Nothing Important (Ask #2.3 & Dare #2.1)
AWolfsJourney "Love is in the air~!!!"
i-love-anime-0824 "I agree with you Terroriser is it best Valentine's day ever"
Terroriser: *Blush* R-Right?
Moo: Jesus. . .
Terroriser: *Looks around* (No sign of Cry. . .) *Looks at Moo* M-Moo, um. . .if you have time, do you. . .w-want to go on a. . .*blush* d-date with me?
Moo: *Blush* (A 'date'?) B-Brian. . .
Terroriser: Or. . .are you busy?
Moo: I mean. . .Bryce is not here, so I was planning to workout alone. . .
Terroriser: Oh, um. . .
Moo: *Blush* But, a day off doesn't sound too bad.
Terroriser: *Blush* D-Does that mean. . .y-yes?
Moo: *Blushing* . . .Fuck it. Why no-
i-love-anime-0824 "Hey Jack you should go with Cry for find them so you and Cry should have fun together"
Jack: I was planning to.
Markiplier: 'Scavenger hunt'?
Jack: Apparently, our teammates came to this universe, but they're all scattered.
Markiplier: ARE YOU SERIOUS!?
Cry: Hey, I did my job.
i-love-anime-0824 "Yes i do help you Cry i just don't want to see you sad"
Cry: Thanks I guess, and. . . *Hugs Moo* Come on Moo! We're going Scavenger Hunt!
Moo: What the fuck, Cry!?
Cry: I know you don't have anything to do today.
Moo: Well, I was. . .*blush*
Terroriser: Moo was going to answer my question before you barged in!
Cry: Huh? What question?
Terroriser: To go on a date with me!
Cry: What?
Moo: *Blushing* Brian!
Terroriser: *Glaring at Cry* (I AM SURE THAT MOO WAS GOING TO SAY, 'WHY NOT', WHICH MEANS 'YES'!) You ruined it!
Cry: Oh, boohoo. Anyway, this is more important. The longer this scavenger hunt takes, the longer I'll stay, and who knows what happens. *Kisses Moo's cheek*
Terroriser: *Clenches his fists*
Moo: *Blush* What the fuck, Cry!?
Cry: *Holds Moo close* Moo might fall for me. I know that I'm not gonna separate from him. *Rests his head on Moo's shoulder* He's my FRIEND after all. Bros before hoes, am I right~?
Terroriser: (THIS LITTLE BITCH!) FINE! But I want to search with Moo!
Cry: Oh sure~. . .LIKE I'M GONNA LET YOU! He's searching with me!
Moo: Wait a fucking second! I did not say that I'm going!
i-love-anime-0824 "Welcome back Scotty and Marcel i wish you guys are couple now"
407: Hiya, bitches~. Anyway, a scavenger hunt sounds fun.
Basically: Yea, I do want to collect more data about the Brofist Clan.
DevynDw "Welcome back love birds omg you guys are so cute together"
MiaArtLover "Awwww~"
Basically: *Blush* Um. . .thank you?
407: Thanks! And we know~!
Jiggly: I do want to go search for Tyler.
407: Searching for love, I see, Anthony~.
Jiggly: Shush.
Question from Adriensbabe1 ,
"Is it ok to ask? Who would beat the shit out of the other if they hit them for no reason?"
Basically: This is a violent question.
Cry: I would beat the shit out of you, Sci-Geek!
Terroriser: We'll see about that!
Moo: Shut up, or I'm gonna beat the shit out of you both!
407: I mean. . .Vanoss does beat the shit out of Tyler. So I vote on him.
Jiggly: But Tyler will never dare to initiate a fight!
Basically: Thinking logically, it'll probably be around Vanoss, Moo, Bryce, CaRtOoNz, or Delirious.
Dare & Question from IONMoonlight ,
"I dare p2 marcel to wear a skirt or a dress for 3 chapters"
Basically: What?
407: Oh hell yes!
Basically: I did not sign up for this!
407: Too bad, you did! Let's get you one!
Basically: SCOTTY NO!
"and where is nogla and noah at"
Nogla: We are currently in the town, heading to the roller-skating rink.
Noah: It's actually my first time. I just heard it from Smii7y about him & Kryoz going there.
Nogla: Oh, I see~. Well, we can teach each other now.
Noah: Is it your first too?
Nogla: Yup~.
Noah: *Smiles* Glad I'm not alone.
Nogla: *Giggles* We are together.
Noah: *Blush*
Question from shadoxiety ,
Noah: *Gets startled* D-Don't scare me like that!
Nogla: *Giggles* We are on a date.
Noah: *Blush*
Nogla: And on our way to the roller-skating rink.
i-love-anime-0824 "Have fun on roller skating ^_^"
Nogla: Wish us luck~.
Noah: Yea, we need it. *Giggles*
Question from ohmweracker ,
"Nogla can you name 3 people you like and why"
Nogla: Hmm. . .Andrew for sure, since he's my brother, very precious one~.
Noah: Aww~.
Nogla: Second would be, you, Noah.
Noah: *Blush* R-Really?
Nogla: Yea, you're my friend, who can make me forget that I'm a gangster & be a normal guy for a while.
Noah: *Blushing* I-I'm glad I can do that for you.
Nogla: And last. . .hmm. . .I can't choose. Everyone in the crew, I guess. I appreciate everyone.
Noah: That's nice.
Nogla: If I had to choose one. . .maybe kid, Ohm or Marcel.
Noah: Why?
Nogla: Kid is my partner, and he's also like a little brother to me. Ohm, he's a lovely guy, he shares me love & I feel that we have common grounds. Marcel is very honest, and I like him, he's also cute.
Noah: . . .I see. *Blush* Um. . .Nogla, I. . .wanted to ask. . .
Nogla: Hmm?
Noah: I didn't get to ask properly, so. . .um. . .what was that kiss during the vacation?
Nogla: What?
Noah: *Blush* T-The one, um. . .we did in the forest, you. . .also did a bit more, but um. . .
Nogla: . . .Oh! That. That was-
Droidd: Nogla!
Nogla: *Turns around* Droidd?
Droidd: Nogla, have you seen Ohmwrecker?
Nogla: Ohm? No, did something happen?
Droidd: He disappeared in a sudden.
Noah: Oh god. . .
Nogla: . . .I think he's with someone else.
Droidd: We suspected Swag, but I wasn't sure how to find him.
Noah: Swag?
Nogla: . . .*Eyes widens* Droidd, we need to go.
Droidd: What? To where?
Nogla: To the forest, Ohm is in trouble.
Droidd: What!? Why do you know!?
Bird: *Flies to Droidd, chirps loudly*
Droidd: This is. . .
Nogla: Swag's bird. He's sending SOS, and why do you think it came to you, Droidd?
Droidd: . . . *Eyes widens* The same as before. . .Ohm is in trouble!
Nogla: Correct. I'll go too.
Noah: What!?
Droidd: But Nogla, this might not be too big. Last time, it was about Squirrel trying to take advantage, so-
Nogla: Judging by its look & the noises they're making, it's not simple.
Bird: *Tugs Droidd's sleeve*
Droidd: I need to go.
Bird: *Flies*
Droidd: *Follows the bird*
Nogla: *Tries to go*
Noah: *Grabs Nogla's hand* Wait! Why do you need to go!?
Nogla: I need to go, Noah.
Noah: No, you don't! Please. . .
Nogla: . . .Knowing that my teammate is in danger, I can't waste time with you.
Noah: Nogla. . .
Nogla: Let me go, Noah. (Please. . .I need to warn him, before anyone dies. . .)
Noah: *Grips tighter* Please. . .I-I. . .at least, answer my question! What was the kiss all about!? During vacation! Did you- do you like-
Nogla: It was nothing important, Noah.
Noah: *Eyes widens*
Nogla: Don't worry about it. Sorry if it was like, your first, but I had to do it, or Bryce & Delirious would've been really angry.
Noah: . . . *Slowly lets go of Nogla's hand*
Nogla: I'm sorry, I'll. . .make it up to you sometime! *Runs after Droidd*
Noah: . . . (So. . .it was an act? What do you mean 'Bryce & Delirious'? It was NOTHING important? I. . .don't get you, Nogla. . .) *Tears up*
"3p Wildcat: um wildcat how's jigglypanda doing??"
Wildcat: Anthony? He should be at base. I think he's doing okay.
Vanoss: Hmph. *Mumbles* Who cares about that panda.
Legiqn: I heard that, Van.
Vanoss: Shut up! You didn't hear anything!
Legiqn: *Giggles* Whatever you say, future boss!
SADB0I_HOURS "Satt be quick! A bitch is fighting ohm!!!"
Sattelizer: This sounds really bad! Ohm fighting a bitch!?
i-love-anime-0824 "Squirrel go following bird Ohm is in trouble you have to save him"
Squirrel: *Jumps onto Sattelizer's shoulder* (This is easier, rough ride though.)
Sattelizer: What the- get off squirrel!
Squirrel: *Shakes his head* (Nope!)
AWolfsJourney "Lover Boys, I think you might wanna hurry and find Ohm, he might be in trouble"
Droidd: 'Lover Boys'?
Nogla: Pretty sure it's about, you, Cartoonz, Squirrel, Satt & Swag.
Droidd: Well, anyway, now we know that Ohm IS in trouble for sure.
Nogla: Yea. *Dials*
AWolfsJourney "Hurry Lover Boys!"
CaRtOoNz: Who the hell!?
Bryce: Jesus, what a name. . .
Delirious: . . . (Well, now we know what to call them.)
i-love-anime-0824 "Bryce Delirious you have to help them i think Ohm is in trouble"
Bryce: Yea, we are running our ass off!
Delirious: . . . (I really hope Ohm is okay. . .)
Delirium: I hope so too, Jon.
i-love-anime-0824 "GO OHM GO YOU CAN DO IT GO KICK MINX'S BUTT!"
Ohm: *Crashes into a tree* AGH!
Minx: That's all you got?
Ohm: *Stands up*
Swag: *Attacks Minx with birds*
Minx: *Dodges them*
Swag: Fuck. . .Bunny, are you alright!?
Ohm: I'm okay, darling!
Kingggjaay "I fucking knew it was you of all people how about you fuck off minx"
Minx: *Runs to Swag* Watch out for yourself, asshole!
Swag: Shi-
Minx: *Swings her katana*
Swag: *Backs up, but gets cut on the arm*
Minx: Whenever someone attacks distantly, they're most likely weak at close combat. *Attacks Swag*
Swag: *Dodges, gets cut few times*
Question from Adriensbabe1 ,
"Wtf and Why the hell is this shit happening!?"
Ohm: Because this bitch showed up! Don't touch my Swaggie! *Summons vines*
Minx: *Dodges the vines*
Swag: Ugh. . .Bunny. . .
Minx: How lovely~.
SADB0I_HOURS "I want to snap someone's neck"
MiaArtLover "Go get her eyes out! >:("
Ohm: Oh, I will! YOU'LL PAY FOR WHAT YOU'VE DONE TO MY EYES! *Attacks Minx*
Minx: *Blocks Ohm's attack* . . .Again. . .with the *glares at Ohm* EYES. *Tries to knee Ohm in the stomach*
Ohm: *Backs up*
Minx: *Extends her leg & kicks Ohm in the stomach*
Ohm: UGH!
Minx: *Twirls once, then smacks Ohm in the face with the handle of the katana*
Ohm: Agh!
Minx: *Raises her leg & smashes Ohm's back with it*
Ohm: Gah! *Hits hard on the ground*
Minx: *Steps on Ohm's back, then grabs Ohm's bandanna* Show me your RARE, PRECIOUS eyes. . .I DARE YOU!
Ohm: *Keeps his eyes shut*
Swag: Bunny. . . (Fuck. . .hurry. . .)
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