Chapter Twenty
A couple of days after Éponine's confrontation with Sirius in Hogsmeade, Regulus was beginning to think that she was avoiding him on purpose. He wasn't sure what had been said between the two, but she wouldn't even bring herself to look him in the eye anymore. Not to mention, whenever Regulus attempted to talk to her outside of classes, Éponine came up with some excuse that she had something to tend to.
He knew things had not gone as Éponine hoped, judging by the fact that Sirius didn't accompany her to The Three Broomsticks. However, he also knew Sirius must have said something that was lingering in Éponine's thoughts. Just the day before the trip to Hogsmeade, she had kissed him with such passion, and the morning before they attended Hogsmeade, she told Regulus that she loved him. It was like none of it happened and they were complete strangers again.
Already he regretted allowing Éponine to talk to Sirius first when he should have been the one to reach out to his brother initially. Even if a letter didn't seem like the most personal thing, at least it was coming from him, and not from another mouth. Perhaps Sirius wasn't willing to listen to Éponine because he didn't trust Regulus' intentions. Which, deep down, Regulus deemed fair, he didn't exactly have the best track record.
But he couldn't help but feel disappointed, he had finally done what Sirius had asked him to do, and Sirius was telling him that it was too late.
Things were piling on top of each over and Regulus was feeling overwhelmed by far. To add onto an already messy situation, the first Quidditch Match was coming up with Slytherin vs Ravenclaw and Slytherin didn't even have a team. After Emmett Travers was removed from his position, he took his team with him, leaving only Regulus and Gian.
All he was asking for was one good thing to come out of all the chaos and unsure of what else he could do, Regulus decided to write a letter to his brother.
Dear Sirius,
I should have written this letter to you sooner, but I wasn't sure what I was going to say. We haven't spoken to each other in years and that's entirely my fault. I guess I should start off by saying that you were right. You tried to warn me when we were younger, but I didn't believe you. I think I was so set on being the perfect son for Mother and Father, I allowed it all to get to my head. I didn't want to bring shame to the family name, and now I realise what Toujours Pur really is.
Éponine meant well, trying to soften the blow of this entire situation, but I should have come to you first. I realise this looks bad on my behalf, and rather sudden, but just know the feelings of doubt did not occur overnight and they weren't just Éponine's doing. For years, I've tried to wrap my head around the idea of why you left home. I tried to see it from your perspective, but I was too afraid to humour such ideas. Afraid of the consequences that would follow, afraid that I wouldn't fit into a world outside the one that our families created for us.
I was wrong and I don't know how to put it in any other way. I'm not asking for your forgiveness, and I'm not asking for your help. I'll try to figure this out on my own if I have to. If the chance you've given me in the past has long sailed, I will come up with something. What I do ask is that you don't allow this to come between you and Éponine.
She hasn't spoken to me in a couple of days, since the two of you spoke in Hogsmeade. I don't know what was said, but I recognise the sadness in her eyes. I'm almost certain it has to do with me, more than likely, you not believing that I've changed, that's fair. But please don't take it out on her. She means well in every aspect, she's always seen the good in people. And I know you mean a lot to her. You were there for her when I was too afraid to support her, and I can never thank you enough for giving her a chance and keeping her safe.
We might be young according to standards, but I do love her. She is very dear to me. And I made a mistake, thinking that I would be able to protect the two of you. I once pondered the thought years ago, and Éponine told me then that it wouldn't work. I realise now that she was right. It's too late to go back in some respects, but I know I can move forward.
I hope I can prove to you that I'm not the enemy. I'm willing to do whatever it takes.
I await your letter in return, but I understand if you don't write back.
Your brother,
Finishing up his letter, Regulus sealed it and headed to the Owlery to find one of the school owls to use.
The first snow had fallen, following several freezing days, and the castle grounds were covered in a white blanket. The lake was partially frozen as well and during breaks between classes, students had already taken part in plenty of snowball fights and building snowmen. As Regulus walked along, an idea popped into his head that made him smile all the way to the Owlery.
He quickly attached his letter to the closest available owl that dawned the school's crest on a small anklet and sent it on its way.
However, little did Regulus know, the owl never made it to Sirius.
It didn't make it at all as the last thing it saw, was a green flash of light.
How everything managed to go wrong so quickly, Éponine still couldn't wrap her head around it. She blamed herself for all of it, knowing she had been the one to lead Sirius on, only to get back with Regulus as soon as she saw her chance to do so. And it didn't help that Sirius' words echoed in her mind so loudly that she couldn't even think straight. Whenever she saw Regulus, she could only think of him manipulating her. Of course, she didn't want to believe such a thing, but Sirius had been so spot on with what he said.
And the fact that he told her that he was terrified for her, only left Éponine afraid of what was supposed to come.
She had been so blind in the past when it came to people taking advantage of her, mistaking it for affections and good intentions. Emmarentia had been a prime example of such things, but Éponine knew that Regulus was not Emmarentia. Even with what Sirius said, though she didn't have substantial evidence to prove his theories wrong, she knew Regulus was trying. She could see it in the way that he befriended Gian, giving him quidditch pointers, and helping Gian with his homework in the evenings.
She could see it in the way that he ignored the glares that were cast in his direction and continued to move forward. The way he grew angry by the letters his parents sent to him, especially when they insulted Éponine. It had to mean something, it couldn't all be some elaborate plan to get her to return to Toujours Pur. He knew how unhappy she had been under all of it if he loved her like he said, why would he want her to go back?
What Éponine did know, was that she was being highly unfair to Regulus by avoiding him. He wasn't in the best place mentally and emotionally with Sirius rejecting to see him and it wasn't going to help that she was doing the same thing almost.
After classes, she had initially planned to do her Herbology homework that was also being neglected due to all the drama, but she knew she wouldn't be able to focus on it. She needed to talk to Regulus first, so she decided to find him.
Although it was a lot easier said than done.
After walking throughout, what felt like the entire castle, Éponine paused in one of the corridors near the Entrance Hall, looking mighty confused. Maybe was avoiding her after the way she treated him. Thinking it would be best to head back to the Slytherin Common Room and wait for him to show, Éponine went to turn, only to find hands suddenly covering her eyes.
"It's me! Please don't hit me!"
Regulus' frantic voice got her to chuckle almost instantly as she did have the track record of reacting somewhat violently when spooked.
"Regulus, what are you doing? I've been looking all over for you. Is it really necessary to cover my eyes right now? I know it's you."
"I know but I have a surprise for you. So I need you to promise to keep your eyes closed."
"Alright, I promise."
He removed his hands from her eyes, but Éponine felt him take her hands and suddenly put gloves on them. She was about to make a comment that her hands weren't that cold when he wrapped a scarf around her neck and placed heavier robes on her shoulders. He then grabbed one of her hands and started guiding her forward.
A cold blast of air hit her almost instantly as he opened the doors that led outside.
"It's freezing out here, Regulus, where are you taking me?"
"You'll see, you'll see. Just keep your eyes closed!"
"They've been closed!"
With Éponine's eyes closed, she couldn't see the ridiculous smile that had made its way to Regulus' lips. He was thankful when he finally found her and glad that she agreed to go with him without coming up with some excuse. Grabbing a set of his heavier robes, a pair of his own gloves, and giving her his own scarf, he made sure Éponine was going to be warm where they were going. She continued to ask him what they were doing and why they were outside as their feet crunched through the snow.
And finally, when they reached their destination, Regulus stepped out first onto the ice and then slowly led Éponine onto it.
Almost instantly, one of her feet slid out and her eyes opened in a panic. Like a cat trying to avoid water, her arms quickly latched around him and she held onto him tightly.
"Regulus! What are you doing?! This is ice!"
He snorted at her obvious observation before nodding his head. "Yes, I know. About half the lake froze over, don't worry I've already checked it, the ice is thick enough to support us. I just figured that all the other dates I've ever taken you on, something always manages to go wrong and we've never just had a good time. I want things to be different this time. So, I thought maybe I could take you ice-skating. I know we don't have ice skates but, we can slide around."
"A-a-a date? You mean, you're not upset that I've been avoiding you these last couple of days?"
"No, I figured it had to be for good reason. But I just wanted to show you that...I don't know...I'm here. I know things have been hectic lately, but even if you need some time to yourself, I'm still here for you. I thought maybe this would cheer you up about whatever is bothering you. I know things didn't go well between you and Sirius-"
Éponine placed one of her gloved hands over his mouth and smiled. "Thank you. This is amazing, I've never been ice skating."
"Well, ice sliding, but me neither. But it's quite easy once you get the hang of it!"
He slid around her, only to fall seconds later. She held back a laugh as she scooted lightly on her feet to reach him and even though she wasn't making any sudden movements, she ended up slipping and falling too.
Despite the pain that they were both in, they couldn't help but laugh, especially as they both struggled to get back on their feet.
"Okay, this came across as way more romantic in my head!" Regulus grumbled as he was sprawled out on the ice. Éponine crawled over to where he was, learning her lesson that she was only going to keep falling if she tried to stand. Resting on her stomach, she looked down at him with a grin.
"It's very romantic, I think."
"You're not just saying that because I've made an absolute fool out of myself here, right?"
"No, that's just an added bonus."
With a giggle, she leaned into and kissed the side of his face. "Looks like we're going to have to crawl back to land."
"I might just stay here to avoid that embarrassment."
"But if you get up, we can get some hot chocolate, maybe snuggle by the fireplace in the Common Room-"
Suddenly, Regulus was up on his feet, sliding all the way back to land.
"Well, that worked better than expected."
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