Curling away from her own daughter, from (Y/N), made her daughter recoil her hand and stop attempting to comfort her. Walking out of the room she shut the wooden door and stepped down the hallway, down the stairs, down another hall and into the living room.
Peaking over the window sill (Y/N) rested her arms on it as she was on her tippy toes. Looking out onto the frozen ocean she sighed.
' Even your mother rejected you," the sound bounced off the inside of her own mind as she tightened her fist.
'Just eat her too, I mean what use does she have all weak and a wreck.'
Squinting her eyes as they displayed slits, she would control herself.
'You can't ignore me forever, Devil Woman.' The voice laughed.
You looked at Akira your heart beating quicker and quicker, which part of the situation was worst? His anger began to escalate as he grabbed your neck pushing you up against the wall. His hair wild and messy almost like it was sprouting horns and his lips pulled back into some animalistic snarl.
Wincing you didn't do anything in the shock," A-Akira, stop it. " Gasping for air as you clawed at his hand. He was stronger than you. "I can't breath." You gasped.
" That's what she must of said as you killed her! She must have begged you to stop!" Akira yelled.
"Yah, Mom. Uhuh, I'm sure....Mom I'm fine ! I'm just going to be at dads for the weekend , I'm safe! I'm heading to the subway right now." Rin , a short girl of 4'11" with long dark brown hair groaned as her mother wouldn't stop talking. May I add Rin was also a team member on (Y/N)'s swimming club. Finally being able to hang up she continued down the alley late in the dark night. The moon seemed to be laughing at her soon to be demise.
(Y/N) watched the girl waiting to end the hunt.
Quickly after the girl hung up (Y/N) pounced and faster then light she constricted the girl injecting a paralyzing like venom. The girls death was quick and fatal.
Snapping her neck she ended the girls life and had found a meal.
Swallowing half of the girl you left the upper half for later.
'Don't stop eating, fill your hunger!'
You drifted your eyes from Akira as he left enough air so you could speak, " She never said anything, she died before she could even scream for help." She squeezes the words out as a small smile appeared on your face. You still struggled to pry away.
Akira began to tighten his grip, constrict itself around your pipe like you did to the poor girl.
He then paused. " Your arm, what is that about ?"
Blood still oozed from your torn arm.
Silent you didn't reply, this caused him to slam your body into the bathroom wall causing you to cough some blood up
"Akira,if I knew I would tell you!" She said as she began to laugh trying not to cry and appear weak.
Noticing this Akira began to tear up a bit. " what's wrong with you!" He cried.
Your own tears began to spill out ," what the hells wrong with you!"
Releasing you from his death grip you slumped to the floor holding your throat as you breathed in and out heavily.
Akira turned around and when you thought he was gonna walk away he slumped down the wall and onto the floor with you.
Akira leaned his head on yours , he knew what you did was horrible but for some odd reason his heart beated faster around you. His body pulled towards yours like they were intertwined. Almost as if it was destiny they met. Akira looked down at your body covered in a towel— some of it slipping as he could see your outer thing and cleavage. Looking away he just sighed.
Letting the moment be you looked at the ceiling a bit worried about your current state. " I'm always so hungry Akira, like I could eat the whole entire selection of fish in the ocean and then I could eat the human population. It's a never ending hunger that always gnaws at my stomach."
Quiet on the other end Akira only wrapped his arms around you in a hug kissing your forehead.
If you were wondering Rins Head had toppled on the floor earlier after Akira slammed you into a wall.
You looked up at him after he kissed your forehead a confused look upon your face.
' Maybe Ryo can wait.'
Was the only thing that went through the immature boys head.
Grabbing a lock of your hair and twirling it around his finger he looked at you with such a tension that you couldn't rip your gaze away. "Akira...?"your lips whispered his name unsure what action he would pull next .
This pull between the both of you was horribly strong and pulled you two way too close.
"(Y/N)..."Akira couldn't hold his urge anymore as he crashed his lips onto yours and wrapping his embrace around you. Holding you tight as your arms wrapped around his neck fingers wrapped around his hair.
The lust between the two of you was out of control, in-fact that's why you had ripped away .
Separating your lips from him you looked down," What did Ryo want ?"
He made you feel normal.
How come did you still have the urge to devour him though?
" He wanted us to meet him at his place in the next twenty minutes. I suggest you get changed and do something about your arm." He said as he pulled himself away and stood up.
Why did you make him feel this way ?
" He said he wanted to go hunting," Akira finished.
Nodding you stood up fixing the towel around your breast and heading out the door.
"Don't eat him. Stupid girl."
This was the first time such a thought had traveled in your head.
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