New Day (Ask #64)
AWolfsJourney "2pKubzDev is gonna sail~!"
Kryoz: *Giggles* You guys sound really excited.
Marksman: The ship sounds popular for them.
Question from SADBOI_H0URS ,
"Who, vanoss?"
Marksman: No, it's Gorillaphent.
MiaArtLover "Interesting...."
Legiqn: Cap is really taking that guy's words?
Marksman: . . .I did feel it too, but. . .I didn't wanted to admit.
Kryoz: I cannot wait to capture them all!
MiaArtLover "Awwww.... legiqn... vanoss needs you :,("
Legiqn: Huh? Van needs me?
Kryoz: Vanoss? Also! *Turns to Legiqn* I just noticed that you gave him a nickname! That's so cute!
Legiqn: *Blush* I-It's just Vanoss in short! It's not as unique as a nickname!
SADBOI_H0URS "legiqn save your boyfriend hes sad he needs the stupidity that makes him laugh :'0"
Marksman: So. . .are you going?
Legiqn: Yes! *Runs out*
Kryoz: Officer Legiqn wait! *Goes after Legiqn*
Marksman: Do they even know where the BBS are? *Goes after them*
Ausi-Tsuyu "Pie, I'm so sorry! Are you okay! It's was my fault! I shouldn't done it... I just want... I'm sorry pie"
Pewdiepie: *Smiles* It's okay, don't worry. You didn't know.
Question from wildnoss ,
"So Brian how's you nice day maybe"
Terroriser: Um. . .are you asking 'how's my day'? Um. . .well, neutral. I'm just a bit worried about Moo. . .he's not back yet.
Question from DevynDw ,
"Can some one add Ninja so Marcel can date him"
Droidd: 'Ninja'?
Basically: Um, I'm not sure if I have his data. Also, *blush* why me? Date him? I don't know him personally.
Nogla: They care about you, Marcel~. Trying to give you some potential love interests~.
Basically: *Blush* I-I'm okay.
~In Vanoss room~
Lui: (So warm. . .) *Wakes up*
Vanoss: *Cuddling Lui*
SADBOI_H0URS "Oh shit it is smexy time"
Lui: . . .*Blush* (V-V-Vanoss!? O-Oh yea, I-I shared a bed with him last night, and we. . .we. . .) *Blushes deeper*
Vanoss: *Wakes up* Oh. . .hey, morning babe.
Lui: *Blush* 'B-Babe'?
Vanoss: *Blush* Oh, uh. . .sorry, it just slipped.
Lui: N-No, no it's okay! H-How are you feeling?
Vanoss: *Kisses Lui's forehead* Much better~.
Lui: *Smiles* I'm glad.
AWolfsJourney "Aww, Thanks for comforting Vanoss Lui"
CherryPlayz07 "It's good that Lui is comforting vanoss or something bad might
Vanoss: Thanks Lui.
Lui: Anytime, Vanoss.
Vanoss: . . .*Holds Lui closer* Sorry to show you this side.
Lui: What are you talking about? I love to see every side of you.
Vanoss: *Blush* Lui. . .
Lui: Yes?
Vanoss: You're too cute.
Lui: *Blush* Um, t-thank you?
Question from MiaArtLover ,
"Yandere much?"
Vanoss: Yea. . .
Lui: It's okay, Vanoss. You can be yourself, you always do, right?
Vanoss: *Smiles a bit* I'm glad to have you, Lui.
Lui: *Smiles*
Vanoss: . . .Alright, let's get up.
Lui: Yes sir!
CherryPlayz07 "Awww, Vanoss just need rest AND everyone, don't give vanoss the 'looks', he may look cold and tough outside but in the inside, he's hurting, he has feelings too!"
Terroriser: Of course, we know that! It's just. . .at that moment. . .
Basically: It was in a sudden.
Nogla: Can't argue, boss is having some difficult time.
Droidd: Yea. . .
Pewdiepie: Is it my fault?
Wildcat: N-No, of course not.
Markiplier: Yea, it's my fault.
Jack: How is it yours?
Markiplier: I'm the one who triggered the conflict.
AWolfsJourney "And everyone, Vanoss is already under enough stress and losing it, even though what he did wasn't called for, cut him some slack"
Terroriser: Yea. . .
MiniLadd: It was his fault, don't feel bad.
Lui: MINI! *Tries to dropkick MiniLadd*
MiniLadd: *Dodges*
Terroriser: Lui!
Lui: How dare you slap Vanoss last night!
Vanoss: Lui. . .
MiniLadd: He needed to snap out!
Lui: Fuck you!
Pewdiepie: C-Calm down you two!
Delirious: *Enters* . . .? (What's going on?)
Bryce: *Enters* Quit yelling in the morning.
Moo: *Enters* We can hear you guys from outside!
Cry: *Enters* A fight!? Let me in!
Terroriser: Moo! *Runs up to Moo* Where were you last night? You didn't come back, and I was so worried!
Moo: Oh, last night, we-
Cry: Got drunk & stayed at a hotel.
Terroriser: 'H-Hotel'?
Moo: Yea, cause this dumbass drank a shit load of vodka.
Cry: Hey, I mixed some others in it!
Moo: Yea, and you almost threw up!
AWolfsJourney "The bromance is real for Cry and Moo!!!! X3
And Cry, they weren't fucking, Pewds was just comforting Mini, no fucking at all"
Cry: Huh? They weren't? Eh, it doesn't matter, they did something closer to fuck.
Basically: We only heard that Mini & Pewdiepie kissed.
Pewdiepie: Why are you getting mad, Cry?
Moo: (So they DID kiss, huh?)
wildnoss "Terroriser it's ok I like what you make for a mission and moo better be nice and pick you not that mean cry guy *hugs you* your a good guy to us all"
Terroriser: *Smiles a bit* Thank you.
Cry: Who you calling 'mean'!? I'm not mean!
Moo: Shut up, Cry.
DevynDw "Yay cry and moo I ship it
But I also like moo and terroriser I don't know who to choose"
Moo: *Blush*
Cry: Maybe, I should move on then.
Terroriser: What do you mean?
Cry: *Hugs Moo* I think we should get together, baby~.
Moo: *Blush* What!?
Cry: Come on, we already slept together, hang out alone, train each other, get naked together-
Terroriser: *Grabs Moo's arm* T-That doesn't mean you two 'SHOULD' be together! I-I still have a chance!
Moo: *Blush* B-Brian!?
Cry: Hey back off!
Terroriser: NEVER!
Moo: *Blushing* M-Mini!
MiniLadd: *Sigh, and yanks Cry & Terroriser off Moo* Give him some space.
Terroriser: But Mini, I need to-
Cry: Fuck you Smally! You're not worthy for Moo!
Moo: *Blushes deeper*
MiniLadd: The fuck are you talking about?
Cry: Moo has some fe-
Ohm: *Hugs Moo* I SMELL LOVE~!
Moo: Ohm!
CaRtOoNz: *Enters* Okay, what's with all the noises!?
SADBOI_H0URS "Ohm i want to hear all the nicknames you game to everyone p l e a s e
Ohm: Oh, sure~. Vanoss is Evy, MiniLadd is Craigy, Wildcat is Wildkitty, Moo is Moo-Moo, CaRtOoNz is Toonzie, Bryce is Brycey, Delirious is Delly, DeadSquirrel is Squirrely, Pewdiepie is Pie, Swag Dracula is Swaggie, and Sattelizer is Mikey or Milady. I haven't named the others yet. I need to make one!
Lui: I DON'T FUCKING NEED IT! Nogla already calls me kid anyway!
Nogla: *Giggles* I would like to join these nicknames~.
Rinthelonely "Let me get this straight: Ohm is a person who can hook up people (if you think about it, it was because of Ohm why Bryce and Delirious are together. He knew about Bryce's crush on Delirious so he acted flirty around Delirious to make Bryce jealous)
Ohm is also a great friend and lover and is respectful
And most important of all: Ohm is a great bottom #buttsexohm)
Ohm is such a wonderful person, how can you not love him. He could hook up Brock and Brian"
Ohm: Aww~, such nice words~. Thank you~.
Bryce: Oh, so you're giving ALL THE CREDIT to Ohm, huh!?
Delirious: .-. . . (C-Calm down Bryce.)
CaRtOoNz: You guys were so obvious, but didn't have the guts, so of course, Ohm takes all the credit.
Bryce: Fuck you!
Terroriser: (Hook up me & Moo?) *Blush*
SADBOI_H0URS "Dang sorry ohm i kinda wanted you to have him first too"
Ohm: I know right!? *Hugs MiniLadd* I WANT YOUR KISS, MINI!
MiniLadd: *Pushing Ohm* Get off me!
Ohm: Why is Pie okay to kiss you and not me!? I love you, Mini!
MiniLadd: *Blush* IT'S NOT LIKE THAT!
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