Time to End? (Ask # 2.7)
i-love-anime-0824 "Ohm your save now just forget about past okay? Everything is going to be okay"
Ohm: *Nods* I'm so blessed to have so many lovers.
Nogla: *Giggles* We are blessed to have you, Ohm.
Ohm: Oh Davy. . . *Snuggles against Nogla*
Nogla: *Smiles*
i-love-anime-0824 "Come on guys don't be mean to Nogla he going to take care of Ohm"
Sattelizer: Every man is an enemy.
Droidd: Don't wanna put any guards down.
CaRtOoNz: Or someone might take advantage. *Glares at Swag*
Swag: I did not take any advantage.
i-love-anime-0824 "Guys can you please stop saying that who got here first and kill Minx already"
Sattelizer: It's an important thing!
Droidd: It was a bet that demon made without Ohmwrecker's consent.
CaRtOoNz: Hey! I know what Ohm likes!
Question from mmmppp26 ,
"Yal make sure to kill Minx. Besides can't all you guys and Ohm just have a sixsome?"
CaRtOoNz: But I don't wanna share my bitch.
Sattelizer: We never even tried 'threesome', how would 'sixsome' work anyways?
Droidd: I'm afraid that 'sixsome' will break Ohmwrecker.
Swag: I would like to have sex alone with Bunny.
DeadSquirrel: I know these guys will cockblock me & try to take Ohmie for themselves anyway, so what's the point?
mmmppp26 "Also Bryce you and Delirious are so cute! I hope they finish fighting Minx soon that way yal can get back to your date."
Delirious: *Blush* .-. . . (T-Thank you.)
Bryce: *Blush* Thanks. . .um. . .just finish her already guys!
CaRtOoNz: Shut up, Bryce!
AWolfsJourney "Guys, just kill fucking Minx already! And you shut the fuck up you bitch, you dont know shit about Ohm, get over yourself and fuck off!"
CherryPlayz07 "Guys! Stop arguing and kill that hoe already or else she'll escape and maybe, get ohm killed!"
SADB0I_HOURS "you idiots if you keep arguing she might escape just do it together I don't know maybe just rip her body parts out or something"
CaRtOoNz: Alright, let's just kill her already!
Droidd: Agreed.
Sattelizer: Get ready for some torture~.
Swag: Let's put an end.
DeadSquirrel: Ready.
Minx: . . . *Taps her finger on the ice crystal*
i-love-anime-0824 "Hey Vanoss Lui MiniLadd Racingcatz i have good news to tell you guys Ohm is save now"
Vanoss: That's good news.
MiniLadd: Jesus Christ. . .
RacingCatz: But we need to make sure.
Lui: Yea. . .
Wildcat: I'm glad he's okay now.
Legiqn: I guess so.
i-love-anime-0824 "Hey Legiqn don't call Lui little man he big boy leave Lui alone"
Legiqn: I was just joking.
Lui: Fuck you, asshole.
Legiqn: If it was that offensive, I apologize.
Lui: Hmph.
MiaArtLover "I like... what is it called again... lulu?"
Lui: *Blush* SHUT UP! Stupid Ohm! I am going to make him suffer!
RacingCatz: I think that's a cute name.
Lui: I said shut up!
SADB0I_HOURS "Now i just remembered "Lulu" is a brand name for soda in my country"
Vanoss: That's what it is?
MiniLadd: He's more like a solid than liquid.
Lui: The fuck you mean by that!?
MiniLadd: It means that you're stubborn.
i-love-anime-0824 "I agree with MiniLadd why Legiqn have to go with you guys"
Legiqn: Hey, it's my choice.
MiniLadd: Fuck off.
Legiqn: . . .I get it, but. . .I just. . .
Vanoss: . . .Stop being hostile, Mini.
MiniLadd: Oh, now you take HIS side!?
Vanoss: I said STOP, Craig. This isn't the time, okay?
MiaArtLover "Jeez- mini calm down
Protective indeed( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"
CherryPlayz07 "Oh my~ getting protective over your brother, huh~? 😉"
MiniLadd: . . .Now, I feel stupid for doing that.
Vanoss: . . .Craig. . .
MiniLadd: I got my ripped off for you, and this is what I get.
Vanoss: *Stops* Craig, shut up, right now!
MiniLadd: *Stops* Well, that's how I feel like right now!
Legiqn: *Gets in between them* Whoa, whoa, calm down guys!
MiniLadd: *Grabs Legiqn's shirt* This is all your fault at the first place!
Legiqn: I-I said I'm sorry!
RacingCatz: Guys, stop it!
MiniLadd: I'll stop once this bitch get out of my sig-
Pewdiepie: CRAIG! *Hugs him*
MiniLadd: Ahhh! What the fuck!?
Jiggly: Thank god we found you guys.
Wildcat: Anthony!
Jiggly: *Runs up to Wildcat* Are you alright?
Wildcat: I'm okay.
MiniLadd: *Pushes Pewdiepie off him* What the fuck, Felix!?
Pewdiepie: You were arguing, so I tried to help out.
MiniLadd: That was not helping!
RacingCatz: Anyway! Um, did something happen? Why were you guys searching for us?
Jiggly: We have to find Brofist Clan members.
Vanoss: What?
Pewdiepie: Cry opened the portal to let my teammates come to this dimension, but they were all separated, and we need to find them. Apparently, Minx is with one of your team members.
Lui: Ohm, right?
Jiggly: Yes.
Lui: A fucking scavenger hunt.
Legiqn: Do you know the name of the members?
Pewdiepie: Yes, 'Minx', 'Marzia', 'Emma Blackkery', 'CinnamonToastKen', & 'KickthePJ'.
Legiqn: Okay, we could ask people a-
MiniLadd: You are not helping! We have enough! And we don't want a fucking cop working with us, it's too risky!
Legiqn: But-
MiniLadd: We fought your bosses, and we sure don't want that again!
Legiqn: . . .Fine.
Vanoss: . . .First, let's go see Ohm. I want to make sure he's safe, see with my own eyes.
Pewdiepie: Alright, let's go.
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