Left Alone (Ask #8)
AWolfsJourney "Droidd! Calm the fuck down man!"
Power190 "Droidd Stop bro you're gonna kill him !"
Yellowberrycatypie "Oh no.."
CherryPlayz07 "Oh gawd O.o"
Nicole21910 "oh sHIt!!1!!1!1!1"
Bryce: Droidd! *Grabs Droidd's shoulder, then gets shocked* Agh! *Pulls away*
Delirious: . . .! *Runs up to Bryce* (Bryce!)
Droidd: *Stops*
DeadSquirrel: *Coughs out blood, panting heavily*
mercyrules101 "Droidd what the fuck lol
So i Guess Is "dead" squirrel? Am i right? Eh? No? Ok..
Waiiittt i bet squirrel Is gonna have His brain out or sonething like the hole on His head idk lol"
Nicole21910 "welp. he's gonna die. 'twas fun while it lasted."
Bryce: Droidd, what the fuck!? You're not supposed to kill him!
Droidd: He's not dead, don't worry.
Delirious: . . .!? (What was that all about!?)
Droidd: Sorry, I have. . .quite a short temper.
Question from SabrinaDawnYT ,
"D- Droidd w-what d-did you do?"
Droidd: Oh, well, I shocked him obviously.
Bryce: Why is he spitting out blood then!?
Delirious: *Looks at Wildcat, who was shivering* . . . *Pats Wildcat's back* (Tyler, it's okay.)
Wildcat: *Nods & takes a deep breath* I-I'm okay. . .but it did scare me.
Droidd: Sorry, I think I may have destroyed some of his organs.
Bryce: Jesus Ch- ugh. . .*Holds his arm* Shit. . .
Delirious: . . .? (Bryce, are you okay?)
Bryce: My arm kinda stun- ugh! *Falls to his knees, covering the wound on his arm*
Delirious: . . .! *Runs up to Bryce* . . .!? (Bryce! Are you okay!?)
Droidd: What happened?
Delirious: .-. . .! (I-I don't know, but we need to tell Marcel!)
Droidd: Alright. *Looks at Wildcat* Can you keep an eye on this guy? We'll come back soon. *Helps carry Bryce*
Bryce: I-I can walk. . .
Delirious: . . . (Stay still, Bryce, you're gonna be okay.)
Droidd: Come on. *Leaves the room with Delirious & Bryce*
Wildcat: *Looks at Dead Squirrel* . . .
DeadSquirrel: *Coughs* Ugh. . .
Question from CherryPlayz07 ,
"Hey droidd, what do you mean by "Our boss have some little business with him"....do you mean VANOSS knows him?"
Droidd: Huh? Well, duh, Marcel heard it from boss.
Basically: *Sees Droidd, Bryce & Delirious* Whoa, what happened!?
Ohm: *Gasp* Brycey!?
CaRtOoNz: Oh shit. . .
Delirious: . . .! . . .! (Marcel, please look at him! His arm started hurting!)
Terroriser: C-Calm down, Delirious!
Moo: Lay him down, Droidd! Marcel, check him, hurry!
Basically: O-Okay, okay!
Droidd: *Lays Bryce down on the couch*
Basically: *Runs up to Bryce & check his arm*
Question from AWolfsJourney & SabrinaDawnYT ,
"Oh dear
Lui u ok?"
"Lui, are you ok?"
Lui: *Still shaking* I-I'm okay. . .
Nogla: Kid. . .
"Droidd what are you even doing thats making him scream that loud..."
Droidd: I apologize, but I did what I needed to, he refused to answer, so I shocked him.
Lui: *Covers his ears, shaking*
Nogla: *Hugs Lui gently* Kid, it's alright. . .
Vanoss: . . .*Notices & turns to Delirious* Where's Tyler?
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