" I like the rush,"
"It feels good."
"I swim to feel the rush. "
"The rush you get when you can no longer hold your breathe and you can feel the verge of your lungs collapse and yet with such control I can lift my head out of the water. "
"I know I have control of my life, but what I don't have control of....is fate." With that the woman ducked through her apartment window, shutting it , locking it, then finally she looked one last time at Akira and smirked turning around and heading to her bed. "Even you can't control that Fudo."
After a bit of chatting the three finally decided it was time to separate, Akira and (Y/N) leaving together of course. Ryo stayed back in his home having no need to go anywhere, he continued to type on his computer as he then paused and set it aside. " What a particular girl, " Ryo couldn't stop looking at the article infront of him. " (Y/N) has a dirty secret." Ryo stared at the screen with his blank stare.
'Girls father goes missing during fishing trip.'
'Missing man found two weeks later, body mutilated from what seems like an animal attack.'
'Puncture wounds found in torso from huge beast.'
The light from the screen only continued to beam on the boys face as he saved the article.
(Y/N) and Akira exited the door awkwardly keeping a tense atmosphere they both walked down the steps of Ryo's mansion.
Akira was the first to open his mouth as the female kept a straight face.
" So how long—" Akira was cut off by the Devil Lady as she turned to look at him,
" I was 13." (Y/N) became quiet again as she continued to walk down the steps.
Akira gave a nod.
(Y/N) looked to the side as his chin made a bit more sense as to why it was so defined. His demon like form had the qualities of a vampire bat, " I really don't understand why such a demon like Amon would choose you." She stayed as she walked with him.
It was Akiras turn to look at her with a strange gaze. " I don't get why such a demon would choose you."
(Y/N) laughed at that comment ," neither do I."
" I Wanna show you something." They were at the bottom of the steps.
Quickly the girl began to change as her skin became smooth like a dolphin or shark , hard like titanium yet she was translucent and holographic. Her Inky black hair stuck to her skin going down till it reached her butt. Her body was wet, soaked, like she was swimming. Her tail was the most interesting. It propped her up like a stand, Fins on the side, she was hung in the air her legs used the tail to stand on them as her cheek wrested on her fist.
Akira stared in awe, yet the awe didn't show on his face. The serpent Devil lady appeared at least nine feet tall but with her tail it gave her another seven feet only when propped up. Head to tail though she must have been at least 30 feet long.
Akira transformed himself as well in order to match her, yet she still seemed to float above him.
( Y/N) stared at him with a blank stare, her eyes hypnotic keeping him in place as much as he wanted to break through, (Y/N) smirked wrapping around him like a boa and hanging her arms around his neck.
The trance broke but both devils stayed in place as she leaned her head in the crook of his neck. His sense drove her wild although her urges stayed under control.
Why had she wanted to show him this ? Herself?
" Why did you do that?"
" I don't know what you are talking about Akira."
The serpent snaked her body away from him as she shrunk smaller a bit , yet she still remained the same height as him due to her tail.
Akira stared at her, he had felt the same urges early too.
" Do you think Demons can feel love ?" He asked her unknowing he would soon ask Ryo the same question later on.
" I don't think so, ever since I took on this form I haven't had any sort of interest in human boys."
Akira nodded not knowing what she meant, maybe female demons were different? But soon he would figure that wasn't the case.
" Race me Akira," (Y/N) said as she stood across from him .
" First one to reach Lotus Apartments wins," she said as she then began to take off down the road as it seemed empty. (Y/N) shifted soon and began to run like an animal. It didn't take Akira long to catch up to the female as fast as she was.
Why was the boy following her, why was he chasing after this stranger that never once took notice in him until he changed? Why was he suddenly interested in her?
The last few days since he met her all he could think about was her skin, how it would feel under his. Unlike the constant thoughts of Miki that were fluffy and comforting these thoughts were bold.
As soon as the two began to near the city (Y/N) slowed down, she was way ahead of Akira due to her head start. Stopping at the entrance of the city (Y/N) turned around her hair swaying in the breeze. When Akira came back into the view she began to jog slowly until he had past her,then the woman picked up pace keeping at a equal pace as akira.
Their breathing In sync as they flew by people with no worry.
They felt free, energized, themselves.
As soon as they reached the apartments (Y/N) had Leaped into the air her hair catching the breeze as her skin tingled,tightening and creating small goose bumps.
Akira stayed at the bottom," What are you doing ?!" He yelled so she could hear him.
" Going home!" She laughed a bit a grin on her face.
"Shut Up!" Someone in another apartment yelled through the window throwing a shoe in a random direction.
Akira wait for them to go back inside as he jumped onto her porch as well. " This is your place ?" He said confused. It was more understanding why she wanted to race here now.
(Y/N) began to leave to go back inside but Akira grabbed her wrist.
"Why didn't you just ask me to give you a ride home or walk you home? I left My bike at Ryo's ." He asked her as he then let it her hand go.
" I like the rush...It feels good." She paused then looked at the sky pointing out a serpent like constellation ,Serpens, as she smiled gently
"I swim to feel the rush. " (Y/N) looked from the stars to Akira and continued speaking.
"The rush you get when you can no longer hold your breathe and you can feel the verge of your lungs collapse and yet with such control I can lift my head out of the water. "
"Control?"Akira asked.
"I know I have control of my life, but what I don't have control of....is fate." With that the woman ducked through her apartment window, shutting it , locking it, then finally she looked one last time at Akira and smirked turning around and heading to her bed. "Even you can't control that Fudo."
(Y/N) walked over to her bathroom and stripped, showered, dressed herself into night wear and went to her fridge. Opening it she only sighed as she grabbed what seemed to be a fresh slab of raw meat. Extending her mouth open and unlocking her jaw from the skull she consumed the flesh in one gulp.
Blood trickled down her chin as she looked in fridge straight at the head that the flesh belonged to.
Staring into a pair of piercing blue eyes she paused.
It was only one of her swim team members. The one who complimented on how attractive she was.
" I'm sorry." She said in a whisper as she wiped the blood away. " I just get so hungry - and -and nothing can cure my hunger!" She yelled in her apartment as she cried a bit.
All devouring monster.
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