Continuing Issue (Ask #57)
AWolfsJourney "Wow, time has passed"
Basically: *Working* Yea, pretty much.
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"How is everyone doing?"
Basically: *Yawn* Pretty tired. We've been going on missions every day.
Droidd: You should get some sleep, Marcel. We can continue tomorrow.
Basically: I guess.
MiaArtLover "Hope everyone is not stressed
Basically: I think we're alright, but. . .to be honest, Mini & Vanoss are having a little. . .issue.
Droidd: A Brother's Conflict.
Basically: Like you & Lui.
Droidd: Oh, ours is not as sweet sounding as theirs.
Basically: 'S-Sweet sounding'?
Droidd: Yea, Boss & Mini's conflict is sweet compared to ours.
Basically: O-Okay.
ohmweaker "Men poor marcel *feels bad*"
Basically: It's okay, this stuff is normal.
SADBOI_H0URS "Oh yeah vanoss walked into all of that-"
Vanoss: Yea. . .well, it's fine. Those are some usual stuff. And where are the supplies, Lui?
Lui: Here. Nogla, how are they looking?
Nogla: *Shows the clipboard with papers* We are missing supplies like ammunitions, gadgets, weapons-
Vanoss: Shit. . .*Face palms* Brian haven't working on them, huh?
Nogla: We are mainly focused on money at the moment.
Vanoss: . . .Yea. . .
Lui: *Frowns a bit* (Vanoss. . .)
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"And low supplies you say? How can we help?"
Vanoss: No need for help. I'll. . .do. . .something. . .
Lui: N-No! We'll do something! Vanoss should get some rest & focus on missions!
Nogla: *Smiles* Kid is right, boss. You seem to be in stress.
Vanoss: . . .I'm not. Just leave it alone. I'll do something. *Walks away*
Lui: Vanoss. . .
Nogla: . . .Must've been a big damage.
Question from SADBOI_H0URS & Ausi-Tsuyu ,
"... vanoss is everything alright?"
Vanoss: (Mini. . .)
[Vanoss: 'Apprentice'?
Markiplier: He's way too valuable to let him die.
RacingCatz: What do you mean?
Markiplier: His ability. . .his strings are to transfer & edit bodies. By connecting the string to an open wound, it allows him to transfer cells & fix the injuries.
RacingCatz: That's how Craig was healing everyone?
Markiplier: No, that is only for critical injuries. His skills are real, he doesn't need to do some steps to heal, which avoids wounds from opening up, increasing to bleed. Doctors, humans who can do that are rare, and he is one of the rare ones.
Vanoss: What's this lecture for?
Markiplier: He's killing himself, is my point.
Vanoss & RacingCatz: What?
Markiplier: For example, if you get shot in the lungs, there is only few seconds to react. Craig's ability would allow him to heal the wounds, but as a consequence, Craig will experience a pain. Good thing, his mentality is strong. But the strings can do more than that.
Vanoss: I don't get what you're saying!
Markiplier: His ability is too risky. He has an ability to twist reality, but with greater consequence. For his allergy, he should've been dead once it appeared, but he used his ability to transfer the symptom to decrease the chance of exploding.
RacingCatz: . . .In simple example, if Evan died, then Mini's ability would allow him to revive Evan, but that's an exchange of Craig's life?
Vanoss: *Eyes widens*
Markiplier: *Nods* Though, that's a huge difference. If he learns another ability, then his chance of death will decrease.
Vanoss: . . .Craig. . .
Markiplier: He's carrying a lot of stress already. . .at the end of this vacation, I want your decision, to hand me Craig as an apprentice or leave him be.
Vanoss: . . .Give me time. . .]
Vanoss: *In his room, sits on the bed & sighs* Decide.
Question from Ausi-Tsuyu ,
"Mini, are you okay 😞 if you don't wanna talk. I'll give some space"
MiniLadd: . . . *Clenches his fists*
MiniLadd: *Slams his hands on Vanoss' desk* WHAT THE FUCK, EVAN!?
Vanoss: This is the best-
MiniLadd: Fuck that! 'Best'!? BULLSHIT!
Vanoss: I just don't want to see you hurt anymore! If you're with him & learn his techniques-
MiniLadd: I have my own style of learning! Everyone is alive & well healed BECAUSE OF ME! There's no problem!
Vanoss: But you can't even heal yourself!
MiniLadd: I can manage myself!
Vanoss: It's for the best, Craig! Think about the benefit-
MiniLadd: Yea, for the crew! You care about the crew, but NOT ME!
Vanoss: That's not what I mean! It'll help you!
MiniLadd: I don't need help!
Vanoss: You have too much stress! At this rate, you're gonna die!
Vanoss: That's not true! I know Lui, Marcel, & Brian are capable medics!
MiniLadd: But they're not as good as I am!
Vanoss: That's why I need you to be even better! With Mark, you'll learn a new ability! A one that's not gonna slowly kill you!
MiniLadd: I'm not dead, nor dying.
Vanoss: YOU WERE! Please, I don't want to lose you!
MiniLadd: Like you did with Cody?
Vanoss: That's. . .*Frowns*
MiniLadd: You're comparing me with him. . .not just me. . .with EVERYONE.
Vanoss: I-I'm not-
MiniLadd: YES YOU ARE! Fuck you!
Vanoss: Craig. . .
MiniLadd: I. . .*tears up* I'm not a THING that you can just hand off to!
Vanoss: C-Craig. . .I. . .
MiniLadd: You're not the Evan I know. . .did you know? Brian & I are just with you, because. . .we're SCARED of you.
Vanoss: W-What do you-
MiniLadd: You're gonna kill us.
Vanoss: *Eyes widens* I-I would never-
MiniLadd: We saw what you did. . .the scars we bear is the proof.
Vanoss: What are you saying!?
MiniLadd: . . .*Places his hand on his stomach scar* I HATE YOU. *Walks away*]
MiniLadd: *Sits down on his bed*
AWolfsJourney "Mini, you are the best medic!"
MiniLadd: . . .No one else thinks so.
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"Mini are you still mad at Wildcat?"
MiniLadd: *Bites his lower lip*
SADBOI_H0URS ":0 hes laughing more than usual
Y e s"
Vanoss: Huh? Oh, about that. . .*smiles a bit* that dumbass.
[Legiqn: And put some lemon in for a hint of sourness. . . *squeezes the lemon on the drink* there we go!
Vanoss: Huh, that's how you make cocktails?
Legiqn: Yup! Try it!
Vanoss: *Takes a sip of the drink*
Legiqn: How is it?
Vanoss: Hmm. . .not bad. I liked the first one you gave me though.
Legiqn: Really? Well, I'll try harder & get you better drinks!
Vanoss: . . .Make another one.
Legiqn: Alright. *Turns his back to Vanoss to grab alcohols*
Vanoss: *Grabs lemon & squeezes more into the drink, then hides the lemon*
Legiqn: *Turns back to Vanoss* Any requests?
Vanoss: Hmm. . .hey, you should have a taste of this too.
Legiqn: Oh, sure, I guess. *Takes a sip of the drink*
Vanoss: *Smirks*
Legiqn: *Spits it out* SOUR!
Vanoss: *Laughs*
Legiqn: The f-fuck *Cough* did you do!? It's way too sour than how much I put in!
Vanoss: I just added in more lemon.
Legiqn: That broke the balance between alcohol & lemon!
Vanoss: *Giggles*
Legiqn: I didn't know you were a prankster owl!
Vanoss: I wasn't, You influenced me.
Legiqn: I didn't prank you!
Vanoss: *Giggles*
Legiqn: *Smiles* Alright, let's give you a try~.
Vanoss: What?
Legiqn: Make me a cocktail. I'll teach you, so don't worry.
Vanoss: . . .Fine, I'll give it a shot.]
MiaArtLover "Yep! He had fun!"
Vanoss: Fun. . .huh? Yea, I did.
[Vanoss: *Wakes up cause of the weight* Ugh. . .
Legiqn: *On top of Vanoss* Morning!
Vanoss: You bitch! GET OFF!
Legiqn: We drank quite a lot last night.
Vanoss: You drunkass, are you listening to me!?
Legiqn: Hey! I'm not the one who smashed into my room!
Vanoss: *Sigh*
Legiqn: Fine, fine. *Gets off of Vanoss*
Vanoss: *Looks at Legiqn & giggles*
Legiqn: What is it?
Vanoss: You really are a dumbass.
Legiqn: What do you-
Vanoss: Anyway, I'm hungry. Let's go get breakfast. *Giggles*
Legiqn: The fuck you laughing at?
Vanoss: Nothing, really. Don't worry about it.
Legiqn: . . .Fine.
~In the hallway~
Vanoss: It's really nice hanging out with you.
Legiqn: *Blush* Really?
Vanoss: Yea, somehow, you crack me up.
Legiqn: Do I?
Vanoss: Yea, and I feel dumb laughing about it. But no one in my crew does the stupid mistake you do.
Legiqn: What mistake?
Vanoss: Like wearing your shirt inside out.
Legiqn: *Looks at his shirt, and blushes of embarrassment*
Vanoss: *Giggles*
Legiqn: YOU ASSHOLE! Why didn't you tell me sooner!?
Vanoss: And ruin your dumbass play?
Legiqn: *Giggles* You fucking asshole. *Takes his shirt off*
Vanoss: *Blush* The fuck you doing!?
Legiqn: Fixing my shirt, obviously. *Fixes his shirt & wears it*
Vanoss: Why did you do it in the middle of the hallway!?
Legiqn: Cause I didn't wanted to further embarrass myself!
Vanoss: You really are an idiot. *Giggles*
Legiqn: Shut up. *Giggles*]
Question from CherryPlayz07 ,
"Uhm, so they won't continue breakfast? 😅"
Vanoss: Well, we did eat breakfast after dealing with Gorillaphent. I wonder what Twitch is doing to him as a punishment. *Looks at the phone on his desk*. . .
[Legiqn: *Hands vanoss a piece of paper with his number* Here.
Vanoss: What's this?
Legiqn: It's my phone number.
Vanoss: . . .And?
Legiqn: Call me if you need something, duh~.
Vanoss: Are you stupid? You're an officer, I'm a gang, we can't contact each other.
Legiqn: It's fine, I have two phones, one that gets easily accessed by my boss or upper officers. Two is for my personal one, and the one you have is that. I'll crack you up again, Van.
Vanoss: . . .Heh, that's a good deal, I guess.
Legiqn: *Blushes a bit* W-Well, I gotta go back to work. Good luck with your missions. I know Fall is a busy season for gangs. And officers, obviously, cause we gotta catch you shitheads.
Vanoss: You're not gonna catch us. *sticks his tongue out*
Legiqn: Probably but hey, positive.
Vanoss: You're the one to say.
Legiqn: *giggles* See you around, Van!]
Vanoss: *Grabs the phone, and looks at the contacts list*
AngelsHA__ "I would love to see Vanoss and Leqion as a couple, they suit each other!"
Vanoss: *Blush* W-What? I. . .he's a fun guy to be with, but I'm not. . .sure. . .*Shakes his head* I just. . .want to talk. *Dials & calls*
~At Insta-Gram Police~
Kryoz: *Salutes* Sir, we caught the criminal!
Marksman: Nice job.
Legiqn: *Yawn* It's night, can we just stop &- *Phone rings & looks at it, then blushes* Oh shit!
Kryoz: Huh? Is something wrong, sir Legiqn?
Legiqn: S-Sorry, I gotta take this call! *Walks away from them & answers* [Hello?]
Kryoz: Hmm, wonder who it's from.
Marksman: Leave it, John. It's not our business.
???: *walks up to them*Great job, catching the criminals, Officer Marksman, Officer Kryoz.
Kryoz: Oh! Hello there, Captain KubzScouts!
KubzScouts: Hello, and where is Officer Legiqn?
Marksman: Taking a call.
KubzScouts: Oh, alright.
Kryoz: What brought you here, Captain?
KubzScouts: I wanted to talk to you guys about a certain gang.
[Vanoss: Hey, Legiqn.
Legiqn: *Blush* H-Hey! You finally called!
Vanoss: Yea. . .
Legiqn: Yea. . .after months, fucktard!
Vanoss: I didn't have time, okay!?
Legiqn: I know, I know. So, what's up? Need help with something?
Vanoss: No, I just wanted to talk.
Legiqn: Sure thing bud.
Vanoss: Thanks.]
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