Another Defeat? (Ask #78)
MiaArtLover "BRIAN!! NOOO!!"
YandereDev: *Slams his knife down to Terroriser*
Cry: *Deflects the knife with his knives* Jeez. . .you really need a hero, huh Science boy?
YandereDev: You little-
Pewdiepie: *Grabs YandereDev's arm*
YandereDev: Wha-
Moo: *Punches YandereDev in the face*
YandereDev: UGH! *Gets shot by Jack & a syringe stabs on his shoulder* AGH!
Pewdiepie: *Pins YandereDev down, turns to Cry* Thank god you came here, Cry.
Cry: *Blushes a bit, and looks away* I-I didn't do it for you.
Moo: Bria-agh! *Fall down to his knees & hands, coughs*
Delirious: *Snaps out, and runs towards Moo* . . .! (Moo!)
Bryce: *Snaps out* M-Moo! *Runs towards Moo*
Delirious: . . .? (Moo, can you stand?)
Moo: *Coughs*
Cry: *Carries Moo* I got you bro! Someone, get Sci-boy!
Bryce: I got him. *Carries Terroriser*
Pewdiepie: Get them out of here!
YandereDev: Get. . .OFF! *Struggles*
Pewdiepie: *Tries to keep him down*
Jack: *Runs up to Pewdiepie & helps him*
Markiplier: Felix, Jack, get away from him!
Pewdiepie: But he's gonna hurt everyone!
DevynDw "Moo be careful man and hurry so you guys can get out of there"
Moo: Fuck. . .
Cry: *Runs to the car* I got you, Moo.
Bryce: *Runs to the car*
Delirious: *Follows them*
Question from shadoxiety ,
"Moo!!! Felix!!! Brian!! Is everyone okay!?! I'm getting nervous right now and I'm worried sick for you guys!!"
Markiplier: Not everyone is okay, but they're not injured too bad.
Cry: Felix, Jack, come over here!
Jiggly: *Helps Lui* Come on, we gotta go.
Lui: Ugh. . .V-Vanoss. . .he-
Jiggly: Vanoss! Snap out!
Vanoss: . . . *Snaps out* (Fuck, what am I doing?)
Pewdiepie: We need everyone to get out of here! Mar-
Jack: Felix! *Shields Pewdiepie from a bullet*
Pewdiepie: Jack!
YandereDev: *Escapes their apprehension*
Jack: Who. . .
[Midori: *Standing with a gun, panting & bleeding, has Michaela on her back* Go, YanDev!
Michaela: *Aims her gun, bullets covered with her poison*]
Jack: We need to go!
YandereDev: *Pants, looks at Jack & Pewdiepie*
[Michaela: *Shoots at Jack & Pewdiepie*]
Jack: *Carries Pewdiepie & dodges*
YandereDev: *Sees Vanoss, alone* Heh. . . *Runs towards Vanoss* I'LL TAKE YOUR HEAD!
Vanoss: *Sees YandereDev coming* (Shit!)
Lui: Vanoss!
YandereDev: *Attacks Vanoss*
Vanoss: *Dodges just in time*
YandereDev: *Keeps attacking Vanoss*
Vanoss: *Keeps dodging* (His moves are faster, focus, focus, FOCUS!)
AWolfsJourney "AAHHH!!!! SO KUCH HAPPENING!!!!"
CaRtOoNz: *Aims his gun* Taking out two! *Shoots at Midori & Michaela*
Midori: *Dodges with Michaela* Sniper?
Michaela: *Shoots back*
CaRtOoNz: *Puts up ice shield & shoots back* FUCK YOU!
[Vanoss: *Gets hit* Agh!
YandereDev: *Swings his knife to Vanoss, cutting Vanoss' shirt & jacket* (Shallow!)
Vanoss: (Too close!)
YandereDev: *Grabs Vanoss' shoulder, pins him down*
Vanoss: (Shit!)]
Lui: Vanoss! *Tries to go help Vanoss*
Jiggly: *Holds Lui back* Wait!
Lui: LET GO!
Jiggly: *Takes his knife out, and throws it at YandereDev*
[YandereDev: *Senses & deflects the knife*]
Jiggly: Fu- *Gets shot on the arm* Ugh!
[Midori: Bullseye! *Gets shot on the leg* Ahhh!]
[Michaela: *Shoots*]
[YandereDev: *Tries to stab Vanoss*
Vanoss: *Grabs the knife, preventing the knife from stabbing his chest*
YandereDev: *Puts more power*
Vanoss: Ugh. . . *Hands starts bleeding* (Why is he so strong!? . . .Wait. . .is this. . .a déjà vu? I've seen. . .something like this. . .before. . .same. . .situation. . .)]
MiaArtLover "Vanoss!? You're not yourself!"
Vanoss: *Struggling* . . .W-Why. . .so. . .strong. . .
YandereDev: *Struggling* Ha! 'Why' you ask! It's Jay!
Vanoss: W-Who?
YandereDev: He's my mate! Always. . .supports me. . .to live. . .MY REASON TO LIVE! *Puts more pressure*
Vanoss: *The knife cuts his hands more* Ugh!
YandereDev: And these eyes! I'm not like y'all! I have nothing, but excitement of murder! Desire to hurt people! You bastards hurt my colleagues! *Puts more pressure* DIE, YOU GANGSTERS!
Vanoss: *Tip of the knife stabs his chest* Uckk. . . (He's in love. . .and he cares. . .that's why he's strong. Having damage from a bullet, syringe, fist. . .he's still standing. . .trauma of hurting his colleague. . .and he's still standing strong. . .where have I seen this? Getting pinned down by a man with a knife. . .with so much. . .strength & bloodthirst in their eyes. . .)
[Vanoss: *Gets pinned down* Agh! *Sees a sharp object, grabs it, preventing it from stabbing his chest*
???: . . . *Puts pressure*
Vanoss: *Struggles* (What a power! Why is he so damn strong!?)
???: *Puts more pressure*
Vanoss: *Hands starts bleeding* (I'm. . .losing? This can't be! I'm strong! A forest monster like him can't defeat me!)]
Vanoss: (Yea. . .now I remember. . .this is just how I lost. . .to you, Delirious. My first defeat. . .you were so strong. . .)
[Vanoss: *Sees Delirious & Delirium hugging with tears* (That other guy. . .he's the reason? He's the reason why you're strong? Why? What's so special about him?)
Delirium: *Sniffles* Jon. . .brother. . .
Delirious: *Caresses Delirium's cheeks* . . .
Vanoss: (Brother. . .is that why? Is that why you're strong? Tell me. . .I won't accept this reality. . .that masked bastard. . .I'LL SHOW HIM THAT I'M STRONGER!)]
Vanoss: (I was so. . .naive. . .forgot what the real strength was. . .my crew. . .is what makes me strong. They all let me feel emotions when I lost them along with Cody. . .and we never failed any missions. . .this guy, YandereDev was it? He's strong, because he's experiencing a great amount of emotion. . .Delirious was angry about us, disturbing him, Cartoonz & Jason's peace. . .YandereDev is angry. . .about pride or what we did to his colleagues. . .)
shadoxiety "I'M STRESSED OUT RN FOR WORRYING ABOUT YOU GUYS!!! Oof. I need some rest."
YandereDev: (Jay. . .Midori, Michaela. . .)
Vanoss: (I should be angry for what they did to us. . .but I don't feel like that. . .cause. . .they're scared of me. . .I lost strength. . .why should I care. . .they're. . .N.O.T.H.I.N.G. . .?) *Loosens his grip on the knife*
YandereDev: *Notices, half of the knife stabs in Vanoss' chest*
Lui: VANOSS!!!!!!!
???: *Kicks YandereDev, really hard, off of Vanoss*
YandereDev: AUGH! *Flies few feet away*
Vanoss: . . .*Sees someone standing in front of him* Co. . .Cody?
???: Snap out of it, Vanoss!
Vanoss: . . . *Sees DeadSquirrel standing in front of him*
Question from wildnoss ,
"Squirrel you ok ?!? *looks at him*"
DeadSquirrel: I'm okay! *Takes the knife out of Vanoss' chest*
Vanoss: Ugh. . .
DeadSquirrel: Are you alright, Vanoss?
Vanoss: *Eyes widens* (Why did I. . .thought Cody came to save me? Why did. . .HE look like Cody for a second?)
Markiplier: *Carries Vanoss* Come on, we need to get out of here now!
DeadSquirrel: Go on without me, I'll make sure they don't follow us.
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