~At MiniLadd's room~
Pewdiepie: You need help with anything?
MiniLadd: *Packing medicines* No need.
Pewdiepie: . . .*Hugs MiniLadd from behind*
MiniLadd: . . .What are you doing?
Pewdiepie: I just. . .want you to feel happy.
MiniLadd: *Escapes Pewdiepie's hug, turns to him* Why do you fucking care?
Pewdiepie: Sorry, I. . .I know that you've been through a lot.
MiniLadd: . . .I wanted to ask.
Pewdiepie: Hmm?
MiniLadd: . . .Have we met before?
Pewdiepie: Ah. . .nope! D-Definitely not!
MiniLadd: You suck at lying.
Pewdiepie: I'm not!
MiniLadd: Marcel is going to kill you if you keep lying.
Pewdiepie: Oh, look at the time! We should get going!
Pewdiepie: Is everyone ready!?
Nogla: Yup.
DeadSquirrel: I've never been to an ocean before.
Lui: Are you serious!?
Ohm: Aww~, we gotta pop your ocean cherry then~.
Bryce: OHM!
Delirious: . . . (I think we are ready.)
CaRtOoNz: I'm not too excited for this shit.
Droidd: Then you're welcome not to go.
CaRtOoNz: Fuck you bitch.
Cry: We're ready! Can't you see fuckhead!?
Jack: Cry! *Turns to Pewdiepie* What he meant to say is, 'We are ready, as you can see'.
Pewdiepie: *Giggles* That's my Jackaboy.
Cry: He's just saying to get on your good side!
Pewdiepie: Oh. Well, everyone is on my good side. Of course, including you, Cry. *Smiles*
Cry: *Blushes a bit & looks away* F-Fuck you.
Jack: *Looks at Moo* You & Cry are so similar.
Moo: What the fuck you mean!?
Terroriser: . . . (How should I intervene?)
MiniLadd: *Pats Terroriser's back*
Terroriser: *Turns to MiniLadd* Mini. . .
MiniLadd: Judging by your look, you were thinking about Moo, huh? He seemed to be all buddy-buddy with those two.
Terroriser: What should I do?
MiniLadd: Don't ask me. Go with your gut or something.
Terroriser: . . .My gut. . .*Takes out a syringe*
Basically: That is a no, Terroriser.
Terroriser: But Marcel, I-
MiniLadd: I have to agree with Marcel, Brian.
Terroriser: . . .*Puts the syringe away* Okay, I. . .I'll let this slide. . .
Basically: You shouldn't force too much, and attacking isn't always the answer.
Terroriser: . . .Alright. . .
Vanoss: . . .
RacingCatz: Evan. . .you alright?
Markiplier: There's no need to rush, Mr. Vanoss.
Vanoss: I'm not in a rush. I'm pissed at you. I just got him back. Now, you want me to let him go.
Markiplier: It depends on what Craig wishes. If he wants to learn precisely & gain more knowledge & skills, he would have to come with me. However, if he doesn't want to leave the crew & come back few years later, he would only have limited knowledge & skills.
RacingCatz: But few years is too long.
Vanoss: . . .*Looks at MiniLadd* Craig. . .
Markiplier: Maybe you should relax first. Distract your mind for a bit.
Vanoss: . . . *Sees Wildcat, Jiggly & 407* Maybe. . .
Jiggly: I think we are ready.
Wildcat: Yea, and I'm a bit excited.
407: Me too! Can't wait to see some hot stuff on the beach!
Jiggly: Scotty. . .
407: I hope the hotel has a gambling room! And bars to drink!
Wildcat: Scotty. . .
407: You guys will join me, right~?
Jiggly: No.
Wildcat: I-
407: Fine then, Anthony! I'm just gonna keep Tyler as my company~.
Wildcat: Wait I didn't-
407: Oh! How I wonder how many men & women would desire him~!
Jiggly: *Eye twitches a bit* You are not going to drag Tyler into that!
407: Oh boo-hoo~. If you wanna prevent it, you should join us~.
Vanoss: *Wraps his arm around Wildcat's hip* I'll join you two.
Wildcat: *Blush* V-Vanoss?
407: O-Oh, hey Owlman.
Jiggly: Get your hand off of him!
Vanoss: Suck my dick!
Wildcat: *Blushing* U-Um. . .
Pewdiepie: Enough! Alright, let's go guys! Mark, do the honor~.
Markiplier: *Opens a portal with Dimensional Access*
Pewdiepie: Let's go!
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