Settling Down (Ask #50 + Dare #13)
Basically: *Fixing his laptop* Okay. . .I think it's fixed.
Jack: Alright. Does anyone say anything?
Kingggjaay "Jesus Christ this is a mess"
Basically: Yea, right now, it's settled, but. . .
Jack: Everyone is back in the room.
Ausi-Tsuyu "This is not going well"
Basically: Sure isn't.
Jack: But it's fine now. At least at the moment.
MiaArtLover "Poor smoll child-
He was just doing his own thing"
Basically: It's fixed, so don't worry.
SeokJin-Is-Soothing "Yo hold up
*splashes water on everyone*
I just wanna be a bitch today don't mind me"
Basically: Please don't, I just fixed my laptop.
Jack: And we all need to rest.
Yellowberrycatypie "Wow..This is SO REALLY AWSOME!!!"
Basically: Is it?
Jack: For some people, it may have been entertaining.
Question from Nicole21910 ,
"While all this is going down I just realized. Don't 1p jack and mark have egos such as darkiplier and antisepticeye? So I'm sitting here thinking that 2p jack and mark have egos too."
Jack: Oh. . .
Basically: *Interest* What is this 'egos' they're talking about, Jack?
Jack: Well. . .I do have it. His name is 'AntiSepticeye', he started existing in a spirit form, after few experiments Mark did on me.
Basically: Really? What is that, 'AntiSepticeye' represent?
Jack: . . .He's my form of innocence. It represents how my innocence was ripped out of me when I was young.
Basically: Oh. . .that's sad. . .
Jack: But I'm fine. I feel happy & loved in the clan.
Basically: Aww, that's sweet. I feel it, Jack.
Jack: *Smiles*
~At Markiplier~
Markiplier: *Healing Droidd* I do have this 'Darkiplier'.
Droidd: What is that?
Markiplier: It's my other self. I managed to split myself into two, but he is like a spirit, and he's pretty annoying.
Droidd: I see. . .
Markiplier: He's the good of me, he reminds me of every choice I made. . .saying it wasn't right.
Droidd: That's annoying. . .
Markiplier: I know.
AWolfsJourney "God fucking dammit you guys! Vanoss just fuck all of them!"
Vanoss: *Blush*
Ohm: Aww~, that's a good idea~. Poly time~.
Vanoss: Shut up, Ohm. I'm not gonna do that.
Ohm: I know your cock can take it~.
Vanoss: Ohm!
mercyrules101 "Vanoss is best blushy boi"
Vanoss: N-Not again.
Ohm: *Giggles*
Ohm: Oh yes~! I love them all~, and I cannot wait for their next moves~.
Vanoss: Why don't you take them more seriously? Instead of just. . .sex mates.
Ohm: *Blush* E-Evy. . .you know I can't choose one. . .if I do, I hurt the others. I love them all. . .doesn't matter how they look, do, or think me as.
Vanoss: . . .Well then, just be yourself, and everything will be settled for a while, I hope.
Ohm: *Smiles* Yea.
AWolfsJourney "Vanoss, let Mini date Pewds~ I'm seeing some 2pMinipie~"
Vanoss: Fuck no.
Ohm: Jealous, Evy~?
Vanoss: . . .I've almost lost him, and I'm not letting anyone take him. At least, for a while. . .
Ohm: *Smiles*
Kingggjaay "I knew it 😂"
Ohm: *Giggles* Gotta move fast, if you want to get your love~.
Vanoss: *Blush*
Question from mercyrules101 ,
"Well.... Uh...... So no sex time?"
Ohm: Yea, unfortunately.
Vanoss: I'm gonna go get some drink.
Ohm: Careful, there might still be predators~.
Vanoss: Then I'll bite them first.
Ohm: Oh daddy~.
Vanoss: Well, if you're gonna invite someone to spend the night, don't make a mess & don't make troubles again.
Ohm: Alrighty~, I'll behave, master~.
Vanoss: Good. *Leaves*
Rinthelonely "For some reason I got interested in Squirrel's dick.... fuck it *poofs Squirrel and Ohm in the same room together* Alright Squirrel, show your dick and fuck Ohm, don't be a pussy"
DeadSquirrel: What the-
Ohm: Oh~.
DeadSquirrel: *Sees Ohm, blushes a bit* Ohmie. . .
Ohm: Looks like we're gonna have a sex time~.
DeadSquirrel: *Blushes hard*
Ohm: *Walks up to DeadSquirrel* You want to show me your big cock~?
DeadSquirrel: *Blush* Y-You've seen it before.
Ohm: Not when it was hard~.
DeadSquirrel: *Blushing*
Dare from AWolfsJourney ,
"Wildcat, I hate to do this, but I date you to be rude to everyone for a few hours
No apologizing"
Wildcat: 'F-Few hours'?
Jiggly: That's harsh.
407: Yup.
Wildcat: Um. . .I-I can't do this. . .I don't want to. . .be rude.
407: Let's practice then.
Jiggly: Scotty. . .
407: Come on, he's a gang, he's gotta learn how to be intimidating.
Jiggly: Tyler doesn't need to learn that.
407: *Ignores Jiggly* Okay, Tyler. Say something mean to me.
Wildcat: W-What?
407: Just try.
Wildcat: . . .Um. . .I-I don't know.
407: Say, 'you're ugly'.
Wildcat: . . .You're. . .ugly.
407: . . . *Fake Sniffles*
Wildcat: Ah! I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it!
407: *Fake cries* That hurts my heart.
Wildcat: *Hugs 407* I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean it! You're beautiful!
407: *Laughs* I'm just joking, Tyler!
Wildcat: *Pulls away* What?
Jiggly: Scotty!
407: *Sticks his tongue out* Man, you have a long way to go, Tyler~.
mercyrules101 "A shit sorry i meant that vanoss is fucking PERFECT (for all of you lmao)"
Wildcat: *Blush*
Lui: *Blush* Of course he is!
Legiqn: *Blush*
RacingCatz: *Smiles* In a way, yes.
MiniLadd: . . .*Blush* Nah, he's full of flaws.
Question from mercyrules101 ,
"Are you preeety suuureee?"
Legiqn: *Blush* P-Positive!
Marksman: Well, I'm gonna go outside for a patrol.
Legiqn: I'm gonna go get some drinks.
Marksman: Alright.
mercyrules101 "Or you just protecting your booyfrieeend ;)))))))"
Moo: *Blush*. . .He's not my boyfriend, okay?
AWolfsJourney "Yay! Double Date for 2pBrylirious and 2pTerrorSnuckle ~!"
Moo: *Smokes, and sighs* I hope Bryce is doing well with Delirious. *Looks at the note* . . .Fuck. . .that smile. . .*Takes out a lighter & burns the note* . . .I'll probably NEVER forget it. . . *Smiles a bit*
AWolfsJourney "Noah and Nogla~, sitting in a tree~, KISSING~!"
Noah: *Blush*
Nogla: *Giggles* Coincidentally, we are under a tree right now.
Noah: *Blush* Well, it's um. . .better than what was happening in the hotel.
Nogla: Everyone was so fired up~. Love is a battlefield~.
Noah: . . .Yea.
Nogla: *Smiles* Wanna kiss?
Noah: *Blushes hard* W-W-What!?
Nogla: *Giggles* Well, this asker was expecting it, I think.
Noah: B-But. . .um. . .
Nogla: Or am I not desirable for you?
Noah: T-That's not it!
Nogla: *Giggles* You're so kind, Noah~.
Noah: *Blushing*
Nogla: *Sees Terroriser, face filled with happiness* Brian?
Noah: Huh? *Sees Terroriser* Oh, he looks happy.
Nogla: . . .*Smiles* Let's go ask him~.
~At Gorillaphent~
Gorillaphent: *Walking round* Seriously. . .that was a clusterfuck. . .what is so good about Ohm? *Sigh* I need to get somewhere qui- *sees someone*. . .et. . . *Hides behind a bush & peeks out* (Bryce? And Delirious?)
[Bryce: Delirious. . .I need to tell you something.]
Gorillaphent: *Eyes widens* (Is he. . .no way. . .if so. . .I gotta stop it.)
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