A Change in History
Wind Knight's Lot, England 1888
A young man with blue hair and immense muscles is facing off against another man with blonde hair and a slightly leaner build. The blonde man is ranting about something while dodging all of the blue haired man's glowing punches. "For the last time Jojo! You can never defeat me, because I, Dio have TRANCENDED HUMANITY!" He yells evilly. "Dio, I will end your reign of terror!" Jonathan Joestar aka Jojo yells angrily at Dio, the blond haired man. Jojo draws a sword and swings it at Dio, I starts to cleave Dio in half from the head down, but gets stuck near the mid area of his abdomen. Jonathan's sword and arms are frozen solid! "Did you honestly think that you could win Jojo?! I have complete control over my body. Your hamon is rendered useless, USELESS, USELESS USELESS USELESS!" Dio yells in maniacal glee as he straightens his head which has slid den down on the left side. Unknown to Dio, the tip of the sword is in a fire, causing the ice on the sword and Jonathan's arms to melt. Jonathan quickly tucks the sword away into his bag and punches through a fire to make sure that Dio can't freeze it. "ORRAAAAAA!" He yells as he throws a flaming hamon punch at Dio. Dio catches it and keeps it from hitting him by vaporizing the blood in his arms to cause freezing. The heat and cold react so violently, that it creates a blood red vortex in between them, sending to an unknown time period where they don't belong.
Hellsing Manor, 1989
A young girl around the age of 12 runs through a dungeon-like basement, clearly running from something. As she reaches a cell at the end of the hall, she hears a man calling for her. It's her uncle, who is trying to kill her so he can run the Hellsing Organization. She quickly opens the door and runs inside. 'If you ever find yourself surrounded by your enemies, go to the furthest cell in the basement. There, you will find your legacy.' She hears her father's last piece of advice ring through her head as she stares at a shriveled corpse in a black, leather straight jacket. A gunshot rings out and she is pushed forward as a bullet tears through her shoulder, blood splattering in front of the corpse. As her uncle moves closer, a noise can be heard by everyone. It is the sound of bones creaking. The uncle turns to the corpse and sees it lapping up the blood from the floor. As if things couldn't get any worse, the straightjacket rips apart, freeing the arms of the unholy beast. It makes quick work of the uncle and his men by drinking their blood. "Hello, my master." The thing says to her as he becomes more alive looking.
Unknown to them, a red glow fills the dining room above them. Dio and Jonathan fall out of the red glow, and are immediately are surrounded by more of the uncles men. "Dio, this fight will have to be put on hold." Jonathan says while taking up his signature hamon stance. "For once, I, Dio, agree." Dio says. Jonathan and Dio rush forward at the men. Dio grabs two by the face and freezes them. Jonathan draws the sword of Luck and Pluck and smacks a goon in the side of the head with the flat side of the sword, knocking them unconcious. As the man fire their guns at Dio, he teleports behind them and jabs his fingers into their necks. Their teeth start to sharpen and their eyes become red. As Dio removes his fingers, Jonathan stabs a zombie with his sword. "Metal Silver Overdrive!" He yells as his Hamon courses through the zombie, causing it to melt. Dio crushes the skulls of the other zombies. "These fool's will not be suitable minions for me." Dio says with dissapointment. As they look at the dead goons, Dio realizes something, him and Jojo actually make a very good team. "Jojoo, if this isn't the end of the battles that we will face while working together, you are the only person that I truly respect." Dio says begrudgingly.
Integra Hellsing (12 at this time) and Alucard walk up the stairs to the Dining room and see the carnage that unfolded. "Well, well, well. And who are you two?" Alucard asks with a maniacal grin on his face. "I'm sorry sir if we are intruding in your home, we were in the middle of a battle when we suddenly appeared in this room. The men attacked us first, we only fought back in self defense." Jojo explains. "Well my master, what shall I do with these intruders?" Alucard says with menace in his voice that rattles even Dio. "Let them live." Integra says softly "Thank you miss, my name is Jonathan Joestar, but most people call me Jojo, and this is my adopted brother Dio." Jojo says with a cautious smile on his face. Dio just stares at Alucard warily. "I can tell that you're not human." Dio says without breaking his glare. "Oh, and what makes you say that?" Alucard inquires. "I can hear that your heart isn't beating." Dio responds. Alucard raises an eyebrow before his straightjacket morphs into Victorian esque style, but only of red and black. Alucard offers a grizzly smile that contained teeth like daggers. "So, you realize what I am. Now I must ask, what are you?" He asks. Dio grimaces. "I, Dio am a vampire of great calibur!" Dio replies with contempt and arrogance. "Well what are the chances? So am I." Alucard says with a terrifying grin.
"What?!" Jojo yells. "Ignoring that, is this building meant just for a family, or is it the base of operations for a supernatural organization?" Dio asks. Alucard smirks. "Since I'm here, which one do you think it is." He says. Dio just growls. "Would it be okay if we work for this organization, Miss...?" Jonathan asks, fishing for a last name to know her by. "Hellsing. My name is Integra Hellsing." Integra says. "Do you have any experience killing vampires and ghouls?" Alucard asks. "I've set Dio on fire and impaled him through the abdomen once and beaten many zombies. does that count?" Jojo asks. "I believe that my abilities will allow be to be a useful asset to your organization." Dio says with a smirk/frown on his face. "You're both hired." Integra says softly but with authority. "Thank you." Jonathan says, sighing with releif.
For those who don't know what was supposed to happen during and after the fight at the top of the castle in Wind Knight's Lot, watch the show, I'm not a spoiler.
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