Battle Kiss!? (Ask #87 + Dare #17)
AWolfsJourney "Daww~, 2pBasicallyIDo407~"
Basically: *Blush* Um. . .
Nogla: Glad your voice is back, Marcel.
Basically: Yea, it recovered pretty quick, and. . .well. . .I wish I can say thank you to Scotty. I haven't said it yet.
Nogla: You can always call him~.
Basically: Well. . .yea, but I feel like I should say it face to face.
Nogla: Well then, call him over~.
Question from wildcat100 ,
"Awww that's so cute
And marcel not to be mean or anything but why do you like vents?"
Basically: Oh, well, I just like it. It's quick to travel.
DevynDw "It's ok marcel if your not sure of your feelings for 407 we will give you all the time you need to make sure of your feels but to be honest scotty really cares about you"
Basically: . . .Yea. . .*Dial 407*
i-love-anime-0824 "Don't worry Jiggly i promise that i will be kind to Tyler"
Jiggly: Thank you.
407: Hey lover boy~, your piggy sure is lucky to have you, huh~?
Jiggly: *Blush* Hush.
[407: *Gets a call, answers* Hello, this is 407, if you have money talk, get straight to it, please.
Basically: Hey. . .Scotty.
407: *Blush* M-Marcel! Oh, your voice is back!
Basically: Yea. . .um. . .are you doing something right now?
407: Nah, I was just relaxing with Anthony. My hands are working great~.
Basically: You wanna come to base? I want to tell you something.
407: *Blush* Oh, uh, s-sure! We'll be there!
Basically: Alright, um. . .see you soon.
407: See ya. *Hangs up*]
Jiggly: It was Marcel?
407: Yea, and we gotta go! Marcel has something to tell me! *Grabs Jiggly & runs out*
Jiggly: Scotty! Let's use our motorcycles!
407: *Stops* Yea! That way is faster!
Question from Ausi-Tsuyu ,
"Where... cry? And it's Terror doing okay?, sorry I'm not good at spelling"
~In the lab~
Cry: *Enters* Let's see. . .how is he?
Moo: He's fine.
Terroriser: *Blushing a bit*
Cry: *Hands them money* These are your payments, I guess.
Moo: Thanks, and that's quite a lot.
Terroriser: We did work a lot.
Moo: I gue-
Cry: *Wraps his arm around Moo's shoulder* Let's go to a bar or something with that money~.
Moo: Bitch, this is my money! You buy your own!
Cry: Aww~, come on! *Hugs Moo*
Moo: Get off me!
Cry: Come on~! We're buddies~! I saved Terroriser's ass for you, you know!
Moo: That is that! This is this!
Terroriser: Stop it, Cry! Moo doesn't want to!
Cry: . . .*Lets go of Moo, walks up to Terroriser & looks at him eye-to-eye* You know that you would've been dead if I didn't save you.
Terroriser: That is not the issue here.
Cry: Oh, it is, cause the money you guys have, involves OUR work. Me, Mark, Felix & Jack, so a little bit of SHARING is appropriate, don't you think?
Terroriser: . . .If you put it that way. You have some negotiation skill for a dummy.
Cry: You little shit. . .
Moo: FINE! *Grabs Cry* I'll buy you drinks, so stop arguing!
Cry: That's my pal!
SADBOI_H0URS "He's a magic bunny!"
SADBOI_H0URS "Like he told me.. i think"
MiaArtLover "I think if he smells a ship he be there bruh"
MiniLadd: That is annoying.
Ohm: Oh come on, Mini~. You love me~.
MiniLadd: Shut up!
SADBOI_H0URS "Holy shit you are a lucky bastard, the other two are so jealous"
DeadSquirrel: I'm not lucky. It's more of strategy.
CaRtOoNz: *Cracks his knuckles* Now that you're out of Ohm. . .
Droidd: *Hands sparks* Ready to get what you deserve~?
DeadSquirrel: . . .Shit. *Hears a knock* I'm gonna go get it. *Goes to the door*
i-love-anime-0824 "Awww cute Ohmsquirrel"
Ohm: *Giggles* Squirrely is cute~.
CaRtOoNz: *Hugs Ohm* Now, I can have Ohm to myself!
Ohm: *Blush* Toonzie~.
Droidd: *Hugs Ohm* He is going to be mine!
Ohm: *Blushing* Droidd~.
CaRtOoNz: Hey fuck off!
Nogla: Now, now, no fighting.
wildcat100 "Hey dead squirrel I like y-y-your hurt head it's so c-c-cool *blush and gives you a eye patch* it's for good luck"
DeadSquirrel: Oh. . .thanks. Um. . .how do I use this?
Question from wildcat100 ,
"Hey can I pet squirrel p-p-plz *looks at ohm*"
Ohm: Well. . .
CaRtOoNz: Yea, sure, go pet him.
Droidd: He needs to be occupied.
Ohm: . . .Fine.
i-love-anime-0824 "Hey 2pCartoonz don't leave 2pDelirious alone here he needs you"
CaRtOoNz: He'll be fine without me. He's a strong guy.
Ohm: And Delly has Brycey to bond with~.
Delirious: *Blush*
Bryce: *Blush* WE CAN HEAR YOU GUYS!
AWolfsJourney "X3 so much cuteness!!!"
Ohm: Yup~! We are such a lovely gang~!
Nogla: *Giggles* You're not wrong~.
Question from AWolfsJourney ,
"X3 It seems Pewds sure does love the idea of 2pJigglyCat~, ain't that right Vanoss ~?"
Vanoss: *Eye twitches a bit* Just cause that Panda is nice to Tyler doesn't mean he's right for Tyler.
AWolfsJourney "X3 just to let you know Nogla and Ohm, Vanoss and Wildcat shared a loving kiss~! Wildcat even kissed back~!"
Vanoss & Wildcat: *Blush*
Pewdiepie: What? You kissed Vanoss, Tyler?
Ohm: Awww~! Lovely~! Wildkitty even kissed back~! I want it too~!
Nogla: *Giggles* A loving kiss~, huh~?
Lui: You little shit, Wildcat!
Wildcat: *Blushing* I-I- um- that was- um-
Lui: Cut the bullshit!
MiniLadd: Shut up! This conversation is OVER!
SADBOI_H0URS "Oh crap don't tell me you're jealous too..."
Wildcat: I. . .*Blushes harder* um. . .
Pewdiepie: Love rivalry is real, huh?
i-love-anime-0824 "Don't worry 2pWildcat 2pLui is going to teach you good"
Lui: *Cracks his knuckles* Yea, I'll teach you GOOD.
Wildcat: *Backs up a bit*
Lui: Don't worry, I'll go easy on you, since you're a weak bastard!
SADBOI_H0URS "Good luck Tyler!"
Wildcat: Um. . .t-thanks.
i-love-anime-0824 "I agree with 2pOhm 2pLui do wants 2pVanoss to love him = )"
Lui: *Blush* Well. . .
Vanoss: . . . *Pats Lui's head* There, there.
Lui: *Softens, hearts in his eyes & blushes*
MiniLadd: Ugh.
AWolfsJourney "2pMininoss for life as well!"
MiniLadd: *Blush*
Vanoss: A-Again?
Ohm: Yes~!
Nogla: I support it~.
Question from MiaArtLover ,
"WhAaat? We thought you loved it being bottom~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
You just wont tell us that you like it when you get fu- *cough* ill stop now"
Vanoss: I never said anything like that!
SADBOI_H0URS "Yeah what!?"
MiniLadd: *Face palms* Jesus christ. . .
abbyloveanime18 "Aww, how cute your blushing! *hides away quickly* please don't hurt me!!"
Vanoss: You guys never stop.
MiniLadd: Yea, fucking hell.
Dare from SADBOI_H0URS & MiaArtLover ,
"Psst, Hey mini... We dare you to kiss Evan"
"Pssssttt, miniiiiii~ kiss vanoss for us will ya?"
MiniLadd: *Blush* WHAT!?
Ohm: It's a dare~! Finally~! Kiss Evy, Craigy~!
Nogla: Do it~, do it~!
Vanoss: . . . *Looks at MiniLadd*
MiniLadd: Why are you looking at me, Evan!? It's like you're expecting me to!
Vanoss: *Blushes a bit* I mean. . .it's a dare.
MiniLadd: Evan, be on MY SIDE, NOT THEIRS!
Ohm: Quick kiss won't hurt~.
MiniLadd: *Blushing* Fuck off!
Ausi-Tsuyu "*laugh* Evan, well how about battle kiss, whoever moan, it's the bottom :3, you can't moan or pull it away. annnnnddd or if you don't wanna do it, your the bottom :). Good luck!"
Ohm: Ohhh~! This is fair~!
Nogla: Very well made~, perfect for them~.
Vanoss: (If I think correctly, I never kissed Craig before. . .) I refuse to be the bottom.
MiniLadd: I don't want to be either!
Nogla: Then it's settled! Battle Kiss time!
Ohm: Yes~!
CaRtOoNz: *Laughs* This is a show~!
Droidd: Good luck, Mini!
Bryce: Jesus. . .
Delirious: . . . (I don't know what to say.)
Markiplier: Well, let me know when they're done. We have learning to do, Craig.
Pewdiepie: *Giggles* I guess they're cute.
Jack: If you say so.
Lui: What the fuck is this!?
Wildcat: Um. . .
Basically: I feel embarrassed watching this.
Nogla: Oh, come on, it hasn't even started yet, Marcel.
Ohm: Now, two contestants, please hold each other close!
MiniLadd: Why in the fuck are you-
Vanoss: *Wraps his arm around MiniLadd's waist*
MiniLadd: *Blush* Evan! Wait, wait, wait!
Vanoss: *Lifts MiniLadd's chin* Better to get it over with, right?
MiniLadd: *Puts his hands on Vanoss' chest* Why the fuck are you participating!? This is bullshit! Let go of me!
Vanoss: It's your dare, so you should do it.
MiniLadd: *Blush* A-Are you kidding? Are you seriously going to do this?
Vanoss: I thought you would walk away or something, but you're not running.
MiniLadd: Yea, cause you have me in embrace, you fuckturd!
Vanoss: Then choose, run or face it.
MiniLadd: *Blushing, glances at Wildcat & Lui, then at Pewdiepie* (Fucking hell. . .) *Looks back at Vanoss* Fine, you asked for it! *Kisses Vanoss*
Vanoss: *Kisses back*
Ohm: Ahhhhh~! YES~!
Nogla: *Giggles* Finally~.
Bryce: Do we really need to watch?
CaRtOoNz: You might learn a one or two, Bryce.
Bryce: About what!?
CaRtOoNz: Kissing.
Bryce: Huh!? The fuck you mean!?
MiniLadd: (Don't moan, don't moan, nor pull away. . .this is ridiculous, but. . .what is this feeling?)
Vanoss: *Moves his hand to the back of MiniLadd's neck, and licks MiniLadd's lips*
MiniLadd: (What the fuck, Evan?) *Slowly parts his lips*
Vanoss: *Slips his tongue in, pulls MiniLadd closer*
MiniLadd: Mmmmm! *Shuts his eyes tight, grips on Vanoss' shirt*
Ohm: Ohhhh~, Craigy moaned first~! And Evy slipped his tongue in~!
Nogla: Looks like we know who's the bottom~. *Giggles*
Lui: *Blushing* (WHAT THE FUCK!? V-Vanoss is using h-his tongue!?)
Wildcat: *Blushing* (D-Deep kissing!?)
Basically: *Covers his blushing face* (I can't look!)
Bryce: (F-French kiss? Oh shit. . .)
Delirious: *Blushing* (Oh my god. . .)
MiniLadd: *Blushing deep, tears up a bit* Mm! M-Mmm! (K-Knock it. . .off, E-Evan. . .) *Body starts shaking*
Vanoss: *Pulls away, a thin string of saliva connected to their lips*
MiniLadd: *Panting* Hah~. . .hah~. . .
Vanoss: *Licks his lips* Looks like I won.
MiniLadd: *Drops to his knees*
Terroriser: *Runs up to MiniLadd, supporting him* Evan! What did you do to Mini!?
Vanoss: Brian?
Moo: *Blushing, leaning on Cry, hiding his blushed face*
Cry: We came out from the lab at the wrong time, huh?
Nogla: Very good~.
407: Oh shit, was there a kissing contest?
Jiggly: . . .It's a bit. . .too aggressive.
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