" Hello to Vale! "
A guard suddenly barged into the tent, his pose bold and brave. He seemed to have a special badge on his shoulder... Could he be the commander of this base camp?
He had brown, wavy hair. Blue, calculated, and sharpened eyes. And a brown beard, suited in a high-status Empyrean armor.
He'd scoff, seeing the mess we created while trying to find intel and complete our operation of Pass the Plan. It had tools scattered around, crates forced open, ripped clothes seen, and resources like wood scattered around the floorboards of the tent.
" What were you searching for, Low-ranks? "
Noah would frantically be scared, as he'd shiver at the sight of the commander. His eyes were shaking, paranoia washing over him like water seething through someone's body. His face was a mirror of paranoia. His brown eyes would shiver, his tan skin getting goosebumps, he was practically so scared. He could confess the operation at any time. I luckily stopped him by covering his mouth.
I'd stand up to him, My boots are still shaking in nervousness. I'd now stand up boldly against him, like a mouse against a cat. Nervousness was washing over me.
" Uhh... It's... We're searching for our weapons! We have an upcoming mission. "
The man laughs out loud, chuckling and laughing nonstop As if he had seen a comedian telling a joke.
" Hahahaha! I can't stand it! Just.. go to the weaponsmith! ”
He said, trying to hold back his laughter against us.
His tone shifted from laughing to a hint of anger relishing through his face more quickly than someone could ever shift their emotions.
He said, In an extremely authoritative tone and manner. Like he owned this place, I could tell from his glare that he was serious, and an unknown punishment would be bestowed upon us if we went against or restrained his orders.
Noah and I were shaking in our boots before we quickly got cleaning supplies and ran to the communal bathrooms while running through the grass. The sounds of torches sizzling, the sounds of Empyrean guards chattering, and the sounds of dust unsettling as we ran. Fear stroked on me as that commander said his words, His authority was on another world.

The communal bathrooms were dirty and stinky. And only had one bathroom, there was scattered dirt on the floor, rats everywhere, and dirt everywhere. There was also vomit from previous cleaners and rat poison. It was the definition of disgusting. If disgusting was a word, I think it would be these communal bathrooms.
Cleaners would be seen sobbing and shedding tears, some trying to avoid it, and some vomiting at the sight.
Some were banging their heads, and some were even begging to get outside. The stench filled the air more quickly than ever imagined. I looked over to Noah; His face was visible green; that's how bad the stench was.
Suddenly, A seemingly young woman bumps into a stone wall. She had brown, long hair. There were tangled hair strands, dirt was visible and dandruff was everywhere. She seemed poor, wearing a dirty maid outfit, and her amber eyes were visible. But, she seemed pretty dumb after bumping into a stone wall like that.
" OW! " She said, rubbing her head aggressively; she winced in pain and almost cried. She ran around in pain, her long brown hair waving through the stalls.
" Ugh! Bad stone wall, bad stone wall! " She said as if she was arguing with the wall like her mortal enemy since birth; she continued to punch it aggressively. Instead, She got sore knuckles.
I'd quickly tend to her aid, grabbing medical supplies and trying to soothe the pain, Like a mother caring for a child after tripping over the ground. I tended to her head injury carefully.
Noah then rushes up, a hint of concern. He tried to hold back his laughter at the woman, but suddenly, He bursts out laughing. Dropping on the floor and continuously laughing at the sight,
The woman didn't care at all and laughed with him; the laughter was infectious and contagious. And now, Engulfed the entire bathroom. Soldiers laughing, and even rolling on the floor.
Heck, even outside, there's laughing.
I'd also hold a few tears of laughter before saying to the woman, as I walked up to her. Brushing away hair from her face.
" So... what's your name? "
The woman scratches her brown hair, her amber eyes seemingly confused. She thought about it for a second, the longest I've ever seen thinking about their name.
" My name... Oh... What's my name again.. oh! Olivia. "
I'd now decided to take advantage of her. Due to her seemingly stupidity, lack of knowledge, and seemingly bad memory inside her.
" So... Can you lead us to the Operations Room? We're preparing for a mission. "
Olivia then said in a plain tone, As if unbothered about everyone laughing at her. It was normal for her every day.
I felt a slight pang of guilt as I took advantage of her, Her amber eyes meeting mine. Why do I feel like I have a... Crush on her? Even if she's stupid... There's just one flare that stands out against the other girls
" Oh! Right this way! "
She'd say, before walking over to the bathroom exit and bashing herself into the wooden door; she insulted the wooden door and continued to throw everything at the door. I'd hold back a few chuckles before I went
" BAD DOOR! BAD DOOR! I hate you door! "
She then continued punching the door hard, multiple times.
I'd now do a disappointed facepalm, Before opening the door for her easily.
I'd also kindly teach her how to open a door, how to open, lock the doors, and close the doors with an easy-to-understand lesson, Even for someone as dumb as her.
The woman responded with a happy nod, before leading me to a wooden log cabin. It had grass and vines everywhere. The logs were perfectly angled. From the windows, I could see the interior of multiple wooden crates, chests, weaponry, armor, whatever you can think of.

She'd open the doors for me; then I'd walk in and quickly scour through the cabinets, drawers, and closets with Noah. A serious expression was apparent on our faces. And our search for the plans to invade Vale will be our main objective.
We broke in, smashing through the door. It bursts open, heck. Even the doorknob almost broke. I glared at the interior in front of me, It's an organized workplace, with crates, cabinets, and closets inside. I looked through every single chest, trying to find the war plans for Vale. For such a major invasion, Why can't these plans be easier to find?!
Olivia was standing at the door, her wavy hair still behind her. She didn't know what we were doing, a confused look was visible on her face as we shifted through the crates, opening each one for at least some war plans.

We finally found a scroll; it contains the city layouts of Vale, arrows, future movements, and divisions that will be partaken. I knew this would be a game changer, Noah knew it too. Now, We've gotta get there. I grabbed the scroll faster than a snake catching its prey, I gave it to Noah, and we ran out. The gates open, and suddenly. The commander from earlier appeared.
The Commander smirks, his calculated blue eyes shadowing and inspecting us thoroughly. He knew that we were a spy.
He had his sword ornamented with golden ornaments everywhere, golden patterns, and the blade shined through the moonlight sky. He spun it around effortlessly like a true swordsman, before lunging at Noah.
He jumped through the moonlight sky before landing a hit on Noah. Blood gushed out faster, And Noah's bright brown eyes widened in shock. The wound begins to bleed faster. He kneeled to the ground, coughing blood out heavily. Blood dripped everywhere on his soldier...
I think he used... A critical hit technique. I haven't learned how to use it yet, but from what I heard. It deals twice the normal damage as a normal attack.
Noah continued to cough out blood, his teeth clenched, and groans and mutters of pain were heard... My knight legion was eliminated, But not Noah..
Before the Empyrean Commander landed the final blow, I got my sword out and used my Slash technique... The strongest of my attacks. But it wasn't enough.
The Commander laughed and smiled, seemingly amused about my fighting spirit. And had no care at all, He then looked at me with a smirk.
" You call this, A TECHNIQUE?! HAH! PATHETIC. You'll be a nice head to patch outside our base camp. " He then smiled widely
The Commander locked another hit, clashing my sword with mine. The sounds of swords colliding and clashing echo through the moonlight sky. As if a sound that never ends.
Noah was still by my side, He was barely breathing. But his unwavering flare of determination never resided. He pulled the commander's legs and bit it, attempting to help me. But eventually, I got a strike to my shoulder. I too, Was kneeling to the ground.
Just about as the commander used his Swing technique that can harm multiple people at once, Someone smashed the Commander's head with a broom...
It was... Olivia?!
Olivia then smiled and then lent a helping hand to me. She was seemingly unbothered that she hit down her leader.
" I thought he was the enemy..."
She'd now look at the commander she'd have knocked down, his head now bleeding as he held it and winced in pain as he rolled around. He was spitting out blood, his eyes were turning right. Damn, I didn't know she could even do that...
She'd now look back at me; she seemed uneasy, sad, and remorseful for me and Noah, Kneeling and gasping for air as we bled.
" I'm sorry I didn't arrive in time, But I defeated the enemy! He always harmed and abused me... He also did some... Really bad things In front of me..! "
She said she acted casual and normal. Even in the face of her commander, bleeding to death with his head. Olivia carried me up and then pulled out a medical kit; it was filled with various medical items, Such as a stethoscope medicine.
She tended to my shoulder wound, Considering her stupidity, She was pretty smart in terms of medical terms. And in a flick of her finger, She summoned huge ounces of healing magic. A green aura surrounded me and Noah, the wounds... Somehow weaved itself close. Like a fabric forming as someone knitted.
I feel so.. fresh, light... A heavy weight was lifted off us. We carefully stood up, regaining our composure and balance quickly. Noah stood up, his tan skin illuminating through the moonlit sky.
He'd continue to gasp for air. Before smirking. He then stood up and hugged Olivia meaningfully, like the moonlight sky hugging the trees with its embrace.
He then got off and bowed down in front of her
" Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! For saving my life. "
Olivia was surprised, then her emotion became a happy and grateful emotion. She then pats Noah's back and gives him a lukewarm, heartfelt smile.
" Your welcome... My village was raided by these people... So I acted dumb and useless to try and escape. It didn't work, But I also had to thank you. You left the gates open for me to escape... Thank you! "
She'd say, smiling whilst hugging back Noah
" You've been searching for those Gemstones, Huh? I think I can help you with that.
She'd say, She then spun her medical kit around.
" I'm not a fighter myself. But I can serve as a healer for you guys. "
We'd now get back. We'd now have to hike around the forests, the only sounds being the crunching of the soil, the crunching of twigs, and the constant chirping of crickets.
Our walk continued on and on. Until we reached our destination. Vale

” • ★. • ”
Hi! Thanks for reading this story this far! It'll be in great appreciation if you vote, comment, or just overall. Showing you're engaged! I'm not forced to, But your support drives the engine of motivation inside my brain. I've got half of the story's plot figured out. Also, Follow me to keep up with the latest updates. Besides? Who would continue their movie ( or in this case, book ) in front of an empty theater? That's it! Thank you, and you may go off to the next chapter
~ Signed Off, Author!
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