Complicated (Ask #60)
AWolfsJourney "Dont worry Pewds, Mini just doesn't like it when his poker face is down"
Pewdiepie: *Giggles* He's really cute.
Wildcat: *Frowns a bit* Mini. . .
Pewdiepie: Don't frown, Tyler. Everything will be alright.
Wildcat: I hope so.
Question from Ausi-Tsuyu ,
"Pie, can I ask you question? How did you met mini and why you care about him 🤨 if you don't mind asking"
Pewdiepie: Oh, uh. . .well, the first time I met him was a few months ago, the time me, Jack & Mark came to this dimension. I care about him, cause. . .I know what he went through.
Pewdiepie: *Sees MiniLadd in front of a grave* Craig. . .
MiniLadd: . . .*Puts flowers on the grave*
Pewdiepie: (What a nightmare. . .I feel so bad for him.)
MiniLadd: . . .I'm sorry, Dawn.
Pewdiepie: (So that grave IS for Dawn.)
MiniLadd: . . .I wish. . .*Tears up a bit*
Pewdiepie: *Eyes widens*
MiniLadd: I wish I told you how I felt *Sniffles*. . .about you.
Pewdiepie: *Blush* (Whoa. . .)
MiniLadd: *Puts his hand on the gravestone* I'm sorry. . . *Cries*
Pewdiepie: *Runs & hugs MiniLadd from behind*
MiniLadd: *Startles*
Pewdiepie: It's not. . .your fault, Craig.
MiniLadd: . . .Who are you?
Pewdiepie: *Tightens the hug* (Why is he blaming himself? When he did nothing to cause this!) I'm sorry.]
Pewdiepie: He's just a heartbroken soul. . .and I want to help him. He may be in danger, and. . .*Smiles* I want to heal his heart.
Wildcat: Pewdiepie, do you. . .like Mini?
Pewdiepie: *Blush* Um, well. . .that's a question. *Giggles awkwardly* I-I don't know, but. . .he's a sweet man.
[Cry: *Heard Pewdiepie, and clenches his fist*
Moo: (Does Cry. . .really like Pewdiepie? He still hasn't told me why he was crying that night. . .)]
Ausi-Tsuyu "God damn cry! Why! I wanna see pie and mini ki-
??: *slap her head*
Cry: They already did, so fuck off.
Moo: (Pewdiepie likes Mini?) . . .*Stands up* Cry, let's go outside.
Cry: Huh? Oh, sure. I wanna take some fresh air. *Stands up*
Moo: Come on. *Grabs Cry's arm & pulls him*
Cry: *Blushes a bit* Whoa! E-Eager, aren't you?
Moo: Shut up.
Terroriser: *Frowns a bit* Moo. . .
AWolfsJourney "I'm seeing some more ships with Kubz~"
MiaArtLover "*sniff* .... *sniff* i smell a new ship and its pretty sweet"
Kryoz: Captain? Oh yeah, I heard Captain & Officer YandereDev are dating.
Marksman: That's a rumor, they're just companions. They have some history, they worked a lot together before Captain promoted.
Kryoz: Oh, I see.
MiaArtLover "Uh-oh... i think we got more problem... Aw sh(ee)t"
SADBOI_H0URS "Jay we can talk about this-!"
Legiqn: Yea, the fuck is the Captain's problem with the BBS? We were on alert, but not like this.
Marksman: It's all because of HIM.
Question from Rinthelonely ,
"BBS? The fuck? How? This is getting even more confusing"
Kryoz: I am as well, Officer Marksman, can you-
Legiqn: Tell us the fuck is going on!? And who is 'him'?
Marksman: . . .Gorillaphent. We arrested him during vacation, however, we had to let Twitch handle it, but as for a punishment, we demanded him for information of some sort, then he said. . .
[Gorillaphent: That guy. . .Daithi de Nogla. . .he has something under that smiling face.
Marksman: The fuck you mean?
Gorillaphent: You must be feeling it too. That guy's poker face. . .and his skills.
Marksman: . . .I don't know what you're talking about.
Gorillaphent: My summoning cannot be pinpointed that easily, but he knew it, and even prevented from firing. While you guys were busy capturing small threats, you guys left a BIG threat out to grow in the wild!
Marksman: Your way of doing things wasn't right anyway!
Gorillaphent: The information I'm giving is a doubt & clue.
Marksman: You little shit. . .
Gorillaphent: There's no way to prevent my ability, unless he pinpointed it, but that's impossible. . .however. . .if he can see the future, it's different.]
Marksman: That's what he said.
Legiqn: 'DaithideNogla'?
Kryoz: Isn't he Noah's friend?
Marksman: Yea, and we're not sure, but. . .he is something.
[Nogla: . . .Everything has cause & effect. If I don't do this. . .how will it effect the crew? We've already went through painful moments earlier. Have some mercy, will you?
Nogla: . . .Take a chance. . .if you really. . .care about them.
Nogla: . . .*Giggles* I sometimes wonder too.
Nogla: Thanks. . .dad. *Wink*]
Marksman: When we worked together. . .he shot himself to convince me, and. . .not much people can do that.
Legiqn: I see. . .but Van won't forgive us to take him in.
Kryoz: That's why, the season right now is the chance to capture them!
Marksman: Yup, that's the plan. We just want to confirm WHAT he's hiding.
CherryPlayz07 "Woah"
KubzScouts: So how is it?
YandereDev: *Sits on KubzScouts' lap* Pretty good~, and~. . .what's the talk, Jay~?
KubzScouts: I just wanted to talk about what Gorillaphent said. I don't think I heard your opinion.
YandereDev: Hmm. . .I don't know, but I won't believe too much.
KubzScouts: I see. . .I'm feeling anxious about it. . .BBS is a threatening gang, but if. . .if what Gorillaphent said was true, then we can't let them have it.
YandereDev: . . .Well, it'll be alright. This is our job, sooner or later, we were meant to be against each other. And. . . *Takes KubzScouts' hand, and kisses it* WE are meant to be together~.
KubzScouts: *Blush*
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