Aiming for You (Ask #100)
Noah: *Sees Nogla, & blushes*
Nogla: *Sees Noah, and walks up to him* Hey Noah.
Noah: H-Hey.
Nogla: What brings you here?
Noah: *Blush* Um. . .N-Nogla. . .
Nogla: What's wrong?
Noah: *Blushing, gives Nogla a box of chocolates* H-Happy Valentine's Day!
Nogla: Aww~, thank you, Noah. Happy Valentine's Day~.
Noah: *Smiles shyly* Um. . .do you have time today?
Nogla: Hmm? I do have time.
Noah: Um. . .*blush* d-do you want to hang out with me?
Nogla: . . .Are you asking me out on a date~?
Noah: *Blush* W-What!? N-No, i-it's just a h-hang out, I missed you, and um- I-I thought, since I'm here & you're here, I-I should ask! O-Or something!
Nogla: *Giggles* I was just joking, no need to panic~.
Noah: *Blushing* Y-Yea, sorry.
Nogla: Sure, let's go. I didn't prepare a returning gift for you, so I'll treat you something.
Noah: *Blush* T-Thank you.
RacingCatz: *Smiles* (Good job, Noah.)
i-love-anime-0824 "Oooooh i wonder what Terroriser is going to talk to Moo can't wait to hear it ^_^"
~In the lab~
Terroriser: *Holds the gift*
Moo: So, what's the new garbage experiment about?
Terroriser: I-I. . .lied.
Moo: Huh?
Terroriser: M-Moo. . .*Turns to Moo, blushing*
Moo: *Sees Terroriser holding something* What's that?
Terroriser: T-This. . .*blush* H-Happy Valentine's Day, Moo! This is for you from me! *Gives the gift to Moo*
Moo: *Blush* Oh, uh. . .thanks.
Terroriser: I-It's my first time making a c-cake, so I-I hope you like it.
Moo: A cake? *Opens the gift, and sees a chocolate cake*
Terroriser: *Blushing*
Moo: *Takes a bite*
Terroriser: *Nervous* H-How is it?
Moo: . . .Brian. . .
Terroriser: *Heart pounding*
Moo: This is interesting.
Terroriser: W-What?
Moo: It tastes good.
Terroriser: *Relieved* R-Really?
Moo: Yea, not too sweet nor too bitter. It's like, this cake was made for me.
Terroriser: I-It is!
Moo: *Blush*
Terroriser: *Blushes hard* I- Well, um. . .I didn't give to anyone else, so. . .it's like that. . .you know. . .'made for you'. . .
Moo: Shit. . .
Terroriser: Huh?
Moo: I. . .don't have anything to give you.
Terroriser: *Smiles* You don't have to give anything! Just you liking my cake makes me happy!
Moo: *Blush* Well. . .thanks, Brian.
Terroriser: You're welcome!
Moo: . . .*Walks up to Terroriser, then gives a kiss on his cheek*
Terroriser: *Blush*
Moo: *Blushing* That's all I can do for now.
Terroriser: *Blushing* Y-You're so nice. (Oh my god! Moo, I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU!)
Moo: S-Shut up.
i-love-anime-0824 "Cry you know that we all care about Terroriser he is amazing person"
Cry: *Working on the portal* Yea right.
Jack: Is it working?
Cry: Yea, just need to turn it on.
Jack: . . .Do you want me to turn it on?
Cry: . . .Yea.
Jack: . . .Do you not want to go back?
Cry: Why? There's nothing to do in neither of the dimensions. But. . .I'm glad I met Moo. I also made a new friend, Bryce. We did some cooking together, and man. . .it was fun. Fun that didn't involve killing.
Jack: . . .Cryaotic.
Cry: What?
Jack: *Gives Cry a bag of chocolates* Happy Valentine's Day.
Cry: . . .For me?
Jack: I was going to give it to my team when everyone was here, but. . .you seem to need it.
Cry: Hah! As expected, slave. But thanks. *Eats one* Mmmm. . .it's good.
Jack: *Smiles* I'm glad.
Cry: *Tears up a bit, soon wipes them* Now, let's turn this bitch on!
Jack: Yes sir.
~At Bryce & Delirious~
Delirious: . . . (Sorry for pulling you all the way out here.)
Bryce: I don't mind at all.
Delirious: *Blush* . . . (Um. . .I have something to give you.)
Bryce: Really?
Delirious: *Gives Bryce a box of chocolates* . . . (Happy Valentine's Day.)
Bryce: *Blush, smiles* Thank you, Delirious!
Delirious: *Blushing* (He looks happy.)
Bryce: And I have something for you.
Delirious: *Blush* .-. . .? (Y-You do?)
Bryce: Of course. *Gives Delirious a gift* Happy Valentine's Day.
Delirious: *Blush* . . . (Bryce. . .thank you.)
Bryce: You're welcome. *Eats one* Mmm! This is delicious!
Delirious: . . .? . . . (Really? I'm glad.)
Bryce: You really are good at anything.
Delirious: . . . *Opens the gift, sees a strawberry shortcake with chocolate lines on top, and a plastic fork beside it* . . . (No, I'm not. Wow. . .this looks so good.)
Bryce: I was worried to make it alone, so I had Moo & Cry help me.
Delirious: . . . (I see, you guys did a really good job.)
Bryce: Well, outside. . . *blush* Delirious, can I. . .feed you?
Delirious: *Blush*. . .? (You want. . .to?)
Bryce: *Blushing* Yes.
Delirious: *Blushes harder* (B-Bryce WANTS to feed me!? Oh my god, yes~!)
Bryce: S-Sorry, if I. . .um. . .was being a cre-
Delirious: . . . (Please. . .)
Bryce: Hmm?
Delirious: .-. . . (F-Feed me.)
Bryce: (HE IS ADORABLE!) Y-Yes, Delirious. *Takes a plastic fork & feeds Delirious the cake*
Delirious: . . .! (This is so good!)
Bryce: Really? I'm so glad.
Delirious: *Smiles* . . . (Thank you, Bryce.)
Bryce: *Blush, holds Delirious' shoulders*
Delirious: *Blush* . . .? (Bryce?)
Bryce: Last time. . .I chickened out, but this time. . .I want to make sure. . .
Delirious: *Blushing* (C-Could it be. . .)
Bryce: Delirious. . .I love you. Will you. . .*blush* be my boyfriend?
Delirious: *Blushes hard*
Bryce: . . .I-I. . .I do know you like me, since we confessed, but. . .I. . .I wanted to be clear. . .if. . .you're not ready, I-
Delirious: *Hugs Bryce*
Bryce: D-Delirious?
Delirious: *Blushing* .-. . .! (I-I would love to be your boyfriend!)
Bryce: . . .R-Really?
Delirious: *Nods, body shaking in joy*
Bryce: *Tears up, hugs Delirious back* Finally. . .Delirious, I love you.
Delirious: <3. (I love you too.)
Bryce: Delirious. . .
Delirious: *Looks at Bryce, sees Bryce with tears* .-. . .? (Bryce, a-are you okay?)
Bryce: I'm just. . .*smiles* happy. *Kisses Delirious*
Delirious: *Blush, kisses back*
Bryce: Mmm~. . .
Delirious: . . .~. (Mmmm~.)
Bryce: *Pulls away* You tastes delicious~.
Delirious: *Blush* .-. . . (M-Must be because of the cake.)
Bryce: You're delicious, Delirious. *Kisses Delirious*
Delirious: *Melts in the kiss, kisses back* (Oh Bryce~. . .)
i-love-anime-0824 "Ooooh i wonder what Scotty is going to talk to Marcel ^_^"
407: About stuff.
Basically: A-Are we there!?
407: Almost, baby~!
Basically: You know it's dangerous to ride motorcycles without helmet!
407: Dangerous is my middle name!
Basically: No, it's not!
i-love-anime-0824 "I really want to know what Scotty take Marcel to someone"
DevynDw "I really wanna know where scotty is taking marcel"
407: To a relaxing spot~, where we can see the ocean, forest, & sun~! We're almost there!
Basically: Okay!
Question from ohmweracker ,
"What is 407 going to give marcel????"
407: *Stops* Here we are!
Basically: *Sees a beautiful scenery* Wow. . .this is. . .beautiful.
407: This is a place that'll help you get relaxed.
Basically: It sure does.
407: So um. . .you like it?
Basically: Yea, thank you, Scotty.
407: (That's a plus!) Alright, um. . .I have something for you.
Basically: What?
407: *Gives Basically a headphone*
Basically: A headphone?
407: Put it on.
Basically: *Puts it on*
407: *Presses a button & starts playing classic music*
Basically: *Listens*
407: *Smiles*
Basically: Scotty, *takes it off* this is amazing!
407: Really? You like it?
Basically: Yes, I love it! Thank you!
407: *Hands Basically a MP3 player* I have some songs in there that you might like.
Basically: Thank you, but are you sure you're giving this to me?
407: Hell yea, I bought it for you, searched up songs that'll relax you. Use this to listen to songs & get out of stressful gang life.
Basically: Scotty. . .thank you.
407: Happy Valentine's, Marcel.
Basically: I. . .I'm really happy.
407: I'm glad.
Basically: *Blush* Um. . .Scotty. . .
407: Yea?
Basically: *Gives a bag of round donuts to Scotty* Happy Valentine's Day.
407: *Blush* F-For me?
Basically: Yea. . .those are donuts.
407: A homemade donuts? Oh my god, thanks, Marcel!
Basically: *Smiles shyly* I hope you like it.
407: *Eats one* Oh shit, this is amazing!
Basically: Really?
407: Hell yea!
Basically: I'm glad.
407: *Blush* (Valentine's gift from Marcel. . .shit. . .I-I need to confess, don't I? But. . .oh fuck. . .)
Basically: I'm really thankful to you, Scotty.
407: What?
Basically: You saved me. . .and my teammates from the mission. You. . .almost died. I was worried. . .I used to think you're just a greedy man, approaching me just to get me on your side to use my brain & stuff to something like gambles.
407: Well. . .
Basically: I didn't like you, because of it, but. . .after that mission. . .I see you totally different. I realized that I was blind to many things. . .I really was a robot.
407: Marcel, you know you're not a robot!
Basically: I couldn't see through someone, how good they actually are. You let me realize it, Scotty. I lost hope during the mission, I really thought I was going to die. . .WE were going to die. . .no matter how many people say I'm smart, or genius. . .I'm weak. Now, I can see why strength is so important. . .why boss beats Wildcat up during trainings, why Mini is so harsh to others & himself, why Lui is so determined, why Moo is obsessive about power. . .I know now. . .
407: Marcel. . .
Basically: I want to be strong. . .and I was thinking. . .Mini is an apprentice to Markiplier. . .so I want to be an apprentice of someone too. I decided to be an apprentice of Cryaotic.
407: Cryaotic? Why him?
Basically: He has the strength similar to Moo, and skills for making gadgets. I heard he made the portal accessible in few days, when I took like weeks, & I had the askers help me, so. . .he's far skilled & strong, perfect mentor I can ask for. His personality is bit of a problem, but I'll manage.
407: I see. . .why are we talking about this though?
Basically: Because. . .you made me realize it. And I want to make a promise to you.
407: Huh?
Basically: Once I get strong, skilled. . .I'll pay you back for saving my life.
407: Marcel. . .you know you don't-
Basically: It's not about you, it's about my pride.
407: Pride?
Basically: . . .I've been looking at you negatively, but now, I see you as a MAN. I want to get closer to you.
407: *Blush* M-Marcel. . .
Basically: I'm aiming for you, Scotty!
407: *Blushes hard* (This little. . .boy! He's hitting my heart so much in good spots!) M-Marcel. . .
Basically: I wanted to tell you this before I tell anyone else.
407: . . .
[Jack: However, I suggest you to make a move rather than confessing.
Jack: You shouldn't treat love like a hit & run. Confessing isn't just a goal.]
407: (You're right.) *Hugs Basically*
Basically: *Blush* S-Scotty?
407: No backing out, Marcel.
Basically: . . .I know.
407: *Lifts Basically's chin up*
Basically: Scotty? What are you-
407: I said no backing out. *Kisses Basically*
Basically: *Blush*
407: (I'm so in love with you, Marcel.) *Pulls away* I got your determination, Marcel.
Basically: *Blushing* Scotty. . .
407: Let's go back, now.
Basically: *Holds 407's arms*
407: Marcel?
Basically: (I don't understand. . .this is wrong too? I thought I see Scotty as a goal now, but. . .this feeling is different. . .am I. . .) *Kisses 407*
407: *Blush, gently kisses back*
Basically: (Am I. . .really falling for Scotty?) *Pulls away*
407: *Blushing*
Basically: . . .A-A little more. I. . .like here.
407: *Giggles* Alright, you baby.
Basically: *Blush* I-I'm not a baby.
407: In a different way, you are~.
Basically: What?
407: *Giggles* Never mind~.
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