Turned Tables (Ask #79)
Markiplier: Are you insane!?
DeadSquirrel: It's possible. *Shows a pill* With this.
Markiplier: That's. . .
DeadSquirrel: A pill from the enemy. I ate one, and that helped me get here fast.
~Few minutes ago~
DeadSquirrel: *Gets out from the safe room* Phew. . .and what was going- *Sees Kryoz with Marksman & Legiqn, who are unconscious*
Kryoz: *Sniffles, aiding them* Please. . .wake up. . .
DeadSquirrel: (Jeez. . .did. . .we do that?) *Hears gunshots & shouting from outside* Oh god. . .they're in trouble.
Kryoz: Who's there!? *Sees DeadSquirrel*
DeadSquirrel: (Oh shit!) Um. . .
Kryoz: . . .*Vision blurred with tears* Who are you?
DeadSquirrel: I-I'm DeadSquirrel. *Walks up to them* W-What happened here?
Kryoz: . . .*Sniffles* Those gangsters. . .they shot Marksman & clawed Legiqn's back!
DeadSquirrel: Shit. . .that's. . .extreme?
Kryoz: *Wipes his tears* I couldn't do anything. . .didn't have energy to help them. . .I'm so sorry. . .
DeadSquirrel: Energy. . .
[Midori: Here you go, it's my special pills, it'll help you get energy.]
DeadSquirrel: Um. . .maybe this'll help. *Gives pills to Kryoz*
Kryoz: This is. . .
DeadSquirrel: I don't really know what it does, but one of the officers gave me.
Kryoz: This. . .*Eyes widens* This is Officer Midori's pills! H-How did you- n-never mind! This'll help them! Thank you!
DeadSquirrel: Um. . .you're welcome? (Should I have really helped them? I mean. . .I did worked for them before. . .)
Kryoz: *Uses the pills on Marksman & Legiqn*
Marksman: Ugh. . .*Opens his eyes a bit* J-John?
Kryoz: Sir!
Legiqn: Ugh. . .fuck. . .
Kryoz: *Tears up more* Sirs!
Marksman: What. . .happened?
Kryoz: I used Officer Midori's pills! It'll help you guys temporary! The help is coming! *Turns to DeadSquirrel* Thank you so much! You must be an ally if Officer Midori gave you pills!
DeadSquirrel: Um. . .y-yea. . .
Marksman: *Looks at DeadSquirrel* . . .DeadSquirrel?
DeadSquirrel: O-Oh, h-hello.
Kryoz: You know him?
Marksman: Yea, he's. . .a gang hunter. I sometimes gave him job, and. . . (Didn't we see him at vacation. . .with the BBS? John doesn't seem to recognize him. . .)
Kryoz: Oh my, he's a life savior! Could you. . .help us fight the gang outside? I need to watch them.
DeadSquirrel: I-I. . .um. . .can you tell me what these pills do?
Kryoz: It boosts your skills, for temporary time, you'll have super strength, speed, & recovery, it's our trump card to turn tables if things go bad.
DeadSquirrel: Got it. . .but I might fail you guys.
Legiqn: That's fine. . .ugh. . .
Kryoz: Officer Legiqn! What do you mean!? They need to pay!
Legiqn: Don't make my work. . .go to waste! *Looks at DeadSquirrel* Get out of here. . .those gangsters *pant* cannot be captured. . .
Kryoz: What are you saying!? I don't care about them at this point! They need to die!
Marksman: John!
DeadSquirrel: . . .I'll just do it my way.
Legiqn: Just. . .please. . .*pant*
DeadSquirrel: *Walks to the door* (An officer care about us? The BBS. . .even pulled the officer to their side? What kind of a gang are they? . . .Well, they pulled me into it.) *Sees Vanoss getting pinned down by YandereDev* Vanoss! (I have to get there!
Midori: *Sees DeadSquirrel* Who are you!?
Michaela: *Aiding Midori*
DeadSquirrel: (Oh shit, it's that officer! But. . .Vanoss is in trouble!) S-Sorry, I need to go! *Takes out a pill* (Thank god I took them from her.)
Midori: *Sees the pill* That's my pill? (But I gave them to the squirrel. . .was it his pet?)
DeadSquirrel: *Takes one, energy builds up in himself* Whoa. . .this is. . .amazing. *Runs towards Vanoss & YandereDev, then kicks YandereDev off of Vanoss* (Incredible power!)
DeadSquirrel: Long story, but that's what happened.
Markiplier: . . .You have more?
DeadSquirrel: I got a few more.
Markiplier: Save at least one & come back to base.
DeadSquirrel: I guess I can do that.
YandereDev: *Gets up, body shaking a bit* (Fuck. . .I took too much damage. . .but still. . .I can fight. . .)
DeadSquirrel: *Sees YandereDev* Oh shit, go go!
Markiplier: *Carries Vanoss in the car*
Jiggly: *Carries Lui in the car*
Jack & Pewdiepie: *Gets in the car*
Bryce: That's everyone!
Markiplier: *Turns the car on & drives*
YandereDev: Shit! *Takes out his gun*
DeadSquirrel: *Grabs YandereDev's arm* (I have limited time, and few more pills, I need to make it worth it!) *Overthrows YandereDev down to the ground*
YandereDev: Ack!
AWolfsJourney "Yes! Go Squirrel!"
wildnoss "No dead squirrel your going to get killed and Ohm will be sad don't do it"
DeadSquirrel: I'll live. . .I'LL LIVE TO SEE OHMIE AGAIN! *Swings his fist to YandereDev*
YandereDev: *Dodges, looks at his arm, had a bruised handprint* (Such strength. . .this is bad. . .) *Looks at DeadSquirrel* (And he's just a kid!)
AWolfsJourney "Omg, Vanoss snap the fuck out it and get your shit together!*slaps Vanoss*"
Vanoss: Ugh. . .
abbyloveanime18 "Too much shit is happening!! Come on vanoss snap out of it!!"
Vanoss: W-Wha. . .
Markiplier: Shh. Stay down & shut it.
Vanoss: . . . (What was I thinking? Giving up like that. . .) Ugh! *Looks at his chest, bleeding*
CherryPlayz07 "NOOOOO"
Markiplier: You'll be fine, just don't breathe too deep.
Vanoss: . . . (Mini. . .would you say the same thing. . .or more in a rude way?)
Question from SADBOI_H0URS ,
"... oh fuck ARE YOU OKAY!?"
Markiplier: He's fine, as long as we get to base safely. The knife didn't pierce through his chest, and he's breathing fine, so I doubt there is big gash on his lungs or heart.
Vanoss: . . . (What's wrong with me!? God dammit. . .)
Question from shadoxiety ,
Cry: They're right here. Man, you look fucked up, Moo.
Moo: Ugh. . .*coughs*
Bryce: Terroriser seems to be fine.
Terroriser: *Unconscious*
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"Vanoss! If YanDev is doing it for someone he loves! Then do it for the people you love, the crew, fear or not you care about them right!?"
Vanoss: . . . *Looks at everyone in the car* . . . (Do I?)
Lui: *Touches Vanoss' shoulder*
Vanoss: *Looks at Lui*
Lui: . . .I'm sorry, Vanoss. . .
Vanoss: . . . (For what?)
Lui: I. . .should've stopped him. . .so you. . .wouldn't have. . .gotten hurt. . .
Jiggly: Lui, you need to rest.
Lui: . . .I'm sorry. . .
Vanoss: . . . (Am I an idiot? Of course, I do.) *Pats Lui's head* (I do, Lui. Just like how you care about me. . .)
CherryPlayz07 "Vanoss, these complicated feeling that you have right now. You have to do something about it or else you'll lose focus even worst you might get killed. I think you and your crew should have a little meeting about everyone else problems including yours after all of this mess so all of the feelings everyone is having will lessen."
Vanoss: . . . (Yea. . .I want to talk to Mini. . .tell him. . .my apology. And. . .talk to Tyler. . .I can't do this anymore. . .now that I realized how weak I became. . .I can't.)
DeadSquirrel: *Dodges YandereDev's attack* Shit. . .
YandereDev: A gang hunter like you, siding with a gang!? You've gone low. . .
DeadSquirrel: . . .Maybe, but I have my reasons.
YandereDev: What kind of reasons? You hated gangs, they were just money for you.
DeadSquirrel: A change of view won't hurt. Sure, they were horrible at first.
YandereDev: *Attacks DeadSquirrel*
DeadSquirrel: *Blocks* But they showed me that they're different! *Fights back*
YandereDev: *Dodges* All gangs are the same! *Attacks DeadSquirrel* They live to make others' life horrible!
DeadSquirrel: *Dodges* That's not true! Sure, my life was destroyed because of a gang, but they're not like that! And I. . . *blush* I. . .like them.
YandereDev: Huh, 'like'? What a kid, easily manipulated.
DeadSquirrel: It's not manipulation! You just don't see it! *Attacks YandereDev*
YandereDev: *Blocks* Ugh. . .oh really? What I saw was a heartless bastard, who used people as a meat shield! *Kicks DeadSquirrel*
DeadSquirrel: Ugh! *Backs away* (Is it already time?)
YandereDev: You're the one who's blind! They are just ruthless, waste of life!
DeadSquirrel: . . . (That's not true. . .)
[Ohm: Squirrely, are you eating all right?
DeadSquirrel: . . .I've never had any of these. I don't know how to. . .*picks up fork & knife* use these. . .non-violent way.
Ohm: *Giggles* You're so cute!
Lui: Jesus, you really don't know anything. *Helps DeadSquirel how to hold the fork & knife* Then you cut it.
Bryce: Someone has been living in wildlife. *Looks at Moo*
Moo: Fuck you, Bryce! I know how to use utensils!
Delirious: . . .? (Would you like me to cut your food for you?)
Nogla: Bryce, Delirious is going to feed Squirrel, you okay with that?
Delirious: *Blush* . . .- (I didn't-)
Bryce: *Blush* H-Hell no!
Droidd: *Gives a cup of water to DeadSquirrel* Here, in case you choke on it.
DeadSquirrel: Oh. . .thanks.
CaRtOoNz: *Takes out a flame thrower* It'll be tastier if we burn it more!
Terroriser: Cartoonz no!
Vanoss: Quiet down! *Pats DeadSquirrel's head* Let him eat quietly.
Wildcat: *Hands a napkin to DeadSquirrel* Here's a napkin if you need it.
DeadSquirrel: Thanks. . . . *Eats his food, looking at everyone else talking & having fun* . . .Heh. *Smiles*
Ohm: *Smiles* Is it delicious?
DeadSquirrel: *Nods with a smile*]
DeadSquirrel: (There are nothing like the gangs I've seen. They care for each other. . .I know it. It's really fun being with them. . .I want to know more. . .I want to stand with them.) They're. . .kind, funny, and *giggles* really noisy.
YandereDev: This is the first time in a long time. . .a gang has damaged me this much.
DeadSquirrel: (I hope they're far enough by now. . .I need to figure out a way to escape.) *Hears sirens* Hmm?
YandereDev: Sirens?
DeadSquirrel: Oh shit!
YandereDev: Reinforcement?
DeadSquirrel: I gotta run! *Takes out a pill*
YandereDev: You're not- *Eyes widens* that's Midori's pills!
DeadSquirrel: *Takes it*
~Ambulance & Police Cars arrives~
DeadSquirrel: *Runs away in super speed*
YandereDev: Wait, you- ugh! *Falls to his knee, puts a hand on his wound*
KubzScouts: *Gets out of the car* Alex! *Runs up to YandereDev* Alex, are you okay!?
YandereDev: I-I'm okay. . .*Leans on KubzScouts* Jay. . .
KubzScouts: Let's get you back.
YandereDev: I. . .we almost got them. . .but. . .
KubzScouts: Don't worry about that. I'm glad you're alive.
YandereDev: . . .Oh! Help the others! They're injured! Especially Legiqn!
KubzScouts: Alright. *Turns to other officers* Get the injured ones! They're in the warehouse! *Supports YandereDev* (BBS. . .what a dangerous gang. . .)
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