Peak of the Battle (Ask #77)
Question from abbyloveanime18 ,
"Pewdiepie came to save the day?!?!"
Pewdiepie: Hmm. . .I heard you guys arguing, could it be about my son?
Jiggly: W-Well. . .
Marksman: 'Son'?
Pewdiepie: Yup, Tyler aka Wildcat. He's my son~, not literally though.
Marksman: . . .Son. . .you shouldn't claim someone's actual son as yours.
Pewdiepie: His parents are gone, so I need to look after him. Anyways. . .*Crosses his arms* I'm not handing Tyler to neither of you, if you guys keep arguing okay? Be more friendly.
Jiggly: Um. . .this isn't the time, you know?
Marksman: Didn't you come for a back up?
Pewdiepie: Oh yeah! Others are here!
Jiggly: T-Tyler is here!?
Pewdiepie: No, he's at base, don't worry.
Jiggly: Phew.
Marksman: That's good. *Turns to Kryoz* John, how you feeling?
Kryoz: I'm okay, sir.
Pewdiepie: We should go, Mr. Jiggly.
Jiggly: Yea, I need to go see Scotty.
Pewdiepie: Good day, officers! *Runs inside with Jiggly*
Marksman: . . .Let's get you-
Kryoz: *Grabs Marksman's sleeve* Let's go after them, please.
Marksman: John. . .
Kryoz: Our mission is not done, I can move alone.
Marksman: . . .*Sigh* Such workaholic. *Smiles* Summon ropes for me.
Kryoz: Um, okay. *Summons ropes*
Marksman: *Ties rope on Kryoz, then carries Kryoz on his back, ties himself with a rope*
Kryoz: *Blushes a bit* S-Sir?
Marksman: I'm not risking to let you get hurt. Hold on, John.
Kryoz: O-Okay, but this is a bit embarrassing. *Holds onto Marksman* A-A piggyback ride.
Marksman: I don't mind. *Goes after Pewdiepie & Jiggly*
DevynDw "Yes they finally came and good job scotty for saving marcel now you guys have to escape"
407: Marcel, hold onto me, okay?
Basically: *On 407's back* (Scotty. . .you're poisoned! You need antidote!)
407: *Sees Markiplier* HEY!
Markiplier: *Hears 407, looks around & sees them* Marcel! Scotty! *Runs up to them*
407: M-Marcel is injured, he doesn't talk at all.
Markiplier: *Sees 407's hands, turning a bit purple* And you seemed to be poisoned. Some guys went inside to rescue, get in the car & I'll heal you both.
407: First, Marcel!
Basically: *Shakes his head* (Heal Scotty first!)
Markiplier: Just come on!
AWolfsJourney "Moo, just run away with Terroriser! Go!"
Moo: Fuck, come on, Brian.
Midori: *Kicks Moo*
Moo: AGH!
Midori: Not so fast, boy!
Moo: *Sits up* Fuck. . . *Panting* (Not my back again. . .)
Midori: Phew, man, while I was occupied by a sweet animal, Michaela & Legiqn are down, and I don't see Marksman & Kryoz.
Moo: Shit. . .
Midori: *Sees Terroriser* Oh! Lucky, he's down already! Let's take you in.
Moo: *Attacks Midori* Don't touch him!
Midori: Whoa! *Grabs Moo's arm* That was rude.
Moo: (She has quite a strength!)
Midori: *Pins Moo down* You look roughed up. No wonder you're weak.
Moo: *Struggles* This is humiliating. . .getting pinned down by a bitch.
Midori: *Giggles* For males, yea, but. . .*leans down a bit* doesn't this turn guys on?
Moo: Fuck no.
Midori: *Giggles* Well, I need to take you in, or we'll be in trouble. Be my prisoner~.
Moo: You little-
Terroriser: *Stabs a syringe on Midori's arm*
Midori: Huh?
Moo: B-Brian!
Terroriser: . . .*Pant* Sorry. . . *glares at Midori* HE'S MINE. *Injects the potion in her*
Midori: *Eyes widens, and backs away*
Terroriser: Ugh. . .
Moo: *Sits up* Brian! You alright?
Terroriser: I-I'm okay, just. . .can't move much.
Midori: (Shit, he injected something in me! I forgot that that guy is a scientist!) *Clenches her fists*
Moo: *Stands up, pulls Terroriser up* Brian, stand up, and get the fuck out of here!
Terroriser: But. . .I can't. . .leave you.
Midori: *Attacks them*
Moo: *Pushes Terroriser away & blocks*
Midori: *Kicks Moo's stomach hard*
Moo: Ugh- ACK! *Flies back & into the wall*
Terroriser: M-Moo! Ugh! *Falls down* D-Dammit. . .
Midori: (Scientist doesn't seem to be able to move, that means, I gotta take out the one who could move.)
Moo: *Coughs* (Shit! My back again! I-It's really taking a lot damage! Shit. . .)
Midori: *Runs towards Moo*
Moo: (Gotta dodge, dodge! DODGE! My vision. . .) *Coughs*
Midori: Another down! *Tries to kick Moo*
Moo: (Shi-)
Bryce: *Blocks Midori's attack*
Midori: Wha-
Moo: B-Bry- *cough*
Bryce: Jeez. . .you look fucked up, Moo.
Question from shadoxiety & MiaArtLover ,
"Luiii!!! Are you okay!?!"
Lui: *Enters the warehouse* VANOSS!
Vanoss: Lui!
Lui: *Runs up to Vanoss* Are you okay!? You look hurt! Let's get you back!
AWolfsJourney "Lui has arrived!!!"
Vanoss: L-Lui. . .
Lui: *Helps Vanoss* Markiplier can heal you up.
wildnoss "Let's get out of here come on guys or this will go nuts"
Midori: Another member?
Bryce: Leave her to me.
Delirious: *Runs up to Moo* . . .! (Moo, come on, let's get you out!)
Moo: But, Brian- *cough*
Bryce: I'll get him, once I finish this bitch! *Attacks Midori*
Moo: Idiot, you can't- *cough* defeat- *coughs*
Delirious: . . .! *Helps Moo stand up* (Moo, come on!)
Midori: *Blocks, then fights back*
Bryce: *Blocks* Hurry & go!
Delirious: . . .! . . . (Bryce! . . .Don't get hurt. . .)
Bryce: *Smiles at Delirious* Don't worry.
Midori: *Swings her fist to Bryce*
Bryce: *Dodges, grabs her arm & punches her in the face*
Midori: AGH! *Backs up* Fuck. . .
Bryce: *Kicks her in the stomach*
Midori: ACK!
CherryPlayz07 "Dang! This is TOO INTENSE. I hope everyone is safe and sound."
Pewdiepie: Guys!
Jiggly: Where's Scotty!?
Delirious: . . .? (Jiggly, why are you here?)
Jiggly: I'll explain later! I need to find Scotty!
Jack: *Enters* He's outside already, in the car! Everyone hurry!
Kryoz: *Throws lassoes*
Jack: WATCH OUT! *Pushes Pewdiepie out the way & grabs the lasso*
Jiggly: *Dodges the lasso*
Marksman: *Runs toward Jack & swings his leg*
Jack: *Blocks, fights Marksman back*
AWolfsJourney "Vanoss snap out of it! Legion gave you a chance but with a price! Make it up to him later you guys have to go!"
Lui: Vanoss, come on. Let's go.
Vanoss: Y-Yea. . . (Legiqn. . .)
[Bryce: *Carries Terroriser* Everybody hustle!
Delirious: . . .! (Let's go!)]
[Pewdiepie: Jack!
Jack: Don't worry about me! Go! *Dodges Marksman's attack*]
MiaArtLover "H-holy fuck..."
YandereDev: . . .Those sons of bitches. . .*panting* calm down. . .calm down. . .*covers his eyes* ahh. . .the warmth of blood. . .no, no. . .not like this. . .
Legiqn: *Slowly breathing* (Van. . .get out, please. . .)
YandereDev: Midori! I need your pills! *Looks around for her*
[Michaela: *Sits up, body shaking in damage* Fuck. . .Midori. . .*Falls back down* (Shit. . .)]
[Midori: *Coughing* Shit. . . (My bloodstream is not working! That potion is weighing my power & speed down! And that body blow from that red hair isn't helping. . .I can't make pills! This is bad, YanDev is gonna. . .wait. . .who cares what happens to those guys. . .it's better to let YanDev kill them. . .right?)]
YandereDev: Fuck. . .fuck. . .FUCK! (Without the pills, her boost, I can't calm down!)
[CaRtOoNz: *Shoots at Kryoz*
Marksman: *Senses & turns around, gets shot in the chest* AGH!
Kryoz: SIR!
CaRtOoNz: Bullseye! Get out bitches!
Jack: Thanks, Cartoonz. *Runs outside with the others*
Marksman: *Can't breathe, falls to his hands & knees, coughing*
Kryoz: *Tears up* SIR! Officer Marksman!
Marksman: *Panting* (Tyler. . .John, Legiqn. . .) *Looks around, vision blurry, searching for Legiqn*
Kryoz: *Looks around, sees Legiqn on the ground with a pool of blood* LEGIQN!
Marksman: No. . .*falls down* fuck. . .
Kryoz: Sir! *Unties himself* Please don't die!
Marksman: *Panting* . . . (Looks like I'm not worthy. . .of living.)
Kryoz: Please! *Crying* Sir! Breathe, I-I'll call for help!
Marksman: (At least John is not so hurt. . .but Legiqn. . .I hope you're alive. . .) *Eyelids getting heavier*
YandereDev: *Panting* They are not. . .leaving here! *His other color contact breaks, then goes outside*
~At Outside~
Jiggly: Scotty!
407: *Passed out, breathing slowly*
Markiplier: He got poisoned, luckily, it's from the outside, so he'll recover quicker.
Basically: *Bandaged* (Scotty. . .)
Pewdiepie: Others are coming, make room! They're all injured!
Delirious: . . .? (Moo, can you breathe?)
Moo: *Coughs* Barely. . .
Bryce: Jesus, this is a mess. . .
Terroriser: *Groans*
Lui: Almost there, Vanoss.
Vanoss: Ugh. . .
YandereDev: (AT LEAST ONE. . .ONE. . .) *Looks at them, then eyes lands on Vanoss, then on Terroriser* (THE EASIEST ONE.) *Takes out a gun & shoots at Vanoss*
Pewdiepie: LUI!
Lui: *Pushes Vanoss, the bullet scratches his ear* Agh! *Ear ringing* Fuck!
Vanoss: Lui!
YandereDev: *Attacks Bryce*
Bryce: *Turns around, sees YandereDev, tries to dodge, but gets kicked in the chest* Agh! *Drops Terroriser, and flies back few feet*
Jack: *Catches Bryce*
Bryce: Ow! That son of a bitch!
CaRtOoNz: *Tries to shoot YandereDev*
YandereDev: *Takes out a knife* AT LEAST ONE. . . (I don't care about capturing them alive. . .I NEED ONE, I NEED ONE KILL!) *Tries to stab Terroriser*
Moo: BRIAN! *Tries to go*
Delirious: *Holds him back* . . .! (Moo, no!)
Moo: *Sees Vanoss, standing the closest* VANOSS, STOP HIM!
Vanoss: *Pants* (Brian. . .I-I need to save him, he's my best friend!) *Steps forward*
[MiniLadd: . . .did you know? Brian & I are just with you, because. . .we're SCARED of you.
MiniLadd: You're gonna kill us.
MiniLadd: We saw what you did. . .the scars we bear is the proof.]
Vanoss: *Froze* (Brian. . .fuck, not now!)
[Wildcat & Terroriser: *Scared*
Ohm & Nogla: *Concerned*
Basically: *Nervous*
Droidd & Lui: *Shocked*
MiniLadd: *Angry*]
Vanoss: *Panting* (Stop it. . .don't. . .)
Moo: Vanoss! What are you doing!?
Jiggly: That owl! *Takes out his knife to throw*
YandereDev: I. . .NEED THIS! *Spreads murderous atmosphere*
Bryce: *Froze* (The fuck. . .)
Jiggly: *Froze* (Can't. . .move. . .)
Delirious: *Froze* (No, no. . .) *Remembers his past* (So. . .similar. . .)
CaRtOoNz: *Froze* (This. . .murderous aura. . .)
Basically: *Froze, shivering* (He's on a whole new level!)
Pewdiepie: *Starts running towards YandereDev* (I have to stop him!)
Jack & Markiplier: Felix!
YandereDev: *Grabs Terroriser's hair* (At least one kill. . .to stop this. . .)
Terroriser: Ugh. . .
[Markiplier: *Notices YandereDev's eyes* Oh shit. . .Felix, stop! *Takes out a syringe gun, aims & shoots at YandereDev*
Jack: *Grabs Bryce's gun & shoots at YandereDev*
Pewdiepie: (JUST HAVE TO MAKE IT!) *Reaches his hand out*]
YandereDev: *Tries to stab Terroriser* (Stop this BLOODTHRIST!)
Moo: BRIAN! *Escapes Delirious' grasp, and runs towards them*
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