Starting Beach Vac
~In the changing room~
[Ohm: Aww~, don't be so shy~, Wildkitty~.
Wildcat: *Blushing* I-I really can wear it alone, Ohm.
Ohm: Let me help you, please~.
Delirious: . . .! (Ohm, stop bothering Tyler!)
Ohm: Oh, I'm sorry, you wanted help too~?
Delirious: *Blush* . . . (I didn't say that.)]
[Basically: These fit nicely. The Brofist Clan really are nice.
MiniLadd: Quit giving them credits. It's OUR money they're using.
Terroriser: *Nervous*
RacingCatz: Brian, are you alright?
Terroriser: I-I'm okay, just. . .*blush* wondering how Moo would look in trunks.
MiniLadd: Oh my god. . .you're such a horny bitch.
Terroriser: N-No I'm not!
RacingCatz: *Giggles* ]
[Lui: Jesus Christ. . .
DeadSquirrel: *Blush* I feel naked. . .
Ohm: *Hugs DeadSquirrel* Oh~, my poor little squirrel~. You look cute though~.
DeadSquirrel: *Blushing* Um. . .thank you.]
~In the other changing room~
[407: Why aren't we in the same room as the others?
Jiggly: So no one would assault anyone.
407: What?
Jiggly: Tyler is in good hands, so I'm sure he'll be okay.
407: Oh, so that's what you were worried about. You know there's the bunny whore in there.
Jiggly: Yea, but it's better than here.]
[CaRtOoNz: Fuck, it's really hot.
Droidd: Of course, we're at the beach.
Nogla: And there's something hotter waiting for you~.
CaRtOoNz: Oh, hell yah~! My hot bunny!
Droidd: Excuse me! He's not yours!
Bryce: Not again! Just shut the fuck up!]
[Cry: *Pulls Moo's trunks & looks down* Damn, you're pretty big.
Moo: *Blush & pushes Cry* WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU LOOKING AT!?]
[Markiplier: *Looking at Cry & Moo* Jesus. . .*mumbles* at least he's making friends.
Jack: Mark, do you need some help?
Markiplier: I'm fine.
Pewdiepie: *Walks up to Markiplier* Um, Mark? Can I talk to you for a bit?
Markiplier: What is it, Felix?
Jack: Should I leave, boss?
Pewdiepie: Um. . .yea, a little space, please.
Jack: Alright sir.]
[Vanoss: This is ridiculous.
Nogla: You look hot, boss.
Vanoss: Thanks. *Sigh*
Nogla: What's wrong?
Vanoss: Nothing, it's just. . .I'm thinking stuff.
Nogla: Ahh, I see. Yea, me too. I wonder how Wildcat looks like in trunks.
Vanoss: *Blush* That is not what I'm thinking!
Nogla: *Giggles* Whoops~. Sorry, boss~.
Jiggly: You better not, Vanoss.
Vanoss: Fuck you, Panda!]
~At the Beach~
407: Whoa. . .look at all those hot chicks!
Jiggly: Scotty, you are being too excited.
407: Hell yea! This is a vacation, and *blush* I can't wait to see my sweet intelli-boy in his trunks~.
Jiggly: Why are you talking like Ohm?
407: HEY! I'm not a whore!
Jiggly: Just be quiet for a minute. *Turns to Jack* How did you manage to get the these?
Jack: Well, we paid, of course. Hope everyone is alright in there. *Looks at the changing room* They don't seem to be coming out.
Cry: Probably taking their sweetass time.
Ohm: *Comes out* Sorry for the wait guys!
Droidd: *Blush* O-Ohmwrecker~.
CaRtOoNz: *Blush* Oh hell yes~, Ohm~!
Basically: We had some troubles.
407: *Blush* Oh baby~!
Nogla: I'm guessing that Ohm was the reason why~.
MiniLadd: Seriously. He doesn't stop, and Brian was-
Terroriser: *Grabs MiniLadd's shoulder* Mini, look!
MiniLadd: What?
Terroriser: *Blush* M-Moo. . . *whispers* he's so hot!
Moo: 'Brian was' what?
Terroriser: N-Nothing!
Cry: Huh, this bitch is drooling over you~.
Terroriser: *Blush deepens* S-Shut up!
Moo: *Blushes a bit* . . .M-Mini, is your arm alright?
MiniLadd: Huh? Oh, yeah, I'm fine. It sometimes stings, but it's all good.
Moo: T-That's good.
Terroriser: *Grips tighter on MiniLadd's shoulder*
MiniLadd: Ugh. . .Brian, you are squeezing my shoulder too much.
Terroriser: *Lets go* S-Sorry, I. . .
MiniLadd: It's good. *Whispers to Terroriser* You SERIOUSLY need to calm your envy. *Pulls away* I'm gonna go talk to Evan. *Walks away*
SabrinaDawnYT "Terroriser you need to calm down.. I'm positive he doesn't like cry and I'm pretty sure Jack has " Plans" for you two.."
Terroriser: *Blush* 'P-Plans'?
Jack: Shh!
CherryPlayz07 "Well, everyone just be calm and relax especially you Brian, no need to worry about Moo, *whispers* I heard he likes you~~ 😗"
Terroriser: *Blushing* R-Really?
Cry: *Wraps his arm around Moo's shoulder* Let's just go swimming, pal.
Moo: Well. . .
Cry: What~? You can't swim?
Moo: Of course I can, you shithead!
Cry: That's what I thought, baby! Come on, let's go!
Terroriser: W-Wait! I-I. . .I would like to go too.
Moo: Brian-
Cry: Sorry, boy. I don't think you should come with us. We have business.
Terroriser: I-I have business with Moo too!
Moo: Wha-
Jack: Please stop fighting, and Cry, stop teasing him.
Cry: *Laughs* My bad, it's just so stupid obvious.
shadoxiety "Poor Brian. Being all jealous if other guys being all over his 'boyfriend'.
Terroriser: *Blush* 'B-Boyfriend'?
Cry: Fine, fine, you can come along.
Terroriser: I. . .I don't need YOUR permission.
Cry: Oh, you giving me attitude now!? I know something you'd like to know~.
Terroriser: What is it?
Cry: Now you're interested?
Terroriser: Tell me now!
Jack: Calm down, Terroriser.
Cry: I know the size, if you know what I mean~.
Terroriser: What do you-
Cry: Whoa! C-Calm down, bitch!
AWolfsJourney "Terroriser: what should I do?
Mini: go with ur gut
Terroriser:*about to go yandere*
Mini: Brian no."
MiniLadd: He can be murderous, but I don't want fights in the crew. Too early & much.
AWolfsJourney "Mini! U have a lot to catch up on too!"
MiniLadd: Pretty sure. *Sigh* Hey Evan.
Vanoss: *Turns to MiniLadd* Hey Craig, you alright?
MiniLadd: Yea, I'm alright, and uh. . .what happened when I was like. . .in coma?
Vanoss: . . .Everyone worked their ass off. Almost going insane.
MiniLadd: . . .Hard to believe.
Vanoss: Believe it. Also, that new kid. He's gonna be joining my crew.
MiniLadd: I was wondering who that kid was. . .and seriously? He's still a teen!
Vanoss: His reflexes & skills are useful. If we raise him right, he'll go beyond.
MiniLadd: Just like Lui, huh?
Vanoss: Yea.
mercyrules101 "Imagining vanoss hugging mini while crying on a bear onesie is the most adorable thing i have ever imagined in my whole life"
MiaArtLover "Mercyrules101 omg that was im thinking when they both hugged and im screaming like it was the end of the world because there soooo cute-
I can imagine it Screergahwhaha-"
MiniLadd: Yea, I didn't expect a bear to give me a welcome back hug.
Vanoss: *Blush* It was a dare, I didn't wanted to wear that shit!
mercyrules101 "Also mini join the onesie squaad ;))))))"
MiniLadd: I'm gonna pass on that.
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