Blooming (Ask #45)
Question from Ninjaofdeathshadows ,
"This is for everyone what is your fighting style I don't remember if anyone asked that but I was wondering about it :D"
Vanoss: Fists & guns. I don't have specific style, just beat them.
Wildcat: Um. . .I'm not sure.
Terroriser: Hmm. . .I'm not really good at fighting, I can, but not too good.
Moo: Any kind. I just beat them up.
MiniLadd: My fighting style is more. . .of like. . .avoiding. I don't directly fight a lot of time, only if I make a decision, like that ONE time with that pig.
Basically: Hmm. . .I know how to do some of it, but. . .I don't usually fight, so. . .I can't say I have a fighting style.
Droidd: Style. . .hmm. . .I'm not sure about this. I've learned martial arts & stuff but. . .I like torturing. *Hands sparks*
Ohm: Oh, my fighting style is with love~!
CaRtOoNz: Freeze them, shoot them till they die!
Bryce: Hmm. . .well, I don't really have one, I guess. Like as in specific.
Delirious: . . . (Um. . .I'm not sure. I am an assassin so. . .)
Nogla: Well, my fighting style. . .I never thought of it to be honest.
Lui: I know quite a lot styles, I mix what I learned so.
Jiggly: I know some, but I don't have a specific.
407: Um. . .I do know karate?
DeadSquirrel: My fighting style is mostly assassination style.
RacingCatz: Oh, I mostly use Karate, Judo, Aikido, & Jujutsu. I don't fight that much, it's mostly self-defense ones.
Noah: I can do Jujutsu, but I don't really fight, I mostly run, so. . .
Smii7y: I can do most martial arts, us, Elite Messengers learn a lot of fighting styles, mostly self-defense, but for me, I don't really have one style.
Kryoz: I can do some martial arts, but I learned more of military fighting style.
Marksman: I can do most martial arts, and I learned military fighting style. I prefer close-combat, so I didn't learn much of shooting training.
Legiqn: Um, I can do martial arts, like karate, and normal military fighting style, and. . .that's it. I don't have a specific style. All officers have the same training.
Pewdiepie: Well, I know like boxing, martial arts, um. . .I don't know the specific. I don't really like fighting, so. . .I don't have a style, however, I prefer self-defense ones.
Markiplier: I don't have specific ones. I would choose self-defense one.
Jack: I usually shield, and I mostly use my ability.
Cry: I know some martial arts, I just attack, doesn't have style.
mercyrules101 "Mini ladd i love you but what the fuck stop being an asshole to Tyler
But even if you're an asshole i still love you"
MiniLadd: Oh really?
Pewdiepie: Tyler didn't mean to hurt you.
MiniLadd: You weren't there!
Pewdiepie: But I know, Mini.
MiniLadd: . . .*Sigh*
Jiggly: We're trying.
Wildcat: *Gets splashed* Ahhh! Scotty!
407: Relax, right~?
AWolfsJourney "407 you better not drown Wildcat"
407: Don't worry, I won't. Even if I did, Anthony is here to give him mouth-to-mouth~.
Wildcat: *Blush* S-Scotty!
407: Oh wait, I should make you drown, so I can see you guys kiss again!
Wildcat: *Blushing* Scotty, w-what if I really die!?
407: Anthony will save you, don't worry~.
Jiggly: Scotty, stop harassing Tyler!
shadoxiety "Aye, Wildcat! You better be alive tomorrow by the time my volleyball game ends!"
Wildcat: I-I am ali- ahhh! Scotty!
407: *Pulling Wildcat* Come on Tyler~! Drown!
Wildcat: I-I don't wanna die!
Jiggly: *Pulling Scotty back* Stop it Scotty!
Wildcat: S-Sto-ahhh!
407: Whoa! *Falls back*
Jiggly: Whoa! Scotty!
407: Sorry, but. . . *Looks at the cloth he's holding* What is this? *Looks at it closely* Oh! Tyler, it's your trunks!
Jiggly: What!? *Looks at Wildcat*
Wildcat: *Blushing madly, covering his member* S-Scotty, give it back!
Jiggly: *Nosebleeds, and looks away* S-Scotty, give it back to Tyler!
407: Um. . .no. *Swim away*
Wildcat: P-Please give it back!
Jiggly: Scotty! *Swims after 407*
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"x3 2pPewdieLadd or 2pMiniPie~?"
MiniLadd: Neither!
Pewdiepie: I like the sound of 'Minipie', sounds like a type of a pie.
MiniLadd: Jesus. . .
SabrinaDawnYT "Aww, Mini's being a tsundere!"
MiniLadd: Shut up!
"Don't worry Ohm I won't take your lovers from you, I'm not cruel.. Love is love no matter what.. * Smiles* Continue showing your love to the crew..."
Ohm: Glad you're on the same page as me. *Sees Wildcat blushing & alone* Hmm. . .I'm gonna go check on Wildkitty.
Droidd: Alright, do you want me to come with you?
Ohm: It'll be quick. *Swims around to Wildcat*
DeadSquirrel: *Follows Ohm*
"* walks over to Jack* * Whispers to him* Come with me, I need to discuss something with you.."
Jack: Hmm? What is it?
Cry: Don't leave me with Grasshead!
Markiplier: Cry-
Cry: Fuck you! *Walks away*
Question from CherryPlayz07 ,
"Pewds, tell us the truth, do you or do you not like Mini?"
Pewdiepie: . . .Let me decide. *Holds MiniLadd's hands*
MiniLadd: The fuck are you doing?
Pewdiepie: Trying to figure out my feelings. Mini. . .do I like you?
MiniLadd: How the hell should I know?
Pewdiepie: Hmm. . . *Kisses MiniLadd on the cheek*
MiniLadd: WHAT THE FUCK!? *Kicks Pewdiepie away*
Pewdiepie: Hmm. . .yea, I like you, Mini. Your reactions are great, you're pretty quick, and you're so cute.
MiniLadd: *Blushes a bit* FUCK YOU!
MiaArtLover "Everything is so depresso"
Nicole21910 "seriously everybody is mad PRESSED."
Bryce: Not everything.
Delirious: .-. . .? (W-Where do you want to go?)
Bryce: Um. . .are you thirsty?
Delirious: *Blush* . . . *Glances at Bryce's muscular body* . . .? (Um. . .a little?)
Bryce: There's a shop over there, we could get some drinks. *Looks at Delirious*
Delirious: *Blushes hard* . . .! .-. . .! (Oh! S-Sure!)
Bryce: Let's go then. *Tries to go, then stops*
Delirious: . . .? (Bryce?)
Bryce: . . .*Blushes a bit, and holds Delirious' hand*
Delirious: *Blush*
Bryce: *Smiles* Let's go. *Starts walking with Delirious*
Delirious: *Blushing, walking with Bryce*
~At the store~
Bryce: Here we-
[Moo: Watch where you're going!]
Delirious: . . .? (Huh?)
Bryce: *Sees Moo & Terroriser* Moo? Terroriser?
[Terroriser: M-Moo!
Moo: *Grabbing a waiter's shirt* You son of a bitch!
Waiter: I-I am so sorry!]
Bryce: What the fuck is he doing!? *Runs up to Moo & pulls him back* The fuck, Moo!?
Moo: Bryce?
Delirious: *Comes over* . . .? (Terroriser, what happened?)
Terroriser: *Nervously* A little accident.
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