Steps to the Plan (Ask #40)
~At Wildcat & Marksman~
Wildcat: *Crying in Marksman's chest*
Marksman: *Pats Wildcat's head softly* It's okay, Tyler.
Wildcat: *Sniffles* I-I'm sorry, Nick. *Sniff* I-I-
Marksman: Don't worry, I don't mind. I'm just happy to see you, but. . .what happened? Did someone hurt you?
Wildcat: . . .*Sniffles* I. . .I just feel. . .guilty.
Marksman: *Hugs Wildcat* Tyler, whatever you did, I know you didn't do it on purpose. I don't know what happened, but. . .I know you don't deserve this, you deserve to be happy.
Wildcat: *Hugs Marksman back*
SeokJin-Is-Soothing "NO TYLER BBY
Marksman: You heard that? You're are loved.Wildcat: *Smiles a bit* Thank you.
AWolfsJourney "Marksman and Wildcat must kiss now!!!"
Wildcat: *Blush*
Marksman: *Lifts Wildcat's chin up*
Wildcat: *Blushing* N-Nick?
Marksman: You are so beautiful, Tyler. *Kisses Wildcat*
Wildcat: *Blushes more, then melts in the kiss & kisses back*
AWolfsJourney "Vanoss and Jiggly, prepare to have another opponent to fight for the innocent Wildcat's love and heart~!"
Vanoss: If that son of a bitch touches Tyler, I'm gonna fucking kill him!
Jiggly: I just hope he didn't do anything to Tyler, or else. . .my knife will have some flesh to bite in. Kryoz: *Pulling them back* S-Stop guys!
Legiqn: *Watching & following* So. . .you need help, John?
Kryoz: PLEASE!
Legiqn: *Helps pull them back*
Wildcat: *Sees them* Vanoss? Anthony?
Marksman: *Sees them* John? Legiqn?
Vanoss: You son of a bitch, Marksman!Jiggly: Tyler! I was so worried about you!
Kryoz: Sir, we need help!
Legiqn: A little emergency.
Marksman: . . .Well, let's talk.
Marksman: I see. You two were worried about Tyler, and that's really nice.
Jiggly: Sorry for the bloodthirst. I get really protective over Tyler.
Marksman: I understand, he's quite an angel.
Jiggly: No, he IS an angel.
Wildcat: *Blush*
Vanoss: Whatever! Don't get near Tyler again!
Kryoz: Please lower your voice down! There are people trying to have fun!
Legiqn: . . .Well, now that that's over, we should get back to vacation.
Jiggly: You three are on vacation as well?
Marksman: Yea, we did a big job few days ago, and needed a break for a bit.
Vanoss: Kryoz! Get these ropes off of me already!
Kryoz: No can do, sir.
Vanoss: You son of a-
Legiqn: Come on, John. We're on a break. Let's stop being a police for a while.
Kryoz: But I can't help it.
Legiqn: Okay, I'll get you someone to take care of you. Deal?
Kryoz: I-Is it-
Legiqn: Your milky boy.
Kryoz: YES! Deal, sir! *Starts untying Jiggly*
Jiggly: Thank you.
Legiqn: *Starts untying Vanoss* So. . .how are you?
Vanoss: Huh? Oh, well, good AFTER I get this shit off.
Legiqn: *Giggles* It's good to see you again.
Vanoss: I don't think I interacted with you before.
Legiqn: Just at the end of that mission with your crew. The one you allowed to see your tears.
Vanoss: *Blush* I didn't allow it!
Legiqn: Well, you didn't resist.
Vanoss: Fuck you!
Legiqn: *Looks at Vanoss' eyes* You have pretty eyes.
Vanoss: Huh?
Legiqn: *Blush* Nothing, just wanted to let you know. *Finishes untying* And here you go.
Vanoss: Finally, come on, Tyler, we're going back. *Grabs Wildcat's wrist, and started walking away*
Wildcat: O-Ow!
Jiggly: Hey! Stop hurting him! *Goes after them*
Wildcat: *Takes one last glance at Marksman*
Marksman: *Smiles*
Kryoz: And their gone.
Legiqn: Damn. . .he's hot~.
Marksman: Well, let's go guys.
~At the others~
SabrinaDawnYT "Brian please don't go yandere for moo.. * Mutters under her breath so only Brian can hear her* I don't want there to be unnecessary deaths.."
Terroriser: I-I don't know what's gotten into me. . .
AWolfsJourney "XD so jelly Terroriser! U wanna suck Moo's dick~"
Terroriser: *Blush* I-I never s-said anything like that!
Cry: Yea right~. You wanna sucky-sucky on Moo's dick huh? I guarantee that it's not gonna fit in your mouth.
Terroriser: *Blushes hard* I-I-
Jack: Terroriser, you shouldn't respond to that.
Moo: And shut the fuck up Cry!
AWolfsJourney "Moo~...go fuck Terroriser~"
Moo: *Blush* W-Why do I need to do that?
Terroriser: *Blushing*
AWolfsJourney "Cry-Chan, leave Terroriser alone dude, dont mess with his romance for Moo"
Cry: Oh yea? Well, I don't care.
Jack: Say that to yourself, sir. If you keep that attitude, boss is not going to like you.
Cry: *Blush* I don't care what Felix thinks about me!
Question from SabrinaDawnYT ,
"Hey Jack, Can I talk to you for a minute about "The plan"?... I want to help..."
Jack: *Stands aside* Well. . .the plan is to let Terroriser & Moo to be together & alone. I'll tell Moo what to do briefly on some situations that commonly occurs, but. . .we need to do something with Cry first.
[mercyrules101 "Cry what the fuck
terroriser was supposed to know the size first"
Cry: Oh, sorry that I looked at your cock, Moo.
Moo: You better be!
Cry: Yea, I just took the opportunity, since you know, you were naked~.
Terroriser: *Clenches his fists, feeling jealous*
Moo: Fuck you, seriously.
Cry: We're all guys, and *wraps his arm around Moo's shoulder* I'm sure we'll get to do more & something better to know each other, since we're roommates.
Terroriser: Y-You two are roommates?
Cry: Oh, yea, you didn't know right? *Looks at Moo* Hey, do you sleep naked, Moo?
Moo: Why the fuck you ask!?
Cry: Oh, just trying to avoid 'accidents' that could happen in bed~. *Licks his lip seductively on purpose, looking at Terroriser's reaction*
Terroriser: *Shaking in anger* (This little rascal!)]
Jack: Cry is having WAY too much fun with Terroriser's feelings for Moo, and it's dangerous. He's probably relieving his love stress. *Sigh, looks at the askers* Can you guys distract Cry? Like ask him, and him only for questions, then I'll take Moo & Terroriser away from Cry to start the plan. Oh, by the way, I'm sure something about Pewdiepie will keep Cry distracted.
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