✧ Chapter 12 ✧
(Y/n) = Your name
(S/n) = Surname / last name
(E/c) = Eye colour
(S/c) = Skin colour / skin tone
(H/c) = Hair colour
(H/l) = Hair length
In return for the boys' generosity in helping me while I was sick, I decided to treat them to a day out. I went out of my way to visit the local tourist office to find the best attractions in the city, and ended up spotting an aquarium in a neighbouring town.
I purchased three tickets that day, and today I have the opportunity to surprise the duo with the perfect day out. When I saw the attraction's icon pop up on the map, I instantly thought of Kakyoin running wild around the fish tanks, pointing out their ludicrous names and imitating their expressions. And not only this, but Jotaro would more than likely appreciate the chance to see these creatures up close, take notes, and just generally have a good time in his element.
"Just tell me! Where are you taking us!?" Kakyoin pressed impatiently as I led them to the bus station. "For the last time, it's a surprise!" I huffed, now sincerely regretting not telling him since Jotaro didn't seem to care all that much, just a hint of hidden curiosity lingering in his eyes as he followed casually.
"The bus station? What a great surprise." He deadpanned, arms crossed over each other with a pout to match. "I know right? If only we split up here.." I rolled my eyes and simply continued to find the right stop.
"Why didn't you tell me we were getting the bus? I didn't bring any money.." Kakyoin shoved his hands into his pockets, gripping onto the inside to pull them out, showing that he was completely empty-pocketed. "That was on purpose. Now you can't pay, so it's my treat today!"
Just as I turned to pay the driver for our student tickets, I watched as Jotaro exchanged his money for three tickets before I could even get in line. He stepped off the bus momentarily and handed them to each of us. "Jotaro! I'm supposed to be treating you and Kakyoin today!" I facepalmed with a soft sigh.
"No need." He turned to take a seat on the bus, walking to the very back while the space was empty. Kakyoin and I followed close behind, sitting along the entirety of the five back row seats, seeing as Jotaro's bulky build took up a lot of space in the middle, leaving the two remaining seats as Kakyoin and I's footrests.
As the bus finally slowed to a halt, I jolted awake after taking a short-lived nap. I peered over at Kakyoin to see him fast asleep, mouth hanging wide open as he quietly snored to himself on the opposite side of the bus. But Jotaro remained awake and stoic as ever in the centre of our row of seats.
I straightened my posture and fixed my slightly messy hair, silently hoping I wasn't napping too obnoxiously. "Alright, we're here." I stood up and laughed as Kakyoin barely stirred in his heavy slumber.
"Kakyoin, come on." I jabbed his side lightly, just enough for him to wake in a sudden fit of laughter. "Hey! That tickles!" He whined, gripping onto his waist to try and protect it from any further tickling. "Get up, we're here." I chuckled as his sleepy eyes glanced outside and widened with surprise. "Oh yeah!"
It only took another couple of minutes to arrive at the aquarium, but the boys were too distracted by the unfamiliar town to notice it standing right in front of them. "This is it." I announced, arms outstretched in the direction of the brightly-painted blue building. Kakyoin couldn't help but grin with excitement, while Jotaro's eyes simply widened ever so slightly.
"Well then what are we waiting for!" Kakyoin sprinted towards the entrance, leaving Jotaro and I stood in place, watching him stray further and further away.
"And don't even think of buying the tickets this time around." I placed a hand on my hip playfully, presenting the three tickets I'd previously bought with my free hand. He hummed amusedly, an eyebrow partially quirked as he eyed the tickets. "And I've got the bus home too." I added, pivoting on my heel to join Kakyoin at the entrance. Any second now he'll realise he has no money for a ticket..
"Look at this one!" Kakyoin pressed his face against the large glass tank beside us as we entered the main building. The tanks surrounded us like walls, separated by sheets of glass that allowed different assortments of fish to swim about freely. Rainbow-tinted pebbles lined the underneath of their tanks, and a similar pattern was painted onto the ground we walked across to give the room a realistic feeling of being submerged underwater.
"Can't you read?!" A security guard hollered from the doorway we just passed, pointing towards a sign directly above Kakyoin's head that read 'do not touch the glass'.
"Sorry." He laughed sheepishly, lowering his head but continuing to stare into the tank from where he stood. His eyes seemed to be fixated on the sucker fish, watching as their mouths gripped onto the tank to work on clearing away the debris.
I turned to Jotaro, only to see him jotting down notes and quick sketches of the undiscovered and interesting fish he saw, using the information boards provided as a guide to his notations. I smiled, happy to see the two boys enjoying themselves respectively.
I decided to wander about the aquarium to see if anything interesting would catch my attention, but I took a moment to admire the room first. It was dimly lit, the main source of light being hidden inside the tanks to light up the information boards as well as highlight the fish swimming about inside. The tanks were decorated with all sorts of seaweed, anemone, rocks, etc. And each separate tank of fish had its own design to cater to its inhabitants.
I found myself walking around almost aimlessly, that was until a beautiful blue fish came to view behind a large piece of decorative coral. It seemed to be two-toned, the main scales of its figure composed of a particular shade of royal blue, while its colour got progressively darker as it neared the ends of its lengthy tail.
"Siamese fighting fish.." I jumped as Jotaro's voice sounded from beside me, startling me as I barely noticed him approach. "Sorry.." He was quick to apologise lightly when he noticed me tense up so suddenly. "I didn't hear you walk over." I chuckled, returning my attention to the fish tank, only to see that the fish had cowered behind the coral defensively at my sudden movement.
"An aggressive, territorial fish prone to sparring in the wild. But when paired in the same tank with another of their kind, they fight to the death. Hence its name and the reason it's the only fish of its kind in here." Jotaro rambled aloud, watching as the fish reemerged from its hiding place, looking around its enclosed space for any more sudden threats.
"It's beautiful." I mused in a mesmerised state, admiring how it glided through the water daintily, its elongated tail flowing along behind it, seeming to have half a mind of its own. "Hmm." He hummed in agreement.
At that moment, everything around us seemed to almost melt away. I felt as if I was floating underwater alongside Jotaro, taking in the breathtaking sight of that lone fish in an ocean filled with countless hidden treasures. He was the only person I could share such a thoughtful moment with, seeing as he held just as much appreciation for the ocean as I did, if not more.
I tilted my head to face him, only to find him already gazing at my mellowed expression. I smiled softly, an action that was instantly mirrored as he seemed to understand the headspace I was in. He probably felt the same, seeing as he appeared more relaxed than usual. I couldn't help but think of how breathtaking his facial features had suddenly become with the addition of the blue tinted lights, deepening his already endless pools of blue and green that conjured up into the most beautiful eye colour imaginable. I felt myself getting lost in them, just as he appeared to be in my (adjective) (e/c) pair.
We were snapped out of our trance as Kakyoin jumped between us, pointing towards the end of the glass corridor. "You can pet the mantra rays!" He exclaimed with such excitement that I couldn't help but chuckle.
"Sounds fun." My eyes flickered up to Jotaro, who was clearly irritated by his abrupt interjection, his brows furrowing enough to cause the stern creases on his face to reappear. "Yare yare daze.." He muttered under his breath. Maybe this will help lift his spirits again. "Then let's go!" Kakyoin suddenly grabbed both our wrists and dragged us along to the open tanks.
A) You're afraid to touch it
B) You're not afraid to touch it
A) You're afraid to touch it
As we arrived at the circular tank, I peered into the shallow water meekly, unsure of how safe it would be to pet such an aggressive-looking sea creature. "You scared?" Kakyoin teased slyly.
"I..." Just as I was about to deny it, I stopped myself and simply sighed defeatedly. "Maybe a little.." I admitted bashfully. I wanted nothing more than to prove him wrong, but as my hand neared the shiny silver back of the mantra ray, it almost seemed to freeze in place and want to retract itself.
"Yare yare daze.. Here." Jotaro leaned forward and showed me just how gentle the creature was as his hand slid across its back. It didn't startle us by tensing up and swimming away, but rather allowed him to pet it, as if it were seeking affection. I smiled softly as I watched it finally swim away once Jotaro's hand left its back, approaching a young girl opposite us that had the same idea in mind.
I stared down at the next ray approaching us, eager to overcome this hesitation, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it. Without another word, Jotaro placed his hand over mine and helped to guide it down towards the water's surface. I turned my gaze to his concentrated expression as he wavered over the small ray, a slightly contented glint in his eye as it neared us, happy to give me the opportunity to touch it for myself.
I grew slightly nervous, and Jotaro clearly sensed it, so he stopped moving his hand to allow me the control, giving me the choice to continue or pull our hands back. 'If I don't do this, I'll regret it.' That thought encircled my mind as I continued to move our hands forward, still barely intertwined but pressed together enough to assure me that he was there to help guide me along the way.
While his hands were littered with scratches and callouses, rough to the touch, they still held such a warmth and delicacy to them as he held mine so gently. It comforted me more than I had expected.
And so my hand made contact with the slippery, wet creature that slowed to a halt by us. I grinned widely, keeping my hand in place under Jotaro's as I glanced at him giddily. "I'm doing it!" I exclaimed in disbelief, while Jotaro simply smiled softly to himself at the sight of me.
Once the mantra ray decided to move on, our hands broke free from their short-lived contact and we moved back from the tanks. The feeling lingered across the back of my hand in contrast to how cold my palms had gotten, and I tried to savour that feeling as it slowly faded. "Thanks, Jotaro." I smiled sweetly as he handed me a nearby hand-towel to dry them off. "...No problem." He averted his gaze away from my joyful eyes, sneaking quick timed glances my way as we left.
B) You're not afraid to touch it
As we arrived at the circular tank, I leaned over the side to get a better view of the creatures swimming by their rounded barriers. They didn't seem aggressive by nature, but their appearance almost spoke otherwise.
I held out my hand at the same time as Jotaro did, the contact of his rough but warm hands brushing against mine startling me. "Sorry.." I laughed sheepishly as I retracted my hand away from his to pet an oncoming mantra ray ahead, trying to distract myself before I became embarrassed.
I gladly stroked the back of the small sea creature, feeling it lean up to my hand affectionately. It made me smile as it stayed a while before swimming towards Jotaro, the next in line for it to approach. He was too busy concentrating on me to notice it slow down by him, so I decided to speak up. "Jotaro.." I giggled as I pointed towards the tank, reverting his attention. He tilted his cap to hide his rising crimson blush as he'd been caught staring, petting the ray quickly before stepping away.
He couldn't help but stare when the ray happily accepted my affection. The faint contented expression of mine as it lay still beneath my hand left him unable to turn away, seeing as he was almost dumbfounded to have found someone so deeply connected to sea life as he was. The thought never left his mind as we walked away from the tanks, in fact it consumed him as he continued to subconsciously keep his eyes on me.
"Well that was interesting~." Kakyoin cooed teasingly, earning himself a discreet glare from me, the playfulness in his tone thankfully going completely unnoticed by Jotaro. "What now?" He was quick to change the subject, fearing for his life as it was his second strike of three today.
"I'm kinda hungry.." I admitted with a sheepish smile, hoping that we could grab a bite to eat before continuing our little tour. "Then let's eat." Jotaro began to follow the signs that led to the cafeteria, Kakyoin and I following close behind.
The room was fairly packed with people, creating a lively atmosphere as we lined up with our food trays. It was an 'all you can eat' buffet, and you can bet that Kakyoin didn't put this opportunity to waste, grabbing as much food as he could possibly stack onto his tray before going for seconds and thirds, even fourths.
Just as we were about to finish up, Jotaro stood to his feet and began to walk away, presumably to the bathroom. "I'm so full.." Kakyoin whined, holding his pained stomach tightly in hopes of pushing down the food-baby bump. Just as he had applied the pressure, his stomach let out an unnerving grumble, followed by an unbelievably loud belch that he could barely hold in. It echoed around the suddenly silent room, and there was a slight pause before some people around us erupted into laugher.
"Let's go." Jotaro suddenly reappeared by our table, hands shoved deep into his pockets as he tilted his head towards another hallway entrance. "Sure, just give me a minute. I have to pay for the buffet." I hummed, picking up my empty tray to set by the trash bins on the way there. "I already did."
I furrowed my brows intensely at this, setting my tray down so that I could cross my arms over each other angrily. "I told you not to pay for anything else!" I insisted, watching him smirk ever so slightly through my narrowed eyes.
"You said you've got the tickets and bus fare home. You never mentioned anything about the buffet." He pointed out smoothly. I sighed heavily, arms drooping to my sides in defeat. He had a fair point, I suppose.
"I'll be back in a second." I picked up Kakyoin and I's trays to throw away the excess and set them down somewhere. And that's when I spotted a small novelty store nearby, with cute fridge magnets and postcards for tourists. But what interested me most about it was the board stocked with keychains aligning one of the walls, with one of each type of fish available at the aquarium - including the siamese fighting fish.
I smiled, turning to see the two boys talking amongst themselves, distracted enough to not spot me slipping into the store real quick to buy one. And so I decided to buy the keychain for Jotaro as a small gift to thank him for covering so many costs today.
I slipped the small keychain into my (bag/handbag/purse/pocket) and returned to the duo who were just about ready to leave. I was surprised to see Kakyoin stand to his feet without any assistance - I expected to have to roll him out of this place.
"Wait!" Kakyoin pointed towards a cute photo booth that stood by the door, wanting to step in and take a few pictures together. "How will we all fit?" I questioned, clearly unsure of how it would work since they were both incredibly buff guys, and would barely fit alone, never mind trying as a trio.
"I have a plan." He smirked, rubbing his hands together unconsciously as he thought up this 'ingenious' plan to fit everyone in the photo. "Jotaro." He began. "You can stand at the back with (Y/n) in front of you, and I'll just peek my head through the curtain!" He finally suggested after a moment or two of scanning the small boxed-in room.
Jotaro sighed, clearly about to refuse, until I interrupted his train of thought. "Since you knew I wanted to pay, at least let me have this." I laughed lightly as he eyed me in disbelief. But after a moment or two of Kakyoin and I staring expectantly at him, he caved. "Yare yare daze.." He sighed heavily, ducking his head to fit into the booth.
Kakyoin and I shared a mischievous grin as we waited for him to readjust himself to be more comfortable. He had to crouch a little to get his head into the entire photo, but just about managed. "Alright, me next." I pulled the curtain aside and noticed that the cramped room had just enough space for me to stand one side of him. But it meant that I had to momentarily sit on his lap. "Let's get this over with." Jotaro averted his gaze as I stepped inside and took a seat, waiting for Kakyoin to poke his head around the curtain.
I clicked the start button, and Kakyoin and I began to pull all sorts of faces once the main happy ones was taken. While most of them were goofy and fun, we had one or two genuinely nice pictures of the three of us, which we each got to take a copy of for ourselves. "You're welcome." Kakyoin smirked as he stepped away from the machine, allowing me to step out.
As I was leaving, I completely forgot to step over Jotaro's other foot, and ended up tripping over it. I let out a soft shriek as I held my arms up defensively, ready to make impact with the ground and overhear Kakyoin's laughter as he joked about my clumsiness. But instead, I was met with two strong hands gripping my waist just tight enough to break my fall and catch me mid-air.
Jotaro set me back onto my feet and tutted, stepping past me to rejoin Kakyoin at the second entrance to the aquariums. "Be more careful.." He muttered under his breath, tilting his cap to hide the slight heat of embarrassment rising onto his face before it could be noticed by his companions.
The rest of the day surprisingly presented no other problems or interferences. We got to enjoy the rest of our trip in peace, talking amongst ourselves every now and then, enjoying the aquariums, and finally strolling back to our bus stop at our own pace.
"Thanks (Y/n). Today was amazing." Kakyoin slung his arm over my neck to trap me in a headlock as he buried his knuckles into the top of my head and frizzed my hair up slightly in a joking manner. I laughed, shoving him away from me in an attempt to save my hair from getting too tangled.
Jotaro agreed with a simple nod, followed by a hum. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, both of you. I thought you deserved something in return for taking care of me when I was sick." I smiled, recalling how sweet and patient they had been, not caring that they could've possibly contracted the flu I previously had. "It was nothing." Kakyoin waved it off as if it was all in a day's work. He never failed to step up to the task of caring for me when I was sick, even as a kid. But I never expected Jotaro to be just as willing to help out.
We finally stepped onto the bus, and I gleefully stood in the front of the line, eager to present our bus tickets to Jotaro in an attempt to redeem myself. And so I did, accepting all three tickets and fanning myself with them dramatically, as if to show them off. He simply smirked slightly at my reaction to getting my way, knowing well that he could have easily stepped ahead at the last second. But he decided to let me have my moment of victory.
We seated ourselves at the back, just as we had done before, and gazed out the window to see the sun setting in the distance. I hadn't realised how late it was getting until I took the time to properly look around at the streets slowly lighting back up with the help of street lights that hung above the pedestrian pathways. I smiled to myself, beyond happy with how the day played out.
"You should get some sleep." Jotaro suddenly piped up, shifting my attention from the purple-hued skies to meet his softened gaze. He seemed tired, mentally rather than physically. Tired enough to let his tough exterior falter for a moment.
"I might take a quick nap.." I mused, instantly followed by an unexpected yawn. I could feel my eyes gradually drooping more the longer I remained awake. "But first.." I reached into my (bag/handbag/purse/pocket) to retrieve the small keychain that I had bought for him earlier. "I got this for you." Jotaro's eyes widened slightly, and he suddenly reached into one of his coat pockets to hold up the exact same keychain that I had got for him. "I got this for you.."
I laughed, swapping the keychains with him, regardless of whether or not they were the exact same. The principle still stood that they were gifts to each other.
"Thanks." He shoved his hands back into his pockets, clutching lightly onto the small gift that he was presented with. I held mine up momentarily to admire each small detail carved into the adorable fish's bodice, before attaching it to my set of keys so I wouldn't lose it. I smiled as I held the keys in my hand, a familiar warmth emanating from the small token compared to the harsh cold sensation from the silver keys. It reminded me of how much warmth radiated from his hands when we were petting the mantra rays. A soothing level of heat that instantly put me at ease.
"And thank you. Such a cute idea, I never would have thought of it." I chuckled, packing away my keys before leaning into my seat, trying to find a comfortable spot to doze off. He laughed momentarily at my sarcasm, an unusual sight for anyone to see, but cherished nonetheless. "Now get some rest."
After trudging all the way up the stairs, I finally reached my bedroom door, swinging it open without a care in the world. All I could think of was how amazing my soft futon was going to feel once I landed onto the sheets. I set aside all my belongings, but for some reason, my hand lingered on my (handbag/purse/etc), urging me to open it and see what my subconscious was trying to point out.
Surely enough, I found my copy of the photos we took in the booth earlier today. I couldn't help but laugh as I flicked through each set of pictures, laughing at how serious Jotaro appeared, just staring almost blankly into the camera compared to our goofy faces in each shot. But my thumb grazed over one photo, noticing something I would've otherwise missed.
A picture of Jotaro looking at something other than the camera lense. It was the final picture on the strip, of Kakyoin and I laughing heartily at our own childishness since the previous pictures were so funny. I held the picture closer to my face so I could get a better look, and surely enough, my eyes weren't deceiving me.
Jotaro was staring right at me, the smallest of curvatures forming on the right corner of his lips, eyes slightly lidded as he watched me laugh.
My heart felt like it had skipped a beat as I mulled over his entire expression. I've never seen him give me that look before.. And it made me think of something Kakyoin told me the day I fell incredibly ill..
"If you saw the way he looked at you, you wouldn't be denying it."
Is this 'the look' he was talking about? I know I wasn't completely oblivious to some underlying signs, but did I seriously overlook expressions like these, or did he just hide them well? Either way, I couldn't help but blush bright red at the sight of it, placing the picture down before my entire face had the chance to burn up.
I quickly changed into my pyjamas and lowered myself into the covers of my bed, moulding perfectly into the soft sheets. I sighed contentedly, feeling myself drift away with thoughts of Jotaro flooding my mind like never before..
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