Deep Pit (Ask #73)
CherryPlayz07 "Goddammit! Everyone in the base! Please save Vanoss, Brian, Moo, Marcel, and Squirrel! They're in great danger! The warehouse was a trap! Please save them! But I gotta warn you guys before you go, the ones they're fighting right now are Micheala Laws, YandereDev, and Midori plus Marksman, Legqion, and Kryoz! And One more thing! Don't bring nogla because they're going to capture him NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS because that IS their 'original' mission/plan!
And then IF they're successful in capturing nogla...THEYRE GOING TO EXPERIMENT NOGLA!"
MiniLadd: HOLD IT! What the fuck are you saying!?
Bryce: You're talking way too much! It's hard to comprehend with all this stuff!
CaRtOoNz: I forgot half of it already. Something about saving, warehouse trap, bunch of names, and about Nogla.
Droidd: Maybe Marcel can- oh. . .he's not here.
MiniLadd: Marcel could've summarized it, but. . .*sigh*
Jack: Maybe I could help.
Markiplier: Go ahead Jack.
Jack: The members in mission are in danger, they need back up. Insta Officers are involved, and to not bring Nogla.
Markiplier: Easy enough for you all?
Wildcat: T-They're in danger?
Lui: Why can't we take Nogla?
Jack: They're gonna experiment him if he gets captured.
Ohm: Why Davy?
CaRtOoNz: Who gives a shit, don't we gotta hurry?
MiniLadd: . . .Alright, since Marcel isn't here, I'm gonna need to stay here.
Droidd: I can assist you if you want.
MiniLadd: That'll be helpful. Ohm should stay, since you're not in a good condition.
Ohm: What? I want to save my loves!
MiniLadd: Not this time. Nogla. . .should stay, I don't wanna risk anything if the askers are telling the truth.
Markiplier: I'll go to heal any injured ones.
Jack: Then I must go with you, Mark.
Markiplier: Fine, and where's Felix?
Jack: Out with Cry, I think.
Lui: I'm going! Hurry up & get the car ready!
Bryce: Fine, I'll drive.
Delirious: . . . (I'll go with you, Bryce.)
Bryce: Of course, Delirious. *Smiles*
Delirious: *Smiles*
CaRtOoNz: Not the time to flirt, birdies. And I'm ready to get some kills!
Wildcat: I-I'll-
MiniLadd: You stay.
Wildcat: B-But I-
MiniLadd: You're gonna be a burden anyway.
Wildcat: *Frowns*
Delirious: . . . *Looks at MiniLadd* . . . (Tyler. . .quit treating him like this, Mini.)
MiniLadd: Sorry, can't hear, you muteass.
Delirious: *Clenches his fists*
Bryce: *Holds Delirious' shoulders* Delirious, calm down.
MiniLadd: . . .It's true that he's a burden. Too much people in the car. We only have two, since the mission members took one.
Lui: We don't have time to waste! Come on! *Goes outside*
CaRtOoNz: Hell yea! *Goes outside*
Markiplier: Come along, Jack. *Goes outside*
Jack: Yes sir. *Follows Markiplier*
Bryce: Delirious. . .
Delirious: . . . (We'll be back soon, Tyler.) *Goes out with Bryce*
Wildcat: *Sniffles*
Ohm: *Opens his arms* Come over here, Wildkitty.
Wildcat: . . . *Hugs Ohm, buries his face in Ohm's chest*
Ohm: *Pats Wildcat's head* There, there.
Nogla: . . .Nice save, Mini.
MiniLadd: Thank god everyone's an idiot without Marcel. *Goes to data room*
Droidd: . . . (We have plenty of room for one more person, don't we?) *Follows MiniLadd*
Question from wildnoss ,
"Ohm are you ok pal *looks at you worried*"
Ohm: Don't worry about me. Worry about Wildkitty.
Wildcat: *Sniffles* (I'm such a burden. . .)
Ohm: *Kisses Wildcat's forehead*
Nogla: . . .*Clenches his fists*
Pewdiepie: Huh? What happened?
[Markiplier: FELIX!]
Pewdiepie: Hmm? Mark? *Sees a car, Markiplier poking his head out the window*
[Markiplier: JUMP IN! *Opens the car door*
Bryce: HEY!]
Pewdiepie: *Jumps in the car, perfectly timed, landing onto Markiplier & Jack's lap* Hey guys, so what's going on?
Markiplier: *Closes the door* We'll explain later, right now, we just gotta hustle.
Bryce: Careful when you open the door! We're driving!
Jack: I apologize for Mark's action.
Question from SADBOI_H0URS ,
and why did you call him a yandere"
Vanoss: (Why does he know? I mean, we're infamous & all, but. . .no one should know that Ohm has gray eyes, other than the crew & allies.)
YandereDev: (The expression changed.) So. . .how is he?
Vanoss: I-I have questions. . .
YandereDev: Since I asked some, sure.
Vanoss: Why do you know that HE has gray eyes?
YandereDev: Us, gray eyes, have to help each other, you know? Since we're rare. It's a strict rule to put color contact on if you have gray eyes. I'm so jealous of you, natural colors, like your bloody red eyes. . .it's like ruby~.
Vanoss: What do you want with him? (Calm down. . .why am I panicking?)
YandereDev: Nothing, I just wanted to ask.
Vanoss: W-What do you mean by 'Yandere'?
YandereDev: Hmm? Oh, I just call him that, cause. . .the first time I saw him, he had yandere aura all over. I knew he's a yandere like me~.
Question from Kingggjaay ,
"Okay what does ohm has to do with any of this?"
Vanoss: What does he has to do with this? Huh?
YandereDev: . . .Nothing. I just remembered, cause I know you have him in your crew. Also. . .I don't know if I can ask later so.
Question from DevynDw ,
"WAIT WAIT So is ohm and that freak show related oh god stuff just got intense"
Vanoss: Are you two. . .related?
YandereDev: . . .*Laughs* No, no! Gray eyes are not born in blood~! It's just like gamble, you know. Just cause you have same color eyes, doesn't mean you're related.
AWolfsJourney "Yandev stay away from the crew and Ohm!!!!"
Vanoss: Stay away. . .from him. . .and my crew. . .
YandereDev: I can't promise them, it's my job. (So, he really was gifted. . .poor fellow. That gift brought hell. Just like mine did.) You done with questions?
Vanoss: *Takes a fighting position* Yea. . .
YandereDev: You didn't answer mine, though. How is he?
Vanoss: . . . (Why. . .does every guy. . .get attracted to Ohm!?) He's good, being a guy magnet.
YandereDev: Huh. . .a 'guy magnet'. . .well, if he's doing good, that's all I care.
AWolfsJourney "Yandev I swear to god!"
Vanoss: (I don't like this. . .why am I getting angry? He knows Ohm way before me? This uneasy feeling. . .the unknown he gives out. . .I hate it. . .I hate it. . .I HATE IT!) *Attacks YandereDev*
YandereDev: *Dodges*
AWolfsJourney "Vanoss, whatever he may say about your crush(Wildcat) dont fall for it cause he may let your guard down!"
Vanoss: *Keeps attacking* (I know. . .I hate it. . .I'm angry cause he's being so casual & cocky!)
YandereDev: *Keeps dodging* (He definitely is different from before, he's being more irrational. Did I trigger him that bad? Well then. . .) *Puts his hand on his knife* (I should end it.)
Terroriser: MOO!
Marksman: He's not dead.
Legiqn: Whoa. . .John. . .
Kryoz: *Panting* He's quite heavy, I should've expected from a buff guy like him.
Moo: . . .
Terroriser: Moo. . . *Clenches his fists, grabs a syringe, stabs himself with it & injects the liquid in himself*
AWolfsJourney "Legion and Marksman, you weak assholes! And Kryoz let Moo go!"
Marksman: *Notices* Shit! *Jumps back*
Terroriser: *Takes out syringes & runs towards Kryoz*
Marksman: JOHN!
Kryoz: *Pant* Huh?
Terroriser: *Throws syringes*
Kryoz: (My body. . .doesn't move!)
Legiqn: *Summons a wrench & hammer, deflects the syringes*
Terroriser: *Takes out more syringes & attacks Kryoz*
Legiqn: *Shields Kryoz, blocks Terroriser's attacks* (Fuck! He's strong, my tools are gonna break!)
Terroriser: Grrr! *Kicks Legiqn*
Legiqn: *Pushes Kryoz out the way*
Kryoz: *Loses balance* Ugh. . . (Dammit. . .he's was heavier than I thought.)
Terroriser: *Tries to stab Kryoz with his syringe*
Legiqn: DAMMIT! *Shields Kryoz & gets stabbed* Agh!
Kryoz: Legiqn!
Marksman: JORDAN!
Legiqn: *Swings his hammer to Terroriser*
Terroriser: *Dodges* Grrr. . .
Marksman: Did he inject a beast mode into himself?
Moo: . . .*Cough* (Fuck. . .I can't move. . .can't breathe. . .) *Looks around, sees Terroriser* (Brian. . .shit, he used the berk-shit! He said it's not complete though! Fuck. . .get the fuck up, Moo.)
Marksman: *Attacks Terroriser*
Terroriser: *Fight back*
DevynDw "NOOOO moo"
Moo: (Fuck. . .Brian. . .no, no. . .you're not like that, Brian!) *Stands up, coughing a bit* (My vision. . .come on. . .)
Kryoz: *Sees Moo* Oh my god. . .Officer Legiqn. . .
Legiqn: Huh? *Sees Moo* (Shit!)
Moo: (Brian. . .) *Runs towards Terroriser*
Legiqn: Marksman, watch out!
Marksman: *Sees Moo, and backs away from Terroriser*
Terroriser: Grrr!
Moo: *Grabs Terroriser & crashes into the warehouse*
"Dont worry marcel and vanoss you guys got this"
Basically: *On the stairs, running from Michaela* Come on. . .respond. . . *Trips* Ah!
Michaela: *Slowly walking towards Basically* (No way to run up here, brain.)
Question from Rinthelonely ,
"Wait a minute. 'Your yandere'? You and Ohm have history? What the fuck? Marcel, do you know what's going on?"
Basically: Well, I didn't, but I was collecting data- *Sees YandereDev reaching out for something* Boss! *Accidentally drops his laptop, which smashes to the ground & catches their attention* WATCH OUT!
Vanoss: *Sees YandereDev's knife in the back pouch* (Thanks, Marcel.) *Tackles towards YandereDev*
YandereDev: Shit! *Dodges just in time*
Basically: Phew.
Michaela: *Right behind Basically*
Basically: *Turns around*
Michaela: *Stabs her fingers to Basically's throat*
Basically: ACK!
Michaela: (Got his voice.)
Basically: *Coughs violently, struggling for air* (Dammit, I didn't notice!)
Michaela: *Looks down* (Not too far. . .he'll live.) *Grabs Basically's hood*
Basically: *Cough* (Dammit, my body isn't listening to my mind! She's gonna throw me off!)
AWolfsJourney "Squirrel! Take advantage of this, she thinks your an animal, run away and go help Basically!"
Squirrel: (Take advantage. . .)
Midori: *Patting Squirrel* Aww~, such a cute boy!
Squirrel: (OF THIS!?)
Midori: You're so cute~, *Holds Squirrel* I wanna make you my pet!
Squirrel: *Squeak* (How am I gonna do this? She has me in her hands!)
wildnoss "Leave them alone!!!"
Vanoss: You little shi-
[Moo & Terroriser: *Crashes in*]
YandereDev: (Another distraction?)
Vanoss: Moo! Brian!
[Terroriser: *Growling*
Moo: *Panting heavily* C-Calm down. . .*Holds Terroriser in his arms* Brian. . .]
Vanoss: (Shit! What happened!?)
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