Another Rivalry? (Ask #92)
SADBOI_H0URS "Hi *waves at Aindreas*"
MiaArtLover "Yo!"
Aindreas: Hello, and-whoa! *Dodges Vanoss' attack*
Vanoss: You sneaky bitch!
Aindreas: What the hell, man!?
Question from i-love-anime-0824 ,
"Vanoss why are you tell Aindreas to go outside with you?"
Vanoss: Because I said so! Get the fuck out of my base! *Attacks Aindreas*
Nogla: *Shields Aindreas, blocking Vanoss' attack*
Aindreas: David!
Vanoss: Get out of the way, Nogla.
Nogla: Sorry boss, but I can't let you beat up my brother.
Vanoss: Then get him out of here, last warning!
Nogla: *Smiles* Don't be angry, boss. Andrew just expressed his love to kid, what's wrong about that? This is a free country.
Vanoss: 'Free country' my ass! This is my base! My rules!
Nogla: If you want to hurt Andrew, you have to go through me first, boss.
Lui: Nogla, Andrew, just do what Vanoss says!
Nogla: Uh. . .no can do, kid.
Aindreas: *Sees Nogla's gun*
AWolfsJourney "Oh~! Love rivalry between Aindreas and Vanoss~!!!!"
Lui: 'L-Love rivalry'?
Aindreas: . . .I get it now. *Clenches his fists*
Nogla: Keep calm.
Question from SADBOI_H0URS ,
"Vanoss, are YOU are jealous!!!?!??? I don't remember the last time i saw that... wow"
Kingggjaay "I'm pretty sure it's jealousy or envy can't tell which"
Vanoss: (Jealous? . . .Could be. Lui is my comfort, he's my loyal, sweet member. He's strong, will get even stronger, and this guy is just going to be in the way! Lui. . .Lui. . .LUI. . .)
avanjames "Oh no vanoss is mad at aindreas"
Nogla: Well, I can tell, but. . .
Lui: You know you can't beat Vanoss, use your head, idiot! Just get him out!
Nogla: Hmm, that's quite a mean thing to say to someone who confessed to you, kid.
Lui: I-
Vanoss: He is not taking Lui! LUI IS MINE!
Lui: *Blush*
Aindreas: *Grabs Nogla's gun*
Nogla: Andrew, no!
Aindreas: *Aims at Vanoss & fires*
AWolfsJourney "And Pewds, I personally myself prefer 2pWildnoss~, Vanoss shows his moments of loving Wildcat~, ain't that right piggy~?"
Wildcat: *Blush* I mean. . .
Pewdiepie: Good that there are different views.
Jiggly: I just wish he can show more of it often, so I don't have to worry about him abusing Tyler.
Question from ohmweracker ,
"Your welcome jigglypanda *smile* and Wildcat if you can pick one guy you like who would it be and why?"
Wildcat: *Blush* What!? I. . .uh. . .
Pewdiepie: *Giggles* Oh, my son.
Jiggly: You don't have to answer, if you feel uncomfortable.
Pewdiepie: It could be just as friends.
Wildcat: Oh, um. . .then. . .Delirious, because he's my best friend, he's so kind & took care of me, supported me when I had difficult time.
Jiggly: What a nice friend.
Pewdiepie: Aww, friendship is nice.
Question from shadoxiety ,
"Waaaaaaaait!! Marksman likes Wildcat???"
Pewdiepie: Well, I do think so.
Jiggly: *Clenches his fists* That guy is a dirty cheater, he took advantage of Tyler during the vacation.
Wildcat: *Blush* H-He didn't do anything like that!
Jiggly: But he kissed you, right?
Wildcat: *Blushes hard* Well. . .yea, but. . .
Pewdiepie: *Giggles* My son is popular~.
"Also, Marcel! Please make me an aunt if ya know what I mean!
Basically: Um. . .what DO you mean? You want to be my aunt? If so, we need to do some paperwork to become one, under the law.
407: We're gangs! We are outlaw!
Basically: True, but if they are serious, then we need them as proof. Sure, bonding can't be explained with words, but for that, we both first need to agree at least. I don't know this asker much, so I would like to know them first, rather than having awkwardness between us.
407: Jesus. . .you're way too complicated. (But I fucking love him!)
SADBOI_H0URS "Yeah! i know being forced to say something you don't want to say is very painful"
Basically: Thank you for understanding. I don't really like remembering the past, it was all built with lies. . .
407: You're living an honest life right now, don't worry, Marcel.
Basically: *Smiles* Thank you.
SADBOI_H0URS "sail the ship baby >B)"
407: Fuck~ yes~.
Basically: *Blushing* (Now it's awkward!)
Question from i-love-anime-0824 ,
"Stop it Cry why are you so mean just leave Terroriser and moo alone"
Cry: I don't fucking know, it's just *points at Terroriser* this science guy keeps interrupting me & Moo.
Terroriser: I am not!
Cry: Also, when did Moo ever say that he wants to be alone with him?
Moo: . . .I didn't-
Cry: Exactly!
Question from SADBOI_H0URS ,
"Holy shit since when you were a sassy boy Brian? Noice"
Terroriser: Since this psychopath came here! What is your problem!? I'm Moo's friend & partner, I want to talk & spend time with him!
Cry: You're full of yourself! You just want him all to yourself! You greedy bitch!
Terroriser: Says you!
Moo: Quit arguing over something so ridiculous!
AWolfsJourney "Now Moo~, don't deny that you enjoyed kissing Terroriser~. Besides, we all know that you'll protect him no matter what, so that clearly shows you love him~"
Moo: *Blush* It was just. . .*Sigh* it is my job to protect him, he's my partner, and he's not as strong as I am.
Terroriser: Moo. . .
Cry: Alright, so you're saying, he needs to pull his own weight.
Terroriser: Can you NOT misunderstand!?
Cry: Oh! Was he saying, "I love him, so I have to protect him"!? Huh!?
Terroriser: *Blush* Well, no, but-
Cry: See! You're full of yourself! You're not number one priority, damsel in distress! What if you get him killed, because of your dumbass!?
Terroriser: *Clenches his fists* (Now, I understand how Wildcat felt when he was being abused with words!) I can fight! I won't be that much of a burden!
Moo: For god's sake, both of you, SHUT UP!
SADBOI_H0URS "pfft don't worry you jelly demon, it was a compliment and im a lesbian anyways - v -"
DeadSquirrel: 'Jelly Demon'?
Ohm: Aww~, Toonzie is going to be my jelly tonight~?
CaRtOoNz: I don't have a jello, but I have a dick I can feed to your bunny hole~.
Ohm: *Blush* Oh Toonzie~!
SADBOI_H0URS "Oh well... Uh im just gonna take my leave, have fun with that *jumps through a wall*"
CaRtOoNz: Get back here! *Cocks his shotgun*
Kingggjaay "Someone please get that shotgun away from cartoonz"
Droidd: *Grabs Cartoonz's shotgun*
CaRtOoNz: Hey, let go of my baby!
[DeadSquirrel: Ohmie, where's your bunny hole?
Ohm: *Blush* Oh~, well. . .I can show you later~, if you want~.
DeadSquirrel: Really? I hope bunnies like squirrels.
Ohm: . . .Oh darling~, that's a normal bunny hole, as in den. Mine is. . .not like that~.
DeadSquirrel: Huh?]
CaRtOoNz: It's his ass hole, dumbass rodent!
Droidd: Idiot, demon!
DeadSquirrel: . . .*Blush* Oh. . .
Ohm: Sorry if we ruined your hope.
DeadSquirrel: I-It's okay.
Ohm: *Giggles* We can get you a bunny if you want, Squirrely~.
DeadSquirrel: *Looks at Ohm* . . .I have one here already.
Ohm: Aww~.
CaRtOoNz: You shit, Squirrel!
Droidd: Just when we're occupied, you slip in to Ohmwrecker's heart!?
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