Some argued that, with leaf-bare growing near, wasting the herbs that should have been spent on Clan cats. Others said that it would be better if they healed they cat and sent it on its way, in which they might appease StarClan with their kindness.
Blazepool burst from his den, hair standing on end.
"What happened?" Snowstar asked.
"The cat! He disappeared from my den!" Blazepool was now running around the camp, sniffing each crack and hole.
"I'm sure you'll-"
"I'm right here, you mouse-brains."
As the cat emerged from the rock, you could feel a wave of shock ripple through the Clan. It wasn't just that he was short-no-his face seemed to be split in half, with one half a ginger color and blue eye,the other half a jet black with an amber eye. His body was a splotchy pattern of black and orange, resembling the foresy floor in autum sun.
"What in StarClan's name-" Willowwind yowled, jumping away from the odd cat.
"My name is Berry, by the way." Berry mewed from his perch on the woodpile. He seemed oddly calm, even though there was a group of quite confused cats ready to attack him, should the chance come.
"And just in case you're wondering-HACK-* Berry started to cough, but quickly regained his composure and continued to speak. "I am a rogue. Abandoned when I was a kitten, and forced to live of what measly scraps I had."
"And getting sick along the way." Blazepool hissed, strutting toward Berry. "Now it's back into the medicine den with-" Suddenly, Berry's claws flew out and grazed Blazepool's muzzle, forcing Blazepool to jump backwards in defense. In an instant, Lionfang had Berry squirming under her massive paws, with Willowwind, Hazelflight, and Ravenheart by her side.
"You fools! Don't touch him!" Blazepool hissed, forcefully nudging aside the warriors. "He's basically a walking carcass!"
"I take that as a compliment."
"Shut up." Blazepool grabbed Berry by the scruff of his neck, and started to violently drag him toward his den.
"Snowstar! Are you just going to let our herbs go to waste on that?" Willowwind hissed, casting a look of pure hatred toward Berry. Hazelflight, though wary about this rogue, didn't want to see him die. It's not like Berry had done anything wrong-he hadn't hurt any of the Clan members or stolen prey. Besides, even if he did try, he was outmatched in strength and speed.
"I say we heal him for a few days, and then let him go! He's not a threat!" Lionfang mewed. While Hazelflight had been contemplating about Berry, Lionfang and Willowwind had begun to hiss at each other. It seemed to be that they couldn't agree whether or not to keep the little rouge.
"He's a waste of good herbs!" Willowwind hissed.
"He's a cat, just like any one of us!" Lionfang retorted.
"Berry has no chance of survival! He's a runt!"
"If StarClan didn't want him here, then he wouldn't have wandered into our camp!"
"Both of you, calm down!" Hazelflight stepped in between the two cats. "It's no use fighting. It's all up to Snowstar."
Hazelflight watched as Willowwinds calico fur went from bristling and slowly lowered until it was flat. Though her body made no indication of anger, her amber eyes were glowing with rage, aimed mainly at Lionfang. Lionfang was also still quite angry, though her tail, whipping back and forth, made it a little more obvious.
"I have decided that we will keep the rouge-" Snowstar started, but was interrupted by yowls of protestu from the crowd. "Until he is well again. Meeting ended." As Snowstar retreated into his den, Hazelflight could feel tension growing in between the cats.
Oh mousedung. She thought What's going to happen now?
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