Troubled Officers
~Few days later, at Insta-GramPolice Hospital~
Legiqn: Ow, ow, ow!
(Doctor): Your back is not cracked, that's good.
Legiqn: Jesus! It hurts, asshole!
Kryoz: Officer Legiqn, respect your doctor!
Legiqn: *Sigh* Who would've thought I'd be spending Christmas & New Year in a fucking hospital.
Marksman: Well, you were bleeding a lot. You need to be careful.
Legiqn: Says you! You literally took a bullet to your chest, and 8 fucking surgeries to fix it!
Kryoz: Don't yell at Officer Marksman, it's my fault!
Marksman & Legiqn: It's not your fault./!
YandereDev: *Enters* Hey bitches.
Midori: Do you have any OTHER way to greet!?
YandereDev: Shut up, bitch!
Michaela: . . . *Looks at Kryoz, hands a basket of fruits*
Kryoz: Oh, thank you.
YandereDev: You guys alright?
Legiqn: Alive for first, but this doctor tried to break my back!
(Doctor): I was just checking. Well, I will be going. *Leaves*
Marksman: It's rare to see you come visit. Any other reasons to be here?
YandereDev: Well, Jay wanted to know about you guys' recovery. Also. . .some details. The upper people are very disappointed for our failure. *Leans on the wall, crosses his arms* And they're searching for WHO is at fault here. Obviously, it's gotta be me or Marksman.
Kryoz: No way. . .it should be me! I failed them, that's why they-
YandereDev: I would like it if that's true, however. . .the gang hunter who was apparently working with the BBS, used Midori's pills to boost himself, so they think it's my fault for letting enemies get her pills.
Midori: But I never handed to them! I handed to a squirrel!
Kryoz: Those pills saved Legiqn & Marksman!
YandereDev: Yea, and we were outnumbered when their back up came.
Marksman: . . .What does the Captain say?
YandereDev: It's bullshit.
Marksman: . . .What does the-
YandereDev: Literally! Jay thinks this is bullshit, and tried convincing them, but those rockheads don't listen, however! My baby~ convinced them to minimize the punishment~. Oh, he's just a wonderful man~, isn't he?
Kryoz: Really?
Midori: Yea, the punishment is to be restrained from work for few weeks.
Legiqn: That's it?
YandereDev: Yup, before this was literally torture.
Midori: Not actual, idiot! But it's painful as fuck by the sound of it.
Kryoz: Well. . .I should be the one taking the fault.
Marksman: No, you did a great job, you damaged one of the members, and even if you were in no shape to fight, you still wanted to do the job, your loyalty is something we really need.
Legiqn: Then I guess, it's me. I didn't do anything, while everyone else did something.
YandereDev: . . .Nah, I'll take it. I couldn't catch them, and I'm usually lazy, so no work? Hurray for me.
Midori: I didn't contribute, and it was MY pills that fucked us over.
Michaela: Only. . .at the. . .end. I. . .lost. My fault.
CherryPlayz07 "There's one thing I want to tell to YandereDev, Michella, Midori, Marksman, and Kryoz.
If you guys could hear me, please leave the BBS gang alone, I know it's not possible because it's your duty as a officer but this gang is like a family. They care about each other, they loved each other like a family. Everyone in the BBS gang has a very strong bond. Throughout their past years. Pain. Trust. Love. Sadness. Happiness. Every problem or conflict they've encountered, they're still together, still going strong. Even if their not blood relatives, they're a one happy family. You guys probably get my point, right? If one of them dies, they'll seek revenge to the one who did it and won't stop. If one of them gets captured, they'll do anything they can to get them back safe and sound especially their leader, Vanoss. Their leader is the cause, why they're together and I know that their thankful to him even though some hate him. Vanoss is a great leader for me, even he hurts his own teammates, I know that he cares about them a lot, he's doing that because he don't want them to die. It's like your group of officers, you guys care for each other, treat them like you guys are family, right? So you must understand their feelings. So please, give them space for a moment, I know it's hard to do because you guys are cops. I'm not telling you guys this because I want you to pity them, no. I'm telling you this because they're like you but opposite. If you guys are in their position, you would do the same, right?"
Marksman: . . .*Clenches his fists* (Connor. . .)
Legiqn: . . . (Van. . .I knew he's a great guy.)
Kryoz: . . .Officer YandereDev, Midori, Michaela. . .I love my job, friends, and we are doing this job to protect people, right?
YandereDev: *Taps his finger* Well, technically.
Midori: Of course, we are.
Michaela: *Nods*
Kryoz: . . .Then what if we're destroying a family? By doing this job? Is it worth it?
Midori: Huh?
Michaela: Hmm?
YandereDev: *Grabs Kryoz's neck & pins him to the wall*
Kryoz: *Dropped the fruit basket* Ugh!
Legiqn: JOHN!
Marksman: Unhand him!
YandereDev: Just wait a sec, youngster. Are you having doubt? Or pity towards those GANGS?
Kryoz: I-I-
Marksman: *Grabs YandereDev away from Kryoz* Don't you dare touch John like that!
Kryoz: *Coughs*
Legiqn: *Runs up to Kryoz* John, you alright?
Kryoz: *Nods*
YandereDev: Why do I feel doubt from you, Kryoz? Gangs are what destroyed EVERYTHING in the first place!
Legiqn: But they're humans, and they're like a family. Maybe we can't see, but could try to see in different perspective.
YandereDev: . . .Why can't they live normally then? They chose their own path & that's final. We do our job, and they do theirs! We're not going to kill them anyway, we're gonna put them in cage until they change themselves. We're more merciful, but them!? They kill, steal, & repeat! Somebody has to put an end to the loop. . .AND THAT'S US! *Leaves the room with a big slam*
Midori: . . .Jesus, we're in a hospital, goddammit.
Michaela: . . . *Picks up the fruit basket Kryoz dropped*
Marksman: . . .Should've been silent.
Kryoz: I'm sorry, it's just. . .I. . .wanted them to hear this message.
Legiqn: By what happened, it was probably better to not let them listen. It could've been worse.
Kryoz: . . .How can we be sure they're different?
Legiqn: *Punches Kryoz*
Kryoz: Ouch!
Legiqn: Quit bringing the mood down! Even if you're concerned of what's right or wrong, doesn't matter. We saw a lot of other gangs that were just plain evil.
Kryoz: But. . .
Marksman: *Pats Kryoz's head* We'll talk about this later. Not today. And Legiqn, you should get back to bed.
Legiqn: Wha- AGH! Ow, ow, ow! My back!
Kryoz: Officer Legiqn! *Helps Legiqn*
Marksman: Told ya.
Midori: . . .*Giggles*
Michaela: *Places the fruit basket on the table*
~At YandereDev~
YandereDev: Having pity for a gang? Doubt to us? Fuck off. . .
KubzScouts: *Sees YandereDev* Oh, Alex!
YandereDev: *Sees KubzScouts* Jay. . .
KubzScouts: *Walks up to him* What are you doing here? Where's Midori & Michaela?
YandereDev: Just visiting Marksman's group, and I left the two there.
KubzScouts: *Giggles* You're horrible, you left two girls?
YandereDev: Hey, those two are manly strong! I don't see them as girls.
KubzScouts: That's even worse!
YandereDev: *Giggles* So, what are you here for?
KubzScouts: I was going to visit Officer Marksman's group too. *Shows a fruit basket* I bought some fruits for them.
YandereDev: . . .Well, we already gave them a fruit basket.
KubzScouts: What? Really? Aww, well, I'll still give it to them. Can you guide me to their room?
YandereDev: *Grabs KubzScouts' hand, and pulls him to an empty room*
KubzScouts: Hey! Ale- *Gets pinned to the wall*
YandereDev: They don't need another fruit basket. . .I'll eat it. *Starts kissing KubzScouts' neck*
KubzScouts: *Blush* H-Hey! W-We're in a hospital, right now. . .
YandereDev: I'm not letting you near them at the moment.
KubzScouts: What? Did something happen?
YandereDev: . . .*Leans on KubzScouts' chest* Yea. . .fucking Kryoz doubted our job or something, and. . .well, I got pissed, cause doubting us is like doubting you or something. I felt him pitting the gang, and I got even more pissed, and I kinda. . .used violence.
KubzScouts: . . . *Sigh* Come on, Alex.
YandereDev: *Looks at KubzScouts*
KubzScouts: Take your contacts off.
YandereDev: *Takes his color contacts off* Happy?
KubzScouts: *Cups YandereDev's face* You gotta control yourself, Alex.
YandereDev: . . .Do you like my eyes?
KubzScouts: *Smiles* Of course, I love your eyes. I like how you are. You're Alex, YandereDev, the one I admire. You are so talented and blessed with it.
YandereDev: *Blush* Yea, I'm blessed. . .having you in my life. *Kisses KubzScouts*
KubzScouts: *Blush, kisses back*
~At outside BBS base~
???: Here I am. I hope that masked dude wasn't lying. Now. . .time see this 'Banana Bus Squad' gang. *Walks up to the door & knocks*
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