✧ Chapter 6 ✧
(Y/n) = Your name
(S/n) = Surname / last name
(E/c) = Eye colour
(S/c) = Skin colour / skin tone
(H/c) = Hair colour
(H/l) = Hair length
"Table four, (Y/n)! Wake up!" I let out a soft grunt, a small food tray forcefully finding its way into my arms, set for one of the tables in the café. "I'm awake, I got it." I called over my shoulder a little irritably as I carried it to the customer, plastering on my overly friendly waitress façade to hand them the order.
Ever since the day Jotaro ordered a coffee here, Mio has become quite arrogant; constantly telling me to pick up the slack, making other unnecessary small but belittling comments. Something as insignificant as a boy muttering something under his breath caused her to completely change her act, allowing it get to her head.
Since then, I silently wished Jotaro wouldn't show up here ever again. But I suppose it was bound to happen someday. Just my luck..
* ding ding * * ding ding *
The bells that hung just above the door chimed for the hundredth time that day.
"Good afternoon, how may I-.." I was cut off completely by Mio, who suddenly jumped ahead of me to greet Jotaro in my place. I eyed her suspiciously, that was until I looked up, my eyes meeting his equally confused gaze. I was too busy cleaning the countertops to notice that it was Jotaro, but I should've guessed.
"Good afternoon, sir! I'll be your server for today!" She giddily grabbed a menu, hugging it close to her chest as she trotted around the front desk to accompany him to his seat. He huffed, clearly annoyed by her prancing about like that. "Yare yare daze.."
As Mio began to show him the multiple options of seats, explaining why each choice was fitting for him even though it was highly unnecessary, Jotaro seated himself on the barstool directly in front of me.
He completely ignored her! I couldn't help but smirk slightly at him for being so rude to the girl that had been giving me so much grief these past few days. "So I see you've found a better seat! Excellent choice!~"
"Shut up!"
He suddenly snapped much louder than I had expected. While it was well-deserved, his booming voice still managed to completely catch me off-guard. Everybody in the food joint was silenced in an instant.
Cold chills ran down my spine, my body jolting with fright at his sudden outburst. He seemed to notice this, his voice automatically lowering but still remaining as cold and concise as ever. "Get out of my way!"
Mio's cheeks burned up bright crimson, her face now completely flushed with what I presumed to be embarrassment. But boy was I wrong. "O-okay, Jotaro-San!" She grinned happily, her hand unconsciously reaching up to her hair, twirling a loose strand that managed to fall from her loosely-tied ponytail. I could clearly see Jotaro's left eye twitch at her words, calling him by his first name as if she knew him well.
"You really hit it off with the ladies, don't you." I chuckled inaudibly to myself whilst preparing the coffee machine for his incoming order, most likely being the same as his last. Seeing as he momentarily watched me setting it up without intervening, I guessed I was right.
"People like her really piss me off." He stated bluntly, tilting his cap to hide the fixated glare that still remained in his eyes. "Well hopefully some coffee will help take your mind off all that." I smiled in a weak attempt to cool him down, placing his completed order on the countertop in front of him.
"No dolphin?" He stared into his cup almost expectantly. "I got Mio to design it, seeing as she's the coffee artist around here. You want me to call her over for you?" I teased, earning an instant scowl from him. "No." He didn't hesitate for a moment. "Thought so."
"Are all the girls in your school really like that?" By the look on his face, I could already tell that it was true. "Mhmm.." He hummed a short response, which sufficed. His expression alone was enough.
"You must be loving all that attention." I cooed experimentally, just to see how he would react; does he secretly love their affections or does he genuinely feel disgusted by it. "Try living your life surrounded by stalkers then."
I opened my mouth to retort something witty, but shut it half a second later. He really does have his work cut out for him.. Even now, he's trying to enjoy his coffee in peace without another fangirl like Mio bothering him. I guess I can see why he snapped so suddenly earlier. "Fair."
I continued to wipe down the counters, all sorts of coffee-related stains scattered across the surfaces from previous orders. Jotaro sipped his order quietly as I worked, scribbling more facts and ideas into his notebook as per usual. "Any updates?" I inquired, tossing the wet cloth aside nonchalantly, now leaning against the counter opposite the guy that could barely stay seated on his relatively small barstool.
"Im looking into the rainbow trout.." He mumbled, taking another swig of his scalding hot drink as if it were water. I winced just watching it, the tendrils of steam slowly rising from his cup being enough to indicate how hot the beverage was.
"Sounds interesting.." I mused softly, trailing off a little towards the end of my sentence. This seemed to catch his attention as he peered up at me, an eyebrow quirked slightly, only to notice that my attention had been grabbed by the setting sun just outside. It hovered over the horizon to create the perfect golden semi-circle of dimming light, reflecting beautifully onto the glistening water below. I could barely take my eyes off of it, only for the fact that it hurt to stare at it so intently.
Jotaro followed my gaze, only then realising what I was so caught up in. "Yare yare daze.." He muttered quietly before falling completely silent, allowing me the time to admire the scene without any further interruptions.
Mio began to slowly approach Jotaro, sweeping the floor as an excuse to inch closer and closer to him. That is, until he side-glanced at her, his eyes narrowing into a menacing glare that seemed to light her face on fire once again. She got the message instantly, and began to slowly back away, sweeping the floor so fast that you could barely see the bristles hitting the marble.
Had I not been so caught up in my daydreaming, he would have most likely bellowed her way..
"When do you finish work?" I was surprised to hear him ask as he stood up from his seat to leave, now long since finished his coffee, notebook stowed away in crook of his arm. I noticed Mio perk up with sudden interest at his question, only for her face to form a vivid grimace when she noticed it was directed towards me, not her.
"In about half an hour." I shrugged, taking the cup and saucer that he had just finished up with to place in the sink. He reached into the chest pocket of his cloak, clutching a cigarette between two of his fingers, clearly intended to be used once he stepped outside. He nodded without exchanging another word, acknowledging my answer as he left the building
As soon as he set foot outside the door, I could feel Mio's glare burning a hole into the side of my skull. If looks could kill, I would be stone dead right about now..
Jotaro waited for me just outside, taking a seat on the cafe's patio area, lighting cigarette upon cigarette. More than I could count.
I opened the cafe door, the bell's numerous chimes catching his attention instantly. He took one last puff of his cigarette, holding onto that breath as he put it out using the table's glass ash tray, burying the cigarette until it was put out.
"Umm.. Jotaro.." My words stumbled over each other incoherently for a moment as I tried to form a consecutive sentence. "What is it?" I paused upon hearing him talk to me so harshly, almost forgetting how abrupt he could be. "I was just trying to ask.. Why did you wait around for me?" I managed to blurt it out on my second attempt. I felt quite uneasy asking since he could accuse me of being ungrateful, but my curiosity overruled any other form of logic going through my head at the time.
"Are there are any libraries around here?" Libraries? Is that all he wanted to ask? Must be for his research.
"Let me see.. There's three..? Maybe four if you count the local newsagent's library section?" I pondered about it for a moment. "Could you show me?" He inquired quite seriously, as if he was asking me to complete a tough request that was somewhat important to him. "I've nothing else to do tonight, so why not." I chuckled, leading the way to the first bookstore that I knew of nearby.
Our last stop had finally arrived. A large library at the end of the street, two storeys tall with all sorts of books available. Jotaro peered inside the glass display window, looking through the small selection of visible books to see if there was anything of value to him.
"Too bad I don't work here. You'd be getting some pretty hefty discounts." I laughed airily, standing aside as I waited for him to finish up. "Why don't you?" I was a little surprised to hear him ask, seeing as it was clearly a joke.
"Why don't I?" I reiterated. "It doesn't seem like you get along with your coworker." He stated so coolly that I was completely thrown off for a moment. I wasn't considering changing jobs due to the perfect view of the beach, but what if I worked in a quiet library, reading interesting books between jobs without getting distracted or belittled..?
"Are you trying to convince me just so you can get discounts?" I teased playfully, trying to wipe away my thoughtful expression after heavily considering what he had said.
"No." He stepped aside from the window, now decided on visiting the establishment another day for a better look. "But it would be useful." He added, the faintest smirk playing across the corners of his lips.
We eventually reached my house after a lot of small talk. Talks about our current situations, what our families were like, what school was like, so on so forth. A lot of our discussions were initiated by me, seeing as Jotaro is naturally quiet with a tendency to reply with short answers, if even an answer at all. But I still managed to enjoy his company more than I usually would.
"Thanks for walking me back." I absentmindedly waved in his direction as I neared the front door of my house. He simply stood silently in the distance, cap shadowing his face almost completely, appearing quite ominous at first glance. He remained in the same place until I had opened the door to the house, just to ensure I arrived home safely before he left.
I shut the door behind me, momentarily watching as he turned to walk away. His darkened silhouette faded gradually into the somber streets, the moonlight no longer gracing his broad features as buildings blocked its cascading light.
"Just where have you been all night?"
Great.. Now how am I supposed to explain all this to my mom without her suspecting that Jotaro and I are a couple? Here goes nothing..
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