No Answer (Ask #69)
AWolfsJourney "MISSION TIME!!!"
Basically: *Driving* Yes, it is, and this mission seems simple. . .TOO simple. . .
Moo: Easy money.
Basically: I have a bad feeling about this. . .
Moo: Shut up & drive. *Glances at Terroriser, who was still holding his arm* (Why is he being so clingy all of a sudden?)
SADBOI_H0URS "Because why not ;)"
Moo: Hmph. *Looks away*
Terroriser: (I need to gain points before return. . .but how?)
Terroriser: *Blush* (Cry is making me go crazy. I didn't wanted to be too clingy & be a burden on Moo, but I can't bear with Cry being close to Moo like that!)
shadoxiety "I'm getting used to calling you Terry, thanks to Ohmwrecker over there and now will be your adopted mother no matter what you say. Terroriser, you don't have to be as straightforward as they are. Be patient and wait for your time to come. Appreciate your moments with Moo and let no one ruin your day. I'm believing in you, TerTer! *smiles kindly*"
Terroriser: Hmm. . .true. (I was being patient & faithful to him for this whole 5 years. . .waiting for another 5 years. . .won't hurt right?) *Slowly lets go of Moo's arm*
Moo: *Glances at Terroriser*
Terroriser: Sorry for bothering you, Moo. *Smiles*
Moo: *Blushes a bit & looks away*
Question from Rinthelonely ,
"I tend to be worried about people now because I went through hell for 8 years so yeah. I don't often talk to people but I am observing the area to make sure there aren't suspicious people around. I also have become empathetic after my 8 year experience. And here I am rambling again, sorry. But what kind of mission are you going to?"
Basically: Um. . .I'm sorry to hear that. And um, the mission is to sneak in a warehouse & steal money from the safe. The place is being used by other gangs, but the security is loose. We can just sneak in & get money. Usually a mission for stealthy ones. And. . .I can't say Moo & Brian are stealthy.
Moo: Hey, we can hear you, smartass!
Terroriser: I'm just here to support, since I don't go on missions too much. *Giggles awkwardly*
shadoxiety "Like what you see there, Vanoss? Ovo"
Vanoss: Huh? Oh. . .*Blushes a bit* Shut up.
MiaArtLover "And this is how Vanoss question his sanity"
Vanoss: *Looks out the window*
MiaArtLover "Ayeeee~ blushy lil'owl is back : D"
Vanoss: Again with this?
Basically: *Giggles* People likes your honesty, boss.
Question from CherryPlayz07 ,
"Y'now, whenever I see vanoss blush, I imagined he look liked a highschool girl blushing when her crush talks to her and stuff except he looks hawt and cute when he blushes...Do anyone agree?"
Terroriser: I agree.
Moo: *Shrugs*
Basically: I do think you are cute when you blush, boss.
Vanoss: Shut up!
DeadSquirrel: . . . (This is so awkward. I'm the only one who has no idea the fuck they're talking about.)
AWolfsJourney "Vanoss, Wildcat isnt scared of you at all"
Vanoss: . . .Liar. I know he is. Right, Marcel?
Basically: . . .I can't say he isn't scared of you, boss. It was. . .pretty intense.
Vanoss: I know. . .
Basically: . . .Have you. . .talked to Mini about the decision? Any news?
Vanoss: I wouldn't be like this if we settled things.
Basically: True.
AWolfsJourney "Besides, I'm sure you can talk to someone Vanoss"
Vanoss: . . . *Glances at Basically* (Marcel might be the right person to talk to. . .even if his answers are complicated.) Marcel?
Basically: Yes?
MiaArtLover "Calm down! If you think more about it you might get more stressed than your already are...."
Vanoss: . . .What would you do if you were in my shoes?
Basically: Huh. . .well. . .I know what I have to do, which is talk, but knowing how Mini is. . .it's a little scary. However, I cannot give the answer, Vanoss.
Vanoss: Why not?
Basically: Because I don't know the details like what he said. All I know is what you guys did, which was argument, but I cannot pick up every word you two gave & received.
Vanoss: . . . (I knew it. . .complicated.) Never mind then.
Question from MiaArtLover ,
"Are you ok vanoss?...."
Vanoss: I'm fine.
Basically: We're close to the destination.
Vanoss: Get ready. Since we're short on ammunitions, use it wisely.
Moo: Got it.
Terroriser: Sorry about that.
DeadSquirrel: We're short on supplies?
Basically: But it's only to steal, so we don't necessarily have to use bullets.
Vanoss: Marcel stays in the car, Brian, Moo & I will be out for distraction & guard. Squirrel?
DeadSquirrel: Yeah?
Vanoss: You're gonna sneak in & steal. *Hands DeadSquirrel a microphone* Listen to Marcel's orders & proceed.
DeadSquirrel: Okay, but. . .I have a question.
Vanoss: What is it?
DeadSquirrel: This is really. . .important to me, cause I don't want to fail, so. . .
Terroriser: (A serious question?)
Basically: (Time for good data?)
Moo: . . .Just hurry up and ask.
DeadSquirrel: . . .How do I use this?
Vanoss: . . .
Basically: . . .
Terroriser: . . .
Moo: . . .YOU LITTLE-
AWolfsJourney "*hugs Legion* you need it"
Legiqn: Thanks.
Question from shadoxiety ,
"Where is meh bois, SMii7Y and Kryoz? I want Krii7Y to ship!"
Kryoz: Don't worry, it will ship in no time! We are destined to be together!
Legiqn: How does Smii7y bear with this fool?
Question from MiaArtLover ,
"You ship 2pLegnoss? So....
Your one of us?"
Kryoz: Yes I am!
Legiqn: *Blush* JOHN!
MiaArtLover "Aww~ that's the sweetest thing you have ever said!"
Legiqn: *Blush* Well. . .it's just plain honesty. I do think they're the best. I mean. . .they already accepted a murderer like me with open arms, when no one else did. . .
Marksman: *Pats Legiqn's head*
Kryoz: *Hugs Legiqn* I'm happy to be working with you!
Legiqn: Heh. . .thanks.
YandereDev: They're here.
Marksman: *Turns to YandereDev* Already?
YandereDev: Yup. . . *Smirk* time for some bloodshed~. (All for you, Jay~.)
MiaArtLover "Yandere comfirmed!"
SADBOI_H0URS "Now i see why you are called YandereDev :'D"
YandereDev: Hell yea~. Get in position!
Midori: Don't tell me what to do, you idiot!
Michaela: . . .Roger.
Marksman: Let's go guys.
Kryoz: Yes sir!
Legiqn: Sure.
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