Memories (Task)
____LENko____ "I know that not all life was honey, but still there should be moments that warm the soul, tell us about them. Task for all"
Vanoss: Hmm. . .everyone gather around!
Ohm: What's wrong Evy?
Vanoss: Well, since we have a new teammate, I think this task is relevant.
CaRtOoNz: You mean the DeadassSquirrel?
DeadSquirrel: It's just DeadSquirrel.
Ohm: Story time~!
Basically: Not everyone is here, but we can talk. Who should go first?
Nogla: How about boss?
Lui: How dare you, Nogla! Don't pin it on Vanoss!
Delirious: . . . (Calm down, Lui.)
Nogla: I could tell first, if you want.
Vanoss: Go ahead.
Nogla: Alright~, hmm. . .'warm the soul'. . .well, I think one of them could be about my brother.
Basically: Your brother?
Nogla: Yea, you know. . .after the incident & being scouted by Vanoss, Andrew crafted me a picture frame as a thank you.
[Aindreas: Brother?
Nogla: *Turns around* Oh, hey, what's up?
Aindreas: . . .Well. . .here. *Hands Nogla a bag*
Nogla: What's this shit?
Aindreas: Just open the fucking thing!
Nogla: . . .*Opens the bag & takes out a picture frame* This is. . .really. . .bad.
Aindreas: Shut up, it was my first time!
Nogla: . . .Wait, you made this?
Aindreas: What else? Did you think I bought it? I don't have money to buy that!
Nogla: But. . .why?
Aindreas: . . .Thanks. . .for saving me.
Nogla: Andrew. . .
Aindreas: *Blushes a bit* That's it! Okay, I. . .don't take it a wrong way.
Nogla: . . .*Smiles* Thanks. I'll. . .try to be a better brother.
Aindreas: You better.
Nogla: . . .*Hugs Aindreas* I promise.
Aindreas: . . .*Hugs back*]
Basically: Aww, that's sweet.
Nogla: Well, *Giggles* he's currently in love with his own 'hero'.
Lui: Anyway! Who's next?
Basically: I could go.
Droidd: What kinda of memories are you gonna share?
Basically: Let's see. . .maybe. . .the time I joined the crew, and there was this one time, I messed up.
[Basically: I-I'm really sorry, Boss.
Vanoss: I told you to not move!
Basically: I-
Vanoss: *Punches Basically*
Basically: *Bumps into the wall & groans*
Vanoss: I thought you're smarter than that!
Basically: Ugh. . .I. . .I'm sorry. . .but. . .I. . .I had to, or. . .he would've. . .
Vanoss: 'Died'? You didn't have to risk your life!
Basically: LIAR!
Vanoss: What?
Basically: *Stands up weakly* I. . .felt it. . .your dishonesty, sir.
Vanoss: . . .
Basically: I followed your order, Boss!
Vanoss: . . .Marcel.
Basically: *Shuts his eyes*
Vanoss: . . . *Puts his hand on Basically's shoulder* You've proven to be more as a human.]
Basically: Vanoss can be harsh, but he always supported me, cleared the clouds out of my way.
Vanoss: Heh, I remember. You are a genius, Marcel.
Lui: I don't remember that. . .
Nogla: I think it was before you nor I joined, kid.
Basically: Yea, I tried to save Mini, when I wasn't supposed to.
Jiggly: No wonder you & Mini are close.
Basically: He did open up to me a bit since that time.
RacingCatz: That was nice.
Basically: Not really warming the soul, but. . .I didn't wanna talk about the past.
Droidd: We understand, Marcel. I don't have any good memories that could warm the soul. . .but. . .that time. . .
[Basically: Are you thinking about something?
Droidd: Well. . .a little.
Basically: *Sees Droidd holding something* What is that?
Droidd: Oh, uh, t-this is-
Basically: *Takes it* Oh, this is-
Droidd: Marcel, g-give it back!
Basically: Sorry, sorry. . .I don't think you need to think about it too much.
Droidd: But. . .I'm the one who need to do redemption.
Basically: . . .Well, I think you've done enough.
Droidd: What?
Basically: You helped me & Mini, and you're a big help. Vanoss gave you a chance, and you've proven yourself. *Smiles*]
Droidd: If you never called me when I was walking away, I would've never been here, Marcel.
Basically: I just did what I thought was the best.
RacingCatz: You must've made a great decision, Mr. Basically.
Nogla: Kid, you wanna talk about something that warms the soul?
Lui: Absolutely!
[Lui: I. . .I want to beat someone. The man I hate, who tortured me for years. Right now. . .I'm too weak. I don't know what to do anymore. . .all I can think of. . .is to beat him.
Vanoss: . . .Rushing won't do anything.
Lui: How. . .how can I be strong like you?
Vanoss: . . .You'll grow strong, I guarantee.
Lui: R-Really?
Vanoss: *Pats Lui's head* You'll go far, Lui.
Lui: *Smiles* Vanoss. . .]
RacingCatz: That's very sweet, Mr. Calibre.
Lui: Right!? Vanoss is so cool & inspirational!
Vanoss: *Blush*
Droidd: He is, but I think you're not getting it.
Lui: What do you mean!?
Droidd: I don't know, the fact that you're still weak?
Lui: You little-
Nogla: Okay, okay, no fighting boys.
RacingCatz: Mr. Ohmwrecker, why don't you tell us about your memory?
Ohm: Oh, sure~.
[Vanoss: Here. *Hands Ohm a necktie*
Ohm: Oh, this is. . .
Vanoss: I knew something was missing in your clothes. This tie is perfect to complete it.
Ohm: Oh. . .t-thank you, Boss. *Puts the necktie on* H-How do I look?
Vanoss: *Smirks* Sexy & perfect.
Ohm: *Blush* T-Thank you.
Vanoss: Hmm. . .I think you need some more tweaks.
Ohm: T-Tweaks?
Vanoss: Leave it to me, bunny man~.]
Ohm: Ever since, I go to Evy for advice in fashion~.
RacingCatz: *Giggles* Evan does likes fashion. *Looks at Ohm's cyan colored necktie* . . .*Blushes a bit*
Wildcat: Are you okay, Cody?
RacingCatz: Huh? Oh, I'm okay, just-
Ohm: Oh~, were you captivated by me~?
Bryce: Back off, you narcissist!
Delirious: . . .! (Bryce!)
Ohm: How about you two tell a time that warms the soul~?
Delirious: .-. . . (W-Well. . .)
Bryce: Don't force us!
Delirious: .-. . . (. . .I-I'll start.)
[Delirious: *Smiles, looking at the house*
Delirium: Jon! *Hugs Delirious*
Delirious: . . .! (Whoa!)
Delirium: You did it, Jon! We have a new home!
Delirious: *Smiles & pats Delirium's head* . . . (Yes, we do.)
Delirium: Jon, I love you, and thank you for working hard for me. I wish I could've helped you.
Delirious: *Smiles* . . . (It's alright.)
Delirium: *Smiles* I'm happy that we're going to live together!
Delirious: . . . (It's been a long time. . .)
Delirium: Really?
Delirious: *Hugs Delirium* (You don't need to know.)
Delirium: I love you Jon!
Delirious: ❤. (I love you too.)]
Delirious: . . . (It was one of the happiest moments for me. Finally, living together with Jason.)
RacingCatz: Aww, that's really touching.
Wildcat: That was really nice, Delirious.
Bryce: *Smiles* There's nothing that will tear you two apart.
Delirious: *Smiles* . . . (I won't let anything tear us apart.)
Ohm: Oh, the brotherly love~!
Nogla: That's how siblings should be.
Droidd: Hush.
CaRtOoNz: Well, good times.
Vanoss: How about you, Bryce?
Bryce: Me? Well. . .
[Bryce: I want to be strong! How can I be strong like you!?
Delirious: . . .
Bryce: I. . .I was abandoned, because I was weak. . .if I was strong & skilled like you are. . .I would been able to protect them! Please! Teach me! Teach me how to be strong! I beg of you!
Delirious: *Reaches his hand out to Bryce*
Bryce: . . .W-Will you-
Delirious: *Nods*
Bryce: . . . *Takes Delirious' hand*]
Bryce: The time Delirious reached out his hand to me. . .I was saved from hell.
Delirious: *Blush* . . . (Bryce. . .)
Jiggly: I understand your feeling, Bryce. I had the same experience when I met Tyler.
Wildcat: *Blush* A-Anthony. . .
Nogla: Aww, sweet romance.
Ohm: Love at first sight!
Delirious: *Blush* .-. . .! (O-Ohm!)
407: Hell yea!
Vanoss: . . .Anyway, move on!
Delirious: .-. . .? (T-Tyler, how about you?)
Wildcat: Oh, um. . .I. . .I think. . .
[Wildcat: Mommy! Daddy!
Mom: *Turns around* Oh, what's wrong, Tyler?
Wildcat: I drew you & Daddy! *Shows the drawing*
Mom: Aww~, that is so sweet, Tyler. *Pats Wildcat's head*
Dad: *Looks at it* Wow! My son is an artist! *Carries Wildcat* The future is bright for you!
Wildcat: *Giggles*]
Wildcat: . . .Dad. . .mom. . .*Tears up*
Delirious: . . . (Tyler. . .)
Jiggly: *Wipes Wildcat's tears* It's alright, Tyler.
Vanoss: Ty-
Terroriser: Coming through! *Runs past between some of them*
Jack: *Following Terroriser*
RacingCatz: Brian? Jack?
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