Meet Stavenger
The alarm jolts open, and an entire stampede of seemingly desperate people. Some were praying, some were holding good luck charms, seems like whatever we signed up for. It was intense.
I'd now look back at Olivia and Noah, who seemed a little nervous. Olivia bites her lips, whilst sharpening her nails. Her delicate, white porcelain hands continue to embrace her fingertips like an embrace. Noah on the other hand was dripping with sweat, his teeth gritting. I looked over his iron boots, which seemed to be intensively shaking.
" Uhh... Why are you all so nervous..? "
Olivia shushes me, putting her hand over my mouth. She looked at me seriously, she has a clear stoic expression.
" We're gonna meet Howard Stavenger. Legendary Knight of Valia. He's part of a lead association of Elite Knights. Arcknights. "
My eyes widened in surprise... My idol, HOWARD STAVENGER! I was about to meet him, in-person, and if I pass the training exam. I'll get to train with him!
I'd now jump and screech in surprise, I'd now jump, getting a sign and writing
I'd now hold it up in the air, attempting to try and make my dream idol, Howard. To notice me. Ever since I was a child, I dreamt to be like him, Now I'll train to be him..!
Noah smirked, his amusement visible. His lushious tan skin was noticeable, and his white, porcelain teeth made a difference. Emanating an amused aura.
" Looks like someone is dedicated. "
He'd say, whistling as he said that. He continued watching over the stage, iron boots begin to clad. Everyone went silent, silent as a cricket. Murmuring can be heard, and finally. The legendary Knight, Howard Stavenger has appeared.

He'd now walked up, and finally removed his helmet. Revealing wavy brown hair, perfect blue eyes, his perfect, porcelain white skin. When I saw him, I could already hear the girls screeching. Oh wait, That was probably Olivia.
I'd now look over Olivia. Who was screeching at the sight of his removed helmet, She jumped in excitement and chanted
Everyone continued to cheer and gasp.
Howard would now show up.
" Alright, alright everyone. Settle down. Settle down. "
He'd say, his skin looks white as new. He's the definition of an attractive man. Even I wanna fall for him. I continued to listen to Howard. An entire crowd of people had gathered.
Howard then said.
" Alright. For your first test..... You have to duel me. "
Everyone gasped in surprise, murmurs and whispers elevating the mysterious aura like a blanket. The mysterious aura soothed me. Waves of gasps, murmuring and shocked people echo through the air. Yet, Howard has a strangely unique aura out of all of them. His stoic expression echoed through the silence of the crowd.
" And... To make this more quicker, It's gonna be a 10v1. And the last people standing when they win will be the participants of the 2nd Stage. "
More gasps echoed through the air. Murmurs and whispered through the crowds like the plague, a blanket of intrigue wrapped around the crowd with each word that Howard said.
" Alright, Column 1! John, Maria, Dora, WHATEVER. "
The people came up, swords ready. The first knight-in-training, a cocky, bold guy laughed. And smirked
" Hah. This will be definitely easy. "
He then showed off his sword In front of Howard, Yet his expression remained stoic as it seems. He seemed serious, and really unpleasant about the guy.
He'd scoff, and gave him an amused look.
" You may have the confidence, But I have wits. "
The cocky knight-in-training charged headfirst, but suddenly. Howard dodges out of the way, then backflips through the air in a display of talented athleticism. I watched in awe as he soared through the skies gracefully.. Was this the power of an Arcknight? Howard then spun through the air, and sneak attacked the knight from behind.
He instantly fell to the ground, resulting in his elimination.
Howard would give him a delightful smirk, before making eye contact with him.
" Rule Number 1.. Never underestimate your opponents. "
He then looked at the remaining 9 opponents, all knights-in-training.
" Go on. Continue. "
Another female knight charged headfirst, but was quickly taken down with a swift strike to her chest. Everyone in the crowd, Including me. I was in shock, flabbergasted, and bewildered. Waves of murmuring and gasping hugged the crowd like a blanket. The moonlight sky, casting purple, dark hues. The shining of stars blanketed through the city of Vale.
Howard then scoffed again and looked at the defeated knight.
" Rule Number 2. Think before you advance. "
The fights continued, and 1 person remained.
Howard then smiled at him.
" Congratulations. You're the last one to get defeated. Well-done. "
The rows slowly died down, with defeated opponents, cheers of victory, applause and the dissapointed sighs of defeated opponents echoed through the air, a reminder of how hard it was to defeat an Arcknight. The clash of swords and all kinds of weapons colliding with armor was heard.
Suddenly, A new challenger appears. She had perfect blue hair, brushing and loosening in the wind. She wore a pink kimono. Indicating that she was part of another kingdom/region. But I couldn't really put my hands on it..
Maybe around Northern Lanavia, I worked there once and gosh they have such similar outfits. She had a whip as a weapon, a pink whip. She wore a Sakura blossom hairpin on her hair. She had perfect, white porcelain skin. Had beautiful, black eyes of an Asian. I savoured the captivating beauty.
The woman then walked up to Howard.
" Greetings. My name is Veliona, Blossom of Lanavia. "
She'd now pull a polite handshake, before soaring up the air and backflipping. Before landing a huge whip on the ground, the shockwaves impacted the entire stageroom. Even Howard wasn't safe from the shockwave.
Her teammates watched in awe, as thankfully, Howard dodged it, and they'd be up in the sky. Engaging in an aerial battle with their respective whips and swords, with the sounds of hurling air and whipping of the ground sent shockwaves through out the arena, rippling through the air and causing huge commotions.
The aerial battle ensues, neither side surrendered, As finally, Howard launched a blow to her chest, but merely, at the same time. Veliona dodged it, before spinning her whip around and sent a shockwave to the ground, rippling through the air and disorienting Howard.
She took advantage and whipped Howard, causing an entire commotion. Turned out, She was the first one who won.
Then, After a few minutes. It was Noah's turn.
Noah whipped out his Nunchucks, then aggressively hitted Howard with it, which he successfully dodged. He grabbed his main weapon, A katana out. He spun it around before dashing at Noah, attempting to launch multiple blows at him. But Noah ducked in time successfully.
The fight continue, it was engaging. Noah's team mates also helped him, yet Howard was as pesky as a cockroach, and managed to dodge the attacks. He then launched his special technique, Spinning Swords. He then throws his Katana around, acting as a boomerang as the sword spun around and hit most of Noah's teammates, With Noah merely missing the katana.
Noah took advantage and attempted to hit Howard. Which merely missed, As they'd now engage in a direct fight, Noah continued to hit Howard aggressively, yet his aggressive play style was ineffective against him.
He then, suddenly had an urge. A flashback of his past life. He was my childhood friend, until we left our village to become a knight at a young age, we were troublemakers of the town. Suddenly, A special technique activated inside him.
He then rapidly moved his Nunchucks all around him, with the movements being a mere blur as he continuously slapped the air, making some sort of barrier around him as the Nunchucks continued to swing around. Howard narrowly evading it, then suddenly. His brown, eyes glowed, Illuminating a bright light. Then suddenly, He smashed his Nunchucks to the ground. Creating an entire hole in the ground, and hitting Howard in the process.
Noah, and the remaining of his teammates can make it to the 2nd Round. Roars of celebration erupted between the crowd. His remaining team mates carried him whilst chanting his name.
Noah's tan skin was dripping with sweat. But his body finally had a break. He smiled and cheered in amusement as he was carried.
The fight begins. Olivia quickly buffed me up with some healing spells, or speed boosts.
I'd quickly run, my team mates scrambling towards Howard. Howard managed to hit them partially with their katana with ease, but I wasn't like them. I soared through the sky, making wooshes in the air. As I'd quickly engage in a sword fight with him, our swords and katanas clashing with eachother in the moonlight sky, casting dark and purple hues in the stage. Our clash continues, dodging each other's blows respectively. I'd continue to keep focusing on my defense, and successfully blocked most blows.
The clash continued, both sides never letting their guard down. The sounds of swords swinging was only a blur as we swiftly tried to outpaced eachother. I desperately showed off my flexibility, narrowly ducking on attacks and repeated attacks. Eventually, I managed to hit Howard straight to his chest. Helping my teammates win.
I was in shock. Applause and cheers surrounded me, My idol... Was defeated? As I'd get carried away by my team mates, the winning cheers echoing. Eventually, The dueling ends and out of 500 people, only 200 remained in the competition. We were now forced inside a gigantic forest, our items, armor and other things removed from us. We started from scratch.
Howard then announces in a huge battlehorn to start the royale. The rules were simple:
Survive, The last person remaining will be Howard's student.
We entered to the battlefield. Me, Noah and Olivia part ways. It was every man for himself. I looked around the forest for any resources to use, but suddenly. I encountered something, that of an egg. It was a... Red egg, I can see the clear, shear magma flowing through it. It had tough, red scales. As if that of a dragon.
Considering my experience as a knight legionary, I think I knew just how to incubate it...
Meanwhile, In Noah's POV
I looked around the forests, Now that my best friend Glenn and Olivia was seperated. I hid in the underbrush, searching a huge rock to mine down some trees. I'd quickly mine it down, and then search around the resources for loose rope. Suddenly, I've encountered something... A sort of wooden structure..
I got inside, and it was a forested, leaved logged cabin. It can serve as my base-of-operations. Maybe it has something inside of it... Like items! Perhaps a piece of armor if I'm lucky enough.
I looked inside the interior, it was actually decent. It had chandeliers, a perfect campfire place, warm, soft sofas, and scattered tables and wooden desks. There was also a red carpet, blanketing over the hard, wooden floor. It seemed cozy, I can appreciate it.
I looked inside one of the desks, and read a journal. But the contents. Is a game-changer. That can potentially secure my spot as one of Howard's apprentices.
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