Sticky Trust Hand (Ask #62)
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"Hey Vanoss, people just love to kiss Wildcat huh~? Pewds giving him love, Jiggly being his shield, Marksman being his hero ~, what would you be~?"
Vanoss: . . . (What I would be. . .for Tyler?)
[MiniLadd: You're not the Evan I know. . .we're SCARED of you.
MiniLadd: NO ONE should be thankful to a piece of shit like WILDCAT!
MiniLadd: Oh right! Yea, protect the precious piggy, Evan! It's not like I was on the verge of my death few hours ago!]
Vanoss: *Frowns* (Mini. . .)
Lui: . . .Vanoss doesn't have to be anything for Wildcat!
Vanoss: *Looks at Lui*
Lui: You're the best man in the world, Vanoss! Even if not everyone in the world agrees, YOU ARE in my world!
Vanoss: . . .*Smiles a bit* Thanks, Lui.
Lui: *Smiles*
[Ohm: Aww~, they're such a cutie~.
Droidd: Hmm. . .
Ohm: *Giggles, holds Droidd's arm* Worried about your little bro~?
Droidd: *Blushes a bit* N-No, I wasn't.
Ohm: *Giggles*]
Question from MiaArtLover ,
"Where could this be?
What do you mean by "we're back"?"
Droidd: We were at mission, and came back to base.
Vanoss: It was a stealth mission.
Question from CherryPlayz07 ,
"Ooooh, what happened to the mission, what did you guys do?"
Ohm: We sneaked into a base and stole some money~.
Lui: Got through undetected!
CherryPlayz07 "Vanoss is a tsundere confirmed~ 😏"
Vanoss: *Sigh*
Ohm: Yes, he is~.
wildnoss "Hey cry you better leave moo alone to Brian or I swear to god I will kill you"
Cry: What? He's my friend. And this isn't your problem.
Moo: *Touches Cry's cheek with a soda can*
Cry: Ah! That's cold!
Moo: *Sits down beside Cry* Here's your fucking drink. *Hands Cry the soda*
Cry: Oh, thanks baby.
Moo: *Takes out his cigarette & a lighter*
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"Cry, what are you blaming Mark for?"
Cry: *Opens his soda can* That rat bastard. . .he bailed on me. When he promised. . .he'll be on my side.
Moo: *Smokes* So. . .you & the doc were like. . .boyfriends?
Cry: Ew! No! We were childhood friends, we always did stuff together, like playing, pranking, and annoying people. We were so different, but we had one thing in common, that's the love of inventions! We loved making gadgets, it was so fun! And. . .we promised a future together. . .but that little shit bailed on me! He suddenly said that he wanted to become a medic out of nowhere!
Moo: Why though?
Cry: I don't fucking know! Then he left without a word. . .just like how my bullshit parents did.
Moo: . . .Your parents abandoned you?
Cry: Yea, I named myself 'Cryaotic', cause I was born in a chaotic rainstorm. I still remember myself as an infant, feeling the cold raindrops. The sky cried for me. *Drinks his soda*
Moo: . . .Man, I hate it.
Cry: Hate what? Life?
Moo: Cause you're so similar to me. It's ridiculous.
Cry: Huh?
Moo: *Smokes* I was abandoned too. I hate my name, I never allowed anyone to call me with it. My code name, 'Moo Snuckle', people just called me 'Moo' to mock me, but I beat the shit out of them. That mockery was the end for them. 'Snuckle' came from my fighting style, just using my fists, my knuckles were bruised, but it was showing my strength.
Cry: Huh. . .we really are similar, like brothers.
Moo: Oh god. . .are we gonna play the sibling game now?
Cry: Or we could be something more.
Moo: Hmm. . .
SADBOI_H0URS "O h m y g o d
Ausi-Tsuyu "Oh no cry, now it's making me confused 😐"
Cry: What now? 'Misunderstanding'? Doesn't matter, they did something in the room anyway.
Moo: Who are 'they'?
Cry: Felix & you guys' medic.
Moo: M-Mini?
Cry: Yea, I heard them fucking in the hotel room. Fuck that guy. . .fuck both of them. . .
Moo: . . .You really like Pewdiepie, huh?
Cry: . . .Since it's YOU, I'm not gonna lie. I do. I like Felix, I gave him a chance, he wanted to help me, when I was sick of trusting people. . .he was different, his smile. . .personality. . .kindness. . .I like him. . .but I couldn't show affections to him.
Moo: Why not?
Cry: . . .Cause I'm scared to get betrayed again. . .and I did. He fucked that medic, and I now get it. Medics are the worst. . .they lie, betray, hide, and takes the best part. *Smashes his soda can* It's a curse. . .
Moo: *Clenches his fists* (Why am I feeling like this? I mean. . .Mini isn't the type to get taken advantage of by someone.)
[MiniLadd: . . .Let me warn you, if you seek for a family. . .one will experience hell. *Walks pass Moo*
Moo: *Grabs MiniLadd's arm * I don't get it, what the fuck are y- *Trails off as he saw MiniLadd with tears* M-Mini? *Slowly lets go of MiniLadd's arm*
MiniLadd: . . .I warned you. Come on. *Wipes his tears, then walks out the room*]
Moo: *Blush* (Those tears. . .he looked. . .really. . .sweet.)
Cry: . . .You should stay with the science guy rather than the medic guy.
Moo: *Blush* What?
Cry: Medics aren't worth your time. And don't you like the science guy?
Moo: *Blushing* I-I mean. . .I like Brian, but it's not like. . .romantically, and. . .I didn't say anything about Mini.
Cry: Your face looked like it. You like Smally then?
Moo: 'Smally'?
Cry: Wasn't it his name? Mini, so Smally.
Moo: . . .*Giggles* Great nickname.
Cry: . . .You know, I was scared.
Moo: About?
Cry: Trusting people, I thought they always betray me at the end, like Felix & Mark did, but. . .I want to try it again. . .*blush* with you.
Moo: Me?
Cry: I've never met a guy who's similar & understanding to me. I feel like. . .trusting you.
Moo: . . .You'll regret it.
Cry: I'm fully aware.
Moo: Well then, go ahead & trust me.
Cry: I already am, you dumbass~.
Moo: *Giggles*
Cry: Aww man, my soda. . .now my hand is sticky!
Moo: . . .Give me your hand.
Cry: *Shows Moo his sticky hand* Here.
Moo: *Licks Cry's hand*
Cry: Ew! That feels weird!
Moo: Do you want it to be sticky?
Cry: No, but. . .you're free, right?
Moo: The fuck you mean?
Cry: Yea, you are. *Hugs Moo*
Moo: Cry?
Cry: You're comfortable, no wonder why the science guy likes ya.
Moo: Huh?
Cry: Hey, wanna go drink somewhere? Any good bars nearby?
Moo: I know some.
Cry: Then let's go baby! *Stands up*
Moo: *Stands up* Alright, alright.
Cry: *Pecks Moo's lips*
Moo: *Blush*
Cry: Don't let your guards down, and come on! I also wanna wash my hand, or you can lick it all off for me.
Moo: . . .Do you want me to?
Cry: *Blush* Uh. . .i-it's still fresh.
Moo: *Giggles* That's a yes, huh?
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