Official Announcement (Ask #84)
Question from SADBOI_H0URS ,
"Oh shit.. what's up now"
~In Vanoss' room~
Vanoss: Squirrel. . .
DeadSquirrel: Yes?
Vanoss: Back, during the mission. . .thanks for saving my ass.
DeadSquirrel: (He's. . .thanking me?) Well, um. . .y-you're welcome?
Vanoss: I was in a state of shock, and. . .probably almost died.
DeadSquirrel: . . .Nah, I doubt it. Humans are pretty tough & fragile at the same time, but you. . .I think you would've survived somehow.
Vanoss: . . .I see. Anyway, you got the objective, right? Even in that chaos.
DeadSquirrel: I did get caught by an officer, but she thought I was just a squirrel, so I was spared. Talk about good luck.
Vanoss: Well, you kept your nerve, act fast, and obviously, independent, carrying your own weight. . .as a result, you accomplished the mission.
DeadSquirrel: . . .Vanoss. . .
Vanoss: . . .My decision was correct. *Reaches his hand out to DeadSquirrel* I've made up my decision. . .take my hand, and JOIN MY CREW.
DeadSquirrel: 'Join your crew'? . . .Become a gangster?
Vanoss: I saw your potential, you will go far, Squirrel.
DeadSquirrel: (I want to. . .) *Looks at Vanoss' hand*
wildcat100 "Hey squirrel um *smile* your the best and I hope you can join the crew and you can have more fun with them hMeh"
DeadSquirrel: *Smiles a bit* I've seen a lot of gangs, loyalty destroyed some of them, some betrayals, some fears. . .and I've survived despair. . .I always thought gangsters are nothing, but violent creatures. . . (I was thinking the same thing as that officer. . .but everything changed.) *Takes Vanoss' hand, and grins at Vanoss* I want to stand with you guys.
Vanoss: . . .*Smirks* Now, you're official.
DeadSquirrel: Shall I call you 'boss' from now on?
Vanoss: Not every time, but sure, if you want.
DeadSquirrel: *Smiles* Alright, boss.
Vanoss: (Squirrel. . .I don't get why, but. . .you look a lot like Cody sometimes. Maybe. . .it's a sign.)
DeadSquirrel: So um. . .what shall I do now?
Vanoss: I'll prepare your own room, and I want to see how you work, so right now, you're in charge of assisting others. We have weapons maintenance team, data team, medic, & individual team, aka Quad. I'll discuss with data team to see which team you should be in.
DeadSquirrel: I see, but. . .wasn't MiniLadd the only one in medic?
Vanoss: Not really, Terroriser can make potions to heal, so he's partly in medic.
DeadSquirrel: I see. . . do you want me to get Wildcat for you?
Vanoss: . . .No, I'll go talk to him. You should get some rest.
DeadSquirrel: Alright.
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"And Vanoss, what do you mean talk to Wildcat? Have you been ignoring him or something?"
Vanoss: . . .I haven't been talking to him for a while, properly, he's mostly with Pewdiepie, and. . .I didn't feel like I should interact with him, since. . .Mini gets pissed at Tyler, and I felt guilty. Now, I NEED to talk to Tyler about this. . . *Walks out of the room*
DeadSquirrel: *Follows*
abbyloveanime18 "Lulu sounds so cute and it suits him perfectly!!"
MiaArtLover "Oh my god that Nicknamee!!!
Its adorableee"
Ausi-Tsuyu "I like the nickname lulu~ *chuckles* maybe we should start calling you lulu!"
Lui: Ohm. . .you little. . .LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!
Ohm: Ah~, Lulu is mad~.
Nogla: *Giggles* I love that nickname.
Droidd: (Cute nickname. . .) Hmph, perfect for a childish man like you.
Lui: You asshole! You're jealous that I have a nickname & you don't!
Droidd: Oh, now you're gonna go THERE!? You little munchkin!
Lui: Who you calling a 'munchkin'!?
Droidd: A pathetic loser who's in front of me! You too short to notice!?
Lui: Oh, fuck you! You fucking Bean Shit!
Droidd: Don't go down that road!
Vanoss: The fuck are you guys yelling for!?
Lui: Vanoss! A-Are you alright?
Vanoss: Yea, no harm, and the fuck was all the yelling?
MiniLadd: These two shitheads were fighting like usual.
Lui: It all started from Ohm!
Droidd: Don't you fucking dare pin it on Ohmwrecker!
Lui: But it's true! Then YOU butt in!
SADBOI_H0URS "Lui, you are the fucking best (same to you boss)"
Lui: Thanks, but we all know that Vanoss is the best.
Vanoss: *Smiles*
Nogla: Aww~, boss seems happy~.
Vanoss: *Blush* Ahem! Um, Lui, I appreciate you for helping me out earlier. *Pats Lui's head*
Lui: O-Of course! *Hearts in his eyes* (Oh, I love him patting my head~. So comfortable~.)
Droidd: *Grabs Lui away* Quit being a bother to boss. It's gross.
Lui: Don't touch me, you Mexican!
Droidd: You racist monkey!
Question from shadoxiety ,
Vanoss: Shut up!
MiniLadd: If he was like that every time, I am not going to let anyone have Evan.
Cry: Ohh~, getting protective~.
MiniLadd: Shut up.
shadoxiety "Fuck. I'm getting teary."
MiaArtLover "Awwwwwww~!"
MiaArtLover "Omg omg omg omg omg omg-
I wish this would last foreverrr"
Vanoss: *Blush* Okay, you guys need to stop.
Ohm: How can we!? You two are so adorable!
Lui: Quit bothering Vanoss!
MiaArtLover "Not gonna lie but i agree with you ohm"
Ohm: See~.
MiniLadd: *Blush* I hate you all!
Markiplier: Don't stab someone again, Mini!
Kingggjaay "I'm glad you guys are on good terms now"
SADBOI_H0URS "Yay! Glad you guys made up"
AWolfsJourney "Yes! Things are slowly calming down! The brothers are now getting along again!"
Vanoss: Well. . .we are good.
MiniLadd: Yea. . .everything's back to normal.
Ausi-Tsuyu "Get a room you two~ 😏"
MiniLadd & Vanoss: *Blush*
Ohm: Hmm~. . .I wonder~. . .
Nogla: What you guys did while outside~.
Vanoss & MiniLadd: *Remembers about the kiss on the palm* NOTHING!
Basically: Mmm! (That's a lie!)
Nogla: It's a lie!
Ohm: Did you guys kissed!? Make out!? OR HAD SE-
MiniLadd: SHUT UP! Of course not! We just. . .*looks away* exchanged a sign.
Nogla: What kind of a sign~?
Ohm: It was a kiss, wasn't it~!?
abbyloveanime18 "So adorable"
SADBOI_H0URS "Aww that's adorable"
MiaArtLover "Tbh thats adorable-"
Vanoss: *Blush* Ahhh! Shut up! I have something else to say!
Ohm: Oh, what is it, boss~?
Nogla: Everyone heads up!
Vanoss: Ahem, DeadSquirrel is now our official member.
Ohm: *Gasp* YES!
CaRtOoNz & Droidd: WHAT!?
Delirious: . . . (Oh.)
Bryce: Seriously?
Wildcat: Wow. . .congratulations.
Basically: *Claps with a smile*
Nogla: Welcome to the crew!
Lui: I guess.
MiniLadd: . . .I don't really know him well yet. . .
Moo: Hmm. . .I do think he's pretty tough.
Jiggly: I'm a bit concerned if you guys can raise a kid.
Vanoss: He's 18.
Jiggly: Still, he's young.
Lui: You're not official, okay!? You just have alliance with us!
Droidd: H-He's saying a fair point! Can any of us really raise a teen?
CaRtOoNz: Fuck age! I don't want him crawling up into Ohm's clothes again!
Ohm: Don't worry! *Hugs DeadSquirrel* I'll take good care of Squirrely! I'll feed him, sleep with him, take bath with him, and everything!
DeadSquirrel: (Sleep. . .bath. . .eat. . .with Ohmie?) *Blush, hugs Ohm* Ohmie. . .take care of me, please?
Ohm: *Smiles* Of course!
Droidd & CaRtOoNz: FUCK NO!
SADBOI_H0URS "Ha niceeee"
MiaArtLover "Oh noe s e x t i m e"
DeadSquirrel: 'Sex'. . . *Looks at Ohm* That's um. . .something we could do. . .right?
Ohm: *Blush* Aww~, of course we can~. You're 18, legal age~.
Droidd: Don't you fucking dare, you dirty bastard!
CaRtOoNz: I'm the one who's gonna have sex with Ohm!
Droidd: No you're not!
[Vanoss: Anyway, he's gonna be assisting everyone.
MiniLadd: *Sigh* Another one chasing Ohm's ass, huh?
Bryce: I am so not happy with this.
Moo: Says the one who was chasing after Delirious' ass.
Bryce: *Blush* Hey! At least I confessed to him! They're the gross ones! They want to have sex, before being official! And they are NOT on the level of 'friends with benefit'! They are just beasts, just wanting sex!]
[Delirious: *Blush* ('O-Official', w-we, um. . .W-We are official, r-right? T-Then Bryce & I. . .AHHHH!) *Covers his face with his hands*]
[Bryce: And you can't say you're different!
Moo: The fuck you mean! I'm not sex hungry!
Bryce: But you are chasing Terroriser's ass!
Moo: HUH!? When was I ever chasing his ass!?
Bryce: You just don't realize, since you're an idiot!
Cry: Okay, okay! Calm the fuck down, Moo.
Moo: Huh!?
Cry: I get it, I get it. *Wraps his arms around Moo & Bryce's shoulder* We can just all be friends.
Moo: You are misunderstanding something.
Cry: *Laughs* Who cares! We're all friends!
Bryce: . . .Just to let you know, Cry, Moo is MY best friend.
Cry: Oh really? You wanna fight?
Bryce: WHY!?]
Question from shadoxiety ,
"Wildcat! Where are you?! Pewdiepie, can I raise Wildcat with you? 😂😂😂"
Wildcat: I'm right here.
Pewdiepie: *Pats Wildcat's head* Sure, so my son won't be sad after I leave.
Wildcat: You're leaving?
Pewdiepie: I have my own crew to take care of, and. . .I'm confident that this crew will take care of & protect you. . .no matter how harsh & mean they can be. . .I trust them.
Wildcat: *Smiles* Pewdiepie.
Pewdiepie: You can call me 'Felix', or 'dad'.
Wildcat: *Blush* 'Dad'?
Pewdiepie: Too soon? It's nothing dirty, I genuinely think you as my son.
Wildcat: *Smiles* Felix. . .I-I'm not comfortable calling you 'dad' though.
Pewdiepie: *Giggles* It's fine. I understand.
Vanoss: *Walks up to them* Don't wanna disturb, but. . .can I talk to Tyler?
Pewdiepie: Sure.
Wildcat: W-What is it?
Vanoss: . . .Let's go outside. I wanna talk privately.
Wildcat: O-Okay.
Vanoss: . . . *Looking up at the moon*
Wildcat: . . .V-Vanoss?
Vanoss: Tyler.
Wildcat: Y-Yes?
Vanoss: *Turns to Wildcat*
Wildcat: *Stares at Vanoss*
Vanoss: . . .*Smiles a bit* Goodbye. . .
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