Fate is what THIS is (Ask #90 + Dare #19)
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"And Terroriser, what do you remember from the mission~? Cause I wanna know if you remember Moo kissing you~?"
Terroriser: *Blush* W-What!?
Moo: *Blush* Goddammit. . .
Cry: What!? You kissed him, Moo!? And during mission!? The fuck are you thinking!?
Moo: I had no choice! He was freaking out!
Terroriser: *Blushing* (I-I do remember a sweet taste when I was out of control. . .but M-Moo, h-he. . .he kissed me!? Oh my god!!!)
Question from wildcat100 ,
"Man why is everything have to be bad about you guys just give me one reason why?!"
Basically: Um. . .sorry?
MiniLadd: We are a gang, you know.
i-love-anime-0824 "That awesome Jiggy i hope you and Wildcat became a couple"
Jiggly: *Blush* Oh, I. . . *Smiles* I hope so too.
Wildcat: *Blush*
Pewdiepie: Aww~.
Question from DevynDw ,
"Marcel in 1p has a brother and a sister so does that mean Marcel in 2p has a brother and a sister too or Nah"
Basically: . . .I do know I have siblings, but. . .growing up, I've never. . .really met them. Apparently, I was the only one who. . .succeeded in. . .*Clenches his fists*
407: *Pokes Basically's cheek*
Basically: Scotty?
407: Forget about the past, Marcel. Also, I don't wanna deal getting their approval of us.
Basically: 'Approval'? . . .*Blush* I-I. . .don't know. . .
407: *Blush* Anyway! Just forget the past, you are you!
Basically: . . . *Smiles* Thanks Scotty.
407: *Smiles back* (What a sexy smile!)
DevynDw "It's a threesome ship nogla x basically x Aindreas"
Basically: *Blush* Wha-
Basically: Scotty, calm down!
SADBOI_H0URS "Oooh yeah i forgto cry had a mask, pfft i forgot about him"
Cry: Yea, I have a mask. Don't forget about me.
Moo: Well, the askers already met few masked guys.
MiaArtLover "You guys better calm down- you have a visitor!"
CaRtOoNz: Hey, sex is free to do any time.
Droidd: This is why you are an idiot, demon.
CaRtOoNz: Ohm likes it that way!
Droidd: Sex is something to do PRIVATELY, and at night, because if you do it during morning or afternoon, it affects your digestive system, and it's not good.
CaRtOoNz: Yea, sure, Mr. Smartass, you can burn your fucking brain into ashes!
Droidd: You're just a vulgar creature.
Ohm: Calm down boys~, I wouldn't mind any day or time, I just want to feel & give love~.
CaRtOoNz: See, told ya!
Droidd: *Sigh, but smiles* You are just an angel, Ohmwrecker~.
DeadSquirrel: You two are really inappropriate.
Droidd & CaRtOoNz: What did you say!?
SADBOI_H0URS "Oh goddddddd that is soo fucking cute I can't- agh in gonna die ¶ o ¶"
Ohm: *Hugs them* You all are just too sweet~.
Droidd: Not as sweet as you are~.
CaRtOoNz: You're the sweetheart here~.
DeadSquirrel: You are sweeter, Ohmie~.
shadoxiety "Ohm be like a whole meal while I'm over here trying to look like a whole snickers bar."
CaRtOoNz, Droidd & DeadSquirrel: (A whole meal?) *Imagines Ohm covered in flavors* (Ohm: Please~, eat me~.) *Gets nosebleed*
Ohm: Oh my! Are you guys okay!? *Gives them tissues*
Bryce: It's fine.
MiaArtLover "Wow- straight forward"
MiniLadd: He deserved it.
Question from Ausi-Tsuyu ,
"*laugh* I can't. Hey Mini can I dare you again"
MiniLadd: Don't you dare!
Basically: You can, he's still available for dares.
MiniLadd: MARCEL!
SeokJin-Is-Soothing "ok but mini really got vibe checked by ohm"
MiniLadd: That little bunnyhead. . .*Sigh* (Well, I do owe him. . .)
MiaArtLover "Dang it! I wish i have a brother like this-!"
Basically: *Giggles* It is sweet of you to look out for Vanoss.
MiniLadd: Shut up, Marcel!
i-love-anime-0824 "Okay Lui have fun your work and try not to hurt yourself"
Lui: *Putting up a box on the shelf* Thanks, and don't worry about it. *Sigh, and sits down on a chair* . . .Vanoss. . . *Hears footsteps* Hmm? *Stands up & goes out the room*
i-love-anime-0824 "Hi Aindreas is very nice to meet i hope we become a good friend = )"
MiaArtLover "Nice too meet you aindreas! Sorry for not knowing you though-"
SADBOI_H0URS "*Peeks over the 4th wall* sup"
Aindreas: Whoa! I hear voices!
Nogla: Those are the askers. They'll ask you questions & dares if they had any, and you can hear it, then answer them. They're very helpful when someone is in danger.
Aindreas: I see, um. . .hi, askers.
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"So, Aindreas, what made you want to visit the BBS all of a sudden?"
Aindreas: Um. . .well, first of all, my brother didn't come back home to celebrate Christmas & New Years with me! So, I wanted to scold him about it, and to his boss about not giving him break!
Vanoss: I'm right here, you know.
Aindreas: My bad, but it's true. I was. . .lonely, and David is always working.
Nogla: *Hugs Aindreas* Oh, I'm so sorry.
Aindreas: . . .*Hugs back* You owe me dinner, okay?
Nogla: Of course! I got my check today, so we can go wherever you want to go.
Aindreas: Really? Yes!
Vanoss: . . . (They seem. . .cute. So this is what others have been seeing between me & Craig?)
Question from notsosunnii ,
"Aindreas, what do you all like about Brian? also how do you know some of the crew members? did Nogla tell you about them?"
Aindreas: Hmm. . .I like that he's smart and can craft medicines & bullets. He taught me how when he came over to our house. I know some of them, cause they did came to our house, since the base was like destroyed, was it?
Nogla: Correct. Vanoss, Brian & Marcel stayed with me & Andrew for a while, since the base was ruined. And I did tell Andrew about some members, but not in detail. Just mentioned names.
Vanoss: I want you to avoid spreading our moments to outside.
Nogla: Sorry boss, but I only told Andrew, and Andrew didn't tell anyone else.
Aindreas: Yea, business is business & private is private. I know the risks.
Nogla: Andrew take care of public businesses, while I take care of private businesses.
Aindreas: Yea, but it's pretty dangerous.
Nogla: I can't let you take risks. I want you protected.
Aindreas: And I want the same for you.
Nogla: *Pats Aindreas' head* You're just adorable~!
Aindreas: *Giggles* Hey!
MiaArtLover "Now i don't know who am i gonna ship woth you anymore! Like- I SHIP YOU WITH EVERYONE NOW--!"
Vanoss: *Blush* Jesus. . .
Aindreas: Poly, huh~?
Nogla: Yup~, Boss is loved by many~.
Aindreas: *Giggles* Nice~.
Vanoss: Fuck you guys!
Question from ohmweracker ,
"Vanoss how would you feel if Wildcat dead?
*hugs wildcat* your to cute"
Vanoss: . . .
Aindreas: . . .That got dark.
i-love-anime-0824 "Hey Aindreas you forgot to meet Lui please say hello to him"
Aindreas: Hmm? Who?
Nogla: Oh, yea. My partner, Lui. He'll be coming soon.
Aindreas: I thought it was 'Kid'.
Nogla: *Giggles* Yes, he is~.
[Lui: *Sees them* Nogla? Vanoss? And. . .who?]
Nogla: There he is~.
Vanoss: Hey Lui.
Aindreas: *Eyes widens*
Lui: Who is he?
Nogla: This is my brother, Andrew.
Lui: Huh? I thought one Nogla was enough. . .
Nogla: Oh~, he'll be more than that for you~.
Lui: The fuck you mean?
Vanoss: Anyway, we were showing him around base.
Lui: What!? You could've let others do it! You should take a rest, Vanoss.
Vanoss: *Smiles* Thanks Lui, you really are caring. *Pats Lui's head*
Lui: *Blush* I-I do, for you.
Dare from AWolfsJourney ,
"X3 so~, just for Aindreas tonight mixed in the romance~, I dare him to kiss his favorite crew member~"
Nogla: *Pats Aindreas' back*
Aindreas: Bro. . .
Nogla: *Nods*
Aindreas: . . . *Runs up to Lui, grabs his shoulders, and kisses him*
Lui: *Shocked*
Vanoss: *Eyes widens*
Lui: *Pushes Aindreas* WHAT THE FUCK!?
Aindreas: *Takes Lui's hands* I. . .finally found you.
Lui: Huh?
Aindreas: *Blushing, smiles* This is FATE.
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