How to Avoid Trouble...
We all been there. Faced with situations that plagued us all the time. We get involved with the wrong people that bring us down. They place troubles and adversities on your shoulders and expect you to solve their problems for them, or take necessary action on their own to find another solution.
But that can back fire, when you are caught in their drama. Say, for example, your best friend decides to rob a local Doctor at his family home and he was down a driver and needs a new wheel man to drive him. He decides to call you. Your friend explains to you the plans of what's going on. Now, this would give you red flags and your instincts tells you something is off. So, what do you? You make up a story saying that you had a bad severe stomach virus and you are not well or any kind of excuse to make up. This would get you away from them and save you from following them when your friend gets caught and go to jail.
Now, what if you decide to go along with the idea of being a wheel man to your friend and he robs and kills the Doctor at his home and jumps in your car with his gun. Eventually, the cops catch up with you and arrest you and your friend. All because you were associated with him being at the wrong place, at the wrong time.
Whenever you see something that is not right, you get as far away from the situation. You run like hell and don't look back. I would call the cops afterwards when you are in safe area. This was something my father once told me. And his advice stood me in good stare. It is best to avoid trouble. Otherwise, the things that you hold dear to your world could be taken away. There are no refunds or reset buttons when it comes to crime and jail time.
I know somethings are hard to avoid than others. Another example would be if you were in a fight with someone who wanted to throw down with you over something you did or say to them that was offensive. This could be a misunderstanding and they take it the wrong way.
As long as it doesn't offend their race and culture, I can't see a logical reason for what spark the anger in the fight. Which to me is ridiculous. In the heat of the moment, one doesn't think about what they are doing when being angry. Instead, they react to the situation. Letting 'fight or flight' take over. All instinct taking control of their intentions. Some fights are ok to walk away from. This doesn't mean you are a coward. It means you choose a different path to avoid trouble. But when a fight comes to jeopardize you, or someone close to you, all beats are off. Then, I would stand my ground. It would be considered to be self desense to protect yourself and another. To me, that's a logical course of action. Well, without killing them of course. Don't let anyone tell you any different. This example could be applied when some trespass in your home univited. You have ever right to defend yourself.
The most important thing is to keep yourself safe and avoid trouble. You don't want to bring trouble to your court. No, I wouldn't want that either. You want a peaceful life.
That's all I got for today. Please, share your comments. I'm interested in what you have to say. ☺😎
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