Still Searching (Ask #2.1) *Start of 2nd Arc*
MiaArtLover "Awww.... what a lovable thing you are! You two fit each other~!"
KubzScouts: *On YandereDev's lap, feeding chocolates*
YandereDev: *Sitting on the couch with KubzScouts on his lap, eating chocolates* Mmmm~, so delicious~.
KubzScouts: I'm glad you like it.
YandereDev: *Holds KubzScouts close* You're gonna be a wonderful wife~.
KubzScouts: *Blush* I mean. . .for you. . .
YandereDev: OH JAY~! *Pins KubzScouts on the couch & starts kissing KubzScouts*
KubzScouts: *Moans* A-Alex~.
YandereDev: Can't wait for tonight, baby~.
KubzScouts: *Blushing* Me neither~.
YandereDev: Jay~. . . *Kisses KubzScouts*
KubzScouts: *Kisses back*
~Phone rings~
KubzScouts: *Breaks the kiss*
YandereDev: Let's ignore that.
KubzScouts: One quick phone call, Alex.
YandereDev: *Pouts*
KubzScouts: *Pats YandereDev's head, and answers the phone*
YandereDev: Cockblocker. . .
[KubzScouts: Hello? . . .Oh, hello sir. . . .What?]
YandereDev: *Listens to KubzScouts' phone*
[KubzScouts: The portal? Alright, I'll get to it. *Hangs up*]
YandereDev: Was that uppers?
KubzScouts: Yea, and they found a portal access.
YandereDev: Seriously?
KubzScouts: Probably the one that got stolen, our censor caught it.
YandereDev: Come on, today you're on break.
KubzScouts: Sometimes, things go out of hand.
YandereDev: I am going to kill whoever used the portals. Disturbing our time.
KubzScouts: Don't kill people, and think this as a date.
YandereDev: How is this a date!?
KubzScouts: We're gonna check it out, it shouldn't take long, and *blush* we can get some dinner later.
YandereDev: . . .Deal!
i-love-anime-0824 "Have fun on the date you two and hey Noah good luck i hope Nogla love you"
MiaArtLover "*inhales* YASSSSSS-!"
Noah: *Blushing, drinking milk tea*
Nogla: . . .Are you nervous, Noah?
Noah: *Stops drinking* W-Well, um. . .kind of. Sorry, I. . . *Glances other customers, who were couples*
Nogla: *Giggles* Valentine's is such a nice day.
Noah: . . .Yea.
Nogla: It's been a while since we hang out together.
Noah: Well. . .yea. We were both busy with our own stuff.
Nogla: How has your pranking skills improved?
Noah: Oh! I improved for sure! However, I still don't think I'd match yours.
Nogla: *Giggles* We don't know that~.
Noah: I know it. You're amazing.
Nogla: Why, thank you~.
Noah: The first time I met you, I thought you were one of my victims, but. . .what you did to me back then. . .it was mind blowing. I seriously thought I was gonna get killed, but. . .it was really. . .an experience.
Nogla: Noah, I'm sorry if I went too hard on ya.
Noah: No, I deserved it. You made me realize how much of a jackass I was being. Since then, I looked up to you, and. . .*smiles* it's a miracle that I've become friends with you.
Nogla: . . .Noah. . .
Noah: I want to be like you. I want to. . .*blush* be there for you. Become someone you can rely on. I know you can do anything on your own, you have partners, but. . .I want to help in any way possible.
Nogla: . . .*Smiles* You're very kind, Noah.
Noah: *Blush, avoids eye contact* S-Sorry, I was running my mouth for too long!
Nogla: *Giggles* I don't mind~. And where do you want to go next?
Noah: Um. . .how about roller skating?
Nogla: Oh, I would love that~.
Noah: Really? I'm glad.
i-love-anime-0824 "Oh my god this is so cute Moo kiss Terroriser on the cheek ^_^"
Terroriser: *Blushing* B-Best Valentine's ever!
Moo: *Blush* Dude, it's just a kiss on the cheek!
i-love-anime-0824 "Awww that so sweet Jack and hey Cry please don't cry you have Jack he will be there for you"
Jack: With pleasure, Cry.
Cry: *Blush* Okay, okay! Hate to admit, but you did help me. . .ANYWAY! They should all be here, gotta find them though.
Jack: 'Find' them?
Cry: Yea, that way is more fun~.
Question from DevynDw ,
"Wheres my little cutie basicallyidowrk and his boyfriend 407 I haven't seen them in awhile and I'm worried a little"
407: We are back bitches!
Basically: Hi guys.
Jiggly: Welcome back.
Pewdiepie: Hi guys. Where did you guys go?
407: To our secret place, and man, it was romantic as hell~!
Basically: *Blush* Y-Yea.
i-love-anime-0824 "This is so cute i'm so happy for you Scotty you kiss Marcel i'm so proud of you ^_^"
Jiggly: Aww~, I'm proud of you too.
407: *Blushing* Hehe, it tasted super sweet!
Basically: *Blushing* S-Stop it, Scotty!
DevynDw "Awwwwwwwwwe basicallyido407 confirmed"
Jiggly: Are you two a couple now?
Basically: *Blushes hard* N-NO!
407: *Blushing* Not yet~.
Pewdiepie: Aww~, you guys are cute~.
SADB0I_HOURS "Damnit felix you're making my heart die for the cuteness you made me think"
Pewdiepie: *Giggles* Sorry.
i-love-anime-0824 "Gorillaphent please don't use Ohm like slave he just give you Valentine's day stuff you really need to make friends"
Gorillaphent: I wasn't planning on using him as a slave, I was talking about the alliance perspective.
Sattelizer: GORILLA!
Gorillaphent: Satt?
Sattelizer: Gorilla! Have you seen Ohm!?
Gorillaphent: Huh? Oh, yea I did.
Sattelizer: Where did he go!?
Gorillaphent: I don't know. But I think he went to the forest direction.
Sattelizer: So he IS going to see Swag! Thank god I have you as my partner. I'm gonna find Ohm before the others! *Runs to the forest direction*
Gorillaphent: . . .What the fuck was that about?
Kingggjaay "aw congrats on being official"
Delirious: *Cuddling with Bryce, blushing* . . . (Thank you.)
Bryce: *Holding Delirious close, blushing* I'm so happy right now. . .being here with you. . .alone~. *Holds Delirious' hand*
Delirious: *Looks at Bryce with a smile* . . . (I'm so happy too.)
Bryce: I can finally have you all to myself, *blush* claim you as mine.
Delirious: *Blush* . . .~ (Oh Bryce~.)
Bryce & Delirious: *Leans in for a kiss*
Bryce & Delirious: *Pulls away, and turns to CaRtOoNz*
Delirious: . . .? (Cartoonz?)
Bryce: Way to ruin it, dude. . .
CaRtOoNz: This is not the time to fuck around! Why was it again?
Delirium: Bryce, don't hurt Luke, please!
Delirious: . . .? (Jason, why are you here?)
Bryce: *Lets go of Cartoonz* Jason, I-I'm sorry.
Delirium: *Hugs Delirious* We are searching for Ohmie, have you seen him?
Bryce: Ohm? We haven't seen him.
Delirious: *Hugs Delirium back* . . .? (Did something happen to him?)
CaRtOoNz: Oh yea! He just disappeared! The first one to find him gets to have sex with him!
Delirium: What is-
Delirious: . . . (Don't worry about it, Jason.)
CaRtOoNz: You two were trying to do it with each other!
Delirious: *Blushes hard*
Bryce: *Blushes hard* No! We weren't gonna do that!
CaRtOoNz: I gotta find him before Droidd, Satt & Squirrel!
Bryce: Hmm. . .this is Ohm we're talking about, he might be with another guy, and the only guy I can think of is Swag, since Satt was with you guys.
CaRtOoNz: Yea! We all suspected that bat bastard!
Delirious: . . . (That would mean, they are in the forest.)
CaRtOoNz: Hell yes! *Runs to the forest*
Delirium: Luke!
Delirious: . . .! (Jason, wait!)
Delirium: But Luke. . .Ohmie. . .the misters said this is a hide-and-seek.
Bryce: Should we go after him? I mean, I wouldn't want Ohm to be having a. . . 'party' while Jason is around.
Delirious: . . . (Let's go.)
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