✧ Chapter 4 ✧
(Y/n) = Your name
(S/n) = Surname / last name
(E/c) = Eye colour
(S/c) = Skin colour / skin tone
(H/c) = Hair colour
(H/l) = Hair length
I smiled softly to myself, twirling around whimsically in my newly bought outfit. The perks of having a part time job; you can treat yourself to nice things.
I bought a cute summery outfit on a whim, consisting of an oversized white jumper with cute baby-blue shorts. I tucked one side of the jumper into the fitting waist of the shorts and paired a subtle black and white belt with it. So I felt quite trendy in my new clothes to say the least.
Why did I buy new clothes, you may ask? Because Kakyoin invited me to spend the evening with him at the summer carnival that finally set up on the pier. Today marks the grand opening to the town's amusement park that filled up every summers evening of our childhood, since daytime usually consisted of surfing. And after finishing up with work one day, I spotted a mannequin showcasing this exact outfit on a shop's display window, and decided that it was a must-have for this occasion.
I trotted down the stairs, greeting my mother and bidding her farewell as I headed out the door, all within one single sentence. And just as I had reached the door to put on a pair of matching white pumps to complete my look, I noticed that Kakyoin wasn't the only one standing by the doorway.
"Oh, hi Kujo.. How are you?" I smiled sweetly, not expecting to be met by anyone else today. "Yare yare daze.. And it's Jotaro." He didn't even answer my question, but instead asked me to refer to him by his first name.
I suppose it's a sign of a closer friendship forming.. Right?
He then turned on his heel, walking ahead of us while we just stood there for a moment or two, dumbfounded by his brash actions. "Kakyoin, you cheater!" I whisper-yelled, glaring at him as he stifled a laugh at my reaction. "It's not cheating! I'm just.. Helping things move along a little faster~!" He cooed as we began to follow Jotaro's lead.
"You're unbelievable." I growled under my breath. "Why thank you." He retorted, knowing that taking my insult as a compliment would only irritate me further..
"That ride looks fun! Let's go!" Kakyoin was practically jumping for joy, pointing at any and every attraction he could see as soon as we passed through the gates.
We had finally arrived, which took longer than we had anticipated due to us getting hassled at the entrance. All because we were insisting that Jotaro was in fact 17 and eligible for the student rate. After Jotaro proved them wrong with some form of ID he just so happened to have in his wallet, they were apologising profusely for causing such a fuss, and ended up giving us free fast passes for the rides due to the inconvenience!
Kakyoin abused this opportunity to the fullest, waving his pass around anyone within close proximity, and smirking arrogantly at people who had lined up before us in each ride we cut ahead of. Jotaro remained unbothered by it all, while I took the time to apologise on my best friend's behalf. Typical.
"Sorry, excuse me, cutting through." He barged through the line without warning the people ahead, a few of them being pushed aside in the process of him trying to reach the front of the queue. Jotaro and I exchanged an equally irritated glance, taking the 'fast pass lane' like any other normal person would, which was the line right next to it.
"Yare yare daze.." Jotaro lit a cigarette, puffing on it occasionally as we waited for our companion to make his grand entrance to the front of the line. It was the first time of many that I would see him smoke a cigarette.
Kakyoin received countless death-glares and abusive hollers from all sorts of people, but just waved his fast pass at them in return. "You done?" Jotaro questioned as he took another deep inhale of the nauseous smoke, then exhaling a large amount of grey fumes. A rancid cloud of smoke that he purposefully exhaled in another direction, since he could instantly tell that I didn't smoke.
I raised a brow at the pink-haired male as he finally reached the front of the line. "Aaaaand done." He ducked underneath the small metal bar that separated the queue of people from the ride, which was where Jotaro and I already stood. The ride was just about done, and we were next to board it.
It was a large roller coaster, with loops and twists and turns of all sorts. (I gulped, trying my best to hide my fear of heights/I grinned excitedly as I love crazy roller coasters like this/etc).
Jotaro let his cigarette fall to the ground, then stepped on it, twisting his foot slightly to put out the faint light that previously flickered on the end of it. The ride's conductor glared at the crinkled leftovers of the cigarette through narrowed eyes, knowing that he would have to clean that up as well as apologise to the aggravated customers that were still awaiting their turn. I smiled apologetically at him, but his expression remained just as stoic. I couldn't help stoop my head a little defeatedly.
As the ride slowed to a halt on the track, the passengers piled out, some wobbling due to dizziness, others as pale as they could possibly be. One even managed to get sick as soon as he was far enough from the ride to not coat any passersby. This drew another exasperated sigh from the conductor, who clearly seemed to be more of a janitor than anything at this point. Poor guy..
Kakyoin was quick to jump into the front compartment before anyone else could take that spot. "Come on!" He urged us, so I (reluctantly/gladly) took a seat beside him, Jotaro to my right while Kakyoin sat by my left, leaving me sandwiched safely in the middle.
The conductor then breathed in an excessive amount of air before rambling on about safety and their different procedures in a monotone voice. "Don't remove your seatbelt under any circumstances. And please feel free to enjoy the ride." You could hear his hatred for this job through every spoken word. Some passengers could be seen exchanging sympathetic glances directed towards the guy, but this didn't last for very long as he pulled the lever behind his desk, suddenly sending the ride flying forwards without warning.
A) You love rollercoasters
B) You hate rollercoasters
C) You're afraid of heights
A) You love rollercoasters
I gladly raised my arms up in the air, laughing as I felt the wind whirling past my outstretched fingers, flying through my (h/l) (h/c) locks. Jotaro's arms were crossed over each other, his demeanour seeming almost annoyed. But Kakyoin, on the other hand, joined me in having fun on the ride, laughing along the entire time. Each loop we would pass through, each twist and turn, we would purposefully let out playful screams to add to the nostalgic experience, exchanging joyful glances with every laughing outburst.
Surprisingly, Jotaro seemed to tolerate the ruckus and put up with our goofiness for the entirety of the ride. From what Kakyoin had told me, I expected more harsh outbursts from him. But nothing.. Maybe he's secretly enjoying all of this..!
B) You hate rollercoasters
My hands subconsciously flew to the metal bar that had folded just in front of us, my fingers wrapping around it so tightly that my knuckles could be seen turning a pearly white surrounded by pools of pink. My stomach was doing flips before we had even reached the loops, and I felt like I would almost be sick with each rickety bump of our front compartment passing over the tracks.. But there was no turning back now.
I'm doing this for Kakyoin, I had told myself. But now I was regretting that decision more than ever. We should have gone for the spinning teacups, or something else along those lines! Anything but this!
"Close your eyes." Jotaro suddenly demanded out of the blue, earning a confused yet terrified glance from me. Don't get sick on him.. Don't get sick on him.. That's all I could think of as the unbelievably strong urge to vomit surged through me.
I turned my gaze forwards once again, complying by shutting my eyes tightly. I clenched every single muscle in my body to prepare myself for the inevitable.. and kept my mouth sealed shut for the rest of the ride to try and avoid a possible disaster worse than getting on this rollercoaster!
C) You have a fear of heights
I shut my eyes closed as the ride was headed straight towards a loop, my breathing becoming ragged with each fast-paced breath. Kakyoin wasn't much help to me, seeing as he was announcing what was happening as if I would be happy about it. "Look, (Y/n)! We're almost at the first loop!" He exclaimed, causing me to grit my teeth together painfully tightly, bracing myself for the stomach-churning loop that would undoubtably scare me half to death.
"Yare yare.. Can't you see she's scared? Idiot." My eyes widened at the sound of Jotaro defending me for being so fearful of the ride. But now that my eyes were opened, I sincerely regretted it as we had finally reached the loop. I gasped in horror as we passed through it in the small space of time that I was left dumbfounded, my eyes unable to close as I was frozen with shock. "Sorry (Y/n)!" Kakyoin laughed heartily, unable to control himself as my horrified expression was clearly priceless.
The ride had ended eventually, slowing to a halt just as it had done for the previous passengers. Jotaro was the first of us to step out of the ride, completely unfazed by it all.
He glanced down at me as I took my first shaky step out of the ride, my legs quivering due to the (pure excitement/absolute terror) from the first rollercoaster. "Yare yare daze.." He held out his hand to me, averting his gaze to the side to avoid any possible eye contact. I gladly accepted his help, letting him hoist me out of the ride completely and stably onto my feet.
"Thank you." I thanked graciously along with a friendly smile, only to be met with a blank stare that wasn't even directed towards me. "Okay then.." I muttered under my breath as I followed Kakyoin to the next ride. "Let's go on the carousel!"
I was surprised by the variation of patience and impatience Jotaro showed throughout the day. He remained calm and collected on each and every ride, not attempting to argue about joining us on something that clearly seemed so trivial to him. And yet, when Kakyoin would make a fool of himself at any point, he was quick to interject and put him in his place.
On top of this, some of the local high school girls were already beginning to make a fuss over him, so much so that they spat obscene insults and profanities about me based on both my appearance and company. "Don't listen to them." Kakyoin's voice lowered to a hushed tone, comforting me just a little.
"Let's go this way!" I suddenly grabbed both males by their wrists, dragging them along with me towards a nearby dart-throwing stall. "This could be fun." Kakyoin tried to push aside the sounds of the incredibly annoying girls closely tailing us. Jotaro showed no efforts in doing the same, unsubtly glaring their way when they would become increasingly loud, and even bellowing once or twice in an attempt to shoo them off.
"Three chances to hit a bullseye. Two winning darts for a small prize, and three for a large." The owner of the amusement game moved aside once three darts were placed in front of each of us. One set blue, another yellow and the last red. Jotaro eyed the blue ones while Kakyoin was quick to snatch up the red, which left me with yellow.
I scanned the prizes in an attempt to encourage myself to win. The smaller prizes weren't all that great, but the larger stuffed animals were much more appealing. Clearly an attempt to draw as much money out of customers as possible. But this tactic seemed to work, as one particular bear plushie caught my attention, and I became fixated on winning that one in particular..
A) You win
B) You lose
A) You win
"Step up, little lady. Show us what you've got." The man encouraged, too belittling for my liking. "You've got this!" Kakyoin could sense my heightened level of anger, and tried to cease it, but to no avail. I'll show him..
I adjusted the dart between my fingers to a comfortable position, ensuring that it would throw perfectly just to put this man in his place. How dare he underestimate me like that. "Alright.." I readied myself for a perfect execution.
"Bullseye!" He exclaimed rather surprisedly. "Get used to saying that, cause you'll be saying that twice more." I smirked triumphantly, another dart being twirled between my fingers playfully. "Don't get all cocky now that you've scored one out of three. You're only a third of the way through." He mirrored my competitive attitude, his smirk widening out of anticipation.
"And she's landed another bullseye! You're pretty good at this, little miss!" I furrowed my brows irritatedly. "Call me little miss again and the next dart won't be aimed at the board." I was tempted to aim the dart daringly towards him, but he already seemed intimidated enough for it to be overkill. "Alright li-.. I mean, alright lady." Unsure of what to call me, he blurted out my next pet-name. I guess that'll suffice..
"Jeez, she's a feisty one, ain't she. I can kinda see why you're with her." He attempted to murmur to Jotaro, but I just about managed to overhear their short interaction. "Excuse me? What was that?" I now felt obliged to aim the dart at him, closing one eye with the pointed end faced towards him to show that I was ready to throw at any given moment. "O-oh, I was saying you.. throw nicely..!"
The earlier comment he made had thrown me a little off, blush now lightly dusted across my cheeks as a result, but I couldn't back down now. I have to win! Just to prove this idiot wrong. "Last dart, (Y/n). Make it count!" Kakyoin coached, standing aside to give me more space to make another successful throw.
"Incredible! And she's done it!"
"Of course she did. (Y/n) isn't the type to back down from a challenge so easily!" Kakyoin wrapped his arm around my shoulders, proudly exclaiming all sorts of praises and cheers. Jotaro remained silent, scanning the plushies that hung above our heads to see if he could spot anything interesting to win in his round.
"Take your pick." Suddenly the rack of large plushies was lowered to our level so that we could get a closer look. "I'd like.. That one." I pointed towards a large brown teddy bear that stood out from the rest. "Wise choice." He commented in a weak attempt to repair the harm that was previously done. "I know. Only the best for the best." I laughed, accepting the large stuffed animal from his grasp.
Kakyoin decided to go next, attempting to show off by mirroring my stance and all. But he ended up losing, not a single dart landing on the board. "I-I lost?! You made it look so easy!" He let out a soft grunt of frustration, stepping aside to allow Jotaro to take his turn.
"Go again." Jotaro handed Kakyoin his darts and began to walk away without another word. "Seriously? Thank you Jotaro-San!" He called out after him, unsurprisingly met with a cold shoulder. "Here we go." He smirked, getting into a better stance that before. "I've just got to imagine the board is my English teacher... Anddd..."
Two bullseyes and one failed throw later, Kakyoin happily held a plushie of his own in his arms. "Now that I've got this, I'm not sure what I want to do with it. I can't bring something like this home.. There's no more space in there."
Just then I spotted a small family walking by hand-in-hand, enjoying the last of the amusements on their way to the exit. "I've got an idea."
B) You lose
I breathed in a deep breath, taking ahold of the first pointed dart delicately to try and gauge its weight. (I've always been bad at darts/I've never played darts), so I figured it might help at least a little. "You ready?" The man questioned eagerly.
"I guess so." I shrugged nonchalantly, already certain that I was bound to fail. I closed one eye and swayed my hand back and forth a few times to try and ready myself before performing the first unsuccessful throw.
"Aww, that's too bad. If we were playing with that board, you would have a point by now." The man gestured to the dart that had landed on the neighbouring dart board, close enough to the centre to be considered a point. "Jeez, how did you manage that?" Kakyoin teased jokingly, ruffling my hair playfully as I huffed quietly to myself.
"Try hit the right board this time." He urged just as I prepared myself for the second throw, altering my stance slightly to be more comfortable when throwing the next dart.
"That was closer this time, I'll give you that much." He commented on my second throw, which had landed between the two boards. How was my aiming so off? This game seemed like it was going to be so much easier..
"One more throw.. Unfortunately, you won't win a plushie if you only have one point. But you could at least redeem yourself in this last shot!" He encouraged this time, trying not to deflate my confidence so I could land my final throw.
"Wow! That was actually quite close too!" The dart had successfully landed on the right board, only that it remained a mere few centimetres from the bullseye. "At least you've improved. Next time you'll be more than prepared to win!" And with that, I stepped aside to watch the others play, a little disappointed by my clear defeat.
"Here, (Y/n). You can have this one!" Kakyoin grinned as he picked out a small plushie for me, since he just about managed to win a smaller prize during his round. "For me?" I peered down at the soft toy laying in my arms, quite humbled by his generosity. "Thank you." I hugged the plushie in an attempt to show him my gratitude. While it wasn't the toy I wanted, I appreciated it just as much.
While Kakyoin and I spoke, we were surprised to see that Jotaro was one dart away from winning three out of three, earning himself a top score. "T-two perfect bullseyes already?" Kakyoin sputtered in a state of awe, watching as he aimed his last dart carefully towards his goal, a determined glint in his eyes masked behind his deadened stare.
"A perfect score! Haven't had one of those in a while. Choose your prize!" And so Jotaro pointed above his head without hesitation, claiming the adorable stuffed bear as his prize. "Congratulations!"
Jotaro clung onto the bear by the scruff of its neck, and held his hand out to take the plushie that lay idly in my arms. I hesitantly handed it to him, and just before I could question his actions, he handed me the brown bear plushie to replace it.
"How did you know...?" I inquired curiously, shifting around to move the toy from prohibiting my vision. He simply tilted his cap and averted is gaze at the mention of my question. "You were looking at it earlier." He stated as if it were obvious.
"Y-you.. You didn't have to do that." I couldn't help but grin at the gigantic teddy that I could barely fit in my grasp. "I've no use for it anyway." He mused, handing Kakyoin the other plushie rather hastily before walking away with a cigarette in hand, ready to light it once he was farther away from the crowd.
"I've never seen him do anything like this for anyone before. Never mind a girl. He must really be interested in you, seeing as he's been so observant lately.." He laughed as soon as I glared at him, silently trying to shut him up. "He's just being nice. It's nothing to go overthinking about."
I waved my hand at him dismissively, almost dropping my new plushie in the process. But I caught it in the nick of time, hugging it close to my chest soon after. "You really are fond of it, aren't you." Kakyoin pat my head as if I were a small child. I huffed, glaring at him once more. "Of course I do. It's the one I wanted, so why wouldn't I?"
"You're just choosing not to see it at this point." He huffed, arms crossed over each other to match his childlike pout. A timeless facial feature of his that he never lost since early childhood.
"Well then, what will I do with this one?" Deciding that he had teased me enough, Kakyoin averted our attention to the small plushie that he still held, clearly unsure of what to do with it. "How about we give it to that kid over there?" I suggested, pointing towards a small family of three that happened to walk by on their way to the exit.
"Well it's technically still your plushie, so you give it to her." Kakyoin swapped our stuffed animals and stood aside to hold my bear plushie for me. "Besides, I don't think your future husband would be too happy if I let you give her this one."
As I was leaving, I turned my head to stick my tongue out at him for making such an embarrassing joke. It was half to make light of him, half to hide the rising blush rushing to my face..
"Excuse me?" I approached the family of three warily so that I wouldn't startle them. "Do I know you?" The father raised a brow questioningly, but upon noticing the plushie in my hands, he presumed it was my reason for stopping them.
"(I won/my friend won) this prize just now, and we thought you might like it!" I presented the small plushie to the adorable little girl. She stared at it wide-eyed in awe, admiring the cute toy and clearly already growing attached. "Yes! Mommy, can I have it?" Her mom smiled sweetly and gestured to me. "Ask the nice lady if you can have it." She giggled at the child's overjoyed expression as she hastily turned to me to ask.
"Can I?" I nodded, arms still outstretched. "Thank you! I love it!" She was quick to scoop the toy up in her arms and hug it like her life depended on it. "I'll call him.. Lucky! Cause I'm so lucky to have him!~" I smiled as she began to twirl about joyously. "I think that's a perfect name. Take good care of him for me, will you?" She grinned and assured me that he would be well taken care of from here on. "Thank you." The parents bowed gratefully, just as pleased as their daughter.
"It was no problem! Bye!~" I waved as I returned to Kakyoin, a smile plastered across my face. "I think that is the most precious thing I've ever seen in my life." He handed the bear to me, and pat my head softly in an approving manner. "I agree."
I flashed Kakyoin a giddy smile as I held up my oversized bear plushie, feeling like a young kid again with such a large stuffed animal to take home. We trotted over to Jotaro, who had left earlier to smoke another cigarette in an empty space away from the crowd.
"This was really fun." I mused, hugging the teddybear as close to me as I could possibly manage. Jotaro simply hummed a response, which could be interpreted as both a disagreement or an agreement, so I decided to consider it to be the latter.
"You know what could make this even better?" Kakyoin smirked softly as his eyes spotted something not too far away. "What's that?" I questioned curiously as the teddy prohibited my vision quite a bit, so I couldn't see what he was about to suggest. "(Treat you like)!" My eyes widened slightly at the mention of this. (I'm surprised they have that at an amusement park!/not unlike an amusement park to have that/etc).
"I'll get some for us all. Back in a few!" And with that, he sped off in the direction of the nearby candy stall. "Here, give me that." Jotaro suddenly reached out to take the bear from my grasp. I was a little confused as to why he wanted to take it, but decided to trust him nevertheless. He hoisted it up over his shoulder and held it in place with his arm once it was in a comfortable placement.
"This thing is bigger than you." He commented, catching me a little off-guard. "Almost." I agreed, followed by a hearty laugh.
Once Kakyoin returned, I realised why Jotaro had taken the plushie. So I could enjoy (treat you like) without having to carry the bear around too. I smiled softly to myself, (peeling open the wrapper/tucking in/etc) happily.
I couldn't help but smirk as we began to leave, passing by the group of fangirls that had formed for the infamous high school heartthrob. The looks on their faces when they noticed him carrying the bear (he had won for me/I won earlier) was priceless! In all fairness, it really did look like we were a couple. Even Kakyoin noticed this, a grin beginning to form on his face with each angry whisper exchanged amongst their group.
But Jotaro paid no heed, strolling out shamelessly with the bear securely slung over his shoulder. I smiled softly to myself at the sight of it, taking in the masterpiece of a view created by the hazy orange fairy lights dangling above the pier's attractions, defining his already chiselled features even more to contrast against the adorable toy on his shoulder. His eyes shined as bright as the buttons on the bear's face, if not brighter, reflecting the most beautiful orange hues within their already striking colours.
His eyes side-glanced my way, almost sensing that I was peering over at him. "What are you looking at?" He raised a brow, appearing menacing to passersby while all I could do was laugh at the situation. What a cute attempt of intimidation with such an adorable associate..
"Here." Jotaro finally handed me back my (well-earned/new stuffed) bear once we were at the end of the pier. His lips curved up into the faintest of arcs, unbeknownst to me since the bear momentarily blocked my vision. "Thank you." I managed to muffle through the soft fabric.
"Goodnight." Kakyoin waved him goodbye as he just left without another word, returning home for the night, leaving Kakyoin with the task of walking me home since it was already quite dark out. "Well that was.. Something." He mused teasingly, poking my side while I was readjusting the plushie so that I could see.
"Hey, don't poke me!" I giggled as I blindly kicked my foot out towards him in one swift motion. A direct hit! He stumbled to the side momentarily before catching himself and laughing. "Getting all defensive now, are we?" He persisted. I could practically see the smirk spread across his face without even needing to look. "Shut up."
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