Pewdiepie's Entrance (Ask #25)
Vanoss: 'Pewdiepie'?
RacingCatz: You're the leader of the Brofist Clan!
Pewdiepie: Oh, you know me? *Picks up DeadSquirrel* You okay, little guy?
Droidd: Hand him over. We're not done with him.
Pewdiepie: W-Whoa, now, now, calm down. He's a small squirrel.
Droidd: He's a capable killer!
CaRtOoNz: We can kill him as well, if he's not gonna hand that bitch!
Lui: Hey! Vanoss said he wants him alive!
Pewdiepie: Hmm. . .*Places his hand on DeadSquirrel's forehead & closes his eyes*
Bryce: What is he doing?
Pewdiepie: *Opens his eyes* I see. . .how sad. . .you were scared & heartbroken. After your new guardian showed you affections & you saw him kiss another man, you closed your heart and continued to do your job. . .
Vanoss: Pewdiepie. . .
Pewdiepie: . . .It pained him more than you guys. I beg for forgiveness.
Droidd: Why do YOU beg?
Pewdiepie: I don't want any trouble. Please. . .
CaRtOoNz: Fuck you!
Jack: *Enters* Boss?
Pewdiepie: *Sees Jack* Oh! Hey Jack! I was worried about you!
Basically: *Enters* What is going on here?
Pewdiepie: A little trouble, I'm trying to calm it down. Where's Mark?
Jack: He's healing a patient right now.
Pewdiepie: Oh, really? Good, doc!
CaRtOoNz: Hey motherfuckers! Don't ignore this!
Droidd: Yea, it solved nothing.
Pewdiepie: Um. . .sorry about it.
RacingCatz: Everyone, let's calm down, and think thoroughly.
CaRtOoNz: There's nothing to talk about! *Aims his gun to Pewdiepie*
Jack: *Shields Pewdiepie* Don't you dare.
Ohm: *Grabs Cartoonz's arm* T-Toonzie. . .
CaRtOoNz: *Looks at Ohm* Ohm!
Droidd: *Runs up to Ohmwrecker* Ohmwrecker!
Ohm: I-I'm okay. . .
Pewdiepie: We have to take him to Mark & get healed fast!
Vanoss: . . .Cartoonz, Droidd, take Ohm to Mini's room.
~In MiniLadd's room~
Markiplier: Seriously. . .WHY DID YOU BRING MORE PATIENTS!?
Jack: I am very sorry, sir.
Pewdiepie: Come on~, you're a doctor~.
Markiplier: And why the hell are you here!?
Pewdiepie: You're so cold, Mark. I came for you guys! Oh, I can't imagine what you guys went through!
Markipler: Quit your acting!
Pewdiepie: *Giggles* Sorry, sorry, but this is urgent. Also, it's true I came here for you guys. Everyone else is searching for you guys as well.
Jack: Then we need to reassure them.
Pewdiepie: Yea.
CaRtOoNz: HEY DOC! Heal Ohm first!
Droidd: Ohm's wound won't take too much time, right?
Markiplier: Fine, fine. *Walks up to Ohm & starts healing him*
Droidd: Also. . .we aren't done with the punishment. *Glares at DeadSquirrel*
Pewdiepie: Oh, come on. Show some mercy.
Droidd: That is not something you decide!
Basically: Calm down guys! First, we need to figure out some stuff.
Vanoss: Pewdiepie. . .we need to talk. *Looks at DeadSquirrel* You too.
Pewdiepie: . . .Sure, Mr. Vanoss, but after Mark heals Squirrel.
Vanoss: . . .Fine.
CaRtOoNz: He's gonna die anyway, no need for healing.
Vanoss: I said I want him alive. Marcel, Cody, come with us.
Basically: Yes sir.
RacingCatz: Sure.
Wildcat: . . .Cody. . .Vanoss. . .
Delirious: *Puts his hand on Wildcat's shoulder* . . . (Tyler, they'll be fine.)
Wildcat: . . . *Nods*
Jack: I will go out for training, boss, but if anything happens, please call me. I will protect you at all cost.
Pewdiepie: Aww, you're too sweet, Jack. Thank you.
Jack: *Smiles, then turns to Moo* You're Moo, right?
Moo: Yea?
Jack: *Grabs Moo's hand & goes outside*
Moo: HEY!
Bryce: . . .We should go out of this room to give some space to Markiplier.
Markiplier: That'll be great.
Pewdiepie: Alright, what did you want to talk, Mr. Vanoss?
Vanoss: First, I bet there are some talks from the askers.
Basically: *Uses his laptop* Alright, now, they can hear them.
Vanoss: Clear these first, Pewdiepie.
mercyrules101 "Oh hey pewdiepie! I think you misunderstood the situation that squirrel is a person and attacked ohm and used him as a shield :)"
Pewdiepie: Oh, I hear a voice.
Basically: We are having some Q&A session, the voices are from over the fourth wall.
Pewdiepie: Oh, that's awesome! And well, I know what happened. *Looks at DeadSquirrel* This little squirrel, is a human.
Um, PewDiePie...I think your misunderstanding the situation...That squirrel is a human (not really) and that squirrel stabbed Vanoss' teammate Ohm and used Ohm as a shield so ain't Vanoss' fault and the squirrel deserves a little punishment 😶"
Pewdiepie: I didn't blame Mr. Vanoss. I just insulted him & some of the members. There is a big difference.
Basically: Well, you are correct.
MiaArtLover "For me that is not animal abuse because its Squirrel's own 'Falut' cause hes the one who attacked even Ohm tried to help
And if i can stab someone...
*Stabs Squirrel*"
Pewdiepie: Whoa, chill! Um. . .well, listen, if someone turned into an animal, that's still, technically an animal abuse. His appearance is a squirrel, and he actually is one, so, it still counts.
Basically: Sure, he is a squirrel now, but he still has a human mind, therefore, I object to your logic, Mr. Pewdiepie.
Pewdiepie: This is not about right or wrong, logic or fantasy. It's more of an opinion for me.
Basically: But you said, 'technically'. That is stating your logic.
Pewdiepie: Yea, but I'm speaking in my logic. Sorry if it offends you, but for me, it seemed more of an animal abuse.
Basically: But-
RacingCatz: Mr. Basically, um, can we move on?
Vanoss: Cody's right, just move on.
Basically: . . .Yes sir.
"Im sorry Pewdipie for being an asshole but dont dare to hurt the 2pBBS they just tried to protect one of their team mate
Lets add "me" between "for" and "being""
Pewdiepie: I know, and like I said before, I don't want any troubles. I just want Mark & Jack back. It's okay to be an a-hole, I mean, everyone has that moment.
SabrinaDawnYT "Hello Pewdiepie, Unfortunately you've come at a bad time. You see Squirrel used their teammate Ohm as a shield therefore getting him hurt. After what ohm had done for him.. But I guess you wouldn't know about that.."
Pewdiepie: I know all of it.
Vanoss: *Raises a brow* 'All'?
Pewdiepie: Yea. DeadSquirrel was kissed by a man, Ohmwrecker, and experienced a new feeling. He was given a shower, new clothes & a guardian, but his heart shattered when he saw his guardian kiss another man. It was shocking for him, his new feelings confused him, and he cling onto his objective.
Basically: What? Were you watching them?
Pewdiepie: You could say that, but in a different way. Anyway, he attacked, and the fight broke out. He used Ohmwrecker as a shield, and the mess started to get bigger, until I came.
Vanoss: (How does he know all that?)
RacingCatz: (Pewdiepie. . .just as expected.)
"Considering how Vanoss acted when your name was brought up you guys have a history.."
Pewdiepie: 'History'? *Giggles* No, no! I just met him! This is the first time we met, we don't have any histories. This is the new page.
Vanoss: True. We've never met. Cody & Smii7y mentioned you to me.
RacingCatz: Yea, we did tell Mr. Vanoss about you.
Pewdiepie: Cool. *Smiles*
"Now if you could kindly F**k off and leave the crew to deal with this little s**t that would be much appreciated.. Also a P.S for you, Its not considered abuse until you actually hit them.. They haven't hit Squirrel once.. Its not their fault Dead Squirrel is just a big baby.. * Walks away*"
Pewdiepie: Jeez, why so hostile?
Basically: He did harm our member.
Pewdiepie: *Giggles* I don't think this asker should have a right to even state their opinion. Demanding is even worse.
Vanoss: What do you mean?
Pewdiepie: Well. . .just think that I'm saying they're being rude. More than an a-hole, how's that?
Vanoss: That doesn't explain, and you sure like defending that rodent.
Pewdiepie: Ha, ha, well, I have a reason to defend him. After what I saw. . .heard. . .felt. . .I can't just leave him. *Giggles*
Vanoss: . . .Anyway, now for the talk.
Pewdiepie: Oh yea, what do you want to talk with me about?
Vanoss: I heard you can twist fate & realities.
Pewdiepie: That is part of our job.
Vanoss: Well, right now, Markiplier is trying to save our medic, and since you're the boss, I thought I should ask for permission.
Pewdiepie: Whoa. . .you're well-mannered huh? That's surprising.
Vanoss: The fuck you mean?
Pewdiepie: *Giggles* N-Never mind. And you don't have to ask me, Mark is his individual person, if he's okay helping you guys, then I got nothing to say.
Vanoss: Good. . .
Basically: But, twisting fate & reality will bring consequences.
Pewdiepie: That's a hell rule.
RacingCatz: 'Hell rule'?
Pewdiepie: That's what I call it.
Basically: Pewdiepie, you knew what happened between Ohm & DeadSquirrel, how did you know?
Pewdiepie: Oh, direct question? Well. . .I can see perspectives. That's all.
RacingCatz: Perspectives?
Pewdiepie: Yup.
Vanoss: . . .
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