Boyfriend? (Ask #14)
Question from Kingggjaay ,
"Well I asked for curiosity of course now nogla same goes for you how did you felt kissing lui?"
Nogla: *Giggles* Well-
Lui: *Blush* D-Don't answer, you idiot!
Nogla: *Giggles* It felt very sweet & soft, kid.
Nogla: Wanna do it again?
Lui: *Blushing* NO!
Question from Lazilyproductive ,
"'My Bryce' care to, explain the meaning of this Del?"
Ohm: *Lays DeadSquirrel down on the bed, then turns to Delirious* Oh, Delly~.
Delirious: *Blushing* .-. . . (I-It just slipped out. . .)
Kingggjaay "Aw that's cute delirious is claiming bryce as his"
mercyrules101 "Aww delirious hehe"
Ohm: *Covers a blanket on DeadSquirrel* You finally claimed him~?
Delirious: *Blushing hard* .-. . . .-. . .- . . . (I-It was an accident! I-I didn't- I. . .I hope he's not mad. . .)
Ohm: Aww, Brycey would never be mad at you~.
Delirious: . . . (I. . .I like him. . .a lot. . .like. . .really. They were hurting Bryce. . .I was a little. . .angry.)
Ohm: I get it, Delly.
Delirious: *Looks at Ohm* . . . (Ohm. . .)
Ohm: You were jealous~.
Delirious: *Blush* . . .! (Ohm!)
Ohm: Shhh~, be quiet, or he might wake up~. *Pats DeadSquirrel's head*
mercyrules101 "Oh thank god you guys are okay! Well... Kinda......"
Wildcat: I don't feel pain anymore.
Jiggly: What happened?
Bryce: Long story, short, he was assaulted, almost got his guts ripped out.
Jiggly: That is horrible!
Wildcat: I'm okay, Anthony.
RacingCatz: I'm glad you are.
Terroriser: I think Scotty needs a place to rest.
407: Fuck. . .it hurts.
Jiggly: I'll help you, Scotty. Where is the room?
Bryce: I'll guide you guys. *Stands up*
Moo: You need more rest. Your immune system is not as strong as mine.
Bryce: Shut up, and I'll be fine. My immune system is just as strong as yours. You know?
Moo: But not to toxic.
Bryce: Shut up.
AWolfsJourney "Daww~! Moo cares about Terroriser~! I smell love in the air~!"
mercyrules101 "Awwww moomoo no need excuses ;3"
Moo: *Blush* W-What the fuck are you guys talking about!?
Terroriser: *Blush* M-Moo. . .
Nogla: *Smiles* That's so cute, Moo.
Bryce: Take care of your boyfriend, Moo. *Walks away with Jiggly & 407*
Terroriser: *Blushing* B-Boyfriend?
RacingCatz: *Giggles* You two are perfect~.
Nogla: I know, right~?
Wildcat: (Boyfriend. . .) *Looks at RacingCatz* Um. . .C-Cody?
RacingCatz: *Turns to Wildcat* Yes?
Wildcat: Um. . .*blush* can I ask you something?
RacingCatz: Sure, what is it?
Wildcat: . . .H-How was Vanoss like, when. . .y-you two were boyfriends?
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