Need Organ. . . (Ask #9)
Question from Kingggjaay ,
"Brian and moo should just fuck already also lui I want you to answer this honestly how did that kiss with nogla felt?"
Lui: *Blush* W-What?
Nogla: *Giggles* I would like to know~.
Droidd: *Hands sparks* What 'kiss', guys?
Nogla: Oh, Droidd, I think Marcel needs your help.
Basically: I do, come here Droidd!
Droidd: Fine. *Walks up to Basically*
Nogla: *Turns to Lui* Well~?
Lui: *Blushing* W-What?
Nogla: About that question~, what's your answer~?
Lui: I-I don't know. . .w-why are you-
Nogla: Should I kiss you again so you might remember?
Lui: *Blushes harder* W-What!? N-No wa-mmm!
Nogla: *Pulled Lui into a kiss*
Lui: *Blushing hard* Mmm. . .
Nogla: *Pulls away* Well~? Did you remember? You can answer in your mind, you know?
Lui: *Pushes Nogla* F-FUCK YOU!
Nogla: *Giggles*
Lui: *Blushing* . . . (It felt. . .not bad. . .)
Question from CherryPlayz07 ,
"I apologise for my curiosity but...Vanoss, what's the "little business" that you've done with PewDiePie? Y-you d-don't have to answer if you don't want to! 😅"
Vanoss: Huh? Didn't you, askers, hear about it? I haven't done anything with him, I WANT to, cause he might be able to save Mini. I've told this to Marcel.
Basically: Yea, and I am trying to find him through the dimensional portal, but it's not working.
mercyrules101 "Vanoss hes still with deadsquirrel :'0"
Vanoss: What!? You guys left him with that guy!?
Droidd: I told him we'll be back, and don't worry. I gave him a little. . . *hands sparks* punishment.
Terroriser: That scream huh?
Vanoss: *Looks at Lui*
Lui: *Remembers & shivers a bit*
Vanoss: *Walks up to Lui* Lui. . .
Question from wolfiechan12352 ,
"Why is lui so scared of him??
And Tyler is with deadsquirrel."
Lui: *Shivering*
Vanoss: Lui, it's okay. You're not there anymore.
Lui: *Takes a deep breath* I-I know. . .
Nogla: Group hug! *Hugs Lui, pulling Vanoss in*
Vanoss: Whoa!
Lui: *Blush* H-Hey!
Nogla: It's okay, Lui. We're here for you.
Vanoss: . . . *Hugs Lui* It won't happen to you. . .ever again.
Lui: . . .*Hugs back* Thank you. . .
Ohm: Aww~, I wanna join! *Joins the hug*
Nogla: *Giggles* Sure, Ohm~.
Lui: H-Hey!
AWolfsJourney "Ok, so Wildcat is left alone woth DeadSquirrel. Piggy, no matter what, do not listen to him, pretend he is not there."
CherryPlayz07 "Wildcat, please don't listen to deadsquirrel if he says anything, ok?"
Wildcat: . . .*Looks at DeadSquirrel*
DeadSquirrel: *Coughing up blood*
Wildcat: . . .I feel bad. . .*Grabs a towel*
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"Bryce u ok dude!?"
Bryce: Ugh. . .
Delirious: . . . (Bryce. . .)
Basically: *Checking Bryce's wound* Droidd, can you hold his arm?
Droidd: Alright. *Holds Bryce's arm*
Basically: *Takes out a syringe* Brian, can you get a tube? And I need warm water with a towel.
Delirious: .-. . . (I-I'll go get it.)
Moo: No, stay here, Delirious. I'll go. *Goes to the kitchen*
Delirious: . . . (Thank you. . .)
Terroriser: *Takes out a tube* Here, Marcel.
CherryBlossm112 "Guys please, no more fighting and drama..."
Moo: *Comes back* Here, I got it.
Basically: Thanks. *Dips the towel in the warm water, then wipes Bryce's wound* Alright. . .Droidd, hold tight.
Droidd: Roger that. *Holds Bryce's arm tight*
Basically: *Stabs the syringe to Bryce's arm*
Bryce: Ugh!
Delirious: . . . (Bryce. . .it's gonna be okay. . .)
Vanoss: What's going on, Marcel?
Basically: *Sucks blood with the syringe, then pulls it out*
Terroriser: *Hands the tube to Basically*
Basically: *Pushes out the blood into the tube*
Lui: Is he alright?
Terroriser: *Looks at the blood* . . .Toxic.
Moo: What?
Basically: It's a poison, it doesn't seem like it at first, but it gradually starts eating up your body. Good thing it was just in the paralysis status.
Terroriser: I'll get him a medicine to counter it.
Droidd: When did he get poisoned?
Delirious: . . .- *Eyes widens* . . . (It's probably when he got shot by DeadSq-. . .Tyler. . .)
Ohm: What's wrong, Delly?
Vanoss: . . .Tyler is with that bitch! *Rushes to the interrogation room*
Basically: He's a threat! Moo, Droidd assist Vanoss!
Moo: Right! *Goes after Vanoss*
Droidd: That little shit. . . *Follows them*
Question from SabrinaDawnYT ,
"It ok lui, you'll be ok..
Tyler's with deadsquirrel... Do you want to to stay with them?"
Wildcat: . . .Um. . .I just want to help him, he's. . .all bloodied. *Slowly walks up to DeadSquirrel* I-I'm going to wipe blood off your um. . .f-face.
DeadSquirrel: . . .
Wildcat: *Gently places the towel on DeadSquirrel's chin* I-It's okay. . .I won't hurt you.
DeadSquirrel: *Moves his mouth*
Wildcat: Huh?
DeadSquirrel: O. . .an. . .
Wildcat: What? *Listens closely*
DeadSquirrel: Or. . .gan. . .I. . .ne. . .o. . .ga. . .n. . . *Spits out blood*
Wildcat: Um. . .I-I can't quite hear you. *Wipes DeadSquirrel's mouth*
DeadSquirrel: *Escapes the grip, pins Wildcat down*
Wildcat: Ah!
DeadSquirrel: I. . .need. . .*Places his hand on Wildcat's stomach*
Wildcat: (W-What a power. . .I-I can't move. . .) P-Please. . .d-don't h-hurt me. . .
DeadSquirrel: Organ. . .I need. . .ORGAN. *Starts trying to rip Wildcat's stomach open*
Wildcat: Ahhhhhh! *Struggles* OW! Stop!
DeadSquirrel: *Able to tear Wildcat's skin a bit*
Wildcat: AHHHH! *Tears up* (H-He's gonna rip me open! I-I have to d-defend myself!) *Faint auras start appearing* P-Ple. . .PLEASE STOP!
DeadSquirrel: *Stabs his nails in Wildcat's stomach a bit*
Wildcat: AHHHHHH!
Vanoss: *Enters* TYLER!
DeadSquirrel: Shit. . . *Backs up*
Wildcat: *Covers his stomach* Ugh. . .*Sniffles*
Vanoss: *Runs up to Wildcat* Tyler!
Wildcat: Ugh. . .
Moo: *Enters* What the fuck happened!?
Droidd: *Enters* Wildcat!
Vanoss: *Glares at DeadSquirrel* You little motherfucker! *Runs to punch DeadSquirrel*
DeadSquirrel: *Disappears*
Vanoss: What!?
Droidd: *Runs up to Wildcat* I'll get you to Marcel & Terroriser.
Moo: Where the fuck did he go?
Vanoss: Come out!
Droidd: *Hears something & looks around, then sees a squirrel* Boss!
Vanoss: *Turns to Droidd* Wha- *Sees the squirrel*
Moo: *Sees the squirrel* What the fuck is a squirrel doing here?
Squirrel: *Crawls to the vent*
Vanoss: . . .THAT'S HIM! GET IT!
Moo: WHAT!?
Droidd: *Shoots sparks*
Squirrel: *Crawls in the vent*
Vanoss: Son of a bitch! *Runs up to the vent*
Moo: *Grabs Vanoss back* You can't go in there! It's a maze inside! Marcel is the only one who knows!
Vanoss: FUCK! Get to Marcel, we need to heal Tyler!
Droidd: *Carries Wildcat & rushes back*
Moo & Vanoss: *Follows*
Wildcat: Ugh. . .it hurts. . . *sniffles*
Droidd: Relax, Wildcat.
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