(Leto Joker X Reader)
(Super short lol)
"No! I would not shit you!"
"(Y/N) Stop! ", Joker rolled his eyes,
"I may be Insane. But Santa? On the roof." He reached his knuckles and knocked your already scattered brain. You scowled and all he could do was grin a smug grin and laugh load and slowly.
"You probably just saw Robin, or some fat drunkard on the roof .. I mean", he shrugged his shoulders ," Could have been anyone. But Santa, nah. To many Naughty people." He shook a finger with a bit of an suggestive crook of a brow.
You stared at him closely before leaning your head back with a laugh.
"Yeah, naughty is an understatement you perv", you said as you gently shoved him. This resulted in him pushing you into the soft silk matress purring immensely , causing a slight twitch in your belly as you bit your bottom lip. But on the bed, before anything could happened Frost walked in. Joker was still over you and you just saw his blank expression as he looked past you. Like he was contemplating whether or not to shoot Frosty for interrupting the start of a more. Sensitive situation between the two of you. Simply chuckling at his antics you patted his chest signaling for him to get off. He glanced at you, and still with a straight face, he pecked your nose like a bird pecking a seed . Gentle and quick before bouncing himself from the bed. Adjusting his silver jacket turning to face the intruder. He growled,
"What Is It?"
Frost nodded as he said, "Someone wants to meet you. Says he's got a proposition that you can't miss."
Joker narrowed his eyes at the last statement before Frost waved his hands,
"His words Sir."
J nodded licking his lips and popping his neck with an Guttural snarl. Before rotating his gaze to you, who laid with your elbows propping you up from the mattress. He smiled,
"Sorry Sweets But Looks like we got a meeting to attend to."
You sighed with a shake of the head,
"Well, Shall we?" , you hopped up and linked arms with him. You were already dressed, in a plaid red shirt and purple pants. He nodded as he took your arm, Frost holding the door open for the both of you to strode through.
A/N: I Have no idea if I should continue so y'all tell me what you think my pretties :D
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