so much to offer
her P.O.V
there were more guy's one was wearing a monkey mask with a cigar in it's mouth, another had a green button up shirt with his black hair in a little ponytail, the guy in the pig mask was there, and a guy with a tuxedo on, and then a guy with a with a Mohawk and tank top on was there, also a guy with a blue hoodie and hockey mask, and then a guy with a pink shirt with sandals and socks. i stopped shaking trying to act all tuff "vanoss, is this that kid who wanted to get the bank. because well it's a girl" the one with the pig mask said. "well that's sexist. asshole" i mumbled at him. "vanoss she looks really scared" the one with the green shirt said and i was i guess he saw through me trying to act tuff. "well guy's i thought we could well...." after a long pause the one with the owl mask continued "maybe we could add her to the gang" he finished. i heard some gasps "dude it's a fucking gir-" i cut off the one wearing the pig mask "AND YOU are a fucking pussy" i hissed he stopped and got up and slowly walked towards me "you got some ball's kid" he said stopping a few feet in front of me "wildcat I AM THE LEADER so i say she stay's. i mean look at her she seem's so brave talking back even though she has no idea what we want with her" the owl one said "damn you guy's are stupid" i said "SEE" the 'leader' said pointing at me with his free hand that wasn't holding my wrist. the 'leader' sighed and let go of my wrist walking into the kitchen i think. "hey kid what's your name" the one with the Mohawk asked walking towards me "um, well, i don't have one" i said rubbing the back of my neck "VANOSS THIS IS BULLSHIT IT DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A NAME" the one with the pig mask yelled walking into the place the 'leader' went. "moo name the girl something" i heard the 'leaders' voice say calmly "yes" the one with the Mohawk whispered "hmm, let's see" he said putting a finger on his chin "hey don't want to be a bitch but do you want to tell me all of your name's?" i asked "o my god i'm so sorry. i'm moo" the one with the Mohawk said "i'm mini ladd" the one in the tux said still sitting on the couch "i am nogla and that's drodd" the one in the green said pointing to himself then to the man in the pink shirt "that's basically and the guy with the pig mask is wildcat. and i am lui" the one with the monkey mask with cigar said "OK GUY'S SHUT UP I GOT A NAME" moo said looking at me "how about A" moo smiled "that's it... just A?" nogla asked "VANOSS HOW ABOUT A" moo yelled "SOUND GOOD. HEY BRING HER IN HERE" vanoss yelled "come child" moo said walking towards the room vanoss walked into a little while ago a giggled hoping no one would notice but moo turned around "HEY i got you to giggle" he smiled at me i grinned. we walked into the room it was a kitchen i knew it wildcat shoot his head at me i'm guessing he was giving me a dirty look under his mask i flinched a little. "here A" vanoss said handing me a bottle of mountain dew "damn i haven't had this in a long time" i smiled and started chugging the bottle "slow down A" moo giggled staring at me because i had already dank the whole bottle. "sorry" i said wiping my mouth with my hoodie "HEY WILDCAT" mini yelled from the living room "COMING" wildcat yelled back as he went to walk out of the kitchen he bumped shoulders with me and i saw his eyes through the mask giving me an evil look i jumped a little and i guess moo noticed "wildcat" he hissed "hey how about both of you go to the living room so i can talk to A" vanoss said to moo and wildcat. when they walked out vanoss went into one of the cabnit's "regular or sour cream with Onion?" he asked me "sour cream and onion" i said with a smile vanoss got out a bowl and poured some chips into it then handed it to me "thanks" i said as i started to eat the chips that tasted like heaven since i haven't eaten in forever. "A you know you could join this gang. but there's a catch" vanoss leaned on the counter his owl mask eye's staring at me "and that catch would be" i said "you would have to help us on missions. and if you join you cant leave this house for a week unless we say so. witch if you stay here you get a roof over your head food and friends" he said "well, are you going to take the mask off" i asked popping another chip into my mouth "we will take off our mask's when we trust you" he looked at the ground "well i didn't trust you but yet you took my hood down witch is kinda like my mask" i said in an angry voice just to see what he would do. vanoss walked until he was right in front of me "" he said pocking my stomach with each word "i forgive you" i giggled but i didn't touch him he looked really tuff and could break me in half if i fucked up. "do we have a deal" vanoss held out his hand i took his hand and we shook on it "deal" i sighed putting the bowl into the sink. "HEY VANOSS CAN YOU PLEASE BRING A IN HERE" lui called in this little kid voice i laughed and followed vanoss into the living room "alright she is a part of the gang" vanoss happily said every one said cool except wildcat and basically "so child how old are you" lui asked he was sitting on the couch with everyone but wildcat and basically were leaning against the wall "i'm well 15" i said basically growled so i growled back but louder "you are reeeaallllly pushing it kid" wildcat said "well that's cool i like to reeeaalllly push people" i hissed at him "well time for everyone to go home" vanoss said and everyone got up and left "so much to offer" i smiled "don't push those 2 they will kill you with one shot to the head" vanoss said "i will show you your room" i followed him to this big ass room. "before i forget i give a gift to new comers. i'll be back in about an hour" he said walking out of the room. about 30 minuets later he came back i was laying on the bed my eye's closed when vanoss nudged my shoulder i opened my eye's he was holding a brown teddy bear he put it onto my bed. "goodnight A" vanoss said but before he walked out of the room i whispered "thank you vanoss" he nodded and closed the door.
yay sorry this chapter is stupid. Love, angelgaming45
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