Say Hello to Vegiqn (Ask #102)
i-love-anime-0824 "Awww that so nice of you Cartoonz Delirious will be so happy for you when you give Delirium ice teddy bear"
MiaArtLover "Awwww.... that's so sweet if you Kitten-like demon"
CaRtOoNz: I'm not a kitten.
Question from SADBOI_H0URS ,
"Pshh what are you, elsa?"
CaRtOoNz: Who? Well, I am an ice demon. *Shows ice crystals* See?
SADBOI_H0URS "Okay now that's just fucking cute ah 😤👌❤️🧡💛💚💙💜💖💖💗💓💕💓💖💗💐💐💐💐💐🌸🌺🌺💐💗💖💞💓💕💖💖💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯"
CaRtOoNz: What? Me doing this to Jason? *Pats Delirium's head*
Delirium: *Blush, hugging the ice teddy bear* Luke~. . .c-can we play games?
Sattelizer: First of all, where is Ohm!?
Rinthelonely "To be honest, I think we need more people like Ohm. And guys, don't worry, Ohm just went to give a gift for the lonely person"
Droidd: I agree, and who's that 'lonely person'?
DeadSquirrel: It must be a guy, right?
CaRtOoNz: Who would be someone Ohm would go see?
Sattelizer: And without letting us know?
Droidd, CaRtOoNz & Sattelizer: SWAGDRACULA!
DeadSquirrel: Huh?
Sattelizer: That lazy son of bitch must've sent his birds to call Ohm!
Droidd: We have to rescue Ohmwrecker!
Delirium: Is Ohmie in trouble?
DeadSquirrel: Um. . .sounds like it.
SADBOI_H0URS "🅱️ I swear if you do something to this precious boi *pointing at jason* I'm going to shove your shotgun up your ass"
CaRtOoNz: I wasn't planning to do anything, but play with him till Delirious comes back or Lui.
Droidd: Hey, Jason, we can play a game. Hide & Seek. Ohmwrecker is hiding, and we need to find him, okay?
Delirium: Oh, okay!
SADBOI_H0URS "Jason nO-"
Delirium: Huh?
CaRtOoNz: Whoever finds Ohm first gets to fuck him tonight!
Sattelizer: DEAL!
DeadSquirrel: Challenge ACCEPTED!
Droidd: *Sigh* Fine. . .Ohmwrecker is MINE.
CaRtOoNz: ALRIGHT! It's race time!
Delirium: Race? Why are we racing?
Droidd: We are going to race finding Ohmwrecker. First one to find him will get um. . .
Sattelizer: Treats.
Delirium: Really?
CaRtOoNz: I don't know if it's a treat for Jason.
DeadSquirrel: I think we can get him one later.
Delirium: Yay! I will find Ohmie first & get a treat!
MiaArtLover "This child is a innocent bun-buns"
SADBOI_H0URS "J-jason no it's just a nickname-"
AWolfsJourney "And Squirrel, Deilrium may look like a grown man, but he has the mind of a child. He basically died and Cartoonz resurrected him from the dead"
DeadSquirrel: How is that possible?
CaRtOoNz: Ice can do impossible things, and Jason was just lucky.
Delirium: Huh?
abbyloveanime18 "Oh god!! I know for a fact ohm lovers are going to really really enjoy pleasing ohm that's for sure. *thinking of the dirty thoughts while having a nosebleed* I don't have a innocent mind. •w•"
CaRtOoNz, Droidd, Sattelizer, & DeadSquirrel: *Imagines Ohm on the bed, naked & posing~* (Ohm: Give me all your love~.) *Gets nosebleed*
Delirium: Oh my! Are you guys okay!? *Hands them tissues*
MiaArtLover "I-.... You Sneaky son of a owl....."
SADBOI_H0URS "Im glad im back here to see my tsundere boi"
Vanoss: Shut up. It's better to have less eyes about our relationship. So there wouldn't be any leaks.
i-love-anime-0824 "Yes Lui go following Vanoss i need to know what they doing on mission"
Lui: Where is he going? And who are 'they'?
MiniLadd: Whoever it is, if 'they' do something to Evan, I am going to make their organs explode into pieces.
Wildcat: *Shivers*
RacingCatz: That sounds scary, Mini.
MiniLadd: I'm working on it with Mark, and I can't wait to use it on SOMEONE.
Wildcat: *Scared*
AWolfsJourney "Mini, Lui, RacingCatz, Wildcat, you are about to witness Vanoss kiss Legion, that's what I'm assuming"
MiniLadd, Lui, Wildcat, & RacingCatz: LEGIQN!?
MiniLadd: So he's the 'they'.
Lui: That little bitch! Why is Vanoss meeting him!? And what do you mean by 'kiss'!? He's an enemy!
RacingCatz: Calm down, Mr. Calibre.
Wildcat: A-Are they. . .in THAT kind of a relationship?
Lui: Of course not! It's gotta be something else!
i-love-anime-0824 "Gorillaphent you need a friends i don't want to be alone forever"
Gorillaphent: I don't need friends. Well. . .I somehow feel much better after seeing Ohm. . .no wonder the guys like him. . .*Blushes a bit* No way. . .I am NOT falling for him. But having him as a friend might change something. . .could use him.
SADBOI_H0URS "Of fucking course he is"
Gorillaphent: Heh, I can see that.
MiaArtLover "And i doubt Van wont like it"
Legiqn: Fuck. . .I'm getting nervous. . .
Vanoss: *Sees Legiqn* Legiqn!
Legiqn: *Turns to the voice, sees Vanoss* Van!
Vanoss: *Runs up to Legiqn* I guess I kept you waiting.
Legiqn: Not at all, my dumbass just came here early.
Vanoss: Sure, you are~. *Giggles*
Legiqn: Oh, shut up. *Giggles*
[MiniLadd: Evan is giggling?
RacingCatz: They look like good friends.]
Legiqn: So uh, Happy Valentine's Day, Van.
Vanoss: Happy Valentine's Day, and what did you get for me?
Legiqn: I made you some whiskey bonbons. *Hands Vanoss a box of whiskey bonbons*
Vanoss: . . .It doesn't look like it's bought in a store.
Legiqn: Of course, cause I made it.
Vanoss: . . .*Smiles* You trying to get me drunk~?
Legiqn: Hey, I didn't put that much whiskey inside. It took a lot of time & effort you know.
Vanoss: Well, thanks for wasting your time on it then.
Legiqn: It wasn't a waste. To see that smile, it was worth it.
Vanoss: *Blush, giggles* Okay, cowboy.
Legiqn: *Blush* (Shit. . .should I. . .)
[RacingCatz: A homemade whiskey bonbons?
Lui: I see something, what is Legiqn holding?
Wildcat: Is that. . .]
Vanoss: *Notices Legiqn holding something behind* What are you hiding?
Legiqn: Uh, well. . .this is um. . .well, I know you won't like. . .need it, but. . .*Shows Vanoss the plushie*
Vanoss: . . .This is. . .
[RacingCatz: Aww~, what a cute plushie.
MiniLadd: That's not the point.]
Legiqn: *Blushing* I know, I know! But as you can see, this is an owl plushie I bought for you! Okay!? I. . .just take it, and I don't know, throw it away if you want!
Vanoss: *Takes the plushie & holds it*
Legiqn: . . . (Shit. . .this is awkward.)
Vanoss: . . . *Buries his face into it*
Legiqn: . . . (S-Seems like he's liking it, but. . .)
[Wildcat: *Blush* Vanoss is holding the plushie.
Lui: Vanoss is being. . .*Blush* cute. . .
MiniLadd: *Blush*
RacingCatz: Aww~.]
Vanoss: . . .Legiqn. . .
Legiqn: Yea?
Vanoss: . . .Take off your shirt.
Legiqn: . . .What?
Vanoss: Just take it off, and show me your back.
Legiqn: My back? . . .N-Nah, Van. I have a big scar on my back, and I rather not sho-
Vanoss: That's what I want to see.
Legiqn: . . .Well, fine. It's not that special anyway. *Takes his shirt off*
Vanoss: *Blushes a bit*
[Lui: The fuck is he doing!?
MiniLadd: Shut up, Lui! And Evan asked for it. . .]
Legiqn: *Turns his back to Vanoss* There you go.
Vanoss: Legiqn. . .
Legiqn: Are you satisf-
Vanoss: *Hugs Legiqn from behind*
Legiqn: Whoa! *Blush* V-Van?
Vanoss: . . .Legiqn. . .I'm sorry. *Touches Legiqn's scar*
Legiqn: What are you apologizing for?
Vanoss: . . .I caused this scar. . .
Legiqn: What? No, you didn't.
Vanoss: I should've listened to you. . .*tears up a bit*
Legiqn: Hey, you're not a gangster if you listen to an officer, right? Haha.
[Wildcat: . . .*Looks at his own scars*]
Vanoss: . . .*Moves his hand to Legiqn's rib* I still remember. . .your blood on my hand. . .
Legiqn: . . .You chose this spot because of that, didn't you?
Vanoss: Why did you do that?
Legiqn: . . .Cause you're my friend. My future boss that I'm gonna serve for. I never felt like that before. . .wanting to save an enemy.
Vanoss: . . .Idiot. . .
Legiqn: Well, can I put my shirt back on?
Vanoss: . . .Legiqn. . .be mine already.
Legiqn: Wha-
Vanoss: *Turns Legiqn around* BE MINE ALREADY!
Legiqn: *Blush*
Vanoss: I want you, Legiqn! Join my crew! You saved me, even tried to sacrifice yourself for me. . .loyal man like you, should be in a place that appreciates you. You told me about how Insta treats you. . .like a criminal just because you have ONE record. . .be free already. I appreciate you, be mine, Jordan.
Legiqn: *Blushing* F-First of all, your choice of words need work, second of all, I-I already told you what I need to do-
Vanoss: Fuck that! You served enough! Jordan, please. . .*leans on Legiqn's chest* you make me feel safe. . .I can be myself around you. . .without keeping my gangster face. . .I want you by my side.
[RacingCatz: (Evan. . .this seem familiar. . .)
Lui: Vanoss. . . (Was I. . .forcing him?)
MiniLadd: Evan. . .]
Legiqn: . . .*Hugs Vanoss* That's really flattering. I want to be at your side too. It's so comfortable. . .but you know that I can't. . .at the moment. I'll look after you if any of us tries to get you guys. *Blush* I'm glad that you want me though.
Vanoss: I will get you. You'll be mine, alright?
Legiqn: *Giggles* Please work of your phrasing.
Vanoss: What the fuck you mean!?
Legiqn: *Laughs* You're so adorable!
Vanoss: *Blush* FUCK YOU!
Legiqn: Sorry, sorry, Van.
Vanoss: *Hands Legiqn a box of chocolates* Here you go.
Legiqn: Huh?
Vanoss: It's Valentine's, and I'm not that much of a narcissist, you know.
Legiqn: *Smiles* Thanks, I honestly thought I wasn't gonna get one.
Vanoss: *Giggles* Well, here's a pity gift, I guess.
Legiqn: *Sarcastic* Wow, jeez, thanks. *Giggles*
Vanoss: *Smirks, then bites Legiqn's chest*
Legiqn: OW! What the fuck!?
Vanoss: I just marked you, calm down.
Legiqn: *Blush* W-Why?
Vanoss: *Holds the owl plushie* Thanks for this, I'm gonna call this, 'Vegiqn'. Say 'hello', Legiqn.
Legiqn: What? And you like it?
Vanoss: Yea, I like it. Thanks, Legi.
Legiqn: *Smiles in relief* I'm glad you liked it. (I gotta thank John later.)
Vanoss: *Gives a kiss on Vegiqn's cheek*
Legiqn: *Giggles* Great & mighty Vanoss likes plushies huh?
Vanoss: *Blush* Shut up, what's wrong about adoring something cute?
Legiqn: Nothing~. *Kisses Vanoss' forehead* But you're gonna make me & maybe your teammates jealous if you do that.
Vanoss: *Pecks Legiqn's lips* How's that?
Legiqn: *Blush* You sneaky owl.
Vanoss: I know~.
Legiqn & Vanoss: *Giggles*
Legiqn: So, can I put my shirt back on?
Vanoss: . . .No.
Legiqn: I'm gonna catch a cold, Van.
Vanoss: Then I'll keep you warm. And I wanna do something to your back.
Legiqn: Are you gonna write something?
Vanoss: I don't know~.
Legiqn: Okay, that's a nope for me. *Tries to wear his shirt*
Vanoss: Hey! I said no! *Grabs Legiqn's arms*
Legiqn: Hey! Let go!
Vanoss: *Giggles* Nah bitch!
Legiqn: VAN!
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